Presidential Ignorance by Matt Giwer The title may sound rude but first we must clearly understand the term ignorance. It is only a state of a lack of knowledge. It is a condition that can be repaired. I would hope to do my civic duty here and alleviate one area of his ignorance. I am referring to your staged, duck hunting trip. When questioned about it you said it was to demonstrate your gun control efforts were not directed toward hunters. Frankly, Mr. President, we don't give a damn. Mr. President, most of us with guns have them for a very immediate purpose, defense against criminals, the very same reason your Secret Service guards have guns. And, Mr. President, we are mad as hell because every proposal we have seen from you only makes is harder for us to get guns. We do not carry guns on the street; making it harder for us to gets guns does nothing to get them off of the street. We are the people facing armed gangs. Taking "assault weapons" away from us is not going to do us the least bit of good, in fact it will kill us. Mr. President, we are not concerned about the right to freeze our backsides off in a duck blind early in the morning. We are concerned about our right to have a chance against house breakers late at night. I at least have never been attacked by a duck. I have never heard a report of anyone being attacked by a duck. I have never heard of a duck robbing a home, raping a woman, or murdering anyone. Mr. President, I am not afraid of a duck. I am afraid for my family and friends being bludgeoned, stabbed, throttled and shot. I can not find one proposal from you to alleviate my fear. What I do find from you are proposals to make my family and friends even more helpless. I find you are proposing to make things harder on the victims. Every proposal has been to make self defense more difficult. Mr. President, I hold I have a god given right to defend myself, my family, my friends, my property and the political institutions of this country. I hold I even have a god given right to defend people I have never met. I hold all men have these rights. I hold the only way to exercise these rights is with guns. In my youth I may have imagined disarming thugs bare handed. With the wisdom that comes from experience I know I can not call time out to dial 911. When all you can do is find ways to limit our access to guns we see you not as the solution but as part of the problem. We are tired of hearing that the restrictions on us are not all that bad. We are asking why there are any restrictions at all on us and none on those we and your Secret Service guard are facing. Are our lives less than yours? Why can we not have the submachineguns that protect your life? When will you give up what we can not have? You say we do not need submachineguns? Then neither does your guard. Is your life truly more important than ours? You do not talk like you understand us at all. Please let me explain it to you. We do not give a damn about your gun laws. We will not comply with any law our right to defend what we hold dear. We are a free people who will not bow to your attempts to make it harder for us to do so. Mr. President, you are no longer ignorant. You now know who we are. What we want from you are measures to reduce crime so we will not have the absolute necessity of gun ownership. We are not interested in you making it harder for us and not them. We do not want you to do something; we want you to do something that works. .