Message #1 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/5/86 at 23:45:30 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: OH, NO!!!! The HD20 has crashed. Happened this evening as I was trying to get my newly fattened Mac 128 hooked up. I was going to let it share the HD20 with the Plus, and move the BBS over to the old machine, so that it would be truly full-time. Alas, I brushed the power cord, and the HD20 is history. It's a hardware problem, there is no getting it even initialized. Everything is lost. While most of the board and most of its contents are backed up, there is also a lot that probably will be lost. I have no idea how long it will take me to get it put back together. Right now I'm so bummed out I don't even want to think about it. The board right now is just in a holding pattern. The only thing active is the message sections -- no file transfers now because, for the moment, there is nothing to download. Be patient. I'll get it back up ASAP, and then I'll be looking to you all to do a lot of uploading -- you're my best backups. Sigh. Message #2 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 0:04:03 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: MIKE MOORE Subject: Reply to OH, NO!!!! Other than uploading, is there anything else we can do to help? Message #3 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 0:26:19 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: RON PARSONS Subject: Reply to OH, NO!!!! My condolences. and Good luck. Message #4 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 0:31:18 To: ALL From: RON PARSONS Subject: Help needed on filterProc in ModalDialog I am trying to inspect a keystroke in an enabled editText item in a modal dialog. When my filterProc is called from ModalDialog, it always receives a null event and this is _after_ the character has been placed in the editText item. As I read Inside Mac, my filterProc should get called with each event before it is acted on. I am using Megamax C 2.1 and have the new ROMs. Any help would be appreciated. Ron, 836-2514. Message #8 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 5:37:32 To: RON PARSONS From: CHRIS CRANE Subject: relations.. Ron Parsons eh? any kin to Ted Parsons? once maried to emily (was has a daughter named "Janet"? Oh well,perhaps I am like way off base. hehe,see you lates.. chris, from the best seller ROOTS Message #12 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 8:47:33 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: AL EVANS Subject: Reply to OH, NO!!!! I'm really sorry to hear that, Mark. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. --Al Evans-- Message #13 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 8:56:19 To: RON PARSONS From: AL EVANS Subject: Reply to Help needed on filterProc in ModalDialog Do you mean that "theEvent" which is passed to the filterproc is NULL? I've used filterprocs extensively and have never seen this happen. Presuming your source code is correct, I'd recomment stepping through with a debugger and making sure that what your procedure is getting is actually the event. Could be the Megamax glue code. I don't have the new ROMS, but I rather doubt that is the problem. --Al Evans-- Message #15 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 9:06:05 To: AL EVANS From: RON PARSONS Subject: Reply to Help needed on filterProc in ModalDialog I get a valid EventRecord pointed to by *theEvent (valid time, mouse location, modifier but the what field (event type) is zero, a nul event. And the starnge fact is the the keystroke or mouse event is already posted to the editText field before filterProc gets control. Ron Message #16 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 9:07:07 To: CHRIS CRANE From: RON PARSONS Subject: Reply to relations.. No, sorry but I do have a nephew named Ted but not Parsons. Message #17 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 9:09:32 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: RON PARSONS Subject: Reply to OH, NO!!!! I have a file of all public messages as of a few days ago with updates through about 1630 yesterday afternoon if that is any help. I also made a list of all files (just the directory list) of all areas late yesterday afternoon. Let me know if I can help. Ron Message #18 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 10:56:23 To: ALL From: ALLAN CLARKE Subject: hd crash condolences as a supporter of this board i'll be happy to help any way i can. - allan Message #19 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 13:00:42 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: LORD FOUL Subject: Assitance Mark, I have most of the good downloads on both the Mac and AT, if you need any help just let me know. Mark/lfd Message #20 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 13:46:40 To: RON PARSONS From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to OH, NO!!!! Thanks, Ron. The message listing probably would not be of much help, since the message files are in a strange format, and there is no way to convert a text file into a file readable by the message sections. The file listing may be a big help, though. I still have most (but not all) of the actual files backed up -- my biggest worry is how am I going to recreate the HD20 directory as it was (required since all of the file transfer sections require a complete specification of the pathname, and there are TOO many files to rekey all of that manually in any reasonable period of time). I am going to try tonight to get a minimal file transfer capability reinstalled in the board before I leave town on Wed. morning. If that happens, I would appreciate an upload of your file list. Hang on to the messages -- I'll give that some thought to see if there is some way to get them back into the board. It was suggested to Watson that he put some such capb ability into the next version of Host, so it may be here soon. Message #21 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 13:48:30 To: LORD FOUL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to Assitance Thanks. Once the HD20 is repaired, it will probably take me a couple of days (depending on what is going on at work) to get things recreated. I will then post a message soliciting uploads, together with a text file listing everything for which I am unable to find backups. Message #22 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 14:32:16 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to OH, NO!!!! We're with you Mark...hang in there...don't hesitate to call for help. - dws Message #23 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/6/86 at 15:46:18 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: RON PARSONS Subject: Reply to OH, NO!!!! Will do. I'll monitor the board and will keep the file. I backed all my stuff up this morning. Hope I don't need it. Ron Message #32 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/7/86 at 10:16:02 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: VINCENT PARSONS Subject: uploads I can't find an upload menu item to send the file list. in returns to the main menu. Will stand by. Ron Message #33 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/7/86 at 10:45:14 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: AUDIO SAVANT Subject: Reply to OH, NO!!!! One way to mount messages into the board would be to upload them one at a time with the message headers intact. Not a good way to go about it, and would have to be coordinated to avoid duplication, but, as you say, there's a lot of history in there... Message #36 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/7/86 at 16:57:51 To: ALL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: "MicroDesign ... Who? ... Where? Some of you may remember Micro Design and the KEEPER, one of the first MultiUser Disk systems for the Macintosh Office (rememeber the Office?). Well Micro Design is GONE. The KEEPER technology is "licensed" by Reach Systems of Austin. Many of the old crew from Micro Design are now with Reach. Just thought you might like to know. Micheal Shapiro, former CEO of Micro Design is now President of Peak Systems, Inc. of Austin. Peak is marketing Yet Another SCSI disk for the Plus called Plus-20 or Plus-30. More on the disks later.... - dws of MHN Message #39 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/7/86 at 18:38:22 To: AL EVANS From: RON PARSONS Subject: Solution(?) to filterProc After a lot of trial and mostly error, I believe the problem is that Megamax C passes a pointer to a value of -1 for itemHit to the filterProc function. If filterProc returns False, this is ignored, but if it returns True, the -1 for the item causes a problem, of course. Luckily, I don't need to know the item, just the event type of keydown. My initial function returned if the item was on I wasnt interested in and, of course, I wasn't interested in item -1. Probably a bug in the C glue. I'll call Megamax tomorrow. When I return a valid value for itemHit and True, all is OK. Thanks for your hints and pointers. Ron Message #45 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/9/86 at 8:33:18 To: AL EVANS From: ALLAN CLARKE Subject: large bitmaps al- i've got a problem you might be able to help me with. i need to be able to scroll a document ala macpain 1.5. i could just set up an off screen bitmap and use copybits BUT the bitmaps i'm using can be very large (up to 32K bits on a side). that probably will take all the memory my mac has if it will fit at all. the only saving grace is that these bitmaps are quite sparse. the only thing i can think of is to keep only a part of my picture in a large offscreen map and update the bitmap so it always has the current port's view plus maybe a screen full on each side. got any suggestions? thanks, allsn Message #46 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/9/86 at 9:20:17 To: ALLAN CLARKE From: AL EVANS Subject: Reply to large bitmaps Yeah. Use ScrollRect for the portion of the bitmap on the screen. Keep a duplicate of the whole thing in an offscreen bitmap. Use the bBox of the update region returned by ScrollRect as the rect to copy from offscreen to onscreen. The only semi-tricky part is to keep your rectangles aligned -- obviously the coordinate system of the offscreen bits will be different from that of portRect. The easiest way I have found to handle this is to leave the portRect coordinates zero-based, and keep around a global variable which represents the topleft corner of the screen in the coordinates of the offscreen bitmap (and which is updated with every ScrollRect). Hope this helps... --Al Evans-- Message #47 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/9/86 at 9:22:01 To: ALLAN CLARKE From: AL EVANS Subject: Reply to large bitmaps Ooog, I didn't see the part about 32K bits per side. That sounds a lot like up to 64 meg of screen display to me. Ya can't do that directly, yaknow. --Al Evans-- Message #49 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/9/86 at 12:08:40 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: MR. ED Subject: Reply to OH, NO!!!! Sympathies here. I have most of the DA's and Fonts. I have copies of most of the lists in the past so don't hesitate to ask for any help you might need. I will be glad to do anything to help. Sounds like we have a great support system out here in Austin, so all is not lost. Message #53 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/9/86 at 21:08:30 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: BYTE MYTE Subject: argh. I can't believe it died. ack. that's strange, though, that your HD-20 kicked out because it lost its power source.. hmm.. that shouldn't happen should it? unless, perhaps .. the head wasn't parked.. argh.. oh, well. Bytie [not making much sense] Message #55 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/9/86 at 23:32:15 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: I'm back!!! Just came in a few minutes ago from what has to be the worst flight I've ever been on. An hour on the ground at the end of the runway in St. Louis waiting for the thunderstorms to clear, another half hour on the ground in Houston because they weren't letting anyone land in Austin, and all the while they weren't serving any drinks because the waitresses couldn't hold on to them. A real roller coaster ride. I'm very pleased by the fact that everything is still running here, and even more pleased by the fact that there is so much support out there in the BCBBS's hour of need. Hang on. Everything should be back to normal soon. I got a call yesterday at the office that Apple is going to pay off on the warranty -- even though I was a week past the expiration date. Will wonders never cease. Anyway, it turns out that it was in fact the drive that was bad -- a $400 bill. The drive should be back here by the middle of next week (I hope) and then I can really begin the job of reconstruction. I will do some of the rebuilding this weekend, and that will be transferred back to the HD20 when it arrives, so you may begin to see some changes in the next day or so -- not right now, since my immediate plans are to get as drunk as possible in as short a time as possible. Tomorrow is another day, and this one has been an extremely long one. Thanks for being there..... Message #82 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/12/86 at 1:12:40 To: ALL From: DATA SNATCHER Subject: MacProducts Announcement -- Hard Disk FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! HOT NEWS!! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! Austin, Texas -- _No_ earlier than Wednesday, 14 May 1986, but on that exact date only, MacProducts here in town will unveil an external SCSI hard disk line for the Macintosh Plus that will blow your socks off! Prices are: $ 895.00 -- 20 Mb $1095.00 -- 30 Mb $1295.00 -- 45 Mb This is _not_ vaporware! We are taking orders and making these starting at the date mentioned above; facilities are just being expanded for the construction of these drives, so orders will be backlogged for a while. Application Launch Return Comment ??