Argh! Its back! The April '95 Ware Report, by The Renegade Chemist (Sometimes referred to by immature sore LOSERS as the 'bullshit' report.) Explanations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Game Name - This is self-explanatory. Disks - The number of disks in a given game. Rated - The release's point rating, based on major-ness of the release, publisher, platform, etc. For example, Elite 3 is a long-awaited title from a major publisher (Gametek) so it earns the maximum of 9 points, while USA Scenery West/East are upgrades to data disks for a flight sim that nobody plays from a publisher that is not noteworthy, earning only 3 points. Rel. Size - Actual byte size of the release. Bytes Awarded - Number of ware report bytes awarded. Normally, this will be the same size as the release size, but if a group puts out an update, it only gets 1/2 credit (if I even choose to recognize the release of the update). If a group puts out a game badly cracked or not cracked and someone else fixes it before the original group, the group gets 1/2 credit and the fixing group gets the other half, etc. I try to be fair. Ware Report : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Game Name Disks Rated Release Size Bytes Awarded ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genesis ~~~~~~~~~ Blackjack for Windows 1/1 3 668,408 668,408 Links 386 Pro: Devil's Island 3/3 6 3,426,038 3,426,038 Psycho Pinball 5/5 8 7,155,291 7,155,291 Sail '95 for Windows 3/3 4 4,423,582 4,423,582 Sim City 2000 URK for Windows 2/2 5 2,821,678 2,821,678 Sim Tower for Windows 3/3 8 2,956,234 2,956,234 Tower Assault 2/2 8 2,597,100 2,597,100 USA Scenery East - Revision 2 4/4 3 5,011,106 5,011,106 USA Scenery West - Revision 2 5/5 3 5,901,972 5,901,972 ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28/28 48.00 34,900,307 34,900,307 Number of Monthly Rel. : 9 Release Quality Average : 5.34 Genesis Group Score : 186.37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eclipse ~~~~~~~~~ Bridge Deluxe 2 3/3 6 3,503,731 3,503,731 Elite 3 : First Encounters 3/3 9 3,675,794 3,675,794 Pyrotechnica 5/5 7 7,057,077 7,057,077 Wrath of Earth 7/7 5 9,034,596 9,034,596 Wrath of Earth Speech Disks 2/2 5 2,662,398 2,662,398 ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20/20 32.00 25,933,596 25,933,596 Number of Monthly Rel. : 5 Release Quality Average : 6.40 Eclipse Group Score : 165.98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razor 1911 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1830: Railroads/Robber Barons 4/4 8 4,645,537 4,645,537 Football Glory 1/1 5 1,013,670 1,013,670 Las Vegas for MS Flight Sim. 7/7 4 9,165,983 9,165,983 Nerves of Steel 3/3 5 3,388,735 3,388,735 Transport Tycoon World Editor 1/1 4 1,018,147 1,018,147 ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16/16 26.00 19,232,072 19,232,072 Number of Monthly Rel. : 5 Release Quality Average : 5.2 Razor 1911 Group Score : 100.01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyranny ~~~~~~~~~ Brett Hull Hockey 4/4 9 5,246,056 5,246,056 Word Crazy for Windows 2/2 4 2,847,289 2,847,289 ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6/6 13.00 8,093,345 8,093,345 Number of Monthly Rel. : 2 Release Quality Average : 6.50 Tyranny Group Score : 52.61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Really Biased Commentary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My ware report just wouldn't be the same without some nice bitching, and besides, I gotta give the guys from Genesis an excuse to edit my diz and nuke this from their boards, so here goes .. As has happened many times in the past, this month quantity triumphed over quality as GNS took the lead. Don't get me wrong, GNS put out some nice games like Sim Tower, Psycho Pinball and Tower Assault, but they also cracked an equal amount of pure shit, including 2 updates for old expansion disks for a flight sim that nobody plays (should have TDU-Jammed it guys!), a budget game for Windows, etc. Nice job on the good stuff guys, but lay off the total shit. We get enough of it already. Also, the GNS crew showed off their maturity (or more specifically, a lack of it) in an nfo file ragging on the new group, Eclipse. Pretty lame guys. But its typical of what GNS does when they can't hang with another group's releasing prowess - remember, Genesis' first releases, budget at that, were ragging on Razor last year. I guess some things never change. Eclipse made a strong showing this month, coming in #2 behind veteran GNS. Pretty impressive for a group that everyone's out to kill. I guess we will have to see what happens in the future, but if Eclipse keeps cranking out good Psygnosis and Interplay games, who knows what might happen .. Razor got beat out by newcomer Eclipse, and by Genesis. Big shock. They're still talking plenty of shit though, even though all the two year or more veteran members of the group have now joined Eclipse. Two big Razor boards got busted last month, and allegations are still flying every which way about who's busting what. I guess we'll have to see what the future holds for Razor, but with rumors of unrest in the group, debts to suppliers, and God only knows what else, I suspect we will see Nexus, sorry, Razor 1911 crumble in the next few months. P.S., it should also be noted that both times a game had protection this month, Razor either released it uncracked and cracked it later (1830) or fucked up the crack (Football Glory). Wow. Tyranny started off great with Brett Hull Hockey, but the rest of the month was kinda cold for them (kinda like last night's Stars-Sharks game). Who knows what will happen in the future, but their star supplier of March, Psycho Stik, is now supplying for Razor. We'll see, but I always like to root for the underdog. There HAS been one weird event this month. A new group on the scene, Scandal, seems to be putting out a lot of games. The ones we have checked out are fakes (Rolling Ronny, Lunar Command), just repackaged versions of the originals. The ones we haven't seen, we're too scared to unzip. Take a risk if you want to, but until someone tells me otherwise, I will treat all wares from Scandal as fakes, and they will not be counted. To summarize, its been an interesting month in the scene. My comments are not as detailed as I'd like them to be, but then, there's only so much time in a day. Hope you liked another edition of the ware report, I will try to do more of them in the future. Thanks to Cyber Angel for putting one out while I was preoccupied, hopefully it will continue so when my report gets wiped off of your local GNS board you'll still have one to read. The Renegade Chemist / Eclipse .