MESSAGE: [19]: COSMOS COMMON ACCTS FROM (*):LEX LUTHOR common accounts on cosmos are: ROOT SYS BIN PREOP COSMOS All others start with one of the following prefixes: PA- loop assignment center DA- network admin center RS- repair service MF- frame and toll FC- frame control center GA- general inquiries DC- data conversion NT- NTec DP- dispatch CI- C.I.C. there should not be any others. typical cosmos accounts would be MA01 PA10 RS11 etc. if you have an apple w/applecat or a commodore 64 look for the cosmos password hacker. look in hacking cosmos part III & IV for more information on passwords. if you need hacking pt. 1 or pt. 2 leave mail Lex Luthor Legion Of Hackers! MESSAGE:[20]: SOME ARPA MIT-HOSTS FROM (*):TERMINAL MAN Here are some Arpanet mit hosts. enjoy them they are probably easy to hack. MIT-ATHENA MIT-ZEUS MIT-HERA MIT-DEMETER18.58.0.4 MIT-ARES MIT-POSEIDON MIT-HADES MIT-APOLLO MIT-ARTEMIS18.58.0.11 MIT-HEINEKEN MIT-AJAX MIT-BIGBLUE MIT-BORAX MIT-COMET MIT-CSR MIT-DASH Wells thats all for now and call [W.O.P.R] To find out how to get on to WOPR leave all mail to Terminal Man On this board. Thanks Terminal Man The Legion Of Doom!/Hackers [W.O.P.R/I.R.O.C] p.s. all the hosts above are UNIX MESSAGE: [21]: COSMOS ACCTS FROM (*):SHARP RAZOR Lex:: "I Beg to differ" I have seen over 50 diff types of first 2 letters used in COSMOS accts.. some of these that i dont think you mentioned are... FS frame staff FM frame manager FC frame control center FE circuit provisional engineers MF main frame TF third frame SU super user RC RC center IC Mainenance Center fuck:: IC=Installation control center RS Maintenance center EM EMSCC NT NTEC ET (fone home) NTEC (also) SS Special Service center GI general inquiry SP Staff Pukes(puques) DG Database Grooming DT Data Transfer ......etc..etc..etc.. have 40+more, but cant find my printouts from DC COSMOS matrix files.. there are prob over 100+ acct names that can be used, and then the COSMOS system(people who run it) decide which ones the use::(only a guess) ...Later.. ...S.R> LOD!/H ...still co-SysOp of WOPR(though it went down before!) MESSAGE: [22]: TIRKS ? FROM: (*):FIRE MONGER ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT TIRKS? LIKE IF IT HAS ANY DIALUPS? ALL I'VE GOT IS SOME #S TO SOCIAL ENGINEER... *FIRE MONGER* MESSAGE: [23]: COSMOS + TIRKS FROM: (*):DOCTOR WHO In addition to the ones mentioned by sharp razor, there is ff. i think this is frame foreman, i am not sure, but its definitly a frame account. Unfortunately it can do inquiries only. tirks starts for trunk inventory record keeping system, and i have one unintelligible printout from it, but otherwise - ?? back to cosmos: I know of this command called "msk". You do an MSK, then enter a "." then return, and it will print out the files contained in that wirecenter, but all the names will be crammed together. separate them, then type MSK again, but instead of the period, type the name of the file. it will show it to you. i have found many interesting things on cosmos using this, like lists of who and what uses the system, other dialups, lists of wirecenters + what they cover, service miscellaneous shit. the neat thing is that you can use this from an unpriv acct, like the ff accounts i mentioned above. now, if i could figure a way to move out of the wirecenter directory, (/usr/so/wc , wc=wire center) then i could get somewhere! more on cosmos coming,,,... -----------=?