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For more information email lolie@freenet.hut.fi or check out http://www.inmind/com/people/therock LoL is: Dead Whorse: lolie@freenet.hut.fi Devil Locke: therock@inmind.com Pyro Teknik: an613617@anon.penet.fi Kaigen: fd7351@acs.brockport.edu *New Header by: Pyro Teknik* In this issue: my two cents. -Dead Whorse Q+A -Dead Whorse, et al Blue Boxing Today -Pyro Teknik COCOTs -Pyro Teknik ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ my two cents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well kiddies, it seems that the government has heard us, and campaigns like the EFF Blue ribbon drive, were not in vain, today, 6/12/96, A federal court ruled the "indecency" laws in the new communications act unconstitutional. It will most likely be appealed to the supreme court. It is important that we not give up the right to free speech online. Pornography is not the problem, it is the symptom. It is a symptom of society's repressed sexuality. Sex is a natural thing, and each one of us has a drive to have sex. Religon was the first thing to label anything that feels good, "bad". We need to fight back. Sex is not a "bad" thing. Sex sells because there is a demand. Throbbing masses of people in this world, hungering and craving for an outlet. And then an outlet opens up. A beautiful outlet where one can remain anonymous, and still express these sexual feelings. Yes, times are changing, and they are changing fast. Maybe someday, somewhere, we can be totally free. But for now, fight. -DH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q+A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >What the heck is a red box? or do I have to make it to find out? No such thing as a stupid question, right? I have decided to answer this question because LoLie shouldn't be limited to only advanced topics, little has been written on the basics since the 80's. Nah, a red box is a tone generator that can generate the tones used when you put a quarter or other coins in a payphone.. Therefore it is only useful for various payphone phreaking. It dosn't have to be electronic, It could be made out of the greeting cards that record a few seconds of sound, and a computer that can playback the tones into the card. DH From xxxxx@aol.com (name x'ed to protect the innocent. ) >How is a blue box created. In the beginning, there were phones, and it was good. The only thing, was that these phones liked to eat money. God looked down upon the money eating phones, and thought, "This is very bad." So god sent down the blue box. And it was good. -DH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blue Boxing Today: Is it still possible? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I think most of us know what blue boxing is and basically how it works. But, it's amazing how many people know how to but haven't even tried! In my experience boxing is very easy and if you're sensible you won't get caught. I've boxed hundreds of calls through Trinidad, Venezuela and China, from Britain. The easiest way seems to be to call a toll free number in a country which uses older equipment - Trinidad and the like - and send the tones there. In America I've heard that blue boxing is now rather difficult, as the phone system mainly uses out-of-band signalling. Most of the signalling is done by CCIS lines - in short you can't box when you're using these lines. The trick is to find some of the many trunks which use in-band signalling. Although, I read somewhere that there is a way to get your tones to be picked up by the trunk, even if the trunk uses out-of-band signalling. Have a peek around at the WATS extenders. Or, you can call toll free numbers which connect to numbers in different countries. In Britain these are the 0800 89* *** numbers. It's amazing what you can find under these. I once found a support bulletin board for AMD in America and according to the login screen, the phone number was not toll free it was a normal telephone line for Americans. It seems as though BT has a rather messed up system. If you're desperate to find a place to blue box through, do scanning from a phone box with your tones on tape, or those little keyrings which can store 20 seconds of tones. Scanning from home can be a bad idea, as your TelCo might start watching you. Despite of all the blueboxing I've done from home - hundreds of calls - and other phreaking, British Telecom has never batted an eyelid. And, I don't think TeleMalta would really give a damn anyway, as you're allowed to phone tap here in Malta at the moment! Anyway, have fun. My next article on boxing will explain how Blue Boxing works precisely. Please email me at lolie if you have any questions about phones. - by Pyro Teknik ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COCOTs : Customer Owned Coined Operated Telephones ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COCOTs are phones which to a normal layman look and taste like a normal payphone. Actually they aren't, if you look at them, you will notice that in America they don't have any telco logos, while in Britain they have a BT logo and in Malta they have a Southern Bell logo! You can find these phones in shops, restaurants and hotels. These phones normally charge more than a normal payphone, so you'll get less time for your dime/pence/Maltese cents. This is because the owner of the phone is making a profit. A COCOT is connected to a standard phone line, and the owner of the phone has to pay the bill. If he charges more than the normal TelCo charges then he makes a profit. I know of three ways to make free calls from these phones. The first is to look around the phone, and see if you can find where it is plugged into the wall. If it is visible, then just unplug the COCOT and plug in your own hand set. The socket is not always visible, but sometimes it is. The second method is by entering a code on the handset. This is the first method I discovered. One day, some friends and I were playing with a COCOT and suddenly the dialtone re-appeared. We had punched in the code which the phone owner uses to use the phone without having to put in money. The phone was a 'BT Payphone 200 MK II' although we beleive it was actually a COCOT. The code we had typed in was *#2580. After the dialtone reappears and we could call anywhere for free. I mean anywhere - local, national, international, 0891 numbers etc. I'm going to find out some more information about this phone from BT soon. The third method is the most likely to work. I only know of this working in the US of A. For this you will probably need a DTMF dialer, like the ones that Radio Shack make. First you call a toll free number, 1-800-RAPE-ME, or what ever, and make the other end hang up. Say "Sorry wrong number" or whatever comes to mind. After they hang up you will here a click and if you're lucky a dialtone. This dialtone is the REAL dialtone. The one you heard when you first picked up the phone is fake, created by the COCOT. From there you can dial a number. The number pad is VERY likely to be disabled, so use your DTMF dialler. Some of these COCOTs try to be cunning, and as soon as they hear the dialtone, they reset themselves. In this case as soon as the 1-800 number hangs up, start making some noise, hissing or blowing into the mouthpiece is best. Now, dial the first digit of the phone number and stop hissing at the same time. This will indicate to the local exchange that you have started to dial and it should stop sending the dial tone. You can now dial the rest of the digits for the phone number and you should be connected. There are some phones where as soon as the call is finished, the mouthpiece is disabled, in this case you're out of luck. *NOTE* There is a good way to listen to somone's conversation on a payphone. Most modern payphones (In Britain anyway) have facilities for deaf people to use their hearing aid in a certain way so that they don't hear any of the background noise. The phone sends the sound via radio waves, not very far, but far enough for the sound to be picked up by the hearing aid. Now, if you want to listen to the conversation (good if you're nosey or want to listen for personal details or whatever) you can either wear a hearing aid in the 'T' position or use a radio to listen into the correct frequency. I'm getting some detailed information about payphones and COCOTS soon, and so I'll be writing about the technical details hopefully in a few weeks. - by Pyro Teknik ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well that's all for this issue, submit something, and you can be part of the next issue. ading slowly away..... LoL information exchange. Issue 3. 06/12/96 -EOF- .