A SURVEY OF CONTEMPORARY OPINIONS of LAW ENFORCEMENT & RELIGIOUS LEADERSHIP IN AMERICA on OCCULT INFLUENCED CRIMES PRESENTED BY CASSANDRA-NEW (818) 899-3687 (300/1200/2400 BAUD, 8N1, DATA ONLY) An electronic news service of UNITED WICCAN CHURCH PO Box 16025 North Hollywood California, 91625-6025 United Wiccan Church has prepared this report to further the understanding of the press, law enforcement officers, religious leaders and the general public as to what the Wiccan religion is, where it has been, where it is going, who it is and when it is, as well as in the hopes of clarifying some of the misunderstanding about our Religion. This report is available free of charge to accredited authors, the media, teachers, police officers and other public officials who write to the United Wiccan Church on their letterhead and request a copy. Members of the Cassandra-Net, pagan publications and other Wiccan and/or pagan networks or organizations will also receive copies under the normal network and pagan press exchange agreements. Wiccans, pagans and members of the public may receive personal copies of this ,200 page report, for a fee of $20.00. This fee is charged in the spirit of the Wiccan "Law of Three" in that the $20.00 fee will not only pay for the copy you read but also two others that will be sent to members of the press or law enforcement of the purchaser's choice presuming we have not already sent to them. This report is copyrighted 1988 and 1989 by United Wiccan Church a 501(c)(3) California non-profit, tax-exempt religious corporation. License is granted for Non-Commercial reproduction and distribution as long as no fee is charged for these reproductions other than the cost of reproduction and printing. The name and address of the United Wiccan Church and this notice must be preserved on all copies. To facilitate copying and distribution, copies of this report will be made available on plain white paper without binding, under the terms and conditions stated above. TABLE OF CONTENTS A NEW CLASS OUTLINE OCCULT INFLUENCED CRIMES by United Wiccan Church SATANIC, OCCULT RITUALISTIC CRIME: A LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSPECTIVE by Supervisory Special Agent Kennith V. Lanning, FBI Academy SATANIC CULTS: A SKEPTICAL VIEW OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT APPROACH by Robert Hicks, Criminal Justice Analyst, Law Enforcement Section Dept. of Criminal Justice Services, Commonwealth of Virginia LAW ENFORCEMENT GUIDE TO WICCA by Kerr Cuhulain A Police Officer and A Wiccan THE COVENANT OF THE GODDESS - ANTI-DEFAMATION INFORMATION PACKET THE EVIDENCE OF SATAN IN CONTEMPORARY AMERICA: A SURVEY Dr. J. Gordon Melton, Director The Institute for the Study of American Religion QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT WITCHES by David Farren and the United Wiccan Church STATEMENTS ON SATANISM AND NEO-PAGANISM by: The Institute for the Study of American Religion School of Religion, University of Southern California Sandi Daly Gallant, San Francisco Police Dept. EXCERPTS FROM THE BY-LAWS OF UNITED WICCAN CHURCH BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKS CONCERNING WICCA DEFINITIONS OF WICCAN TERMS ARTICLES CONCERNING THE OCCULT  .