> doctor who >>>> cosmos master craftsman! MESSAGE: [24]: IM-FPS FROM (*): THE VKR HAVE FOUND PRINTOUTS THAT APPEAR TO BE COSMOS, WITH ALL THE RIGHT COMMANDS ETC, BUT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE LOGON IT SAYS IF-PMS OR IM-PFS, SOMETHING LIKE THAT. ANYONE KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? THE VKR MESSAGE: [1]: [+> HACK <+] FROM (*):THE SILVER SABRE This is the hack board, post your pswds here. T>S>S> [IROC] MESSAGE: [2]: TO GET STARTED.... FROM (*>:IROC MANAGEMENT Try these 414 271 7827 A* 01-6709 RSHACK --- 1800-554-5924 3333-4444 CLOCKRADIO!!! --- 817 283 1456 It's either a ESS or CCIS or some sort of phone computer. I called it and it was being monitored, and he hung up on me and now the computer is down. This has happened to me before so keep the number around, it will be back up in a month or two.. --- T>S>S> MESSAGE: [3]: COSMOS. FROM (*>: IROC MANAGEMENT COSMOS- 817 787 1234 ------------ Let me know what you get. It;s my local COSMOS.. T>S>S> MESSAGE: [4]: SOME SHIT FROM: (*>:THE MYSTERY I HAVE BEEN DOING A LITTLE SCANNING AND I FOUND SOME OF THIS: 617/653-1108 - ?? 617/863/0066 Some Dec-20 617/863/0033 "" """ "" Also, I am making a Purple Box. Anyone interested leave mail to me. -_, The Mystery The Phone Men/The Cat's Den Bye MESSAGE: [5]: [+>DUNSNET<+] FROM (*>:THE SILVER SABRE A couple of my area code access #'s 817 263 2682 83 84 voice information:1800323 4000 [IROC] MESSAGE: [6]: COMMON ACCTS. FROM (*>:THE SILVER SABRE For the COSMOS system, what are some common accounts used on it? Are there accounts that work on more that one system, just because that is what the fone company picks as a account? Any help would be appreciated,, By the way here is my local COSMOS # and a couple of WC's.. 817 787 1234 wc's: MC GP I got some more, just can find them.. Also, you know how some system either have NAME or ;LOGIN? Well is it uncommon for when you press return on ';LOGIN' and get 'NAME'? That is what mine does.. T>S>S> [WOPR/IROC] MESSAGE: [7]: [W.O.P.R.] FROM (*>:TERMINAL MAN Well as you know WOPR and IROC have joined together so lets get this system and WOPR going... If there is anyone on here who would like access to W.O.P.R. then leave me mail with why you should be on etc.. Later Terminal Man The Legion of Doom!/Hackers Sysop:[W.O.P.R.] MESSAGE: [8]: COSMOS 'NAME' PROMPT FROM (*>:KARL MARX Some of the newer COSMOS systems say "NAME:" instead of ";LOGIN:" because the Unix system is so flexible. They probably just want to keep a log of the telephone people that are actually logging on so if "MR SILICON" logs in, they will think of another password. :::::::::::::::Karl Marx (No affiliations as yet: I can't even write two lousy paragraphs.) MESSAGE: [9]: DOWJNS FROM: (*>:RED DRAGON Heres a valid Dow Jones: GWIV8AFWAN (remember tele--net C 60942) RED DRAGON MESSAGE: [10]: SOMETHING FROM (*>:THE VKR HP/3000 ON TELENET C 51109 HELLO OPERATOR.SYS ALSO, 313-370 4300 UNIVERSITY OF OAKLAND, HAS A LOT OF GAMES YOU CAN PLAY, JUST TYPE "DEMO". WHEN IN DEMO SECTION TYPE "LIST" FOR GAMES. THE VKR MESSAGE: [11]: MORE SOMETHING FROM (*>:THE VKR ON THE ABOVE, IT'S BEEN AWHILE SINCE I CALLED IT, BUT I THINK YOU MIGHT HAVE TO ENTER AN "E" AT THE FIRST PROMPT, AND THEN THE WORD "DEMO". THE E ALSO HAS TO BE IN LOWER CASE. ALSO, HERE IS A NUMBER TO TRY. THIS IS SUPPOSEDLY THE NUMBER TO MY SCHOOL DISTRICT, 714 526 1811. NOW, I TRIED CALLING IT. AND GOT NO ANSWER, MAYBE JUST BECAUSE IT WASN'T DURING BUSINESS HOURS. CHECK IT OUT. I WAS IN THE OFFICE ONE TIME, AND MIGHT HAVE A PROBABLE P/W, "READING2". NOT SURE ABOUT THAT THOUGH. ALSO, YOU MIGHT TRY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT: 301-567-7900. IT IS AN HP/3000, SO THE LOGIN WILL BE SOMETHING LIKE HELLO ...... I TRIED LOGGING ON AS "HELLO OPERATOR.SYS", BUT IT THEN ASKED FOR P/W. HOWEVER THE SYSTEM OPERATOR CAME ON-LINE AND ASKED ME WHAT WAS GOING ON. TRY PLAYING WITH THAT. SEND A MESSAGE TO HIM WITH "TELLOP;{MESSAGE}" LATER, THE VKR MESSAGE: [12]: T.R.W. FROM (*>:THE VKR I'VE TRIED USING TRW BEFORE AND HAD A SUPPOSEDLY VALID PASSWORD. I WAS HAVING TROUBLE WITH THE SYSTEM BECAUSE IT WAS IN HALF-DUPLEX OR SOMETHING. SINCE I SAW THAT POST UP THERE, EVEN IF IT IS NO LONGER VALID OR WHATEVER, COULD SOMEBODY PLEASE GO STEP-BY-STEP ON A LOGON AND CREDIT CHECK ON TRW? THE VKR MESSAGE: [13]: ARPANET NEWS FROM (*>:PULSE MAN It seems everyone's favorite network is going to begin asking for a password *before* you see the opening banner. Fortunatly, for the first few months there will be a universal pswd to "help you get used to the new system".. Hahaha. This password will be: Username : Anonymous Password : Guest haha.. /Pulse Man /Lords of Chaos MESSAGE: [14]: SOME VMS FROM (*>:ADMIRAL HELL 617-863-5089 username: DMS password: DMS have phun Admiral Hell The Black Chamber MESSAGE: [15]: COSMOS? FROM (*>:DOCTOR WHO I am looking for some new cosmos to play with...if you want yours, leave me must be willing to cooperate in this, and you must be competent. ------------=?> doctor who >>>> MESSAGE: [17]: NAME NO FROM (*>: DOCTOR WHO you get a name prompt on cosmos when you hit return at the ;login: prompt. that's why. ------------=?> doctor who >>>>> MESSAGE: [18]: LINCOLN LABS UNIX FROM (*>:ADMIRAL HELL 617-861-1834 see what ya can do with it Admiral Hell [The Black Chamber] MESSAGE: [1]: >+[IROC]+< FROM (*>:The Silver Sabre Welcome to I.R.O.C.! This board is dedicated to the topic of the telephone and what goes on in those little wires, circuits and the brains of computers in the fone company. You are now a [I]nner [R]ealm [O]f [C]ommunications MEMBER! honor it. it can be taken away from you. The Silver Sabre [IROC] MESSAGE: [2]: [+>POLICY<+] FROM (*>:IROC MANAGEMENT As head of this bbs, i decide who should be on here and who shouldn't. At the opening of this bbs i have let someone i feel capable of doing the job, handle the first 10 users, after we get those ten, i will make the decision whether or not somone else gets on. If you would like to see some one on here that isn't notify me in feedback with the following info: name voice number what bbs's he calls state i which he presides age (if you know it) i will then do a little muckracking on him and i will make the decision. YOU AS A USER HAVE >NO< RIGHT TO GIVE OUT THE LOGON PROCEDURE TO >ANYONE< ! (not even your dog!) I hope that is understood! [IROC] MESSAGE: [3]: misc. shit FROM (*>:RED DRAGON Glad to see that the board is moving along. I guess I'll start us all off with the first message: As you may or may not know AT&T's calling cards have changed their format. The old cards that we are all familiar with have changed in a sense of numbers. The new ones still contain that old 14 digit xxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx format but where the old ones contain the first 3 digits of the card represent the card-holders area code of his fone=numbers, the next 4 digits represent the card-holder's suffix of his #, and the last 4 digits are just any various code digits.