Original File From United Phone Network International Inc. /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* / C H R I S J O N E S / / presesnts... / / --[=THE BEST OF PHREAKING=]-- / / / /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ This file will deal with what we consider some of the very best of phreaking, hacking, and demolitions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[=BOXING=]-- Blue-boxing or "boxing" for short is simply a way to make a free long distance phone call. Boxing is growing scarce because of the presence of ESS(Electronic Switching Service), which can trace a blue box in an instant. If you want to know whether or not you're on ESS just call the operator and ask her. If you are, you can usually call most Canadian places and box off them by going through an extender, or paying the 50 cents and dialing the number direct. Here is what is required in order to box: THE TONES-These tones disconnect the operator, and allow you to dial out as an operator. The following tones are required in order to start blue-boxing: 2600 HZ-to get on/off trunk TONE MATRIX AFTER 2600 HZ. 700: 1 : 2 : 4 : 7 : 11 : 900: + : 3 : 5 : 8 : 12 : 1100: + : + : 6 : 9 : KP : 1300: + : + : + : 10: KP2: 1500: + : + : + : + : ST : 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 After you have acqired the the tones used, do the following: dial the "blow-off" number such as 915-555-1212. While ringing blow 2600, the KP-xxx-xxx-xxxx-ST, where xxx is the number you wish to dial. This is great for setting up conferences which I'll get to later. CONFERENCES-A conference is, of course, a lot of people on one line talking to each other. To start a conference, you can do the above by dialing 0-700-456-1000 in place of the x's, or you can use a PBX which is by far the easiest. PBX's are kind of like extenders, except that can be used to dial all over the world. 1. Dial a PBX 2. Enter the access code(you'll then hear a dial tone) 3. Enter "69". (to dial out) 4. Then 0-700-456-1000(1)(2), or (3) SABOTAGE(My favorite part) There are all sorts of ways to sabotage things. These should work best for most of your basic needs: Communications Sabotage- 1. Telephones One easy way to sabotage a single phone line is to call up the phone co, and say that you(the victim) are moving and would like to have your phone disconnected. To do this you need the following: 1. Person's name, address, phone #, and zip code. 2. An address to send the last bill to which includes a complete mailing address like John Doe 201 Hacker Ave. Hacker Heaven, Fa 83174 To do mass damage you must work with the phone wires themself which can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. Most places have lines that are above ground, but some major city's are underground in the sewers. You must be careful not to electrocute yourself especially in the sewers because you have the electric cables mixed in with the phone lines too. The basic tools should be:rubber-soled shoes(sneakers), pliers with rubber grips, heavy duty wire or tin cutters(also with rubber grips), a pair of surgical rubber gloves, a small flashlight(go at night), and a body strap to allow you to operate freely once up the pole. IMPORTANT. Before doing any cutting get a hold of and read a copy of a telephone repairman's manual and READ IT. Then have fun with the phone company. The same operation can be accomplished in urban areas by getting a map of the sewer system and the phone lines available from you local library. In addition to the tools above, in exchange for the strap, you need a rubber insulated hacksaw and a crowbar. The hacksaw is for the metal casing that surrounds the wires. Be careful not to cut into any electric line or I don' t care how insulated you are, you'll fry like a fish. Make sure that you study the map of the sewers. You don't want to get lost down there. A really simple way is to just plant a charge and run like hell, but this is a sloppy method and could do more harm than good. BOOBY TRAPS Here are some awsome booby traps to use: 1. Gate Trap-This is an extremely easy to make device. All you need is a hand-grenade and, of course, a gate. To set, pull the pin on a regular tension release grenade an place under the gate or anywhere where it will supply the necessary pressure. Then when the gate opens or closed, BOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! 2. Pen Trap-Take an ordinary plastic or metal retractable ball-point pen and take out the ink cartridge. In it's place put a small amount of tetryl(see HIGH EXPLOSIVES file) Above the charge is placed a firing pin. This pin is held under pressure by the pen's spring. The tension is released by reversing the firing pin motion. When the user snaps the plunger of the ball-point, the firing pin crashed into the tetryl detonating it. 3. Tobacco Pipe Trap-The intent here is to blow off the smoker's head. Place a small amount of tetryl in the mouthpiece of the pipe, and attach a fuse, which leads through the rest of the pipe to a point 1 quarter inch from the bowl. When the smoker lights the pipe it ignites the fuse which burns down and detonates the tetryl. SUPER BUGS We all know that most Federal authorities eavesdrop on people even though it's against the law. So why shouldn't you? The following is a description and a listing of how to obtain some of the best electronic devices available today: CONY MFG CORP Rm 301 Hirooka Bldg No 59, 2 Chome Kangetsu cho Chikusa ku Nagoya 464 JAPAN CONY advertises the smalles bug in the world. It is the size of your fingernail and has a range of 1000 ft. It is run on small 1.4 volt mercury battery is almost invisible. The price is only $35. Edmund Scientific 101 E Gloucester Pike Barrington, NJ 08007 Edmund is a very reputable company and have just about every scientific device you could want including binoculars, infrared viewers, parabolic microphones, and so on. These people are reliable and a good company to do business with. PK ELECTRONICS Heidenkampsweg 74 2000 Hamburg 1 Federal Republic of Germany This company is the Rolls Royce of of electronic surveillance dealers. They have everything you could possibly think of and more. If you have around $24,000 to spend, you might want the updated Laser Monitoring System. This is a device that when directed at a window picks up the vibrations from the speakers inside, demodulates the vibrations, and then stores them in a cassette player. It has a range of 1500 ft. and is virtually undetectable. It is on of the best bugs ever made. This company also has things like The Atomic Explosion Simulator which actually simulates a nuclear explosion complete with flash and mushroom cloud. If you deal with this company be prepared to pay through the nose for just there catalog. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINAL NOTE: Before employing any of the things mentioned above, make sure that you have planned everything down to the last detail. This includes alternate escape routes, allibys, etc. And use these methods only, in your opinion, if you feel that you have no other alternative. ----------------------[============================]------------------------- *HAVE PHUN* *STAY PHREE* --[=CHRIS=]-- /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ .