a: Warped! b: 619-441-0737 c: George Veeder d: Lora OS/2 2.41 e: Supra 14400 f: 24 Hours g: No Nets h: OS/2 CD ROM, Message Bases, Weather Information -!- GEcho 1.00 ! Origin: 9-1-1 FF's LEO's OSHA COMMS (619) 669-0385 (1:202/911) DF> (Receive) DSZ port x speed xxxxxx ha on rz c:\path\ (Yes, that is a DF> trailing) (Send) ('\' to make it absolute) DSZ port x speed xxxxxx DF> ha on sz c:\path (Where x = YOUR port number, xxxxxx = YOUR port DF> speed and c:\path = YOUR dir/path. Also notice that the command DF> line is in lower case. DSZ is sensitive to upper case characters). If he is using these batchfiles on a BBS, he would be advised NOT to use the "speed" parameter. It really serves no good purpose. He should also be sure to USE the "restrict" parameter on his receive batch file. VERY important for BBS's to use to prevent morons trying to upload "certain" files we won't talk about here. ÄÍ[Bruce]ÍÄ þ Sysop: Aegis BBS, Merrick, NY 516ù623ù9164 þ TriBBS Support þ .... TriBBS 10/Pro ... The Software of Champions! -!- TriToss (tm) 10.0 - #0 ! Origin: Aegis BBS - Merrick, NY * 516-623-9164 * (1:2619/121) .