:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. : Earth's Dreamlands : Info on: RPG's, :(810)543-8613 : This File :RPGNet World HQ & Archive: Drugs, Industrial :(810)543-8451 : Hatched Over : 1000's of text files : music, Fiction, :InterNet : RPGNet(100)! : No Elite / No porn : HomeBrew Beer. :rpgnet@aol.com: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. From: Larry.J.Langley@dartmouth.edu To: vampire@nerix.nerdc.ufl.edu Date: 29 Aug 92 17:04:32 EDT Subject: Oceanic Vampires, part I Archive: #1232 I created these creatures for an upcoming chronicle set in San Diego. If you've ever stood at the ocean's edge at night you know that there is something wonderful and terrible out there. I would appreciate any comments and criticism. --------------------------------------- Coelacanth nickname: remoras The depths of the ocean, not the world's cities, are the home of this unusual bloodline. Protected by the ocean's waters they only need emerge from the relative safety of the depths of the sea to feed, and so remain protected from many of the dangers faced by city dwelling Kindred. The origins of the Coelacanth are lost to the past, leaving only myths and speculations. Some suggest that a powerful ritual or curse corrupted their blood much like the Nosferatu or the Assamites. Others believe that they are not descended from Caine at all but are an entirely alien lineage. The Coelacanth themselves do not retain the traditions of history as the other clans, and the truth is long forgotten. Whatever the origins of the Coelacanth, they differ from most Kindred in several respects, both inherent and acquired. Unlike other Vampires, the Coelacanth--at least until age strengthens other desires--can survive by feeding on the blood of cold-blooded creatures. This is almost entirely a matter of last resort, as Coelacanth will nearly always choose to hunt humans when they may. Secondly the blood of the Coelacanth themselves has a strange, often considered foul, taste to their land bound cousins. Kindred encountering or drinking Coelacanth blood need not face madness frenzy no matter how starved they are--it just isn't appealing enough. The blood remains nourishing despite the flavor, though Vampires will feel a bit sluggish and unpleasant after drinking much. Coelacanth, on the other hand, find Kindred blood as attractive as any other, if not more so. In fact Coelacanth are particularly susceptible to the sensations of blood and are likely go into a frenzy no matter how well fed. Aside from physical differences, the ability to retreat beneath the seas instead of hiding among humanity has markedly affected the development of Coelacanth society. Although the availability of choice prey is limited, with sanctuary beneath the waters Coelacanth need not fear discovery or flame and find easy protection from sunlight. Having no historical reasons to preserve the masquerade, neither having experienced the inquisition nor fearing (or even in most cases being aware of) the Camarilla, Coelacanth are learn to accept their nature-- to welcome the beast. Among the clan, survival of the fittest is the only law, and Diablerie, especially with the lack of control they possess in the presence of blood, is a common practice among the Coelacanth tribes. They have no reason not to extend this practice to Kindred of the land and many an unfortunate neonate has fallen prey to a band of Coelacanth on the Hunt. The Coelacanth originate somewhere in the south pacific, although tribes have slowly spread across the sea to Asia, Australia and the Americas. They first appeared along the coasts of Central America, and have begun to spread north and south. Their presence poses something of a threat to Kindred in the coastal cities, both because of their tendency toward Diablerie and by placing the masquerade at risk. The Coelacanth do not fear humanity. Though they do realize the difficulty humanity can present to the Hunt if organized and are somewhat careful, they follow no strict code and rarely are victims left alive. As the Coelacanth hunt off of the coasts of more populous areas, witnesses to their activities are almost inevitable. Like the Hunt, the embrace of a Coelacanth is usually violent and cruel, often involving drowning the victim. Typically, once created the Childe is kept beneath the waters for a great length of time, fed victims by her sire. Even as the newly created Coelacanth learns to hunt her sire tends to accompany the Childe until such time as he feels the neonate has accepted her fate. Those who rebel are treated violently until such time as they submit to the ways of the tribe. Still, the procedure is by no means as methodical as the Sabbat or creative as the occasional forced madness of the Malkavian embrace. Although most end up surrendering to the violent way of life of the Coelacanth rapidly losing humanity, occasionally an individual will hang on to her sanity for some time, escaping perhaps to live a solitary life. Even given the chance to escape most remain with their Coelacanth tribe for lack of knowledge of any other choice, and, because of the likelihood of frenzy when feeding, even the strongest willed will fall to the beast eventually. Appearance: Coelacanth tend to develop large rounded eyes and smooth hairless rubbery skin as they age. Because of their undersea existence, Coelacanth do not bother with clothes and other human trappings. Haven: Caves under the sea, or the darkest depth of sea canyons. Background: Coelacanth embrace when the numbers of a tribe seem low, at the command of elders, or when particularly impressed by a meal. They tend to embrace those who are athletic or physically strong, though they may embrace anyone they please. Often those who put up enough of a struggle to impress the Coelacanth are chosen. Physical attributes and talents are primary for almost every Coelacanth. Character Creation: Coelacanth could have almost any nature, though a nature inappropriate to Coelacanth existence may result in a quick destruction. Demeanors tend toward those that can survive the violence of the tribes. In order to have survived for so long most older Coelacanth possess violent or dictatorial natures as well. Clan Disciplines: Potence, Fortitude, Aqueous Weaknesses: Coelacanth find blood almost impossible to resist. Coelacanth are susceptible to madness frenzy if down by more than a single blood point. Resistance rolls when hungry (three or fewer blood points) are against difficulty +3. Organization: The Coelacanth usually exist in small tribes led by an elder who never leaves the depths of the sea. Instead he requires his brood to bring him blood or subsists on the blood of his brood. Diablerie is quite common among the Coelacanth especially in the midst of a blood frenzy. Coelacanth tribes normally exist under the laws of strongest survive. Gaining Clan Prestige: The only way a Coalinth gains prestige among her kind is to defeat (often kill) those who are more powerful than her, and intimidate those who are weaker. Quote: "We understand where we exist in the world. The law of the ocean is kill or be killed. The strongest and most dangerous survive." Stereotypes: The Camarilla--What ridiculous pretensions. They do not know what they are: does the shark take on the habits of a school of minnows, behaving for all the world like its next meal? "Should these monsters appear along your shores, hunt them until they are entirely destroyed or driven off, for they are brutal, messy and clumsy, a danger to the masquerade and would sooner drink your blood than any." Estria-- Prince of Panama City The Sabbat--They live as foolishly as the Camarilla, though at least they recognize that they are all killers. "You have not witnessed a blood frenzy until you have seen these creatures feed. It seems, however, that they lack imagination or ambition. In the struggle, they may make most useful tools . . ." Erik-- Sabbat Scout to the west coast. The Inconnu-- mmm, such potent blood. "These creatures are merely terrible reflections of ourselves in the waters of the sea, a mirror vision of our potential under the sway of the beast." Ia -- fifth generation Toreador ---- From: Larry.J.Langley@dartmouth.edu To: vampire@nerix.nerdc.ufl.edu Date: 29 Aug 92 17:06:18 EDT Subject: Oceanic Vampires, part II Archive: #1233 Aqueous This discipline allow the Coelacanth to make use of the advantages of the ocean to aid their survival. Similar to Protean or Serpentis, Kindred possessing this discipline must spend one blood point when using a power that involves active transformation. Vampires learning this discipline also begin to develop slight physical changes for each level of Aqueous gained. These changes slowly adapt the Vampire to an underwater existence. A Vampire may gain rounded eyes, smooth hairless skin, etc. Level One: Senses of the water. The senses of the Coelacanth physically alter to adapt to underwater conditions. This affects all the Vampire's senses to a greater or lesser degree: the pupils widen and the eyes gain a protective sheath, the ears become better able to translate underwater sounds, the sense of 'smell' works through water to a fine degree, etc. Level Two: Ocean's hands. The Vampire's fingers and toes lengthen and become webbed allowing the Vampire to swim quite easily underwater. Level Three: Haven of the depths. Changes occur in the Coelacanth's body so that she can handle the most severe water pressure allowing her to survive in the deepest ocean chasm. The Vampire also adapts to cold and her body will not freeze except in the most extreme conditions. Level Four: Hunter's awakening. With this level of ability a Coelacanth may transform into a shark (the exact type of shark is up to the story teller). Level Five: Watery form. The Coelacanth can transform his body into saltwater. In this form he may move about freely underwater (at about a walking pace) and is not subject to physical attack, much as the advantages gained in mist form. On land, the Vampire can only ooze along very slowly though may move through even the smallest openings. Level Six: Bounty of the ocean. Each time a Vampire learns this aspect of the discipline she may develop a unique (often frightening) form that she can transform into. Some possibilities include changing arms into numerous tentacles, gaining a head of a shark, growing quills with deadly venom, or gaining the ability to deliver powerful electrical shocks. Only one form is gained each time this power is learned, though the possibilities are only limited by the strange creatures of the sea and your imagination. The storyteller will need to determine the exact abilities of each form. Level Seven: Cross the ocean's vastness. The Vampire uses the water around his body to travel great distances. The Vampire can move through the water at speeds over a hundred knots all night without tiring. Level Eight: Grow to full greatness. Through time and the consumption of vast amount of blood, the Coelacanth's body begins to grow. Kindred with this ability may increase in mass to the point that they may add health levels to their total beyond the usual seven. A Vampire may add up to her stamina in new health levels. The exact rate of growth is up to the storyteller, but it is likely to occur at approximately one health level per century depending on how much blood the Vampire is able to freely consume. When out of water the Kindred must subtract the number of new health levels from any activity involving athletics. Level Nine: Swallow. A truly horrible power to witness, the Coelacanth consumes living organisms by absorbing them directly into his body. This requires that the Kindred first grapple the target and on the next action make a successful attack with difficulty 5. Five successes are required to completely absorb the victim. After a creature is absorbed it may make no physical action, but it remains alive and in great pain. Someone so absorbed must expend a willpower point a turn to make use any mental abilities. After ingesting a creature the Vampire begins to drain blood from the creature at double the usual rate. Once the victim has been entirely drained it is dead and the physical body is for the most part destroyed, although the Vampire will eventually excrete some waste matter through the skin. A Vampire may absorb no more than his mass in victims each night. Level Ten: Ocean's master. This powerful ability allows the Coelacanth, after transforming into a watery form to extend herself throughout the surrounding water and control its motion. Using this ability the Vampire can perform actions ranging from creating an unusual tide in a local area (a bay for example) to forming a whirlpool that can sink ships to becoming a tidal wave. All of these manifestations require several hours time and the expenditure of ten or more blood points. ----  .