r92 R53 39/bbs's DUDE WEED (#16) TIME WED., 3/21 6:08 pm LAME call call the crusader! ud subs other shit sysop :Weed(me) cos:vassal,x.t.c. running an ivory 804-0086 24hrs 3/12bauds Pick 29-43 Or X RETURN = 40 40/bbs's DUDE TRICLOPS (#33) TIME THURS., 3/22 6:00 pm LAME New BBS Call Short Circut BBS Great Color pics!!! sysop= SLickster!!!! tell em Triclops sent ya!!! (201)733-2129 TrIcLoPs Pick 29-43 Or X RETURN = 41 [Library Files] +++++++++++++++ Note: Some or all of these files may be illegal to use or possess. * ª¸úæ oÎ ÷his bbs are not responsible for your actual use of the files or anything which may come of use or possession. They are for INFORMATIONAL purposes only! 1 - Hacking Vax's Unix 2 - REMOBS(Remote Obeservation) 3 - Hacking ARPAnet Pt.1 4 - Hacking ARPAnet Pt.2 5 - Laughing Gas 6 - Evading Pursuit 7 - Marijuana Grower Shakes DEA 8 - Tutorial on 4TEL 9 - Hacking Voice Mail Boxes Pick 1-9 Or 'A' +-+ | | +-+9 Voice Mail Hacking... by Aristotle 2600 Magazine Seq'd by Mad Scientist The Laboratory 201-997-8746 There are four models of the Genesis Voice Mailbox Systems (VMS). They all have the good VMS features, like voice data compression, ability to send messages to other users, user definable passwords (I believe up to 10 digits), user definable opening message, ability to review message when recording, and a separate phone number for each box. How to Hack the VMS The first step is to find the voice mail system. The easiest way to find a system is to look in the yellow pages under telephone answering services and/or equipment companies. I found a system in Louisville, Kentucky that was listed with the name Voicelink. Its number is 502-429-9200. After finding the VMS, you must find out what type of system it is. There are many different types, each with their own unique characteristics. If you find that the system is a Genesis system, look into it. Chances are you will be able to get on easily. A Genesis system has the following distinguishable characteristics: 1) If you hit "0" during the announcement, it will prompt you for the password. 2) If you hit "#", it will go to a phonebook system. The phonebook is used to look up users' boxes by spelling out their names. When the target Genesis system is found, do the following: 1) Find a mailbox with an announcement that says, "I am taking a message for mailbox number XXX." 2) During this announcement press the "0" key and wait for the password prompt. 3) At this prompt, press "0" again. This is almost always the password for the unused box. If it is not "0", then go o the next open box. 4) Now that you have control, change your password and follow the friendly directions. It is extremely user-friendly so you should have fun. The Laboratory 201-997-8746 Pick 1-9 Or 'A' +-+ | | +-+? +++++++++++++++ [Library Files] +++++++++++++++ Note: Some or all of these files may be illegal to use or possess. The Sysops of this bbs are not responsible for your actual use of the files or anything which may come of use or possession. They are for INFORMATIONAL purposes only! 1 - Hacking Vax's Unix 2 - REMOBS(Remote Obeservation) 3 - Hacking ARPAnet Pt.1 4 - Hacking ARPAnet Pt.2 5 - Laughing Gas 6 - Evading Pursuit 7 - Marijuana Grower Shakes DEA 8 - Tutorial on 4TEL 9 - Hacking Voice Mail Boxes Pick 1-9 Or 'A' +-+ | | +-+7 Marijuana Grower Shakes DEA By Kurt Saxon Seq'd by Mad Scientist Hackers Exchange (201)/997-8746 A while back a good friend of mine was arrested for growing marijuana in his home. This surprised me as I hadn't thought he was into drugs on any level. It turned out he just needed the money. What interested me was the brilliant method he used to grow plants indoors and the system which should have insured his immunity from being arrested. His downfall happened to be his own daughter-in-law. He had showed the setup to his son and he, in turn, told his wife. The son and daughter-in-law got into a quarrel and she snitched on Larry. Many indoor growers have been told on by their electric companies. The Halide lights so commonly used, drawing from 400 to 1000 watts each really shoot up the electric bill. This makes the utility company suspicious so they notify the DEA. H is cost was only about $5.00 per month. After examining Larry's setup the DEA agents swore to the judge that Larry's four-and-a-half foot tall, beginning to bud, plants were six months old. They were only nine weeks old, from seed. The DEA agents also estimated his units cost several hundred dollars when they cost under $75.00 each. The agents talked to Larry's son and let slip that Larry's was the slickest operation they'd ever raided and they could never have done it without an informant. They also indicated they were scared as hell that the method might get out to the general public. So remember, this is our secret, yours and mine. The newspaper story below is to illustrate, not only how lucrative the growing of marijuana can be, but the necessity of keeping the operation to yourself. If you study the article you'll realize that there was no burglary. Someone close to the Jonses, with a grudge against them, or as a competitor, faked a burglary and told the police. No burglar would have written, "Ha