------------------------ Boot/Startup 7 sec N/A One window open on DeskTop MacPaint 4 sec 5 sec 2867K in drive, Finder 5.2, System 3.1.1 MacDraw v1.9 9 sec 6 sec " MacWrite v4.5 7 sec 6 sec " MS-Excel 6 sec 6 sec " PageMaker v1.0 8 sec 6 sec 3140K in drive, blank document opened from DeskTop. Works great with HFS, Copy II Hard Disk'd applications (all Microsoft programs, for example), auto-boots, and all at a price that is easier than Apple's (TM). Daisy-chaining up to maximum number of SCSI devices allowed (7 devices). Within 1 month: password security, customized archiving software (for now we use the public domain DivJoin utility), diagnostics program, print spooling, and even more speed! Get these drives NOW, before the backlog of orders gets serious -- new software will be shipped FREE to people who get these drives now, so there is no reason to delay if you have been waiting for a great deal on a hard disk. Message #83 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/12/86 at 1:22:54 To: ALL From: DATA SNATCHER Subject: MacProducts Announcement -- Hard Disk FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! HOT NEWS!! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! Austin, Texas -- _No_ earlier than Wednesday, 14 May 1986, but on that exact date only, MacProducts here in town will unveil an external SCSI hard disk line for the Macintosh Plus that will blow your socks off! Prices are: $ 895.00 -- 20 Mb $1095.00 -- 30 Mb $1295.00 -- 45 Mb This is _not_ vaporware! We are taking orders and making these starting at the date mentioned above; facilities are just being expanded for the construction of these drives, so orders will be backlogged for a while. Application Launch Return Comment ??------------------------ Boot/Startup 7 sec N/A One window open on DeskTop MacPaint 4 sec 5 sec 2867K in drive, Finder 5.2, System 3.1. 1 MacDraw v1.9 9 sec 6 sec " MacWrite v4.5 7 sec 6 sec " MS-Excel 6 sec 6 sec " PageMaker v1.0 8 sec 6 sec 3140K in drive, blank document opened from DeskTop. Works great with HFS, Copy II Hard Disk'd applications (all Microsoft programs, for example), auto-boots, and all at a price that is easier than Apple's (TM). Daisy-chaining up to maximum number of SCSI devices allowed (7 devices). Within 1 month: password security, customized archiving software (for now we use the public domain DivJoin utility), diagnostics program, print spooling, and even more speed! Get these drives NOW, before the backlog of orders gets serious -- new software will be shipped FREE to people who get these drives now, so there is no reason to delay if you have been waiting for a great deal on a hard disk. *** BBS SysOps! Call for special discounts!! *** Remember, backlogs will start early, so you should too!! Message #84 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/12/86 at 1:37:43 To: ALL From: DATA SNATCHER Subject: MacProducts Announcement -- (cont'd.) (cont'd.) Where to get this deal at? MacProducts Visa/MasterCard - Institutional and 2200 Guadalupe Street, Suite B2 government P.O.'s accepted. Personal Austin, Texas 78705 and company checks - allow for 3 week Information: 1-512-473-8393 processing time. Cash C.O.D.'s _ONLY_. I have posted a similar announcement on Delphi, the third-largest national database in the country. You have jump on people from Delphi and CompuServe and The Source since you are here in Austin -- don't pass up this golden opportunity! The Majix Hard Disk -- so fast and so affordable, only a magician could have done it! D.S. Message #86 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/12/86 at 3:43:03 To: ALL From: CHRIS COOLEY Subject: === Zilker Park BBS Party! === Yes, I guess it's time to brave the world of BBS and throw another quite-huge Zilker park "Free Beer" and all that other nonsense party!! YES!! THE DATE IS SET!! THE PLACE IS SET!! ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS ATTEND!! .. ...And guess what... It's NOT an APL party. It's not a M0BBS or Lep or even an AYC party... It's a BBS party in the truest and most "Public Domain" sense! .. Pertinent information: Date: May 24th at Zilker Park, (normal place). Time: 12:00ish till ---?? Who: ANYONE! (Even the "newies" and those called "m0es." Remember: IDIC.) What: BBS party ( = Fun Get-together! ) and: a nice little keg of michelob beer. Bring your own soft drinks & other stuff. .. In case you haven't already figured it out, this is a party for everyone on BBSes. YES! Even those I don't know or who don't know me! BBS fun isn't just for the few who call the Party Line, who know certain people, or who are in this or that clique... .. It's for EVERYONE who calls ANYWHERE. .. Isn't meeting new people a primary reason for continuing this hobby? .. Sincerely, -cc Message #87 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/12/86 at 3:44:12 To: ALL From: CHRIS COOLEY Subject: === Map for above === .. N ^ M0PAC | |||| | |||| Barton Springs Rd. Zilker //==||||====================== Clubhouse // |||| || Zilker Park --> / -- || |||| || ** //=======||===||||=============== // -- || |||| || Rollingwood // BBS || |||| || || |||| || || |||| || ============||||============== || |||| || Bee Caves Road |||| .. The map above should be pretty self-explanatory. The party is at "BBS", which is located to the left after passing over a little bridge if you've come down Rollingwood from the Mopac side. .. If you have any questions, leave eedback at M0BBS, the number being (512) 442-8797. (Log-on as a new user.) .. I hope to see you there!! -cc (Chris Cooley) Message #98 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/12/86 at 21:31:44 To: AL EVANS From: ALLAN CLARKE Subject: bitmaps again i think i'll keep an offscreen bimap that in three windows high and three wide so that at any given time, the current "view" will be the windowfull in the center. when the user uses the hand to move around, they will be able to move smoothly and quickly to in any direction up to one window (the limit of the mouse movement anyway). when the mouse is released in preparation for another scroll, the offscreen bitmap will be updated so the current portrect view will again be in the center. what you think? Message #103 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/13/86 at 10:19:29 To: ALLAN CLARKE From: AL EVANS Subject: Reply to bitmaps again Sounds like a reasonable approach. Re "smoothly and quickly": you're gonna have to do some optimization to get this to happen. For example, the "grain" of your scroll has a LOT to do with determining its speed: ScrollRects to even word boundaries are much faster, for obvious reasons. Scrolling 1 pixel or 15 pixels is up to 6 times slower, if I remember the results of my tests correctly. But these are things you kinda have to learn as you go... Good luck. --Al Evans-- Message #104 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/13/86 at 11:08:10 To: DATA SNATCHER From: LORD FOUL Subject: MacProducts, SCSI ECT. I'm interested in trying your drive with MacServe, give me a call at 482-8431 9-5 Ask for Mark, Later/LFD Message #116 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/14/86 at 2:22:25 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: News. The HD20 is due to get back tomorrow, and I expect to do some big-time file copying over the next couple of days. By the weekend, the board should begin to look like its old self again. A couple of menu changes. Access to the X-rated section now requires that you go through a validation procedure where you certify to me that you are at least 18 years old. I don't want any angry moms hauling me before the PTA. Some of you may have noticed that the time limit has been reduced to 45 minutes. This is something about which I had circulated some messages just before the crash. The board was getting crowded, and I felt that most users would appreciate fewer busy signals and less time. I said that I would take care of 300 baud users, and I got some suggestions about allowing extra time for uploads and in cases where there is a REALLY big file out there. I think 45 minutes should be enough for even the biggest file, but I have added a new function which should handle any problems which may arise because of the lower time limit. In the ser Preferences section from the Main Menu, there is a new option: equest additional time. This will allow you to ask for more time in increments of 30 minutes, up to 90 minutes. The new time limit will remain in effect for the remainder of the call. A record is made of each such request, and if I find that anyone is abusing the privilege, they will receive a warning note telling them not to use it any more. Persistent abuse will result in excommunication. Those of you working with HFS on a hard disk should check out "HFSDir0.98" in the Utilities section. Like the earlier version, this will give you a printed listing of all files on an HFS volume, with nice indenting to show the nesting of folders, and with all finder information presented. This version will also allow saving the output to a text file, so you can pretty it up in a word processor. Message #117 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/14/86 at 2:23:50 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: 512K upgrades. I have heard that CompuTech at 452-9987 (ask for Dave) has 512K motherboards for sale or exchange -- $250 for trade for 128K board, $300 for outright purchase. Message #118 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/14/86 at 12:14:06 To: ALL From: DATA SNATCHER Subject: MacProducts Announcement (cont'd) Where to get this deal at? MacProducts Visa/MasterCard - Institutional and 2200 Guadalupe Street, Suite B2 government P.O.'s accepted. Personal Austin, Texas 78705 and company checks - allow for 3 week Information: 1-512-473-8393 processing time. Cash C.O.D.'s _ONLY_. The Magic 20 -- only a magician could have made it so fast and affordable! Message #119 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/14/86 at 12:50:26 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to 512K upgrades. Those 512k boards are real Apple boards, which means you are compatable with Plus Logic board upgrade from apple later! - dws Message #120 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/14/86 at 15:00:06 To: ALL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: What_ROMS ?!?!? I have seen one trick and 3 programs for checking the version of my ROMs Which If any of the following is correct? $EE = Hearts $EA = Hearse $FF = Heiffer or $EE = v1 $F4 = v2 $EA = v3 or yet another program (descride) tells me I have version 117, which when assumed to be OCTAL and converted to HEX would be $4F. IS that the same as $F4 or is that yet another opinion on the matter? I really would like to know the scoop on this folks, because I support a large number of Macintosh users around the world. We would like to know what version we each have in our upgraded or Plus off the shelf machines. - Don W Strickland Message #121 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/14/86 at 16:36:27 To: ALL From: MIKE MOORE Subject: Macproducts "Magic 20" I saw the 20 meg "Magic 20" actually working at Macproducts today. It is real and it is fast. It appears to be at least as fast as a Hyperdrive. It was hooked up to a Macplus. They will do a scsi interface for a 512 for $200. It will probably take a few days to get either the hard drive or the scsi as they are just now starting to build them. My only complaint is that they are still a little too high priced. Message #122 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/15/86 at 2:01:08 To: DON STRICKLAND From: DATA SNATCHER Subject: Reply to What_ROMS ?!?!? Someone on USENET or Delphi -- I forget which, it is too late in the night right now -- posted a rather concise and (I assume, since no one replied negatively to the post) accurate program to figure out which ROM's you have. If I remember correctly, the only changes to the ROM's were for a new Sony driver that worked a little better (I do not know in what manner it worked better, however) with the new DS drives. ROM's are supposed to be split between revision "A" and "B" only; ask around at one of the local developer meets and you may get some better answers: sorry I could not find the post in my archives. D.S. Message #123 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/15/86 at 2:19:41 To: MIKE MOORE From: DATA SNATCHER Subject: Reply to Macproducts "Magic 20" Uh, "too expensive"? Mike, if you tally up all the physical component parts -- I am not including the software development costs -- you can see that no such animal like "150% profit margin" exists around there. Call up Rodime, find a hefty power supply, get a decent enclosure, and you will easily go over the retail price MacProducts is advertising for. Not one to get all riled up over this; I just do not think you may have seriously tried to put one together yourself -- it is not an easy nor cheap task considering that the suppliers are charging up to the hilt for SCSI stuff as soon as they realize that Macintosh people need it badly. What do _you_ think is a good price? Have you found a comparable drive for the same price? Allow me to state one of the problems with SCSI drives versus IBM-standard drives (which I am assuming you are comparing these drives to): volume. The simple fact of the matter is that IBM drives are made in much more quantities than SCSI-equipped drives; the fact that it inherently costs more to implement SCSI (a more layered protocol than ST506) onto the drives (more chips, design costs, etc.) also excerbates the problem considerably. There is another side to this: ST506 is slightly slower than SCSI, and even slower than a new up-and-coming protocol that has its roots in SCSI but is even faster than its parent. Read last month's PC Magazine on the new Core drive. Basically, we are all paying the price for newer and (possibly) better Winchester drive technology. As that master of sci-fi Heinlein said: "TANSTAAFL". If you know how to build a fast SCSI drive, you have found the proverbial "better mousetrap" if you also know how to build it cheaper than anyone else (including MacProducts). But I would wager that you will find the going tough, and many engineers may agree; the economics of the _current_ situation just do not work to our advantage -- but wait until six months from now...(:-)). D.S. Message #124 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/15/86 at 2:32:25 To: ALL From: DATA SNATCHER Subject: Magic 20 Comment Now that Mr. Moore has kindly taken to the trouble of telling everyone else around here that the hard disk truly does exist, I would like to have others on this board take a look at it and offer your impressions, comments, and suggestions. It is too tiresome and time-consuming for me to go around every board in town that is related to the Macintosh in one way or another and to keep people updated on the development of this drive (there are _always_ ways to enhance any product; knowing when to stop is the key), so I will just use Bull Creek as the local announcement outlet for now. When you look at the drive, please keep in mind that it is an "almost-baked" product. There are still many more frills to be added to make it _marketable_, but it is _usable_ right now. What I mean is that this is the ideal type of drive for the average Macintosh user who requires a hard disk, but not so good a choice right now for the corporate office that is running MacServe and requires password protection, queued print spooling (only The Keeper does that as far as I know), and so on. When passing judgement on the drive, realize who it was developed for (Joe Mac User tired of shelling out $1100 -- at an Apple Consortium site, no less! -- for 20 Mb). There, got that out of my system: now I hope I will not start reading a bunch of posts comparing this against an Ethernet file server (:-))! D.S. Message #127 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/15/86 at 12:22:54 To: DATA SNATCHER From: MIKE MOORE Subject: Reply to Macproducts "Magic 20" Sorry Data Snatcher, didn't mean to touch a sore spot. Just to set matters straight, I said nothing about a "150%" profit margin. In fact, there was no mention of profit margin. You're obviously entitled to one, somewhere in the 30 to 40% _gross_ range if it's in keeping with industry standards. And you're right that I have never tried to put one together myself, I don't have the technical background you do. My comment was only meant to be an opinion and it should have been clarified. I was not referring as much to the drive, as to the scsi upgrade for 512s. It would seem to make good marketing sense to offer the scsi upgrade at lower than normal margins to get the hard disk sales. Again, just an opinion, and you know what opinions are like.... everybody's got one. Anyway keep up the good work and try to get some sleep. Message #128 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/15/86 at 8:46:14 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: HD20 RETURNS!!! The HD20 has returned to its rightful place under the Plus, and I am now busily about the business of restoring the file directories. The board is running in a temporary space on the HD until I get the files loaded back up. Until I've made some progress there, there will not be much in the d/l sections. There are listings there, but no files to back them up. I would expect that by the wee hours of tomorrow morning, the file sections should begin to look like they used to, and downloading will again be available. Won't be long now!! Message #129 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/15/86 at 9:36:28 To: ALL From: > SCORPIO Subject: New Board??? I am in the process of designing my Host board. I will not have the grand storage capabilities of this board, but I do have a modest 11 Meg. The theme of the board will be Role Playing Games and maybe an online Adventure or two (like Zork or Cyborg). I will let everyone know the nuimber as soon as Ma Bell installs it. Is there anyone out there interested in this type of MAC board??? Message #131 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/15/86 at 11:35:32 To: ALL From: VINCENT PARSONS Subject: Beware Modem Buyers!!!! If you've been thinking about getting the Avatex 1200 baud modem advertised in one of the February Info Worlds, beware. I'm speaking of the one thats under a hundred dollars thats distributed for Silicon Beach Software. You get what you pay for! Don't believe them when they say it's Hayes compatible; It's not even close! To prove my point, here is a list of all of the modem commands: AT,D,P,T,O,A,AA,AD,A/, and Z. Compare this list to the list for the Hayes! If I sound mad, it's because I am! I spent a hundred bucks of my good hard-earned money for a modem that isn't even close to what I need. Thank goodness they have a 30-day money-back guarentee! Another example of how limited it is, the entire users guide is less than 25 pages long, including pictures. It also includes a section on loading your software program and goes on to describe how to load up different communications programs for different computers. Shouldn't that be something in the program manuel, not the modem's?!? Oh well, just thought I would warn you before you make the kind of mistake I made. ****()**** (fume, fume, fume, fume) P.S. Does anyone know of a HAYES _COMPATIBLE_ modem that isn't to expensive? Thanx Message #134 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/15/86 at 23:35:34 To: ALL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: BBS in Houston? Can anyone tell me a good RRHost runing in Houston? I would like to connect with the Houston Macintosh community. - dws Message #135 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/16/86 at 10:07:06 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: MIKE MOORE Subject: Read file: Kansas.wks There seems to be a real problem with this file. When trying to download in the ascii mode, it makes things go haywire. You get a message saying something like "System holding for Sysop .....user verification...." and constant gibberish with the bell ringing like crazy. In the Xmodem mode, you're told the file is 218375009 bytes. Is it something I'm doing wrong, or what? Message #136 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/16/86 at 12:01:41 To: MIKE MOORE From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to Read file: Kansas.wks First of all, the file was only put there temporarily. It's an Excel worksheet that I did last night - related to my work. Soon as I get a chance, I am going to create a private section for just that purpose, so my job won't be showing up here on the board. In case you are interested, the sheet shows the revenue requirements for toll service of all the telephone companies in Kansas. It's a part of a case that we are fighting at the Kansas Corporation Commission. The problem with the "haywire" response of the system is something that I've run across before, and has to do with the MacBinary format recognition in Host and in Red Ryder. I d/l'd it fine to the HP Vectra at work (to bring it into Lotus). If you have the "Recognize and convert MacBinary format" option turned on in Red Ryder (or whatever other term program you are using) and you try to d/l an Excel sheet saved as a Lotus ..wks sheet, the phenomenon that you describe will happen. I would suggest that whenever you try to receive a text file on the board, that you check the non-ASCII file transfer options menu in Red Ryder to make sure that the MacBinary recognition is turned off. Message #140 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/17/86 at 10:29:16 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: MIKE MOORE Subject: Reply to Read file: Kansas.wks Thanks for the info! Message #141 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/17/86 at 12:08:32 To: ALL From: VINCENT PARSONS Subject: 1200 baud modem for under $99 On 4/17 Don Strickland left message #713 (pre-crash) about a modem for less than $99. I got one and here is my evaluation. The modem is _NOT_ Hayes compatible. It supports ATDT, ATDP, ATZ and A/ but _NO_ other Hayes commands. It has some other commands to support Autoanswer but the commands are unique to this modem. It is an Avatex 1200 model and comes in a very nice cabinet and with a well printed, but very non-technical, manual. The company has an 800 number for tech support, 1-800-4AVATEX. The unit is UL and FCC listed. There is no speaker. It does not support the Hayes +++ command. You must turn off the modem or switch to voice. You must have the modem off to power-on boot the Mac. It is available from A&J Micro Drive, 1050 E. Duane Ave., Ste 1, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Phone (408) 732-9292 for $84.11 (on Visa) plus $7.50 UPS shipping without membership in a club. ****()**** Message #142 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/17/86 at 17:26:06 To: ALL From: THE LOOPDOCTOR Subject: AVATEX... Another note on the Avatex1200: -switching from 300 to 1200 isn't software controlled, but _manual_ -there is a data/voice button, which is sort of nice...keeps the modem from answering the phone -the absence of the hang-up prefix as well as ATH can be a real pain in -it has the following L.E.D. indicators [Power],[TR],[SD],[RD],[HS],[MC],[TM],and [RI] .. .. it's not a bad deal, if you can put up with the differences from the AT standard. I've had no trouble with "LINE NOISE" at all, but I'm beginning to think that my previous problems were cable-related, not the modem. .. .. PS. does anyone use AZTEC C? I would like to know how it performs.. .. ..L8tor daze, .. - The LoopDoctor. Message #144 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/17/86 at 18:29:50 To: DON STRICKLAND From: MITCH YOUNG Subject: Reply to BBS in Houston? I'm not sure if this is RRHost, but I got a number for a Mac BBS in Houston. It's called Oceania, and I got the number off the tailend of a VideoWorks movie off GEnie. They have two movies, "Lost In Space" and "1984", and both have their number on the end of 'em. The number is (713) 778-9356. Don't know what they're like though. I'll try and upload the movies here if anyone wants to see them. --Mitch Crash Young-- Message #147 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/17/86 at 21:09:01 To: MIKE MOORE From: DATA SNATCHER Subject: Reply to Macproducts "Magic 20" Yeah, well, not _too_ much of a sore spot; I just kind of wonder when people walk in, ask about hard disk prices for the Macintosh, then -- get this -- they _demand_ a lower price because they "know" that IBM drives are cheaper, and that "we should not try to pull one over them because of the myth that Macintosh users are neophytes to computers" (:-)). No, seriously, it is not as bad as all that, but it gets close. Apple makes the SCSI upgrades for the 512, and whatever price they set is whatever everyone is pretty well stuck with, unless they want to go in for third-party SCSI _conversions_. A conversion will not give one the same 25-pin port that a Macintosh Plus does, but it still gives you the use of an SCSI port. With new ROM's installed, you effectively have a Macintosh Plus, albeit less appealing cosmetically. Depends on what you want out of your computer. Sorry, did not mean to come across as angry or peeved. I kind of get tired saying the same things over and over again, hehe. D.S. Message #148 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/18/86 at 1:01:36 To: ALL From: THE LOOPDOCTOR Subject: rrHost in Ft. Worth/Dallas? Does anyone know of any Mac boards in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area? Is there a chance that a list of all active rrHost boards (nation/region wide) could be posted on a monthy/bi-annually/annually/at all?/ever basis? .. Has anyone else had problems with the Printer Preferences option on rr9.2? mine just freezes up. .. L8tor daze, - The LoopDoctor. Message #152 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/18/86 at 10:24:20 To: THE LOOPDOCTOR From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to rrHost in Ft. Worth/Dallas? I've noticed that the printer must be turned on and be online before the printer preferences menu option will work. Was yours maybe turned off? Re other Mac boards -- I used to have a text file listing of LOTS of Mac boards in the Reading Room. I will try to get that posted back there today sometime. Message #156 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/18/86 at 15:41:38 To: THE LOOPDOCTOR From: RON PARSONS Subject: Reply to AVATEX... The Avatex modem will automaticall switch from 300 to 1200 on autoanswer. No problems seen as far as noise here either. I would agree on the "not a bad deal" comment. Message #157 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/18/86 at 23:48:40 To: VINCENT PARSONS From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to 1200 baud modem for under $99 Vincent, Thanks for the reveiw of the Avatex Modem. My brother, Willie, in Waco has also puchased one of these modems and agrees with your report. It is a good choice for getting by as a user of the boards, but would not be a good choice for running a BBS because of its non_Hayes problems. - dws Message #158 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/19/86 at 0:01:49 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to HD20 RETURNS!!! Mark, You'll never guess what my HD-20 did in the STORM Sat. The lights blink about 1-2 seconds then again about 15 sec later and my HD-20 is now exhibiting the exact same symptoms you describe for yours 2 weeks ago. This is acutally the third HD-20 I know of out of about 8-10 I personally have exposure to, that have failed hard. The drive is 5 months old. I am glad now that we just purchased 10 DataFrames with their 1 year warranties, not to mention the performance difference. You know if you factor in the down time and the expence, and the hassel factor, a good warranty can make a drive really stand out in the crowd. Man is there ever a crowd gathering out there to try and sell me a drive or two. - Don (pissed_off) Strickland PS. Would you beleive I had only the day before copied the whole Damn thing onto the Plus20 (PeakSystems). Man what a close Call. Now I am looking for a good tape backup system!!!!!! Message #159 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/19/86 at 0:08:22 To: ALL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Is Ryder 9.2 reliable for you? My Ryder 9.2 is great, but when it fails it fails big. Bomb-ola! I seem to get the bomb when a proceedure tries to "Do" another proceedure. I also have not been able to make the ONPANIC work. I have a line in my proceedure that reads ONPANIC DO proceedure_name_path_here. But the proceedure to be run is never found and the display bar at the top shows O procedure_name_path_here. Notice the D in DO is missing. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong. ??? - dws ??? Message #160 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/19/86 at 0:38:24 To: DON STRICKLAND From: VINCENT PARSONS Subject: Reply to 1200 baud modem for under $99 I'm using the Avatex for my BBS that will be up soon and on tests with other people calling in, there have been no problems. I had to rewrite the init modem and hang up modem files to make it work with the BBS. Also a word to the wise, be sure to leave your modem on voice when you aren't using it because when someone calls, the modem answers because of it's default of Auto Answer. ****()**** Message #163 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/19/86 at 8:57:19 To: ALL From: ALLAN CLARKE Subject: HD20 Behaviour i noticed don talking about erratic behaviour from his hd20 after a recent storm. based on the high failure rate i would suspect poor quality parts, however, knowing the types of power surges that can be generated by lightening storms (i'm an EE), i try to minimize opportunities for equipment damage by actually unplugging my mac,drive,and modem from the power and phone lines whenever lightening picks up in the area. yes, i do also have the lines surge protected. its just not worth the trouble if your equipment gets zapped if you can prevent the damage by modest effort. Message #165 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/19/86 at 23:10:51 To: ALLAN CLARKE From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to HD20 Behaviour Allan, I appreciate the thoughts, although I have work to do even in the rain. The failure was only on an HD20 that was sitting right on top of a Plus 20 from Peak Systems. The Plus20 did have a problem. The great news is I received a hot tip from my Apple National Tech support person today that led me to recover my HD20 though some Fedit 3.7 magic. I am impressed and delighted that I could recover the disk, however I am sorely disipointed that the problem happened at all. Both disks were pluged into surge protectors but the outage was too long. The main point I would make is it is a dangerous world out there for Electronic and especially Electomechanical equipment and warranties are worth GOLD when you have to depend on this stuff for a living. Therefore I am happy I just purchased disk with real WARRANTIES. - dws Message #166 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/19/86 at 23:12:45 To: VINCENT PARSONS From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to 1200 baud modem for under $99 Would you EMAIL me the INIT and HANGUP files so I might pass them on to Willie? Please - dws Message #167 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/20/86 at 3:26:21 To: ALL From: MARK GAVINI Subject: MUSIC/SAMPLING I'm interested in hearing from anyone using the MAC for MIDI sequencing and ) MIDI sequencing and or digital sampling. later....Mark Gavini. Message #169 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/20/86 at 11:33:51 To: VINCENT PARSONS From: ALLAN CLARKE Subject: reply to '1200 baud modem under $99' i saw don's note and as an avatex owner, i too would be interested in the init and hangup files. thanks Message #170 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/20/86 at 18:36:03 To: ALL From: VINCENT PARSONS Subject: Avatex init and Hangup files Init Modem File AT AT AT ATZ ATAA Hangup Modem File AT AT AT ATZ ATAA I didn't realize it before, but they're the same, oh well. I hope they help. ****()**** Message #172 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/21/86 at 1:04:30 To: VINCENT PARSONS From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to Avatex init and Hangup files Thanks for the Avatex help. Message #173 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/21/86 at 1:08:57 To: ALL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Ryder 9.2 don't ONPANIC yet! In Ryder 9.2 to make ONPANIC work you must include TWO,2,(Thats SPACE SPACE) spaces between ONPANIC and the command to execute. ie. ONPANIC DO some_procedure_here I just about pulled my hair out on this one. How about a DL section just for proceedures ? What-da-ya-think? - dws Message #175 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/21/86 at 15:46:02 To: ALL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: I NEED the MacEqu Desk Accessory Would someone out there upload the MacEqu DA. I have imediate need. HOWEVER ... if this is a comercial product (rather than Shareware) please do not upload it, just tell me where I can get it. I would especially appreciate someone calling 250-9521 and arranging to transfer it directly to me. Waiting... - dws Message #176 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/22/86 at 0:22:00 To: ALL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Macintosh 512k, Apple Standard For Sale! Macintosh 512k Standard Apple 512k Mother Board 400k Internal Drive Great Condition I'm getting a Plus and don't need the 512k $1200 for the Mac, $225 for the External Drive or $1350 for both. Call 512/250-9521, Leave a message with Jo Ann or the answer machine and I will call you right back ASAP. -Don W Strickland What-da-ya-think? Message #177 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/22/86 at 0:28:30 To: ALL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Software fire sale, trade. Microsoft Excel, never opened, $210 MacDraw, Never opened, $110 Jazz, opened not used $250 MacTerminal never opened, $75 MacTerminal never opened, $75 MultiPlan 1.1 Opened little use $100 would consider trades for LightSpeed c, FlashBack, DiskRanger, MacZap. must be lagitimate, no rip offs. Call Now 512/250-9521 or 250-3552, Ask for Don Strickland This stuff will go fast. Message #178 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/22/86 at 9:37:23 To: ALL From: LORD FOUL Subject: Good Luck. Well, folks the drive fund seems to have petered out. It's up to you folks to help Mark get this board some more storage. So come on and dip into those pockets, 15 bucks can't hurt that much. I did'nt feel a thing. Hey, Don I know a antique place that might give you a good deal on those warez, Jazz is another matter though. The things some people will pay for? Message #180 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/22/86 at 14:52:54 To: LORD FOUL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to Good Luck. Foul, I didn't feel a thing when I paid either...the things some people WON'T pay for! - dws Message #181 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/22/86 at 14:56:18 To: DON STRICKLAND From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to Macintosh 512k, Apple Standard For Sale! The Mac is sold and so is the MacDraw and the 400k's going better call now. Buy-tha-way...My contribution to the disk drive has been repaid many times over with this board. Cheap advertising, free downloads, free EMAIL ... Who could ask for anything more ... Toyota! Oh...wrong song. - dws Message #183 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/22/86 at 18:29:57 To: MR. ED From: LEAL LANGSHAW Subject: Reply to OH, NO!!!! The fonts that you mentioned, are they laser fonts or Macwrite? Message #184 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/22/86 at 18:49:16 To: ALL From: LEE LANG Subject: F.I.N. MEETING Friday night, May 23 at 7:45 in the Howard Johnson's at I-35 & Hwy 183 Learn how you can make money virtually without spending anymore than you would with the same current expenses. Guest Speaker: BURT McCARTY (Widely recognized as Foremost Authority on International Trust Law. By invitation only: 259-3907 (Ask Lee or Pat) 267-3614 (Ask Joan) Call us You All. Thx. Message #185 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/22/86 at 20:56:24 To: ALL From: ALLAN CLARKE Subject: disk drive fund the needle on our drive fund hasn't seemed to move at all these last couple weeks. c'mon folks, 15 bucks is cheap, cheap, cheap for all you get from a well-stocked board. Message #186 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/22/86 at 22:33:15 To: ALL From: AUDIO SAVANT Subject: Beer Tasting Austin's Original 5th Annual KPWG BEER TASTING will be happening Saturday, May 24th 4-9pm. You can sample a wide variety of imported beers (21 at last count) and listen to live music (The Lounge Lizards, David Halley & Paul Glasse, and The Jazz Nomads) all for the incredeble low price of $5.00/advance $6.00/door. It will be held at Waterloo Park (12th and Trinity) and you can get tickets at The Hole in the Wall, Waterloo Records, All Bill's Liquor Stores, The Beach and South Bank. You can get more information by calling 471-4811 or 837-9846. Message #189 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/22/86 at 23:44:01 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: My new Mac+ This is soooooo sweeeeet! My very own...not the same as using the companys machine...this one is mine! Sorry for the bableing, I just had to call and leave a message with the +. What do you think about a DL section just for Proceedures? Are the rest of you using Procs? I have some good one I would start it with. - dws Message #190 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/22/86 at 23:50:30 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: My new +'s ROM's I just brought home the Plus and checked The ROM's. Would you beleive it has the V1 ROM's. That is the vesion that has the shitty SCSI code. I did notice earlier, when I tried to startup with the Peak turned off and the Apple20 running the system hangs. The System file can't sompensate for this bug because the damn machine never get to the system file. I will definatly have to try and find a newer set of ROM's. BTW...I have access to AppleLink now...send me any questions you can't get answered buy the Rest-of-US and I will link them to Apple Tech Support. - dws Message #193 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/23/86 at 8:39:14 To: DON STRICKLAND From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to My new Mac+ Congrats, Don. Whole new world, huh? Re d/l section for procedures. How about we make it a general "Communications" section, with all the terminal programs, procedure files, and comm utilities in one place? Will probably not get a chance to put it up until next week, sometime. Message #194 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/23/86 at 8:41:33 To: DON STRICKLAND From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to My new +'s ROM's As you know, I also have the v1 ROMs. There was no problem in running the SCSI disk alone, but I didn't try mixing the SCSI with the HD20. Hope this will not stand in the way of adding a SCSI disk to the system. Were you trying to boot from the SCSI as opposed to the HD20? What would happen if you try to boot on the HD20? Let me know if you get hold of new ROMS. Message #196 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/23/86 at 13:49:16 To: DON STRICKLAND From: ALLAN CLARKE Subject: Reply to My new Mac+ don, i'm using procedures and i'd be interested in a section. Message #198 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/23/86 at 16:12:53 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Communications Section. I've added a new file transfer section; "Communications" reachable with a command from the file transfer main menu. Been meaning to do that for a while, but was prodded into action by the suggestion of D. Strickland. It's intended for RR (and other program) automated procedure files, communications programs, and any other communications-related files. As an experiment, files uploaded to this section will be posted immediately. On all other sections, they sit in a holding area until I get a chance to look at them and make sure that they are good (i.e., not corrupted, I'm not making an editorial judgement) files. We'll see how this goes, although I'm a bit nervous about having things move directly to the d/l section without my intervention. Thanks to all of you who have been uploading the "lost files." There are still quite a few things listed in the "Lost Files" file in the Reading Room, and plenty of upload space. I am seriously considering closing out the disk drive fund drive. The response from some users of the board has been gratifying, but in all the level of contribution has been a disappointment, considering the large number of users of the board. Should I decide at some point to invest in an additional drive, it is certain that there will be some features of the board that will be available to those who have contributed that are not available to those who have not. Message #200 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/24/86 at 1:00:34 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to My new +'s ROM's Mark, The problem is very well defined... 