CUSTOM COMPUTING 6815 DICKINSON COURT TAMPA FLORIDA 33634-4707 CIS: 71327,1251 Sat 07-31-1993 CLINTON'S NEW MATH Following are some excerpts from a Wall Street Journal column by Tom Bethell. It discloses some interesting revelations about Clinton's so-called "Deficit Reduction Budget." This guy and his Liberal lemmings in Congress are the biggest accumulation of liars one could ever imagine in his wildest dreams. Remember now, these guys say they are "cutting" spending. Yeah, right. [Uploader comments in square brackets] ============================================================================ "On April 8, the Office of Management and Budget [now headed by Mr. Panetta] released the 1994 federal budget." "On April 9, major newspapers published stories on the budget, but all failed to publish the outlay and revenue totals shown below." " --------------------------------------------------------- |CLINTON'S BUDGET TOTALS | |in billions of dolars, rounded | | | | 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998| |=========================================================| |Outlays $1,468 1,515 1,574 1,625 1,690 1,781| |---------------------------------------------------------| |Receipts $1,146 1,251 1,328 1,413 1,476 1,531| |---------------------------------------------------------| |Deficit $322 264 246 212 214 250| |---------------------------------------------------------| |Defense | |Outlays $277 264 258 252 234 239| |---------------------------------------------------------| |Source: Office of Management and Budget | --------------------------------------------------------- " [SPENDING CUTS??? YEAH, IN DEFENSE] "The Washington press corps has permitted Clinton to talk of "spending cuts without exposing the absurdity of his claim." "Spending totals increase from $1.468 billion to $1.781 billion in five years despite real reductions in military spending." "In Washington parlance, the phrase "spending cuts" means merely reductions in planned increases. John Cognan, deputy director of OMB in 1988-1989, says that "the Ways and Means and Finance committees deliberately legislate future spending increases that they have no intention of granting, so that they can later reduce them and say they have 'cut the budget.'" ======================================================================= [FROM THE UPLOADER: I don't know about those who read this, but, I get fed up with the way the mainstream media condone these 'dirty little secrets' the Liberals keep from the American public. To anyone who doesn't have TV cable, the privilege of watching C-SPAN is worth the price of basic cable. C-SPAN and C-SPAN II provide live coverage of the floor activities in the House and Senate, but, in off-hours, they cover a lot of other activities of political interest. One of the most enlightening was coverage of the gay rally in Washington in April. While we're talking about facts, I have to reiterate some facts about the national debt, the annual budget deficit, and the bald-faced lies this guy Clinton and his henchmen have foisted on us since he started his campaign in 1991. All we heard about was the evil and greedy 12 years of Reagan-Bush. They were (and still are) totally supported by the visible media people from Sam Donaldson to Bryant Gumbel. I won't bore you with all the details, but, here are a couple summaries. By the way, I don't put up anything here that is not verifiable. Ronald Reagan took office Jan. 20, 1981, and left office Jan. 20, 1989. Government receipts (income) in 1991 were $599 billion and outlays (spending) were $678 billion. In 1989, income was $991 billion, and spending was $1,143 billion (that means 1.143 TRILLION). The budget deficit wasn't exacerbated by lack of revenues. It was caused by congressional spending that was out of control. And, I don't want to hear any more of this drivel from the Liberals that, "We authorized less than any budget sent to us by Reagan." Now comes the really heinous part. Remember the 1989 figures: Income - $991 billion, spending - $1,143 billion. In 1992, these were the actual numbers: Income - $1,092 billion, Spending - $1,382 billion. It doesn't make any difference how much money comes into the government piggy bank. Congress will spend more. Also, remember this: ALL SPENDING legislation originates in the House Ways and Means committee. What the President sends up is relatively meaningless, except when the White House is controlled by the same people who control congress. Please do us one favor. Go back and read the Income/Spending numbers once more. And, don't forget. The entire House is up for re-election in '94. Thirty-four Senate seats are up. Of those, 20 are held by Democrats, 12 are held by Republicans, and two will simply be vacant. Metzenbaum (D-OH) and Danforth (R-MO) have announced they will not seek re-election. Thanks for reading. UPLOADED BY: Vern Semrad .