-that is for the old card. Now, AT&T came out with the new cards thanx to us phreaks abusing the card, In the new ones, as far as I know, EVERY DIGIT IN THE CALLING_CARD ARE CODE NUMBERS!, just picked randomly. These are harder to hack, etc. once again thanx to us... I have one of the older cards here, it is: 201-767-0192-2429 (continued next mess.) MESSAGE: [4]: CONTINUED FROM LAST. FROM (*>:RED DRAGON (continued) ok, again here is the card: 201-767-0192-2429 for example if you call 201-767-0192 as in the above card, the guy who answers will most likely be the card holder. Well abuse the hell out of it(the card!)!!! RED DRAGON The Experts! MESSAGE: [5]: THE BIG KKK DEAL FROM (*>:THE SILVER SABRE When I brought to the knowledge of people about a KKK, anti communist bbs in my area, I had no idea that people were that interested in it. I also didnt think that this many people were out to crash and do what ever harmful things possible to it! But I'm glad! That kind of thing is bad. But I though I would post the number to it. 214 263 3109 it is called ARYRAN LIBERTY NET, I have an article post on SF///(914 352 6543) that is all about the bbs, that I discovered only a week before! I will sometime upload that article. T>S>S>>> [IROC] MESSAGE: [6]: KKK DEATH FROM (*>:RED DRAGON I'd like to add to SABRE's message about the KKK bbs. He left me the number and I logged on in attempt to crash it. Let me give you some info on that system and the sysop there: It is an old NETWORKS system which are not too hard to crash, its run on an apple. The sysop is very irritable-and has a quick temper. Now some good news The board has been busy for 2 days straight which may mean someone crashed it already. Log on when its back up, you won't believe some of the messages posted there! RED DRAGON The Experts! MESSAGE: [7]: ACCESS FROM (*>:TERMINAL MAN If anyone out there who thinks they are good enough of a HACKER to be in a NEW and AWESOME hacking group Drop me a letter with why you should be in and what you could give to the group and also give a example.. or leave e-mail to me on W.O.P.R. Terminal Man LOD!/H MESSAGE: [8]: TRW ACCOUNT FROM (*>:X-MAN Please people, keep all information such as this to yourselves! I would never post this kind of shit on a public board; that is how they are ruined. Anyway: BCA2 341552MVP This has been around for a while, so please, people, do not give it out. I hope that this board moves as well as W.O.P.R, because this system seems to be very good. As far as that asshole Aryan Liberty Net board goes, I would be more than obliged to crash it, but I must be provided witha VALID password. Anyone with a password, drop me a letter. X-Man The Legion of Doom! Phreak Advisor SF /// (914)-352-6543 MESSAGE: [9]: CBI ACCOUNT FROM (*>:X-MAN Alright, since I am in a generous mood, and I have several of them here is a good working CBI account: 403AN1164-NI. Please do not give them out; 4 of them were cancelled the other day, and I would like to keep this one going for a while. Lets get posting! X-Man The Legion of Doom! Phreak Advisor SF /// MESSAGE: [10]: -=) SHIT FROM (*>:THE MYSTERY HEY ALL! (A Wizard saying) here are some KOOL #'s (hahaha) that I found scanning. By the way, if you have a cat, I have a massive scanning program that blows 2600 hz (for sprint) if it doesn't get a carrier, that means about 2000 numbers a night! Anyway, (617) 655-5192 - Unknown (617) 863-0050 - Guess (a ven-tel!) " " 0051 - Same as above " " 0052 - " " " " 0053 - " " " " 0054 - " " " " 0055 - " " " " 0056 - " " " " 0057 - " " Continyes next message - MESSAGE: [11]: VEN-TEL FROM (*>:THE MYSTERY The reason I gave out the ven-tel dialer is because some *ASSHOLE* posted it on a rodent board, so all these fuckheads are using it. Anyway, I have the Ven-Tel dialups for 312,914,617,202 It is AMS systems, when you call those numbers it will say "AMS SYSTEM=" type HELP and it will put you into Ven-Tel. Read my file on Ven-Tel dialers (Leave e-mail or call my board) (and say I you're from IROC and) (I'll give high access) Cat's Den - The Biggest G) section on ANY board. 