How to fight Sprint Security Well friends, Sprint has declared war on the phone phreaks and is starting to set traps, trace lines, and question the SYSOPs of BBS systems. I thank that this has gone on long enough! It time we start to fight back. What I would suggest is that everybody find five or ten access codes and put these on a flyer with a local access number and instructions on how to use the system and how to find more codes. Next, make a LARGE number of copies of this flyer and distribute them as widely as possible. Put them on cars in the school parking lot, in the local phone booths, on bulletin boards around colleges, etc. If Sprint starts experiencing a VERY large number of ripoffs then a number of things could happen. The bright boy in security who decided to start the crack-down may get fired, paying custo- mers may get fed up with the huge bills, SPC may make the codes longer and thus lose customers because of the inconvenience of the longer codes. In any case, SPC will have so many people using the system for free that the chances of them getting anyone of us is so small as to be insignificant. Nickie Haflinger, The Coven .