Ä Area: Blue Wave support (Fido) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 115 Date: 29 Jul 95 15:29:12 From: Martin Pollard Read: Yes Replied: No To: David Gersic Mark: Subj: Historical question ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ @PID: OMX 1.03à.DOS OMX000001 @MSGID: 1:120/187.0 301a9a18 * David Gersic got everyone's attention by mumbling this to Peter Karlsson: PK> Just curious; When was Bluewave 1.0 released, and how much did it do, PK> compared to the current version? DG> I started using Blue Wave 1.x in about '83 or '84, as I recall it. Would you like to try for 1990, David? :-) That's about the earliest that Blue Wave could possibly have been written, given what I know about George. Trivia: Blue Wave was originally intended to be an Opus mail system -- Opus was what George was running, and he had developed an (ahem) intense dislike for how Silver Xpress handled things -- but since Fred Rappuhn was in charge of coding the door (George wrote the reader), and since Fred was running Telegard, the TG door got written first. George had switched to Maximus by the time a second door was planned, thus the Max door got the honor of being the second one out the gate. The rest is history. :-) -=[> Martin Pollard <]=- .... To boldly code what no one has coded before! -!- OMX+Blue Wave/OS2 v2.20z Beta ! Origin: The I/O Bus -*- Royal Oak, MI -*- 28.8Kbps V.FC (1:120/187.0) SEEN-BY: 11/3 120/54 102 125 319 321 379 202/100 201 300 525 701 777 800 900 SEEN-BY: 202/1207 1301 1501 1601 1709 396/1 2250/50 2410/10 116 329 3615/50 SEEN-BY: 3615/51 @PATH: 120/54 102 2410/116 3615/50 202/777 1207 .