1. You have a SCSI device (Disk or other) not turned on. 2. You are trying to boot from the internal or DiskPort drive. The system should ignore the SCSI and boot from the other drive but, I think it tries to boot from the SCSI port and waits for ever on a ready or something. If you just turn on the SCSI device there is not a problem, or you can unplug the SCSI. I can boot from either DRIVE (SCSI, HD20) as long as there both on. To boot from the SCSI there can not be a system,finder combo in the other drives. The SCSI is last in line behind the Internal Floppy then the HD20. There is no real problem using the HD20 with a SCSI drive. I asure you though if I find new ROM's I will let all know. - dws Message #201 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/24/86 at 9:37:30 To: ALL From: JIM STROHM Subject: you've heard it before It's another one of those "I'm here" messages. Message #205 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/24/86 at 23:42:31 To: ALL From: JIM GOULD Subject: Mac+ Yes the Plus is wonderful. I just got mine with a Mirror MagNet 20 internal. (Sigh). V3 ROMs and all. There is one fly in the ointment, though. My MDS Linker won't work! I suppose I could use single-sided floppies with 2.0 system software, but that sort of defeats the purpose of this ridiculously expensive hardware. And MacsBug won't work on the Plus, as I expected. Does anyone out there have a version of the Linker and/or MacsBug that works under HFS with V3 ROMs? By the way, don't close off that disk drive fund just yet. It'll have to be after my next paycheck, due to an outrageous toy expediture this month, but I'm in. Jim Message #207 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/25/86 at 19:20:07 To: ALL From: ERIC MCKINNEY Subject: Wow! I am using FModem,available for download here,and it is great! The only problem is a little weirdness. --==Eric McKinney==-- Message #212 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/26/86 at 8:40:56 To: ALL From: AUDIO SAVANT Subject: Kitchen is closed... ...until further notice. Aunt Billy's Kitchen, that is. I've learned very valuable lesson...DON'T BUY ANYTHING THAT HAS THE NAME TECMAR ON IT!!! Those egg-sucking weasels told me to send in the drive with a $100.00 deposit (non-refundable) and the price would go up from there. This drive is SIX WEEKS OUT OF WARRENTY!!! I did get a good price on the drive, but did not get my money's worth. I think that's out of my system now. Thanks for all who called the board. I'll have something to take its place as soon as I can find a HD 20 for cheap (dream on). Message #216 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/26/86 at 14:26:43 To: AUDIO SAVANT From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to Kitchen is closed... Audio, How cheap is cheap? HD-20 for $1050? 250-9521 -dws Message #217 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/26/86 at 14:30:14 To: JIM GOULD From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to Mac+ Jim, You really have a Plus (printed on the front_not an upgrade) that has V3 ROM's? I am jealous! Where did you get it? When? I think if you put the MDS stuff all in one folder it will work...not sure though. ` - dws Message #220 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/27/86 at 8:59:34 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: AL EVANS Subject: Slowitude... This system seems to be running AWFULLY slow at the moment (theMoment:= 9:01, 5/27/86), especially when "Looking for new messages addressed to you" and "Searching..." In fact, I thought it had hung the first time I called... Just thought I should let you know. --Al Evans-- Message #221 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/27/86 at 9:34:24 To: AL EVANS From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to Slowitude... I agree. The board has been slower since it is running on MacServe, but not quite as slow as it appears to be this morning. I have been experimenting with a RAM cache to try to speed performance, but it may have had the opposite effect, for some reason. Bear with me while I try to find the optimum configuration for this. Message #223 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/27/86 at 10:14:26 To: ALL From: LORD FOUL Subject: 3Com Server Anybody got the lowdown on the 3Com File Server? Message #225 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/27/86 at 17:13:47 To: ALL From: VINCENT PARSONS Subject: A great, new Host BBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A new BBS is around. Its name is <>!!!!! The phone number is (512) 832-1680!! I'm the sysop (Zaphod Beeblebrox, my handle) and it has four Role Playing Games. They are Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Oriental Dungeons & Dragons, Star Frontiers, and Dr. Who!!!! There aren't any downloads or uploads at this time because I need to get a hard disk first (which will probably be in a couple hundred years cause I'm poor!!). Call today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ****()**** Zaphod Beeblebrox as Sysop on <> Message #227 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/27/86 at 17:32:44 To: DON STRICKLAND From: JIM GOULD Subject: Reply to Mac+ OK, so it's an upgrade. The 512 was only 2 days out of the box when it was induced to enter higher realms of speed. Why it got upgraded, and why I got it for a Mac+ price, is a long story. I'll send some private mail on the subject. As for MDS, it doesn't seem to work even if everything is in the same folder. The Linker just can't see .link files anywhere. I'm not sure if I've tried putting everything in the root yet, though. Jim Message #235 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/28/86 at 8:45:58 To: LORD FOUL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to 3Com Server Foul, I have experience with the Server from 3Com. It is a good piece of hardware with certain constraints. I suggest you give me a call at 250-9521 and leave a message with either my wife (Jo Ann) or with the Machine (panasonic) and I will call you back to fill you in on the 3Com .. You might also choose to leave me Private Email with your number and I will give you a call as soon as I see the message. I supported a 3Com box for 6 months running on a net with 16 Macs and 2 HD20 and 1 LaserWriter. - Don Message #236 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/28/86 at 15:00:32 To: ALL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Tips/April Check out the file Tips/April in the Reading Room. It contains tips for recovering a HD-20 (no one really need that, right?) and my favorite where to buy clips to secure your AppleTalk kits and cables from accidentlly coming apart. Brought to you VIA Apple Link by Don W Strickland Message #238 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/28/86 at 21:57:37 To: ALL From: ALLAN CLARKE Subject: RR 9.2 docs anybody got the info on differences between rr8 and rr9.2? thanks Message #239 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/28/86 at 23:10:26 To: ALL From: JACK DECKER Subject: Desktop Publishing User Group Meeting Desktop Publishers of Austin, a "device independent" user's group devoted to all aspects of desktop publishing, will have a meeting Tues June 3 at 7:00 pm. The place: Aspen Hills Apt clubhouse 8539 Capital of Tex Highway. Speaker: Paul Toprac on the Linotronic 100, the 1280 dpi typesetter that thinks its a LaserWriter. Bring some of your deskpub work and your questions about PageMaker, digitizers, layout design ... Message #241 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/29/86 at 7:31:08 To: ALL From: > SCORPIO Subject: RR8.0 I am using RR8.0 with a Corvus 11meg Hard Drive. The Corvus uses the Modem port and The Modem uses the printer port. This is no problem, as I configure RR to use the printer port. My problem is that when I quit RR, the system bombs out and any procedures I have created go with it. Any solutions?? Help Message #242 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/29/86 at 9:16:22 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: AL EVANS Subject: Reply to Slowitude... Well, it seems fine today; whatever you've done must've worked. --Al Evans-- Message #244 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/29/86 at 13:00:28 To: ALL From: ROGER BULL Subject: Mailorder BBS in Tucson ****** IT'S HERE!!! ****** Professional Data Management, Inc. has established a BBS in Tucson entitled the Professional Data Management Warehouse. This BBS offers software and computer equipment at unheard of discounts. Most are substantially lower than mail order houses (for example 20meg. HyperDrives at only $1,252.80!!, 2400 baud Hayes compatible modems at only $299.75!!). Items may be ordered electronically using Visa, Mastercard, and checks. Over 1 million dollars worth of items for computer types such as Macintosh, Apple II series, IBM and compatibles, and others are available through this BBS. The telephone number is (602) 881-0473. This BBS is 24 hours/300-1200-2400. Message #246 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/29/86 at 19:35:04 To: AL EVANS From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to Slowitude... I have gone back to the Turbocharger RAM Cache. I was using MacMate, and that seemed not to work as well -- although I didn't really bother to isolate the trouble. The problem may have been in a screen saver that I was running on the Plus (DClock) rather than in the RAM cache. Message #247 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/29/86 at 20:48:01 To: ALL From: CHRIS PARSON Subject: Torx Scredrivers.... I believe I have located the cheapest source for Mac-cracking Torx T-15 screwdrivers. After being directed to auto parts stores ( thanks DATA SNATCHER ) I found the cheapest drivers are to be found in Chief auto parts houses, usually located next to 7-11's. Two bucks for 2 drivers, a T-15 and a T-25. The shafts are a little to short for the handle screws, but the cheap plastic nub cuts away easily, leaving a tapered handle that gets into the deep recesses. -- Benway __ Message #248 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/29/86 at 21:33:59 To: RALPH SAWYER From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Thanks... Thanks for the contribution to the disk drive fund drive, and for your nice letter. I am aware of the problem with the full screen clear and Red Ryder. (Ralph had said that one of the problems he had in sending in a contribution is that the disk drive fund drive message was cleared by a full screen clear such that he didn't have the screen in memory at the end of the session). There is really nothing I can do about that from here. One approach would be to eliminate the screen clears in the User Preferences/Terminal Characteristics menu. I really prefer it that way myself, but it's an aesthetic choice. Another approach would be to change RR's handling of screen clears. There is an option on one of the menus which allows you to "Remember screens before full screen clear" which should take care of the problem from your end. I'm posting this here in case others have had the same problem. Thanks again... Message #254 in **Public Messages** Posted on 5/31/86 at 16:35:54 To: ALLAN CLARKE From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to RR 9.2 docs The documentation for Red Ryder 8.0 and the update documentation for RR 9.0 are now in the Reading Room. Both are necessary to get the most from Red Ryder. Message #261 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/1/86 at 10:24:41 To: ALL From: SAGE MCKENZIE Subject: ====Texas Wellness Network Online==== The Texas Wellness Network is now online from 6:00pm to 9:00am. Telephone number is (512) 343-7367. This is a forum for people interested in alternative lifestyles, human potential movement, holistic health, Spiritual Emergence Network, Big Mountain Relocation, and last but not least, I am creating a section for the Austin Desktop Publishers User's Group. I am still creating the system and still have some bugs in it. When you log on, you will get a disconnect after you give your log on info. Those of you familiar with RR Host, I need your help. Also, there will be a file transfer section when I figure out how to do that. There probably won't be anything there that you can't find here but if this line is busy, you can try mine. Hope to hear from you. Sage McKenzie Message #268 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/2/86 at 0:42:26 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: New Stuff.. Quite a bit of new stuff in the file sections. A couple of them are especially noteworthy. Miranda -- is a digitized picture of the surface of one of Uranus' moons, as photographed by Voyager2 from 26,000 miles out. This come from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory -- wish they would distribute more of this stuff. TecmarHFS.PIT -- are the files necessary to install HFS on a Tecmar hard disk, uploaded by Audio Savant. HardSave.PIT -- is a program which backs up hard disks to floppies. It looks pretty nice, but I can't vouch that it works, yet. Got to go buy some disks tomorrow and give it a shot. Disk Librarian 1.7 -- is a shareware disk catalogger. Has the annoying habit of always catalogging everything in sight on startup, but it's better than most that I've seen. Fully HFS-compatible. Message #270 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/2/86 at 16:46:02 To: ALL From: CHRIS PARSON Subject: C Telecommunications.. I want to try writing a telecom program in C this summer and I need a good reference work. Anyone know of one? Pascal or Basic would be acceptable example languages. Also I could use some source code to study in any of the three languages. --Benway__ Message #271 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/2/86 at 17:54:28 To: CHRIS PARSON From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to C Telecommunications.. I've got copies of two of the earliest comm programs for the Mac, "MacTEP" by Dennis Brothers, and "Red Ryder 3.0" by Wat Buchanon, laying around here someplace. I'll put them in the Communications section when I get a chance. Message #274 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/3/86 at 0:51:21 To: DON STRICKLAND From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Further review on HardSave You've probably discovered the same, or maybe not. HardSave has a bad tendency toward LaBombas after reading a few megabytes. Happened to me twice tonight. Once I got 2Mb onto floppies, the second time it had gone to 6Mb before crashing. An important factor here is that I was using some very old single sided disks for the backup. While all had initialized OK at 800K, I got about four out of the 20 that I was using come up with a "Bad Data Mark" error during the initialization in HardSave. Then there were the two that initialized OK in HardSave, but crashed during the file copying. I'm going to try again with a couple of fresh boxes of DS disks. The