:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : Earth's Dreamlands : Info on: RPG's, :(313)558-5024 : area code : :RPGNet World HQ & Archive: Drugs, Industrial :(313)558-5517 : changes to : : 1000's of text files : music, Fiction, :InterNet : (810) after : : No Elite / No porn : HomeBrew Beer. :rpgnet@aol.com: Dec 1,1993 : :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: Chaosium Digest Volume 1, Number 5 Date: Sunday, February 21, 1993 Number: 2 of 2 Contents: The Adventure of the Holy Sword (Shannon Appel) PENDRAGON Pendragon Character List (Eric Rowe) PENDRAGON -------------------- From: Shannon Appel Subject: The Adventure of the Holy Sword System: Pendragon What follows is an adventure that I ran in my last Pendragon campaign. It was originally set right around the start of the Pendragon saga, in 490 or 491. The story centered around a young Roman Christian knight whose father had "been missing for 2d6 years" as per result 20 of the Father's Survival Table. INTRODUCTION This story concentrates on the quest of a young Roman Christian knight. His father had been a great knight, renowned for all of the virtues of Christianity. Unfortunately he disappeared several years ago while erranting about the countryside. Two companions disappeared with him. To this day, no one has actively searched for the player's missing father. Thus, when the player becomes a knight, it will surely be one of his first priorities. However, the adventure will not simply be a quest for a player's father, but also a search for a family heirloom. The player's father disappeared carrying Sanctgladius, a holy sword which had been in the family for many generations. It is said to be a holy weapon which could only be wielded by the best of God's knights. The player knight will probably want to recover the family heirloom even if he learns that his father is dead. THE SEARCH BEGINS The player's father was last seen riding North from Cirenchester on the King's Road. The trail is many years old, but the player's father was sufficiently glorious that even after all these years, the visit of him and his companions will be remembered by some. As the players ride North, they will probably be stopping in the many villages and cities along the King's Road, seeking information. A selection of Mundane encounters are included before, representing some of the meetings with the many denizens along the King's Road. They are meant to provide a good introduction to some of the varied encounters that Pendragon knights may expect to meet. CIRENCESTER Within the city of Cirencester lies the luxurious home of the Duke of Clarence. Years ago, the player's father began his quest here, and thus the players will be likely to begin their own quest by speaking with the duke. Unfortunately, the duke is a PROUD man, and the knights, being his lessers, will have troubles getting in to see him. An appointment with the duke may be had by speaking with the Duke's Castellan, Amig of Cricklade. In order to get an appointment, the knight speaking with Amig should make a Courtesy roll. This skill may be modified by player's glory / 1000. Additionally, the roll should be modified based upon the way that Amig is treated. Amig is COWARDLY, and thus very susceptible to threats. If he were threatened, however, the knight in question would be challenged within a day to a joust by an ORDINARY KNIGHT. Even if tge Courtesy roll is successful, the players will still find themself in for a bit of a wait before the Duke sees them. An ordinary sucess will mean that they will be given an appointment to speak with the Duke in one week's time, while a failure means that they will have to wait for several weeks. Only if the Courtesy roll is a critical success shall the player's be able to see the Duke quickly. If the players are willing to wait until their appointed time, this is a sign of their MODESTY. They should receive a check in that personality trait. However, the Duke will think less of them, for they will have confirmed his initial assessment of their status. The Duke will be abrupt and perfunctory in his meeting with the players. On the other hand, if the players are angered by the time that they must wait, and agitate constantly over it, they will receive an earlier appointment within a day or two. However, the will also receive PROUD checks. When the players meet with the Duke, he will have considerably more respect for them. Beyond simply supplying information, he may even help out any poorly equipped knights, by providing them with adequate horses or armor. If any knights are extremely poorly dressed, he will also be willing to buy them a Librum worth of clothing. If the players do decide to wait at the Duke's court, they will have the opportunity to involve themselves in a variety of activities. They may GAME, look for eligible women, challenge the Duke's knights or do any number of other things. How the knights comport themselves at the court may affect what the Duke thinks of the characters when he finally meets them. Again, it should be rembered that the Duke respects PRIDE and derides MODESTY. WHAT THE DUKE KNOWS The Duke will remember the player's father fairly clearly. Several years ago, some ferocious beast was rampaging across the Duke's lands. The player's father answered the Duke's call for help, taking two boon companions with him to aid against the monster. The three knights set out North, heading for Bourton, where the creature had killed several villagers just a few days before. The three knights never returned, but within a few weeks, the attacks upon the Duke's lands stopped. BOURTON The town of Bourton is held by the Duke of Clarence. It lies along side a river, just off of the King's Road. The town is uniformly SUSPICIOUS of the knights when they arrive. The villagers will hide within their filthy shelters when the knights arrive, and do whatever they can to avoid notice. Depending on how the knights treat this abject terror, personality trait checks may be appropriate. If the knights are able to gain the trust of the peasants of Bourton, they will learn that the land is the fief of a knight named Sir Cervidus, a NOTABLE Roman KNIGHT. He is renowned for his CRUELTY, and the lands that he has gained from the Duke of Clarence bear the mark of his iron fist. Sir Cervidus works his peasants terribly, so much that some of the older men have died early deaths. Worse, he has had several young men executed, claiming that they were conspiring against him. Clearly, Sir Cervidus is not acting MERCIFULLY, yet, what he does is well within his rights as a knight and the fiefed Lord of Bourton. Thus, JUSTICE is upon his side. If the players do decide to do something about Sir Cervidus, they will be ARBITRARY, yet MERCIFUL. If they ignore the plight of the peasants, they shall be CRUEL, yet JUST. Sir Cervidus lives in a manor house several miles East of Bourton. Given sufficient time, he could raise eight knights to help defend his lands. This would take several weeks to accomplish, however. WHAT THE PEASANTS KNOW Even if the player knights ignore the plight of Sir Cervidus' peasants, it is likely that they will still be able to gain the information they seek from the peasants. The peasants will claim that several years ago, there was a huge dragon threatening their lands. The player's father, with his two companions, investigated the area for awhile, and then travelled North, still following the beast. They thought that its lair was near Brandon, a town considerably North along the King's Road. BRANDON The players last stop along the King's Road will likely be the city of Brandon. During Phase 1, Brandon is a free town, for the Baron of Lambor, Blamore de Ganis, has not yet come to Britain. The peasants of Brandon will go to great extents to hide this dark secret. Usually, they will claim that their Lord is a Sir Antonio, a reclusive knight who lives to the West. Externally, the peasants of Brandon will be constantly polite, doing whatever they can to please or appease the knights. They will provide everything they know about the knight's father. If, however, they believe that the knights might have learned their secret (and, they are relatively suspicious in this regard), they will extend their fullest hospitality to the knights, and then try and slay them while they sleep. WHAT THE BRANDONIANS KNOW The player's father and his two companions came to Brandon several years ago, seeking a snake as big as a horse. The people of Brandon had several times seen such a creature in the Forest Sauvage, a deep, primeval place that lies to the East of Brandon. The three knights went into the Forest Sauvage, leaving extra horses and equipment with the people of Brandon. They never returned for it. (If the players ask, the people of Brandon will say that they carefully kept the equipment and horses until a year ago, when it was stolen in the night. This is a lie. In truth, when they decided that the knights would not return, they sold the items for their own profit. This is yet another sign of the incorrect independence of these people.) WHAT HAPPENED TO THE THREE KNIGHTS When the Three Knights went into the woods, they knew that they were seeking a creature which they had dubbed the Three