##### Updated format CLINTON/GORE ON ISSUES OF CONCERN TO GAYS AND LESBIANS Stop discrimination against gays and lesbians at all levels of government: As President, Bill Clinton would issue executive orders to repeal the ban on gays and lesbians from military or foreign service and to prohibit discrimination in federal employment, federal contracts and government services. Support federal civil rights legislation for gays and lesbians: A Clinton/Gore Administration would support a federal gay civil rights bill that respects freedom of religion by exempting religious organizations; and that provides clear evidentiary standards to be used in court. Make the fight against AIDS a real national priority and implement a coordinated national AIDS strategy with a 6-point plan: Bill Clinton and Al Gore believe that continued indifference and further delay in the fight against AIDS is unconscionable. The Clinton/Gore Plan * Appoint an AIDS policy director to head a "Manhattan Project" that coordinates federal AIDS policies, cuts through bureaucratic red tape and implements recommendations made by the National Commission on AIDS. * Speed up the drug approval process and commit increased government resources to research and development of AIDS-related treatments and vaccines, and ensure that women and people of color are included in research and drug trials. * Fully fund the Ryan White CARE Act. * Promote a national AIDS education and prevention initiative that disseminates frank and accurate information to reduce the spread of the disease, and educates our children about the nature and threat of AIDS. * Provide quality health coverage to all Americans with HIV as part of a broader national health care program; work vigorously to improve access to promising experimental therapies for people with life-threatening illnesses; and improve preventive and long-term care. * Combat AIDS-related discrimination and oppose needless mandatory HIV testing in federal organizations such as the Peace Corps, Job Corps and the Foreign Service; stop the cynical politicization of immigration policies by directing the Justice Department to follow the Department of Health and Human Services' recommendation that HIV be removed from the immigration restrictions list. Crack down on hate crimes: A Clinton/Gore Administration will be tough on anti-gay violence. As President, Bill Clinton would direct the Justice Department to aggressively prosecute hate crimes perpetrated against any individuals because of their sexual orientation, race, creed or religion. The Record * Senator Gore supported the Hate Crimes Statistics Act which provides for the collection and publication of data about crimes that manifest prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation or ethnicity. * Supported the AIDS Federal Policy Act of 1987 which bans discrimination against persons with AIDS or the HIV infection. * Al Gore has supported legislation to remove HIV from the immigration restrictions list. .