617-655-8935 ------------ Sorry that I posted my board's #, but you have to read that file... Bye > The Mystery MESSAGE: [12]: OLD/NEW PBX FROM (*>:RED DRAGON If you remeber a while back a commonly used PBX was 800-325-4071, Well many people used it until the code was changed. The number remains the same but here is the new code- 9603 and then 9+number. others of you know this PBX as "the the mucical PBX". Well anyway, it can dial all regular numbers including overseas, 800,900, maybe 700 (but I doubt it), and can call TSPS operators... I haven't checked it out so far, it may do more... RED DRAGON MESSAGE: [13]: ALLIENCE 700 BRIDGES FROM: (*>:JOHN DOE Remember the magic 700 number for Allience (0+700-456-1000). Well, most of us only use it through a PBX or cheesebox (or magical 800 numbers). Suppose you live in L.A. and set one up through a 202 PBX. You will automatically be routed through White Plains if you dial the 700 #, and, if you live in NY and go through a 213 PBX, you will automatically be routed through L.A. WHile we usually don't give a shit, it can make a difference. From NY, the quality of the connection of L.A. Allience Bridge is incredibly pathetic to say the most. But .... help is here (insert drum roll, please). The following numbers will automatically route you through the 0+700+456+1001 Los Angeles audio 0+700+456+2001 L.A. Video 0+700+456+1002 Chicago audio 0+700+456+2002 Chicago video 0+700+456+1003 White Plains, NY audio MESSAGE: [14]: CONT FROM ABOVE FROM: (*>: JOHN DOE [cont] 0+700+456-2003 White Plains NY video 0+700+456-1004 Dallas Audio 0+700+456-2004 Dallas Video 0+700+456-1000 nearest audio 0+700+456-2000 nearest video Hope that helped some of you out. Later, John Doe MESSAGE: [15} ^^ABOVE^^ FROM (*>: X-MAN If any of you have tried to start a 700 conference lately, you do not get routed automatically to the correct bridge, but instead, you get an Alliance operator with a message; Can I help you? I do not know why this occurs, it is my guess that it is because Alliance got sick and tired of all the conferences that were being set up, and they decided to do something about it. For all of you who have PBX's, but still wish to place an international call, and do not have an international extender, the solution is simple; just dial the TSPS operator, and tell her that you want to place an international call. It weill save time and be helpful if you have a list of international country codes or city codes. These can be obtained by 1) opening the phone book and looking (most have some country listings) 2) calling Rate & Route and telling them that you are a cordboard, and you need an IOTC numbers route for country, city. [Continued] MESSAGE: [16]: CONTINUED FROM (*>:X-MAN [Continued] If you are capable of doing the above, you are most likely able to blue box. Just blow 2600 immediately after you get the info from R & R, and dial KP+011+0Country Code+ST. You will be routed to international sender. Then: KP+Country Code+City Code+Number+ST. Any one with some PBX's, start posting them, they are useful! X-Man the Legion of Doom! .