Colored Serpent. They were certain that together they could overcome it. Unfortunately, each of the three knights had a fatal flaw which was his downfall. Sir Gwyn, the first of the companions was SELFISH. Thus, on the first night, when he killed a great black bear, and found a valuable gem within its skull, he abandonded his two friends, afraid that they would try and take his treasure from him. Today, he lives in Logres, a very rich man. Both Eleri and the Forgetful Knight know Sir Gwyn's dark secret, and might be willing to tell it to the player knights. Sir Gaidon, the second of the companions was COWARDLY. When he and the player's father finally met the three colored serpent, Gaidon turned and fled, leaving his friend to the serpents mercies. He watched the battle from afar, and went mad when it ended. Since, he has wandered the woods, now the forgetful knight. The player's father was RECKLESS. Together with Sir Gaidon, he had a fair chance against the serpent. To fight it would have been quite VALOROUS. To fight it alone was RECKLESS, however, and he payed the final price. The three colored serpent defeated the player's father and ate him. However, in the battle, the serpent was badly wounded, and thus is stopped its attacks upon civilized lands for a time. ADVENTURES IN THE FOREST SAUVAGE The final search for the player's father, and the Holy Sword Sanctgladius depends heavily upon the material on the Forest Sauvage that is presented in the Boy King. Following is a list of meetings which might occur in the Forest. Boy King scenerios are referred to several times. THE RED FEATHERED KNIGHT (The Boy King, pg.25): The Red Feathered Knight is one that wanders the forest, never able to escape it due to an ancient curse. However, the nature of Red Feather's curse is slightly varied from the one presented in the Boy King. This Red Feathered Knight hunted the White Stag of the Forest Sauvage. Such creatures are said to be very mystical, and in certain way each the heart of the wood they live in. The Red Feathered Knight found and slew the White Stag of the Forest Sauvage, and so he greatly hurt the woods. Thus, the druidess Eleri cursed Red Feather, so he would never be able to leave the woods. Red Feather is good and chivalrous, but he is also PROUD. THE DRUIDESS ELERI: In a small, tidy house, nearby a pleasant stream lives the druidess Eleri. Eleri considers herself the protectress of the Forest Sauvage and will always do what she can to preserve the woods and punish those that harm it. She understands the cycle of life, and that some things must die so that others may live, but wanton slaughter for its own sake is something that she will never accept. Eleri would be willing to forgive Red Feather and release him from his curse if he was remorseful, and willing to try and undo the damage he had done. Unfortunately Red Feather's PRIDE will make it hard for the player's to convince him to accept this. If Red Feather does apologize and spend a year planting trees and helping to defend the forest, Eleri will release him from his curse. Eleri knows precisely what happened to the player's father. Perhaps she will tell the players if they do her some favor (see THE RAVEN WITCHES below). Eleri could take the players straight to the serpent, but would do so only if the knights could convince her that they meant it no harm. If Eleri were for some reason attacked, she has magical powers including personal transformation powers (to nearly any woodland beast), and powers of control over beasts of the wild. SIR BALIN (The Boy King, pg.25): Balin knows the Forest well, and he might be able to provide many bits of useful information. He probably knows of Eleri, as well as The Forgetful Knight. Perhaps he might even know the general direction in which the Three Colored Serpent lives. Balin will probably impress the knights as a good person. He might be the player's first introduction to the true knights of the Arthurian legends. This encounter should only happen in Phase 1. THE GALLOPING DEVIL (The Boy King, pg.30-31): The adventure of the Galloping Devil and his Dandy Dogs may be used almost exactly as it is written in the Boy King. One night, while the knights are within the woods, he will attack. The Devil's specific reason for attacking will be that he hopes to scare off the Knights, ending their quest for Sanctgladius. If the player's seem unable to drive the Devil off, the Red Feathered Knight might come to their aid and do so. This would put the players deeply in Red Feathers debt, and make them much more likely to aid him in becoming free of his curse. THE RAVEN WITCHES: Within the Forest Sauvage is a coven of three Raven Witches (see stats on PENDRAGON, pg. 189). They will have an appropriately sized band of warriors and thieves, of similar types to the Warriors of the Raven Witches in Pendragon. These witches have no great tower, but simply meet nightly in a certain glen, plotting evil. Although the knights could randomly stumble upon these witches, it is most likely that Eleri will send the knights to deal with them (for they do her forest evil), in return for some knowledge or favor. Eleri simply wishes the witches gone from her forest, although the players may yet decide to slay them, for if they left, they would clearly do evil elsewhere. The players will face somewhat of a dilemma, however, for the Raven Witches know of the quest that the players are upon, and their magical power is great enough that they could successfully scry the location of the player's father (or more correctly, his bones). THE FORGETFUL KNIGHT: The forgetful knight is a madman. He remembers very little of his past, before the battle that he fled. With some work, however, the knights might be able to make some sense out of his ramblings. Eventually, the Forgetful Knight could tell the players almost everything that happened upon that last trip into the Forest Sauvage. In addition, he can take the players straight to the lair of the Three Colored Serpent. CONFRONTING THE SERPENT Fighting the three colored serpent would be a very dangerous task which might result in the death of several knights (see his stats in THE BOY KING, pg. 25). If the serpent is attacked in his lair (which either Eleri of the Forgetful Knight could lead the players to), he will fight to the death. Another option might be to ask Eleri to pacify the serpent. She can do so easily, allowing the players to search his lair. If the players tried to attack the serpent at this point, however, they would have both Eleri and the serpent to contend with. The serpent's lair is a cave, fairly large in size. Bones and rubbish are scattered about. When searching the rear of the cave, two things of great import will be found, namely a shield bearing the marks of the player's father and the sword, Sanctgladius. In addition, twenty Librums of various valuable treasure may be looted [not the two hundred Librums mentioned in the Boy King]. SANCTGLADIUS Sanctgladius is a Holy Sword, which bears the personal blessing of the Lord. It can only be wielded by a CHRISTIAN KNIGHT, however (any other can not pull it from scabbard). When a good Christian wields Sanctgladius, it will do normal sword damage plus 1D6. If Sanctgladius is wielded by one who has 20s in all of the Christian traits, it will do +2D6. QUEST'S END Although the final fate of the character's father has been discovered, there are several more possible adventures. * If the player is not the oldest son in his family, he should give the sword to his oldest brother, as family inheiritance. However, since this oldest brother never tried to seek his father, clearly he is not worthy of the blade. Perhaps he is a GREEDY merchant, who would try and sell Sanctgladius, or a PIOUS monk, who would never use it. How will the players react to this? * The Druidess Eleri might later ask for more aid. Perhaps knights are have begun to chop down trees throughout her forest, or some malicious agency is slowly corrupting the woods. * Sir Gwyn, who left the player's father to his fate lives in luxury. Will the players declare war upon him, subtly begin to intrigue against him, or leave him alone? * If the characters succeeded in freeing Red Feather from his curse, in a year or so, he will need help in becoming adjusted again to civilization. Will the players aid? -------------------- From: Eric Rowe Subject: Pendragon Character List System: Pendragon The following lists show all the round table knights given in Pendragon supplements that were added before 531. Round table knights such as Lancelot, who were added later, scenario round table knights and others are listed in the Miscellaneous Knight list. Besides the round table knights, the only other people listed are those knights and other characters that have complete stats listed in a Pendragon Supplement. First edition versions have a (1) after their name. Legend: P=Pendragon, BK=Boy King, PF=Perilous Forest, TD=Tournament of Dreams SM=Savage Mountains, BL=Blood & Lust, SK=Spectre King, P1=Pendragon 1st edition, CD=Chaosium Digest Knights of the Round Table to 531: [YJRT is Year Joined Round Table] Knight YJRT Glory Book Page# Current Year Aglovale de Gales 529 Agravaine (1) 518? 