program is otherwise impressive. Message #279 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/3/86 at 22:56:56 To: ALL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Acta, A DA by David Dunham. Has anyone out there seen Acta? What is it. Please upload it. I have paid for Davids DiskInfo long long ago and think it is worth twice the price. Now I just read my new MacTutor and he mentions Acta along with DiskInfo and FileInfo. Also...I never found MacEqu. I really would like too. If you know anything about this one please leave me a note. I don't even know if it is shareware or Commercial. Thanks - Don Message #280 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/4/86 at 8:02:32 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Grep.WC DA. Did anyone d/l the Grep.WC DA from the pre-crash board? I have an immediate need... What I need to be able to do is to do a search and replace on a text file, substituting tabs for CRs, and CRs for a certain text string. The Grep DA allowed this, and I can't think of any other software that does. Any suggestions are welcome. I also had a request last night from a California user for a program which would do a dump to the printer of a file in hex. Thanks. Message #281 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/4/86 at 10:48:38 To: DON STRICKLAND From: MIKE MOORE Subject: Reply to Acta, A DA by David Dunham. Acta is an outline processor. It is also a commercial product. Message #282 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/4/86 at 11:41:48 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: MIKE MOORE Subject: File Search Would it be possible to change the file search menu to include the capability of searching files by date? It's a real pain when you haven't called for a few days, sign on, and then get disconnected. When you call back, you can no longer look for "new" files since the program recognizes you for calling ten minutes earlier. Then you have to list all files, which are once again getting to where they consume quite a bit of time. Message #283 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/4/86 at 12:52:15 To: MIKE MOORE From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to File Search Sorry, that's really not possible with the current version of the Host software. That has been a major complaint, and one that I have conveyed to Watson. In the GEnie CO which took place about a month ago, he said that he would look at including either a date function or a reverse chronological file listing function in the next version of Host, which shouldn't be too much longer now. Message #287 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/5/86 at 0:38:27 To: MIKE MOORE From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to File Search Just want to voice my vote...I regularly experience ecentially the same problem...I call, perhaps short call to check mail in the morning, then I call back that night to look at what is new in the DL's. I have to 'LIST' the Lib because the 'NEW' command is useless to me. - dws Message #288 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/5/86 at 0:39:35 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to Grep.WC DA. Sending up right-away...dws Message #292 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/5/86 at 19:43:23 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: RON PARSONS Subject: Reply to Further review on HardSave I've gotten three copies of HardSave, one here, one from GEnie (appears identical to the one here) and one sometime ago. The one here seems to be defective in that when I choose to archive,the date and drive choices just flash on the screen and disappear. The old one at least left the message on the screen. Does it act this way for you? If I choose todays date to archive files changed on or after, it write some filenames to the screen and finally just loops untill I reboot. Any hints?? Message #293 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/5/86 at 19:59:37 To: RON PARSONS From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to Further review on HardSave I think we may be talking about different programs. There is a file "Archiver" which is supposed to be a hard disk backup program. I have never been able to get that one to work, it either blows up or does something similar to what you describe. The "HardSave" program doesn't have an option to allow you to specify files selectively by date, although you can choose to back up only certain HFS folders. I seems to work, and produced about 10 disks for me of backed up material. I think that its problem occurs when it encounters a bad sector in the disk being copied to, although I really haven't had a chance to try it with nothing but DS floppies. The HardSave program gives you an initial screen with options to "Backup", "Quit" "Help" and maybe a couple of other things. There is a box with a scroll bar on the right side of the main dialog which lists the files as they are copied from the HD to the floppies. The buttons, when picked, put up a "pop down" menu at the mouse location. If that description sounds like a different program from the one that you have been using, I would recommend you try the HardSave program, it's much better than Archiver (it works). Message #294 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/5/86 at 21:01:57 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: RON PARSONS Subject: Reply to Further review on HardSave We are talking about the same program, HardSave. There is a button called "Select". When it is selected, my oldest copy (not the one on BullCreek or GEnie) and "Backup up files by date" is selected, there should be a pair of selections -- From what volume" and then "From what date". On the local copy, the messages just flash although you can read then if you know what they say. What does your copy do? s Message #297 in **Public Messages** Posted on 1/1/4 at 0:34:27 To: RON PARSONS From: ANTHONY ROBINSON Subject: Reply to Further review on HardSave I too am having problems with the date option in HardSave. The messages just flash by and the thing hangs up after displaying a few file names. It sure would be nice to get this to work - I'm getting tired of randomly selecting files to back up to floppies. Incremental backups would be a big improvement. Message #298 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/12/86 at 13:09:12 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Message problem. A problem developed last night with the message files. Apparently the header file which Host searches got trashed. I've saved the file, and will try to see if there is any way to revive the messages. I've replaced the current message file with the most recent backup, which takes us back in time about a week, to June 5. Hope no one is too inconvenienced... Message #305 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/12/86 at 19:22:37 To: ALL From: DAVID ARTHUR Subject: Mac + questions and other things..... Since the old messages got trashed I am going to repose a couple of questions I asked earlier. First, has anyone with an upgraded Mac or a Plus experienced one of the following two problems: A) You launch an application w/o the system disk being in. The Mac signals you to put in the disk but before you can the dialog in the dialog box blans out and the computer hangs. B) You are asked to insert a disk, the dialog box starts to get all wavy and the computer spits the requested disk back out at you, requiring you to reboot. Any hints? Having run the Describe program Mark told me about (thanks again) I now know I have Roms 117-- just what does this mean? Did I get crappy ROMS? Should I yell & scream at my dealer? Also, does anyone have System 5.2 and Finder 3.2 that are supposed to get rid of all those nasty + probs? Finally, I want to pass along a message I found on GEnie, from a disgruntled Mac + user: This is a short note on how to take the copy protection off of Microsoft Excel. First, this is for persons who have legal copies of Excel and is not intended to promote pirating. I bought Excel and recently upgraded to the 800K drives and new ROMS. I wrote Microsoft and asked if they would trade my back up copy for an 800K master so I could avoid the "Insert" mess. They refused to do it. As a service to other 800K drive owners, here's how to remove the copy protection. Use FEDIT on a BACKUP copy of Excel (just finder copy it to a new disk) and do a HEX search for 608EBEDD, CHANGE to B1036ADD. Write to disk. Now your copy will be finder copyable and will boot with out the "Insert" routine. While I'm at it here are some more. Word: search for DD6084BEDD, change to DD4E71BEDD; CHART: search for DD60DD00126081, change to DD60DD00124E71; FILE: search for 126082BEDD, change to 124E71BEDD; MULTIPLAN: search for 12608007BE, change to 124E7107BE. Good luck with your 800K drives! Anthony Oresteen, Batavia IL. I want to note that I post this as a service to those of you out there with 800k drives and that I do not condone illicit use of this info. Hope it helps some. Bye. Message #306 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/12/86 at 21:02:56 To: ALL From: ALLAN CLARKE Subject: Rascal Sale this is a repeated message... if anyone's interested in buying MetaResearch's Rascal compiler (Real Time Pascal) and/or wants to know more info on it, i've got a copy i'm trying to sell. thanks Message #309 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/12/86 at 21:32:07 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: RON PARSONS Subject: Reply to Message problem. I have copies of most of the missing messages if anyone is interested. Message #311 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/13/86 at 1:30:45 To: ALL From: NEROL NEROL Subject: Agora Agora, that on again, off again board is now up again. I have spent the last couple of days changing from MFS to HFS and have changed some of the file sections to make room for new uploads. Give it a call at 447-8906. 300-1200 baud, 24 hours. Thanks. Message #313 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/13/86 at 1:40:41 To: ALL From: DAVID ARTHUR Subject: MacSpell +, Mac Turbo If anyone wants to buy a copy of Mac Spell +, I've got one I'm looking to sell. I've also got a Mac Turbo, from Assimilation, a trac ball that replaces the mouse. Interested? Let me know. Message #324 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/13/86 at 21:46:30 To: ALL From: KARL SAYAGAIN Subject: Concertware. Is there any application, similar to "Jukebox" that will play Concertware files? I'd really like to hear some of them. Karl Message #330 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/14/86 at 9:18:17 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Odd bug with Finder 5.3 On replacing Finder 5.2 with the new 5.3, an odd thing happened. The system was no longer able to recognize the SCSI disk! You all know what configuration I have (booted off the HD20, SCSI drive attached, each drive segmented into various MacServe volumes). Weird. Asked me if I wanted to initialize the SCSI. Replaced the new finder with the old, and everything returned to normal. I was using the old version of System (since I am not much inclined to rebuild the system file. Could that be the problem? Does the new finder require the new system to be around? Message #334 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/14/86 at 12:23:40 To: DAVID ARTHUR From: ANTHONY ROBINSON Subject: New Finder & System I think you have your System and Finder version numbers reversed. The latest versions I have seen are Finder 5.3b1, System 3.2b4. I am running Finder 5.5b1 on my HD20 with no finder-related problems yet. I haven't got around to installing the new system yet. If you would like, I could upload the Finder and a stripped version of the System here. Message #335 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/14/86 at 12:54:11 To: MARTIN BRYANT From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: UpTime magazine.... Seems like whenever you get a good idea, someone has always gotten to it first. On the back page of the new edition of Semaphore Signal (#27, 5/30/86) there is an add for a disk-based magazine, UpTime, which sells for 12 issues for $89.50. Comes out monthly, with "Eight programs and two new desk accessories on each monthly disk!". First issue also has a font, product reviews, news from Apple, new product announcements, tips and hints column. They list a number -- 800-437-0033 -- for subscription information, and offer a single-disk trial for $14.95. Oh, well. Back to the drawing board..... Message #336 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/14/86 at 13:11:11 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: New system software Apple has made a major release of new system software over the last couple of days. Included are a new System, Finder, Imagewriter, AppleTalk Imagewriter, Installer, and Font/DA Mover. The new system files are available for download from GEnie and CompuServe (probably also Delphi, although I haven't checked there). I can't list them here until I get permission from Apple (about which I will call on Monday morning). It appears that the new versions of Finder and System must work together, I've already run across a problem with using the new Finder with the old system. Message #337 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/14/86 at 16:10:50 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Further info on new system/finder I have finally gotten the new system (3.2) and Finder (5.3) installed on my system. The following observations may be helpful. The new finder/system seems to have some trouble with recognizing SCSI disks. At first, it would not recognize them at all. After about three tries, it finally is able to read it. I have it set up now to boot the system and finder off of the SCSI disk, and that seems to work fine. I guess it is forcing recognition of the disk from the outset. MacServe is no problem, although it took some juggling to get it installed and transferred from the HD20. There is a significant speed increase in quitting from programs or booting to