ha busted" or would have left the loot by the door. Whoever turned them in was afraid of retaliation so faked the break-in. Let this be a lesson to you. If you do anything without social approval, no matter how clever, tell no one. All the respect you might gain for being clever is not worth the risk of a jealous or self-rightous informer snitching. If Larry's idea appeals to you, tell no one. Don't even tell the one you wholesale it to. Also, don't sell it to users. Your best bet would be to find someone who sells it and wholesale it to him. Tell him something to the effect that you have a cop friend in some distant city who sends it to you to sell for him on occasion. This way, even the one you enlisted to move the product would not suspect you of either growing it or having a regular supply which would be found if you were to be raided. Police find "pot" farm in house BOSTON(UPI) - John and Linda Jones may want to extend their vacation. Policemen investigating a burglary at their home while the couple was away found an elaborate marijuana farm, a built in irrigation system and about $250,000 worth of the drug on the third floor. Authorities confiscated more than 85 pounds of high grade marijuana from the home, police spokesman Jane Sheehan said Sunday. The two, both 34, will be charged with trafficking more than 50 pounds of marijuana when they return home, Sheehan said. The police have reason to believe the Joneses are on vacation. The sophisticated marijuana farm was discovered Friday as the police were investigating a report of a burglary at the single-family home, Sheehan said. On the top floor of the three-story building, the police found at least 54 high grade sensimilia plants and a complex, timed irrigation system capable of watering the crop for weeks at a time without supervision, the police said. The farm included water pumps, fertilizer filters, humidifiers, ultraviolet lamps, irrigation gutters and drug paraphernalia, all of which was confiscated, the police said. "All that stuff," Sheehan said. "It was absolutely incredible." The police, who had search warrants when they entered the Joneses' home, also were investigating who broke into the home about 11 a.m. Friday - an incident reported to authorities by a 911 caller. The police found a rear door open with a color television set and other items stacked nearby. The police also found a message written in lipstick on a second floor bathroom mirror, apparently left by the burgular. "It said, 'Ha ha busted,'" Sheehan said. "It leaves you kind of wondering, although the [breaking and entering] appeared to be quite legitimate. The back door was open *** jewelery boxes had been gone through." Sheehan said the police would have to wait for the Joneses to return before learning what was taken illegally from the home. "We know their pot plans aren't there anymore," she said. "We took them. That's against the law you know." To better familiarize yourself with the growing of marijuana indoors, you will need a manual. This article does not carry you through the harvesting stage and, besides, you may have problems peculiar to your own circumstances. The best manual is Ed Rosenthal's "Marijuana Grower's Handbook, Revised-Indoor/Greenhouse Edition", $19.95 + $4.00 for UPS. if you must have it sent to your P.O. box, instead of by UPS, send $6.00 for first class mail. Their address is: Quick Trading Co., P.O. Box 477, San Francisco, CA 94101. (MS - The company may no longer exist. I have not researched it.) If you plan to sell marijuana and even harder stuff to Russian occupiers or Cuban invaders, you'll want the full range of knowledge concerning the dope field. For all this you'll need to subscribe to High Times, P.O. Box 410, Mt. Morris, IL 61054. $29.95 for 12 issues. (MS - Once again this company may no longer be in exis tence.) Growing Cabinet This growing cabinet is unique in the way it is built and lighted. The construction is simply 2x4 construction with some 1x2's around the top and 1x12's around the bottom. It is enclosed on the sides, back and top with large sheets of cardboard salvaged from refrigerator cartons at a local appliance store. The lumber was actually scraps picked up here and there. The main costs in the system were the lights, timer and heating pad. Buying these items at a local discount depa Pick 1-9 Or 'A' +-+ | | +-+a ---> ? The Laboratory DEAKS - LAMER) A Art! B Bull C Chat! E E-Mail F Mail 2 Mad Scientist G L8r! I Info! L Lib. M Msg Bases O User Msg R Userlist T U/d Area V Vote! Y Stats ! L-Feeds! ---> v WHICH DO YOU LIKE BETTER 1:LOUEEE THE KING MODS 2:DEAKS MODZ 3:THEY BOTH SUCK!! SO DELETE ME! PICKZ 1. 2 votes 22.2% 2. 6 votes 66.6% 3. 1 votes 11.1% ---> g +++? y ok connect 1200 Call These Other Boards! Cyberspace 201-916-1943 Batcave 201-779-3924 Underworld 201-523-9216 Station II 201-998-6316 Renegade+Systems 205-915-2847 Red Phone 201-748-4005 TTR 201-923-3037 Crime Syndicate 201-805-3491 Utopia 201-239-3155 Workshop Of Telescope 201-916-0425 LATER RIKK/NJD (C)90! IVORY DEAKS ok ok RETURN=next,Scan,Download,Read,*=select,Quit,?=Menu [=- Text Files -=] [10:34 am ] Command [> 9: Text Philez P-Z [UD:Punter][Unltd.Time][UnltdBlk]: .