r70 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% How to Raid Your Local Central Office or Repair Station Volume II ======================================= HTRYLCO v2 (C)1990 TC Written by Phantom Lord/TC NET Volume 1, Issue 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Ok.. for all you desperate people risking your asses scanning all those 950 suffixes, and 800 perfixes bustin your ass looking for dialups and systems... STOP! There is a much easier way... as i have found... In nearly every city/town in this country...or nearby, there is at least one Central office for your area. This office controlls switching, billing, and rudimentary maintenence to the bell lines. Its amazing how much information, and believe it or not, equipment, can be found at these multitudes of readily accessible locations. What you must do is look in your phone book for your local bell office... then drive to it... it may or may not be your Central office. drive around your town untill you find a bell building that looks like a decent size. (This isn't absolutely nescessary... but if you go to the small places...your less likely to find anything usefull...) Most of the larger ones have anywhere from 1 to 50 bell trucks,cars,and or vans parked somewhere around them. Most, as are here, have a wall or fence of some sort around them. Now if your lucky to find one... drive by during the day...dont act suspicious though... and see where their dumpsters are located. usually their located either in an alley behind the building(s) or next to them, or if they have a large parking lot, they may even be near the road. (wich makes it a little tougher in some ways). Ok..after you locate the dumpsters, watch the place for a week...and see when they pick up the trash... You will also figure out when the personell leave/arrive... if any deliveries arrive on set days... etc etc... you can skip this part if ya wanna be one brave little shit... but i'd advise against it... After you watch it for a week or two, then you should be ready to hit the place... (no not literally)... What equipment you should take with you depends on what your actuall goals for your little 'evening of fun' happen to be... If your just going to grab a shitload of printouts, bills, cosmos printouts, and that line of stuff... all you'll need is a few trash bags, a good flashlight, and either a fast car, or a good pair of running shoes (in case ya have to haul ass out of there)... Now...if your a real brave, or ingenious person...(or possibly even just plain stupid), you can go for the big one... actually attempting..and probably succeding, in entering the bell building(s) themselves... wich can be a field day if you get lucky... Many computers, phones, linemans handsets, cars, vans, all sorts of electronic heaven can be found in most Central offices or repair stations... Just make sure to wear gloves, and take either a good lockpicker, or a crowbar with you... but these are usually not even needed...as many times, the bell fools leave several doors unlocked... but if in fact they are locked...and you can neither pick the lock, nor pop the sucker open with a crowbar, then if you are really desperate...you can always break out a window... and no...i dont mean grab a rock and throw it throug the window either... tape the ENTIRE window with duct tape... then when you hit it with your fist,shoe,head,etc, it wont explode everywhere... just remember not to take too much time... and if your just going thru the dumpsters, watch out for all those nasty pizza boxes...those bell slobs are always messy... well...if this has helped anyone good for you... like i said... its easy... and you can easily find hundreds of pages of printouts on anything from ANI to Lmos... if you go the day before they pick up the trash.... if not...there may not be alot... you never can tell... Hope this shows you the basic methods of raiding your local Bell CO, the lack of any common sense makes it a easy job...believe me it is... Watch for more 'helpfull' files by TC soon... and call these dist. boards for more TC files and info... Chaotic Society (419)-726-0125 Atomic Cafe (817)-465-3271 9: Text Philez P-Z [UD:Punter][Unltd.Time][UnltdBlk]: .