the finder. The disks pop up like magic on the desktop. It appears to be achieving this speed, though, by not reading the entire HFS directory into memory. If you open a full folder, there is a hesitation, as the Finder is apparently reading the folder directory for the first time. Message #339 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/14/86 at 16:46:05 To: ALL From: RON PARSONS Subject: A backup program that works. I have uploaded from GEnie to the Utilities section a backup program called MegaCopy. It actually seems to work. It will backup files by name (or string within a name) date (modified, created) after/before and several other useful combinations. It is well done. The program duplicates the HFS structure of the source on the destination. It is in packit format. Message #340 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/14/86 at 16:47:00 To: ALL From: RON PARSONS Subject: Info on TOPS file server. I received some information from Centram regarding their file sharing system TOPS. They expect to be shipping in three weeks. They allow volumes to be created on a hard disk but it is not necessary. Within a volume, several users on a network can share the applications but only one user can share a copy of an application at one time unless it is a multiuser application. They are currently testing Omnis 3 multiuser and dBASE III Plus [they support Macs and IBM PCs running DOS 3.1]. They claim that multiple copies of MacWrite can have different names on a single volume and thus can be "shared." They support file locking as given in Inside Macintosh. An entire disk such as an Apple HD 20 can be shared. TOPS does not support the ImageWriter but does support the ImageWriter II and LaserWriter [perhaps they are refering here to AppleTalk support]. They don't have spooling as does MacServe but will have a product called TOPSpool next year to allow spooling for the LaserWriter. A licensed copy of TOPS is required for each computer on the network. There is no server -- all node's files can be shared. They provide no backup procedure for a hard disk. Retail price will be $149 for each Mac and $389 for PC (includes hardware). Message #343 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/14/86 at 19:30:14 To: RON PARSONS From: RON PARSONS Subject: Reply to A backup program that works. I just finished backing up my HD 20. Worked perfectly. It asks if you wish to split a file across diskette boundaries, skip or put it all on the next diskette volume. Recovery is also easy -- a join function is provided for split files. Files are placed in the correct HFS folder. Message #344 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/14/86 at 19:40:25 To: RON PARSONS From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to A backup program that works. Strange experience in trying to back up my MacServe-segmented hard disks with MegaCopy. The root portion of the Magic30 has about 2 Mb of system and data files. I had a few blank floppies, so I thought I would try the program out by copying just that MacServe volume. Anyway, the program encountered one of MacServe's "invisible" files early into the backup. The invisible file looks to be the directory of the virtual MacServe volume, or a pointer to a directory. When it hit that, all of a sudden there were 28Mb left to copy, and it began to split the biggest file you've ever seen (15Mb -- the size of the largest of the MacServe volumes on the Magic 30) across floppies. I didn't have enough blanks here to continue that big a backup, so I aborted. Actually, the program gave me a disk write error on about the fourth disk. I don't know whether it was the fault of the disk or what. I have noticed a persistent problem where the system will lock up when a disk initialization fails. The error that stopped the copying session, though, occurred on a disk that initialized OK through the Finder. I'm not saying that MegaCopy crashed, though, it was ready to continue with the copy. I really wonder whether it would be able to back up a single file of 15Mb in size. That's the way that it seems to interpret the virtual MacServe volume, as a single file. Could it do that without getting lost? Message #345 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/15/86 at 2:22:07 To: ANTHONY ROBINSON From: DAVID ARTHUR Subject: Reply to New Finder & System I just got from CompuServe Finder 5.3 & System 3.2-- these are the official release versions supposedly-- would these be older than yours? Or newer? if the latter, have you had any problems? I must admit I am rather disappointed with Apple not getting the bugs out of this stuff considering the time they've had to do it in. If you have latter versions, do UL. If not, well maybe one of us should so everyone can get them. Message #347 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/15/86 at 16:04:06 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: JIM GOULD Subject: Reply to A backup program that works. The way MacServe works, you'd have to treat the virtual Macserve volume as a single file. MacServe creates a file big enough to 'contain' the volume and stores it in its own special format. As far as the Mac file system knows, it's just a big data file until you use MacServe to mount it as a volume. I don't know whether MegaCopy wil handle this size (just got it ) but it should. You can break it down with DivJoin if absolutely necessary, I suppose. Jim Message #348 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/15/86 at 16:06:07 To: RON PARSONS From: JIM GOULD Subject: Reply to Info on TOPS file server. Do you realize how long TOPS has been shipping 'in three weeks'. I've been getting that from Centram for MONTHS. I don't believe anything they say anymore! Jim PS. Their price keeps climbing, too ... Message #352 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/16/86 at 7:32:01 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: "Disk-killers...." An excerpt from this morning's Austin American Statesman: Sabotage, it seems is not limited to analgesics and airlines. Some home computer owners, who use telephone lines to contact the thousands of computer bulleting boards around the nation, have learned to their sorrow that there might be a nemesis among the free computer programs offered by many boards. The insidious programs are known by the generic names of "disk-killer" or "disk-bomb" and though they are not really fatal, retrieving them electronically can result in the expensive loss of sometimes irretrievable information. "These things are written by some deviant people like the Tylenol killers," said Tom Clark, publisher of the Computer Street Journal, an Austin-based monthly tabloid for Texas computer users. "Plain meanness isn't cyclical," said Jim Westbrook, systems operator, or sysop, for the private JIM-NET bulletin board in Austin. "But these things seem to come in cycles. They die down, and then there'll be a wave of them." Westbrook is an officer of the Central Texas Sysops Association, which currently has 50 members. He recently alerted Clark to a new disc-bomb with the innocuous title of ARC 600.EXE. The Computer Street Journal published the warning for bulleting board users. "I picked up the word on it from sysop in San Jose, Calif." said Westbrook. "It had cost him a few years of accumulated information." Like other disk-bombs, ARC 600.EXE was waiting in the open files of a bulletin board for any computer user looking for a bargain. Once retrieved, however, the program automatically went to work "reformatting" every floppy memory disk or expensive hard-disk drive connected to the user's computer. Reformatting erases all of the old information on a disk. Westbrook said one Austin bulletin board was put out of operation by a disk-bomb. "It wiped out all their disk drives," he said. So Westbrook, who likes long-distance telecommunicating on the boards, gets out the word whenever he discovers a new disk killer. "Even if it originates in California, it'll come here," he said. "The time lag is often not very long. Austin is a very active telecommunications area." Increasingly, commercial bulletin boards such as CompuServe offer free programs that act as bomb defusers by electronically interrogating suspicious software to find out if it is deadly. Message #354 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/16/86 at 8:58:40 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: AL EVANS Subject: Reply to "Disk-killers...." I read that article. I thought it was REALLY misleading. First of all, it implied that the mere act of downloading a "disk-killer" program could be disastrous. As far as I know, this CANNOT be the case -- control MUST somehow be transferred to a program before it can kill a disk. Secondly, in the paragraph about "system security", it quoted the sysop of SMOF. SMOF is a TNET systems, and such systems are not oriented to uploading/downloading -- no protocol transfer, and they accept uploads only peripherally, if at all. The paragraph is irrelevant to the subject of the article. The "defuser" programs operate by searching the code of a suspect program for system calls or direct hardware operations which might lead to a reformat. Unfor- tunately, most "disk-killer" programs are disguised as disk utilities, and most disk utilities would necessarily perform at least one suspect operation. I HIGHLY recommend that you ALWAYS test any program you download in an environment where it can't possible make any difference. Put it on its own disk, in quarantine, until you are satisfied that it does what it's expected to do. Personally, I never even expose much of my system to ANY program until I know somebody who's been using it for awhile and attests that it is reasonably bug-free (anybody remember Finder 3.2x?). This may be paranoid, but then I don't do backups AND I don't lose data. --Al Evans-- Message #355 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/16/86 at 9:29:07 To: AL EVANS From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to "Disk-killers...." Ran out of space this morning to say that I ALWAYS follow pretty much the procedure that Al recommended with all software uploaded to the board. The uploads are placed on a disk with nothing but a stripped-out system, and all other drives are dismounted. The program is then tested to see what happens. As a result, you should feel confident that anything that you download from here is not going to cause problems for your disk. Note that I am not guaranteeing that the program works as advertised, or that catastrophic things won't happen when you run it -- I don't have time to try out everything that you might try to do with a program. But at least the program will run, and will not do anything overt to initialize disks or trash your system. Message #356 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/16/86 at 12:06:12 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: RON PARSONS Subject: Reply to A backup program that works. Another way to handle the MacServe volume files is to "unselect" the MacServe file from the MegaCopy file list and just backup non-MacServe files in one pass. The mount the MacServe volume and run MegaCopy against that volume. The last modified date on the MacServe file is not updated whenever a file inside it is modified. Thus backing up the mounted volume would let you use the modified date option on MegaCopy. Message #359 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/16/86 at 16:28:30 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to "Disk-killers...." Mark and Al, I have had enough ecperience at this point to advise you both to never make any claim as to the condition or integrety or safeness of running a downloaded piece of software. The users out there all have conditions present that no one, not you, not Apple, no one can anticipate. Therefore you have no choice but to advise the downloader that he/she is at risk and should take precausions at their machine. Each user that does not place a program in a safe setting for the first run is responsible for the results. I know this sounds harsh, but you would not believe the bizare affairs I have wittnessed even with a very inocent user useing the safest configured software I have distributed. MURPHY RULES, /never forget it!!! - dws Message #360 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/16/86 at 16:35:20 To: RON PARSONS From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to Info on TOPS file server. Ron, Does TOPS provide security, password??? -dws Message #361 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/16/86 at 16:41:02 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Reply to Further info on new system/finder Mark, One of the features of the new System is SCSI Items, a patch file for t he ROMs has been "rolled into" the System Icon now. This may be part of your speed increase. I have not seen any change on my DataFrame, but it came with SCSI Items in the System folder and I changed from System 3.1.1/ Finder 5.3b1 to 3.2/5.3 with no real change in performance. I did notice when I started using Finder 5.3b1 the speedup you discribed (desktop appears fast and delay when opening folders). - dws Message #362 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/16/86 at 16:45:51 To: ALL From: DON STRICKLAND Subject: Caution when downloading System files. CAUTION!!! CAUTION!!! Obscure "Feature" ... A Macintosh must be Booted with a disk that conatins the Finder and the System Icons. This is called a Startup Disk and it will appear in the upper-righthand corner of the desktop. Well, there is one more feature that a startup disk must have. That is it must have "Boot Blocks". The Boot Blocks are written to a disk only by one process, that is when the Finder is used to copy the System Icon onto that disk from a disk that has Boot Blocks. Once a disk has Boot Blocks it can be copied to make other startup disk, but if you create a disk that does not have Boot Blocks, then copies of that disk will not have Boot Blocks either and therefore will not work as startup disks. Who cares ! you ask ? Well ... I recently received a System Update file (New System Version) from a source via Modem. This means a new system Icon was deposited on a Blank Disk (not by the Finder). When I added the Finder to that disk and tried to Startup my machine with it, it did not work. The lesson here is this, anytime you want to make a startup disk, sure ... 