/-< The Beginners Phreaking guide >-\ Brought to you by concerned phreak : `-_> Jimmy'z <_-' Volume 1.0 Introduction : Happy new year, and welcome to a new decade of phreaking! Although the phreaking world has taken a drastic dive, since ESS is now commonplace, I believe that with the superior knowledge of the phreaking community, we can win the fight for phree fone calls. These days, a phreak must be smart, trained, diciplined and most of all a phreak must remain noble. I hope you veteran phreaks enjoy this phile, and to you aspiring phreakers out there, pay attention and follow these instructions. They are the "right" way to be doing things these days... Since the latest philes about phreaking are around five years old. And very out dated at that. Getting started : One might ask, "How do I get started in the phreak world?" Well, the answer is very simple. One thing you can do very easily is to scam MaBell out of twenty cents. To my experiance, the following project can only be done on a Pacific Bell fortress phone (pay phone.) You know, the ones with the orange and blue instructions on them. Project: Getting phree local calls from a PacBell fortress Materials needed : a) One nail : Approxamately 2 inches long and 2/8 inches wide b) A friend (Hmmm, may be hard to come by with some of you guys.) c) The desire to have the power of free fone calls! d) One Pacific Bell Fortress Phone Procedure: This is fairly simple, although I suggest reading my notes and hepful hints about doing this. This procedure becomes more of an art after a while. You see, it takes just the right amount of pressure. Ok, here it is. Take the nail, and insert it into the center hole of the microphone (The mouthpiece.) It should fit in nicely with slight pressure Meanwhile, your phriend is looking out for any people that might put a damper on your plans. Ok, heres the crucial point of this project... With controlled strokes, use the handset as a sort of a hammer to pound the nail into the mouthpiece. I suggest using the side of the phone as an 'anvil.' Keep tapping the nail into the mouthpiece untill 'something' gives way and enables you to insert the nail into the mouthpiece more freely. After you have done this, you can test your handiwork by hanging up, and while touching the nail (that is now inserted into the mothpiece) to the silver metal that surrounds the keypad... dial any seven digit number. You should be now holding a *two way* conversation between someone. You did good! And now, you can consider yourself a REAL phreak. Not just aother one of the masses of code abusers. Technical Explanation : If you have just begun into the wonderful world of phreaking, then this may confuse you somewhat, but just bear with this section of the phile, as it is very important in becoming a phreak, you see... A phreak should not only use the phone system for his personal endavors, but he should also *understand* the telephone network as well... Ok, what is happening inside the phone when you touch the nail to the keypad is that the phone is being grounded. Thats simple enough. Before, you had to enter a dime. You can attest to this grounding, by becoming the ground yourself. Simply pickup the reciever, place your thumb over the nail, and with your other hand, hang the phone up. You should feel a shocking sensation in your wrist that is making contact witht the nail. I have foud this to be extremely painful, and doing this is only reccomended to be done as a joke to phriends. This 'nail' method may be used in conjunction with a green box, to get long distance calls... All you green boxers out there will no longer have to enter a nickel before you play your tones... Just Touch the nail to the pad, dial, and play your tones while the "The call you have made..." recording is going, And then, an electronic womans voic should then say, "Thank You." And, thus... Your call being connected. For all of you beginners, who have no idea of what a green box is, or does, is this.: A green box is simply a micro-recorder that has a recording of quarters dropping into a telephone on it. You see, when a coin is put into a pay phone, the equipment sends a series of "controll tones" to the telephone office.(By chance, they can be heard over the handset.) These tones are like "proof" that you put your money in. So, what one might do, is : Go to an arcade and get about $2.00 worth of quarters. Then go find your payphone. Put your radio shack telephone amplifyer over the earpiece, and plug your micro - casette recoreder into the MIC output. Start dropping money into the phone, then after you are finished... Hit coin return. Then go back (to the arcade) and play your two bucks worth of video games, since thats the only real thing you can do with quarters these days. Notes : As I have previously mentioned, this procedure becomes more of a skill, and an art as you become more adept in this technique. Keep trying different means of getting that nail at *just* the right depth. As you will soon find out, the microphone of the handset will sometimes be destroyed in the prcess, in that case, move on to the next phone (very seldomly will one find a 'lone phone booth.') Closing: In closing, I would like to recognise a few people for helping to perfect this technique. Dream Warrior, Master Of servants and a few others were there when this all happened. I hope this file taught all of you beginners out there something about the telephone system, and please... by all means feel phree to ask me any questions pertaining to this project. Forward: Keep your eyes open for the next volume of beginners phreaking, I will try to explain how codes may be used to a phreaks advantage, and the do's and don'ts of code hacking/phreaking. For later issues and constant updates on hacking, phreaking and anarchy, Call Hotel California BBS at (618)-258-0939 File completed 1/19/90 Written exclusively By : >< Jimmy'z >< [213]  .