Ä Area: Batch file programming (Fido) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 333 Rec'd Date: 21 Jul 95 21:56:27 From: Dennis Mccunney Read: Yes Replied: No To: Tony Baechler Mark: Subj: Re: oldies 1/2 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ @MSGID: 1:278/304.0 3010a2f5 ** From Tony Baechler to Bruce Tolliver on 19 Jul 95 17:13:32 ** Re: Re: oldies 1/2 BT> BROWSE.LZH Browse through an ASCII text file TB> Is the above freeware or public domain? How big is it? I've seen two such things. This one is probably an old PC Mag utility, and weighs in at 1K. BT> CPU.COM Tells what speed computer is running at BT> CSAP208B.LZH Sorts and squeezes directories on hard disk TB> I will take the above. Look for the more recent version of CSAP: it's up to 3.12 or so. BT> DESKMATE.LZH Excellent pop-up desk utility TB> What sort of features does this provide? It's a bit like SideKick. BT> MAXI.LZH Increases the formatted size of floppy disks BT> MAXI154A.LZH Format 360K floppy to 420K - 720K to 800K TB> I will take the above but what is the difference between MAXI.LZH and TB> MAXI154A.LZH? MAXI154A is a newer version. Maxi is up to v1.7, BTW. TB> Where did you find all these treasures? They were common years back, and have mostly been superseded by other programs. -!- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR] ! Origin: * BlueDog BBS * (212) 594-4425 * NYC FileBone Hub (1:278/304) SEEN-BY: 202/201 406 701 777 800 900 1112 1206 1207 1301 1601 1709 270/101 SEEN-BY: 280/1 396/1 3615/50 51 10000/2 @PATH: 278/304 270/101 396/1 3615/50 202/777 1207 .