***** Reformatted. Please distribute CLINTON/GORE ON GUN CONTROL Every year, more than 20,000 Americans are killed with handguns; many thousands more are injured. A large and growing number of these victims are killed by semi-automatic assault weapons which have no legitimate sporting purpose. The streets of our cities have become gun bazaars. We must make them safe again. The large majority of gun owners are law-abiding citizens who use their guns in a responsible manner. Bill Clinton and Al Gore know that the Constitution guarantees an individuals basic right to keep and bear arms, and they will uphold that right. Support the Brady Bill Sign the Brady Bill, which mandates a 5-day waiting period for handgun purchases to allow police sufficient time to determine whether intended purchasers are underage or have criminal backgrounds, drug histories, or mental health histories. Al Gore was a primary author and cosponsor of the Senate version of the Brady Bill, which includes a background check. Bill Clinton has endorsed the Brady Bill. Ban assault weapons * Ban semi-automatic assault weapons that have no legitimate hunting purpose and support the right of local law enforcement officials to ban such weapons when gangs move into their neighborhoods. * Limit access to multiple-round clips like the ones used in the tragic killings in Killeen, Texas. Get tough on crime * Create a National Police Corps and offer veterans and active military personnel a chance to become law enforcement officers at home. This will add 100,000 new police officers to the streets. * Enact tougher sentences for criminals who use guns. * Implement a federal program for safe schools so children can concentrate on learning. * Create boot camps for first-time non-violent offenders. * Develop strong anti-gang initiatives, and empower public housing residents to get rid of drug dealers. .