Epilogue So now it ends. -Kurgan Well, it's finished. That's my first comment. I've enjoyed Highlander since I first saw it in the theaters in 1986. I was running an immortal of my own design in a Champions campaign at the time, a man named Infinity who had been struck down on the field of battle in 184 AD, and had refused to die (Death appeared to him, and Infinity beat Death in a contest of wills). He carried a sword, couldn't die... I was hooked from minute one of the movie. (Queen and Sean Connery didn't hurt, either). Highlander touches at the heart of one of our most powerful desires: immortality. It was a classic good vs. evil story, happening in the "real world". In that respect, it has a lot of the same appeal as the Storyteller games, in that it happens in the same world we live in, or at least the one we hope (or fear) we live in, with magick living in all the cracks the evening news miss. I'm something of a Highlander expert, having all the episodes of the series on tape, having both the American and European versions of the first movie, and completely ignoring the second. (center smiley here). Visitors to my home are greeted with the original poster on a wall, and a katana standing in the corner. With three or four others, I helped start a simple Highlander mailing list. The list became a real mailing list (HIGHLA-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU) on the Internet, and it's now grown humongous... thanks, Debbie, for making the list, and Jeff, for making us think about what Quickening really might be. I'm also a minor Storyteller expert. I started with the Vampire mailing list (now vampire-l@wizards.com) soon after the game came out, and have been with it ever since. I worked with the other mailing list folks on the first edition Player's Guide, my one time in print on a game (yes, I brag, so what). I've run two Vampire campaign, and currently run a Vampire, Mage, Werewolf, Highlander crossover campaign once a week. I also run a Vampire PBeM on the Internet, which boasts fourteen of y'all as members. Still, nothing I've written here is canon. This is just my attempt to merge two of my interests (as well as the two mailing lists that swell my mailbox daily) into a whole, because it felt like it should be done. Hope y'all enjoy it. Any questions/comments/bitching can be done to me... driskill@cs.utah.edu is where I live. Hank. Quick Aside: To subscribe to the Highlander mailing list, send mail to listserv@psuvm.psu.edu with a message body that says simply sub highla-l yourname@yoursite. Likewise, you can subscribe to the vampire mailing list by sending mail to listserv@wizards.com, the same way. For more info on the Highlander mailing list, contact Debbie_Douglass@DL5000.bc.edu... However old you think you are... you're right. ------ ------ | \ / | | / \ | ------ ------ .