1. You make it from a copy of a startup disk that works or ... 2. Be sure ... a.) The System Icon is named 'System' before you copy it. b.) The copy is made using the Finder. I have confirmed this feature with two developers that said "I knew that was gona happen!" - Don W Strickland Message #365 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/16/86 at 21:01:06 To: DON STRICKLAND From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to "Disk-killers...." I agree, Don, and I would surely advise all users that software downloaded from here or anywhere else should be regarded with extreme suspicion until proven to be OK. I was only trying to say that you could generally rule out getting disk-killer type programs from here, although even that may be too bold a statement. Too, it is rumored that Ma Bell's maiden name was Murphy..... Message #366 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/16/86 at 21:02:35 To: DON STRICKLAND From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to Further info on new system/finder I think it was a good choice on the part of Apple. You only get the delay when you really need it -- for most of what you do, you don't need to look into the contents of all those folders.... Message #368 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/17/86 at 7:13:16 To: ALL From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Host version 2.0? Just saw a message from Swatson on GEnie dated 6/13 about the new version of Host. He says that he is "coding now, at long last" and that the new version will have the complete graphics driver, fixes for all known bugs, and (possibly) support for file transfer protocols other than XMODEM. Maybe not too much longer. Message #369 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/17/86 at 10:23:06 To: ALL From: ALLAN CLARKE Subject: disk timings i'm looking for disk write times for the apple hd 20 and the scsi drives that a lot of you all have. if you have any info in the form of access times, etc. or average time to write one block, or whatever, i'd appreciate it. many thanks... allan Message #373 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/17/86 at 14:02:22 To: DON STRICKLAND From: RON PARSONS Subject: Reply to Info on TOPS file server. I have no info on that. They are as slow in answering letters as they are in releasing software. Message #374 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/17/86 at 15:59:12 To: DON STRICKLAND From: AL EVANS Subject: Reply to "Disk-killers...." Yeah, that's another really good point, Don. NOBODY can guarantee what condition a program will be in AFTER it's downloaded!! Strange things happen during the process occasionally, things error-checking doesn't catch! I have had to stomp out a couple of fires caused by bad downloads of Cap'n Magneto that got distributed. It's really a helpless feeling when people start saying your program's buggy and you can't get in touch with 'em to get them a good copy! --Al Evans-- Message #375 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/17/86 at 17:53:25 To: ALL From: MARTY COHEN Subject: New System,Finder Am I blind or does this board not yet have the new system and finder from Apple? No Helen Keller jokes, please! Message #378 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/17/86 at 18:40:39 To: ALL From: THE GRANDREN Subject: FINDER AND SYSTEM????? THE NEWEST VERSION NUMBERS FOR THE SYSTEM AND FINDER ARE 3.2 AND 5.3B1 RIGHT? IS THERE A 5.3, DID IT COME OUT BEFORE OR AFTER 5.3B1?? JUST WONDERING?? Message #383 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/17/86 at 20:32:42 To: MARTY COHEN From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to New System,Finder Marty, Apple was very specific in the software license and distribution notice that all of the new system software was NOT to be redistributed electronically, or by any other means, without their express permission. Their attitude is puzzling to me, since all earlier versions of the system software have been distributed quite freely, as far as I can tell. I tried to call Apple earlier in the week to ask for permission to redistribute the stuff on the BBS. You won't believe the run-around. I never did actually talk to an actual human being at Apple, since I went through this Twilight Zone chain of telephone numbers. Call one, and the computer voice comes on and says the number has been changed, call this instead. Then I called that, and the same thing happened. Number seemed to be incrementing by one with each successive call. Then I got a guy who spoke only Spanish, and I finally gave up. Does anyone know the real, authentic number for Apple Computer? I'd like to talk to their software licensing department..... Message #384 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/17/86 at 20:33:45 To: THE GRANDREN From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to FINDER AND SYSTEM????? Yes, the latest version numbers are Finder 3.2 and System 5.3. The "B1" is a beta version. You should get rid of it, as soon as you can get the new ones (...fume....) Message #385 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/17/86 at 20:41:39 To: DON STRICKLAND From: JIM GOULD Subject: Reply to Info on TOPS file server. From what Centram tells me, TOPS does provide password security. Sell that vaporware! If TOPS ever gets out there, it should be really fine ... they promise LaserWriter spooling too! Jim Message #386 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/17/86 at 21:31:23 To: ALL From: LEE MING Subject: CALL WAITING Just read an article about call waiting in the MacWorld this morning. It says that you can get rid of it by dial first *70 if it is tone or 1170 if it is rotary and then the number you want to dial. The call waiting will resume after the call is complete. LEE MING Message #389 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/18/86 at 10:09:21 To: ALL From: THE ATOM Subject: MTC for all who didnt know it- Mac Trade Center is back up- 512-447-6882 with warez both new and rare atom/ea Message #395 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/18/86 at 16:59:21 To: ALL From: RAYMOND KHOO Subject: Racing Bicycle for SALE!! I have a racing bicycle for sale. It is only a year old and in good condition. It has a racing geometry, 10 speeds, Shimano gearing system, Modolo brake system and tubular rims. If interested, please call Raymond at 447-0488 between 5 and 6pm. If not at home, please leave your name and number and I will get back to you. For more information, please feel free to call. Asking for $470 but price is negotiable!! Message #396 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/18/86 at 17:10:00 To: ALL From: RAYMOND KHOO Subject: Racing bicycle for SALE!! I have a racing bicylce for sale. It is only a year old and in very good condition. The frame is Italian with racing geometries. THe gearing system is Shimano, the brakes are Modolo and the tires are tubular. If interested, please call Raymond at (512)447-0488 after 6pm. If not at home, please leave you name and number and I will get back to you as soon as possible. For more information, please feel free to call. Asking for $470 but price is negotiable!! Message #397 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/18/86 at 19:03:49 To: ALL From: ANTHONY ROBINSON Subject: HARD DISK BACKUPS Well, I can sleep nights now. I just got PCPC's HFS Backup and I promptly backed up my HD20. It took 34 floppies! Maybe I should think about an 800K drive. Anyone out there know if an external 800K drive will work with my 512 and HD20? Message #399 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/18/86 at 20:51:31 To: ANTHONY ROBINSON From: SYSTEM OPERATOR Subject: Reply to HARD DISK BACKUPS Tell us more about this product. Is it commercial, shareware, how much, how fast, etc, etc? Message #400 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/18/86 at 21:14:56 To: ANTHONY ROBINSON From: JIM GOULD Subject: Reply to HARD DISK BACKUPS Yep, an 800K external will work with a 512. You need the Hard Disk 20 file to provide the driver, but if you've got an HD 20 you've got that already. You'll never be able to boot from it without the new ROMs, though. Do tell us about your HFS Backup. I just spent 28 floppies (double sided) on a MegaCopy backup, and I'd be interested ina better way. Jim Message #402 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/18/86 at 22:52:03 To: ANTHONY ROBINSON From: MIKE MOORE Subject: Reply to HARD DISK BACKUPS Yeah. MacProducts (on the Drag, two doors down from Kinko's) has drives that will work with your 512. For under $300 too. Message #403 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/19/86 at 0:30:17 To: ALL From: RAY KHOO Subject: Racing Bicycle for SALE!!! I have a racing bicycle for sale. It has a racing geometry and Shimano derailleurs, Modolo brake system and tubular tires. The frame is Italian and the bike is in very good condition. It is only a year old! If interested please call Raymond at (512)447-0488 after 6pm. If not at home, please leave your name and number and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Feel free to call for further information. Asking for $470 but price is negotiable!!! Message #404 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/19/86 at 1:31:57 To: ALL From: MARK GAVINI Subject: AUSTIN COMPUTER FAIR Hope to see lots of y'all (not that I know what you look like) at the upcoming Computer Fair at Palmer Auditorium June 26-28 (Thurs-Sat). I'll be demonstrating MIDI Software for sofwareXXXX Software Excahange, so come on down and see what a musician your mac really is. Later,...... Mark Gavini. Message #407 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/19/86 at 8:22:39 To: SYSTEM OPERATOR From: AL EVANS Subject: Reply to New System,Finder . There IS no real number for Apple Computer!! And yer luck that guy could speak Spanish, some of 'em only speak Vietnamese! I've been dealing with Apple Computer since '79 or so. Whatcha wanna do is find somebody who KNOWS an actual person at Apple who returns calls, along with their personal number. Then you call and call until that person answers their phone, which usually doesn't take more than a day or two (oh, and DON'T believe the message center, they just take your number and put it into the confidential-paper shredder). THEN you can maybe get an answer. I'm sorry, but at the moment I don't know anybody there; haven't dealt with them personally for a couple years. You might try calling the main number and asking for Lorrie Merkel's number... --Al Evans-- Message #408 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/19/86 at 10:33:36 To: ALL From: ANTHONY ROBINSON Subject: More on PCPC HFS Backup OK, here's the lowdown on PCPC's HFS Backup program. It's from Personal Computer Peripherals Corp, the MacBottom people. To get it, just call 1-800-MAC-BUTT with your plastic money in hand, and for $39.95 (plus $4 2-day UPS freight) you can be backing up your HFS system to floppies. Like I said earlier, I have only used this on my 512K machine with 400K floppies and an Apple HD20, so I have no experience with SCSI drives - but if the device supports HFS, it can probably be backed up. Backup options include entire volume, individually selected files, entire folders, or (my favorite) all changes made since last backup. I have about 12meg on the hard disk and it took 33 floppies - I guess that using 800K drives would halve that to 16 or 17. It took a good 1-1/2 hours to do the whole thing. It seemed that large files were backed-up first (JAZZ was the first thing copied), so things went fast in the beginning. But as I got to about the 28th floppy, all those little files and the drive going "wah-waah" seemed to take forever. (Better have a MacUser in hand to spend your time with.) Other little nice touches are a big scrooling window that displays your whole hierarchy with either closed folders, some open, or all open. Overall, I am very pleased. Message #410 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/19/86 at 17:54:51 To: ALL From: GENE HOWELL Subject: PCPC HFS Backup... I purchased HFS Backup Version 1.0 back in March 1986 from PCPC. I think it is great to use, although the version I have only works on 400 K floppys. I sent it back to Robin Devoe, Tech Support at PCPC to get it updated to Version 1.1 (yes, I called her first) on 5/9/86. To date I haven't received it. I have called them repeatedly, only to get the proverbial run-around. Still, I hope to see it soon! There is a bug in Version 1.0 when recovering your files to the Hard Disks. This bug was reported on CompuServe. It has to do with not recovering the folder information. I really want to know if Version 1.1 does indeed work with 800K disks. Anthony Robinson, do you have this answer? Message #411 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/19/86 at 19:21:33 To: ALL From: JIM GOULD Subject: Austin Computer Fair You'll find me at the Microserve booth, extolling the virtues of desktop publishin Will some of you please save me from drudgery by stopping by and talking mac with me? Please? *beg* *whine* Shows can be so BORING! c.f. Southwest Graphics Show last weekend. Would you believe that Gestetner puts MacWrite, FullPaint, PageMaker, and MacDraw together with a desk-accessory pseudoSkipfinder and calls it THEIR desktop publishing system? The horror, the horror ... Jim Message #413 in **Public Messages** Posted on 6/19/86 at 21:30:33 To: ALL From: GENE HOWELL Subject: Mac Plus & Apple HD20 For Sale I have one Maclus still in the wrapper from Apple to sell. I also have one Apple HD20 to sell. Asking $1980 for Mac Plus and $1050 for HD20. Quite literally my client I was to install them at had a heart attack and died. Now the widow doesn't know what to do and I don't need the inventory. If you are interested, Call 250-9838. Gene .