The --=RoT=-- Reign of Terror Site Summary =================== as of April 3rd, 1993 by Deicide --------------------------------- Headquarter's: 6 Feet Under(WHQ) - MoW. TNET, Platinum Net, HitNet. Supports H/P/A/V & 0 Day Warez. (604) US Robotics Dual Standard The Cellar (USHQ) - Skillion Dist, Ram Dist, FAiC Dist, Phelony Magazine USHQ. OofNet, HitNet, PhelonyNet, TSANNet, UTNet. H/P/A/V & 0 Day Warez. (401) US Robotics Dual Standard (401) US Robotics Dual Standard Member Sites: Northern Lights - Razor 1911 Member Site, MALiCE WHQ, CUD Dist site. 1.2 Gigs. 0hr Warez,H/P/V/C & Drug Files. 3 node ringdown... (906) US Robotics Dual Standards Distribution Sites: The Web - ACiD Member Site, ESP Courier Coordination, IIRG Dist Site, Phantasy Magazine Dist Site. OofNet, CyberCrime(CCi)Net. 0 Day Warez & H/P. (203) US Robotics Dual Standards The Dead Zone - 0 day warez. 4 Nodes, 3 Gigs. Ringdown to 4 16.8 DS's.. (403) US Robotics Dual Standards If you are interested in becoming a member or site for -=RoT=-, contact one of the above boards, or a member, for an application. .