Mama Don't 'Llow by Tom Rogers (to the tune of "Mama Don't 'Llow) Well Mama don't 'llow no singin' around here Well Mama don't 'llow no singin' around here Well we don't care what Mama don't 'llow Gonna sing our heads off anyhow Mama don't 'llow no singin' round here [off-key singin'][sing off key] [do-gooders][do some good] [boat rockin'][rock that boat] [leader questioning][question our leaders] [liberals][liberalize ourselves] [marijuana][DPS will import in anyhow] THE MILWAUKEE BALLAD by Paul Matte and Bob Hirschfeld) (to the tune of The Irish Ballad) About a man I'll sing a song, Sing rickety-tickety-tin About a man I'll sing a song, Who didn't keep his lovers long Not only did he do them wrong He did every one of them in, them in, Jeffrey Dahmer did all of them in. One evening in a fit of pique, Sing rickety-tickety-tin One evening in a fit of pique, he dropped some body parts-in-the-creek The water tasted bad for a week, And he had to make do with gin, with gin, he had to make do with gin. He boiled his victim down to bones, Sing rickity-tickity-tin He boiled his victims down to bones, And used them then to spread on scones, All they ever found were some bones, And occasional pieces of skin, of skin, Occasional pieces of skin. One day when he had nothing to do, Sing rickity-tickity-tin One day when he had nothing to do, he cut an Asian boy in two And served him up as an Irish Stew, And invited the neighbors bors in, bors in, Invited the neighbors in. And when at last the police came by, Sing rickity-tickity-tin And when at last the police came by, his little pranks he did not deny But the cops handed back the child, oh my! So that Dahmer could slaughter agin, agin, So that Dahmer could slaughter agin. My tragic tale I won't prolong, Sing rickity-tickity-tawn My tragic tale I won't prolong, And if you do not enjoy my song, Blame Milwaukee Police, if he killed too long, Homophobia let it go on, go on, homophobia let it go on. .