@MSGID: 1:157/200 10020313 We recently overheard Jorge Carlo babbling to David Moufarrege on 08-1495 21:42: JC> I changed the text editor I was using and the problem was solved. JC> I had selected the "Prompt" function for the taglines, and BW always JC> prompted me for the tagline, but it never did appear in the message's JC> text After reading this msg, I experimented with several different editors, and I discovered that successful tagline insertion does indeed depend on my choice of editor. My longtime favorite, TPE by Turbo Power Software, always adds an EOF mark to any file it edits. That was no problem with BW 2.12, and has never been a problem with any other program I've encountered for which I've used TPE as the external editor. When I tried some editors that do not add the EOF char to the file, the tagline was inserted correctly every time. I have one editor that does not normally add the EOF mark, but allows any ASCII character to be imbedded into the file. When I used that function to add an EOF character, the result was the same as if I had used TPE--the saved Reply looks perfectly normal, but has no tagline. I would say this is definitely a bug in BW 2.20. Granted, it's only a very minor flaw in an otherwise excellent program, but still I hope that it will be fixed before long. .... Turn your 486 into an XT--just add Windows! ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 -!- InterEcho 1.11 ! Origin: PC-OHIO Best BBS in America Cleveland OH 216-381-3320 (1:157/200) .