The Beginners Guide to Phreaking - the lost art Part ][ By: Jimmy'z Introduction: In this, the second part of 'The Beginners Guide to Phreaking - the lost art' I will discuss what extenders, ports, and 800 dialups are. I'll tell how they can work for you, how they can work against you, and all the other good stuff that you have come to expect. Ports and Extenders : Ports and extenders are BASICALLY the same thing. Some phreaks argue amongst each other upon technicalities... BUT If you've never heard of any of them, that's ok. Ports and extenders are numbers that a LD (Long Distance) Service (GTE, SPRINT, MCI, Etc...) issues their customers - to access their LD carrier. Once the customer dials this extender or port [950-XXXX , or 1-800-XXX-XXXX] he then enters his access code and the number he wants to call. He is then billed for the call later on around the 30th of the month. Clear enough. Now, what YOU can do is. Find a local extender [950-XXXX, or 1-800-XXX-XXXX]. You can do this by asking a local phreaker for one. Try to find out the order in which then code is entered (Some extenders have you enter the phone number, then the code... most are code first, though.) Then, start hacking it... you can try this manually - but that is lame. Hacking an extender is done automatically by programs. The most popular hacking program is Code Thief. This program supports a full range of options, and works great. What the hacking program does : 1]Dials the extender. 2]Enters the code, and phone number. 3] Waits for a modem connection. The ONLY reason this works is because Code Thief entered a modem line as the Target (The # you wanna call is called the target.) SO, when the modem connects - you know you entered the right code! Warning: Lately, the above methods have become dangerous. The only reason phreaking has become dangerous, and endangered is due to the fact that phreaks ABUSE the codes they hack. Personally... whenever I get a new code, I use it twice from home (to call LD boards) then discard it, or use it from phone booths to call porno lines, or WHATEVER! This is the ONLY way. If you start going crazy on a code they WILL come and take your computer away from you. Closing: In closing, phreaking is truly 'a lost art' simply because not many people out there are educated about it. Phreaking can be very fun and exciting. It can also be VERY harmful to your health. Stay away from Sprint and MCI as a rule. Smaller Phone companies are less likely to bust you because they don't have the resources. Disclaimer: This file in intended for informational purposes only! I reserve the right to free speach, and am hereby exercising that right! (C)opy - yeah - right 1991 Jimmy'z And, as always, call Hotel California for future updates! (618)-258-0939 A phree call!  .