Dragon Magic 1.0 - Alternative Magic System. Copyright 1995, J. Andrew Kitkowski Here goes the disclaimer, folks. This almost hurts... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This item is published by MPG-Net under license from TSR, Inc. ("TSR") but is not authorized or endorsed by TSR. The item is for personal use only. If the item is based on or derived from copyrighted material of TSR or contains trademarks of TSR, it cannot be re-published or distributed except by the author and only as authorized by TSR, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi! My name is J. Andrew Kitkowski and this is another one of those side project thingies that keep me from fully exerting myself in the real world. This is a culmination of about 2 years of work. Way back when, when I was heading for my first trip to GenCON, I made up the ULTIMATE spell system, which involved rolling dice/difficulty numbers, a system of memorization, and also a defined Mana system. I playtested it once, and realized that my system was hooribly flawed- it was just too damn complicated! I mean, you want to play your RPG, not do higher level mathematics, right? So I scrapped it. Later, I was heading down the road of making up three different spell systems, and decided to stick with a Mana/dice rolling system, one that wasn't too difficult to play with. I spent many a summer night last year drafting up this thing, and finally, last X-Mas break, I found myself FINALLY typing up the 2-page rules sheet for this monster. It wasn't until now, in the midst of the whole TSR-internet debate/fiasco, that I finally decided to share it with other gamers. Well, I didn't feel like "generic-izing" this thing, so I figured on bowing down to the corporate shepherds and submitting the thing as TSR wishes us to. Maybe later, if I have enough time/requests, I will generic-ize it. In any case, feel free to use/ignore this system, or parts of it, to your own liking. You can edit these files (which I would discourage), but just make sure I get a bit `o credit for my time. After all, I did copyright this thing. I also now give credit to the writers at TSR for publishing a damn fine game, one that I have enough respect for to use its engine to write my own house rules, which I believe warrants sharing. The files included here are all Word for Windows 6.0. Some have embedded fonts, and the "Character Sheet" has color wordart and pictures... File in the Zipped Bundle: NEWMAGE1.DOC A short 1-page story blurb that went with my old campaign where I introduced the thing to my players... NEWMAGE2.DOC 2 pages of rules for this thing, including magic items and suggestions for campaign integration. MAGSHHET.DOC A test of MS Word 6.0's might, as well as a groovy sheet for this system. By the way, in some places this thing is referred to as Dragon Magic (as per explaining how Dragons could cast spells in my old campaign), and in some places it's referred to as "New Order Magics". Just so you don't get confused, they're the same thing. Please give me your comments on this thing to me at kitkja@sncac.snc.edu. Oh, one more thing. These files are NOT to be distributed over America On-Line. I grant AOLers the right to use ftp to get them from mpgn.com or wherever, but they are NOT to be posted in any forums or pages, notably TSR's. The door swings both ways, you know? Maybe in the future I will upload a copy to AOL, but for now I do not see why I should make the effort to appease a policy that I do not agree with. Thanks, and Enjoy! J. Andrew Kitkowski kitkja@sncac.snc.edu "Grog" to some, "Antigone" to others... .