! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ------------------------- - sir francis drake - -------------------- presents... **************************** * phreaking * * tutorial * *********************** what is phreaking? ------------------ phreaking involves ripping off ma bell and other phone companies such as mci and gte.this can be done in a variety of ways.phreaking is almost 100% illegal,but has that ever stopped any- body? how do you phreak? ------------------ there are 3 basic ways to phuck the phone companies: 1.colored boxing.(blue,purple,etc.) 2.using sprint,mci without paying. 3."tricks of the trade" colored boxing -------------- a pushbutton phone works by emmiting tones of different frequencies.by changing the frequencies you can do some intresting stuff.phreaks have realized this and have built devices called boxes.there are many types of boxes here is a list of a few... types of boxes ------------- color function ----- -------- blue - all calls for the price of local purple- all calls free! silver- free calls,etc.army uses them! fuzz box - makes sound of coin dropped cheese box-makes calls untracable for more information send e-mail to f}sir francis l}drake what are boxes continued ------------------------ most of the above boxes work by making differnt tones for each key.i have the plans for:blue,silver,gree,brown boxes if you want them send e-mail. how do you phreak with sprint? ------------------------------ since the break up of att cheaper phone companies such as: itt mci gte sprint metrophone wu and many more.. until january 1st to use these services you call the local acssess number and then type in a 5 or 6 digit code.you can get programs that will call mci ,sprint,or whatever and try consecutive numbers until it gets one.to fight against this the companys use 2 things. ... 1.they have dummy numbers that you thin k work but when you call using it they trace you! 2.they change the numbers randomly eveery week or less,so you cant use a number to long! here are some access numbers you can try hacking... access numbers -------------- metrophone-(415) 579-6001 itt-(415) 858-2750 mci-(415) 495-2640 sprint-(415) 348-7700 future developments ------------------- after january first,the date the att break up starts,all hell will break loose because the reginal companies will not no what the fuck to do! who will profit from this? phreaks!! /E Downloaded from Just Say Yes. 2 lines, More than 500 files online! Full access on first call. 415-922-2008 CASFA Another file downloaded from: ! -$- & the Temple of the Screaming Electron ! * Walnut Creek, CA + /^ | ! | |//^ _^_ 2400/1200/300 baud (415) 935-5845 /^ / @ | /_-_ Jeff Hunter, Sysop |@ _| @ @|- - -| | | | /^ | _ | - - - - - - - - - * |___/____|_|_|_(_)_| Aaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! / Specializing in conversations, E-Mail, obscure information, entertainment, the arts, politics, futurism, thoughtful discussion, insane speculation, and wild rumours. An ALL-TEXT BBS. "Raw data for raw minds." .