####################################### # # # Shooting Shark's # # Laws of # # PhreakingHHacking # # # ####################################### **Call C0SMOS: 313-855-0203 **On Broadway: 415-571-7056 The following are a set of rules which govern the actions and events concerning phreaking and hacking. All phreakers and hackers should be familiar with these in order to understand the universe that shhe lives in... No matter how soon you get a Compuserve account #, by the time you try it out, someone has changed the password. When hacking an extender or a Sprint number, you will choose a field of numbers that has no valid codes whatsoever. Cool boards are always busy. Corollary: When a cool board is not busy, that is because it is temporarily down. 2600 hz tones never go through. Red Boxes never work. The popularity of a board is directly proportional to the number of local losers who will harrass you on that board. The probability of data loss is directly proportional to the importance of the file being received. No matter how soon you get a new ware, at least 10 people already have it. Dow Jones passwords never work. 800 extenders are busy 99% of the time. Corrolary: When they are not busy, your modem does not recog- nize the carrier that the board you have been trying to get through to all night is sending because the connection is so weak. If you call a board without using a long distance service, it will ring. When you immediately hang up to save your bill and call back using a long distance service, it will be busy. Your last issue of 2600 got "lost in the mail". If only 3 people try to call Sherwood Forest early Monday morning, they will all call at the same time and not try again. All CNAA dialups become obsolete upon posting on a board. That 2400 baud modem you CC'd will never come. COSMOS never works the way it should. All home-made pyrotechnics will explode prematurely. Your prefix uses ESS. The only people who are still on Crossbar think "Control Characters" would be Max, 99, and the Chief. Black Boxes do not work anywhere in the universe. Your file at FBI headquarters is growing daily. Your home phone # has been posted on a board in Nowhere, Iowa by some Rodent you insulted 2 years ago. Whenever you need a dumb operator, you get a smart one. Corollary: whenever you need a smart operator, you will get a dumb one. Security guards check the trash bins at AT&T only once a day- when you are in them. All carbon copies of credit card receipts are illegible. When you order something with a CC, the salesman will invariably ask for your home phone #. That great computer system you spent 2 hours on yesterday had ANI. TRW formats change every 7 minutes. The probability that an Operator will come on and take control of your conference is directly proportional to the number of people on and the importance of the information being conveyed. Your 4-year old sister will come into your room tomorrow and take apart your blue box. Files on hacking particular are always incomplete and inacurate. Your parents will confiscate your modem tomorrow. Your local telephone franchise has noticed that you made over 300 WATS line calls last month. Copyright 1985 Shooting Shark X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .