WE THREE DRUNKS By Lucillus Dedicated to Bain the Polite, Magnus the Subtle and Ursus the Fuzzy (Sung to the tune of "We Three KIngs") CHORUS (All together) Oh, oh, brew of wonder, brew of might, We'll be drinking you all night Let's pound another, O my brothers, Why don't we drink some more and fight? (All together) We three drunks so glorious are We have yet to pass up a bar, Steady drinking dulls our thinking, We're looking good so far. (CHORUS) (Bain) Bain the bold is my given name Politeness is the name of my game Always caring always sharing Aren't you so glad I came? (CHORUS) (Magnus) Magnus I am called to my face Subtlety is my saving grace Always sneaking, never peeking, Hey, man, get off my case! (CHORUS) (Ursus) Last and least, poor Ursus am I Never sure who did what or why Sober never, fuzzy forever At least that's my alibi! (CHORUS) (All together) Now you know how cool are we three Aren't you just as jealous can be Truth we found it, now we drink it Excuse us, we have to pee. (CHORUS) .