Israel gets the third missile attack - Eitan Vazani. ---------------------------------------------------- .. It is now 22:50. The third missile attack ended about 2 hours ago. The alarms, the gas masks, the explosions, the radio. Within 30 minutes we were free to get out of the masks and the sealed rooms. We heard that one missile did hit somewhere, and that 2 Patriot missile were launched to try to intercept incoming Scud missiles. .. While writing the above sentences, my grandmother have called to describe what she saw on TV - a CNN report from the bombing location. I stopped writing and tried to get some information. Israeli TV and radio broke in with news - very bad news. The missile directly hit a building. The building collapsed and was totally destroyed. All people living in this building were killed or injured. I know that around 60 people were hit, but I do not know how many were killed, or the state of the injured. .. While listening to the radio for more news, I'll write about the what was going on during the day. .. Today most people got back to work. Most but not all. The car parking yards near my office were only half full. I guess that some people stayed at home because they did not know that they should go to work, some people were still afraid to leave home, and some wanted to stay with their kids (schools are still closed). At work, everybody was full with stories, rumors and information. But we got used to the idea of working again, and we were carried away with the problems we have to tackle. In my last article I wrote that I heard that a missile exploded near my office. Well, this was one of the rumors. .. News keep arriving. No exact numbers yet, but it looks very sad. Until now, I thought that Israel's government is right in its decision not to take action against Iraq. 10-15 missiles hit in the first and second attacks, but there were only a few injured lightly. The damage was more serious, but money can fix it. Now, it is time to act. A missile directly hit a building full of innocent people. Old people, kids, babies, a little black dog (one injured kid arrived to hospital with his dog still in his hands. I think (and hope) the dog is ok). The more I think about it, the more I support a wild attack on Iraq. I do not want to die because I am too forgiving and nice to my enemy. There must be an end to such thing. It is impossible to track down each and every missile launcher. They are well hidden and protected in underground bunkers. The Iraqis have several hundreds (maybe thousands) of Scud missiles, some of them might carry a chemical warhead. Iraq still has most of its military power. Iraq still produces ammunition and gas, many aircrafts are still waiting for a chance to take off, military communications still work, and Saddam Houssain and his assistants are still alive. This means that there is more death waiting for us. The answer in my opinion, be prepared, is an atomic bomb. This will put a nice end to the world's number one terrorist. I know it is a radical step, but this will solve the problem (which, by now, is unbearable), and it will teach all Arabs a lesson they will never forget: Israel will protect itself by ALL means - do NOT mess with us. It worked for the U.S.A. 45 years ago, and it will work again. By the way, I think that residents of Baghdad should be warned 24 hours before the bombing. This will prevent any loss of life, except maybe for Saddam Houssain that is hiding in his bunker. He is too affraid to get out, so he will have to stay there, buried alive. But I am afraid our politicians do not have the guts to do it. I guess I many will not agree, and I will probably get angry letters. .. But if you want to reply, think about this: Your city is attacked by missiles every night, people are killed, injured, their homes destroyed. The enemy prepared this for 10 years, and now is going to take it out. You also expect a chemical attack. How would you respond? .. Eitan Vazani, From very sad and angry Israel. We will act. .. A minute before I posted this article, I heard on the radio that 60 people were injured, and 3 were killed. The 3 people that were killed are old, and they probably died of shock, not because of the impact. 3 of the injured are very seriously injured, one of the is a baby with head injury. I may add now, that 4 old women died at the night of the first attack. They suffocated because they did not use the gas mask correctly. .. 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