Monday, August 16, 4:15 am Package #1 PhreakToys series Stripped - ink produckshuns Good evening friends, I am proud to announce the trial run of Stripped - ink produckshuns GIF format PhreakToys series. Each edition will contain: 1) The main GIF with the meat. (DIAGRAM.GIF) 2) A logo GIF with signature(s) and where to reach us. (CREDIT.GIF) 3) A printable application. (STRINKAP.TXT) 4) Comments, if any. (COMMENT.TXT) 4) A surprise. I would really like responses from those who download this. Tell me what you think of the files, the format, layout, colors, etc.... Just a reminder, this is only a trial release, DO NOT BUILD THE BOX DEPICTED IN THE FILE DIAGRAM.GIF, IT HAS NOT BEEN TESTED, AND IS FOR TRIAL PURPOSES ONLY. IT WILL BE TESTED, AND RELEASED AT A LATER DATE FOR CONSTRUCTION. Right off of the bat, I would like to say that I do not take credit for the original ideas behind some of the things we will make files about, that would be preposterous. However, some of the files out there do not work, so we will test the ideas, try to improve them, and, if the finished product passes muster, it will be released to you. Thus, I cannot say what the interval between editions will be. I hope you like the idea of using GIF instead of ANSI, I found that I could create better with a program that uses GIF, so I gave it a shot. The GIF's are 1024x768x256, so set your program accordingly. Vpic and CShow work well. CShow lets you zoom in on parts of the GIF, so getting that might be to your advantage on the GIF's with more complicated diagrams. Your input is wanted. If you are into alternative learning, feel free to contribute your ideas or apply. We are not assholes and are still learning ourselves, we always will be. Help this idea survive, and contribute to your future. Remember, what you learn now, you *will* need later. Life will change drastically in the future, so become as proficient as you can in all the areas that you are able to. If you are a SysOp, and want your board to be a distribution site for ALL Stripped - ink produckshuns, all we ask is that you put your affiliation with us on your logon screen, and let us know somehow that you want our files to be uploaded to you immediately upon release. Thanks for your time, send us your ideas, your gripes, your applications, your mail bombs, etc.... Now, the bullshit. The author(s) of the file(s) associated with this package, do in no way support or condone illegal activity directed against any private or federal institution, business, or entity for that matter. The system that these files were retrieved from, and the operator of that system claims no responsibility for the use or misuse of this package. This package was made in the spirit that information is free for those who want it, and what they do with it is their responsibility. Basically, this is for informational purposes only, and we aren't responsible for what you gain or fuck up. Seeyaround, Jack The Ripper ______________________________________________________________________________ Boards I call frequently enough to get mail on: Mixed Reality (214) 298-2838 The Subversive (214) 224-7858 The Gathering (214) 771-2471 _____________________________________________________________________________ .