1285 P1 1 520 Alain (King) 514 Arthur the Squire 17 BK 124 510 Arthur the Squire (1) 17 P1 1 510 Arthur Pendragon 100,000 P 195 531 Arthur High King (1) 41,680 P1 1 519 Baudwin of Britan 514 Bedivere the Cupbearer 516 Berel 526 Blamore de Ganis 526 Bleoberis de Ganis 526 Bors de Ganis 528 Boso of Oxford 528 Brastias (Duke) (1) 514 4376 P1 2 511 Brastias (Duke) 514 Brown Knight of the Wilds 519 Cador of Cornwall 514 Dodinas le Sauvage 519 Ector 514 Floridas the Pict 528 Gaheris de Orkney 521 Galagers 517 Galegantis of Nohaut 531 Galeholt of the Long Isles(Duke)530 Gawaine de Orkney 517 1267 BK 126 514 Gawaine de Orkney 517 32,000 P 198 531 Gawaine de Orkney (1) 517 8476 P1 3 526 Griflet 517 2670 BK 127 518 Griflet (1) 517 3127 P1 3 518 Hervis de Revel 517 Hoel of Alclud 525 Kay 517 3574 BK 126 522 Kay (1) 517 5265 P1 4 522 Lak (King) 517 Lak (King) (1) 517 6758 P1 4 510 Lamorak de Gales 520 18,000 P 197 531 Lionel de Ganis 528 Lucan the Butler 528 Marhaus de Leinster 523 6893 BK 128 521 Marhaus (1) 523 5787 P1 5 521 Moris 526 Pellinore of the Isles (King) 515 8292 BK 130 512 Pellinore (1) 515 5230 P1 6 510 Percivale (1) ? 7824 P1 7 550 Priamus the Saracen 528 Sagremor le Desirous 519 1257 BK 131 516 Tor 517 Tor (1) 517 4728 P1 7 525 Uriens (King) 517 Yvaine, le Chevalier Au Lion 524 9000 P 196 531 Yvaine, le Chevalier Au Lion 524 2647 BK 132 521 Miscellaneous Knights: Knight Glory Book Page# Current Year Aelfric 1789 PF 70 Ailgel 3105 SK 61 Amlyn Triadadd (KotRT) 7382 CD 1.1 Amren 9250 BL 108 Balin le Sauvage 1282 BK 125 512 Balin le Sauvage (1) 4328 P1 2 514 Belinans (pagan king) (1) 4620 TD Beomart 2064 SK 112 Bertelot 4025 BL 21 Bledig the Red Shirted 6800 SM 114 Breuse sans Pitie 13,000 P 198 Breuse sans Pitie (1) 0 P1 2 Briant One-Armed 5024 BL 68 Busulius 2086 SK 120 Cadoc (abbot) (1) 7285 P1 2 550 Carados (1) 6482 P1 3 Colbert 1194 SK 14 Colius 4152 SK 114 Corwin, the Helmed Knight 6670 SK 98 Cuthbert (1) 100 TD Diarmait 2370 BL 48 Dordracole of Malahaut (1) 2400 TD 45 Dorgane of the Fountain (1) 700 TD Edern of Cirencester 2411 SK 31 Eifion of Roestoc (King) 4600 SK 8 Ennor of Roestoc (Prince) 3077 SK 7 Etherem 1444 SK 115 Farion (king) (1) 9300 TD Ferran of Anglehearth 1750 SK 68 Gaius of Lombardy 3426 SK 48 Garavan of the Golden Lance 5500 SM 123 George of Hertford 2192 SK 72 Giles of Cambridge (lord) 3500 SK 83 Grand the Lesser 2075 BL 101 Greek Knight Without Pity 2570 BL 104 Guaire 2356 SK 56 Gwaid (1) 6324 TD Harant l'Hastiludier (KotRT) 9423 SK 46 Jean-Luc of Champagne 4455 SK 47 Jonathon 3453 SK 38 Lancelot du Lac (KotRT) 50,000 P 197 531 Lancelot du Lac (KotRT) (1) 1767 P1 4 528 Lancelot du Lac (KotRT) (1) 38,672 P1 4 540 Larras the Robust 4860 SK 105 Librix (1) 1162 TD Lot (King) 8592 BK 128 510 Lot (King) (1) 7872 P1 5 510 Lupin (KotRT) 9955 SK 28 Macwid the Pict (1) 2055 TD Mailcon 4500 BL 70 Maristone of the Caslte (1) 3600 TD 38 Mark (King) (1) 4185 P1 5 544 Marrok 7645 SK 66 Michrulan (KotRT) 5371 CD 1.1 Mordred (KotRT) 967 BK 129 531 Mordred (KotRT) (1) 1748 P1 6 550 Neilyn 2100 SK 102 Patrides of the Tower (1) 6200 TD 35 Perimones, the Red Knight 4375 PF 76 Tathal 1265 SK 58 Tristram (KotRT) (1) 12,727 P1 7 542 Turquine 16,000 P 199 Ulfius (KotRT?) (1) 3745 P1 7 510 Ulf Oswulfson 1125 SK 48 Valet of the Circle of Gold (1) 3300 TD Varnangis (1) 3200 TD Victor (1) 380 TD White Knight 1253 BK 132 517 Wilfrith (Baron) 5560 SK 116 Young Knight of the Orchard of the Shields of Shame (1) 1800 TD 31 Others: Name Glory Book Page# Current Year Ahvielle Alarch ferch Amren 500 BL 20 Alba 375 SK 112 Alice (lady) --- SK 60 Ann of Anglehearth (lady) 105 SK 74 Anselm (Cardinal) 2100 BL 65 Black Hermit --- PF 99 Briant (dame) --- SK 61 Caul ap Paulag the Monk 877 SM 121 Edern, the Blind Squire 132 PF 75 Eleri (lady) 250 SK 103 Elidia the Fair (1) 3200 TD Fridda of Roestoc 545 SK 8 Gahoric (Father) --- SK 15 Ghost Knight --- SK 84 Glesni (lady) --- SK 63 Glimthis (lady) 526 SK 38 Guenever (Queen) 1326 BK 127 514 Guenever (Queen) (1) 12,163 P1 3 519 Hag of the Cave (1) --- TD 41 Indeg (lady) --- SK 57 Kathleen (lady) --- BL 62 Laudine (lady) --- SK 62 Merlin 10,800 BK 129 510 Merlin (1) 37,467 P1 5 510 Mhyrra (lady) --- SK 104 Morgan le Fay 2326 BK 130 521 Morgan le Fay (1) 7010 P1 6 514 Nimue (1) 4621 P1 6 516 Spectre King 21,000 SK 25 Tanicus (holy man) (1) 4205 TD Vivianne 6281 BK 131 520 Vortimer the Hermit --- SK 22 Whitrood (Abbot) 1085 SK 20 Yr Hen Wrach (hag) --- BL 61 Ysbereth (lady) 3000 SM 124 -------------------- The Chaosium Digest is a Discussion Forum for Chaosium Games which do not have another specific area for discussion. To submit an article, mail to: appel@erzo.berkeley.edu .