SHADOWRUN SHAMANIC TOTEMS COLLECTION 1 Wolverine, Tiger, Panther (Leopard), Hyena Wolverine Type: Wilderness Characteristics: Wolverine is an aggressive and enduring killer. Once he has discovered his prey it will take hell and high water to stop him from killing it. Wolverine is hard to back down. He is a beast of fury. Befriend him and you have a true friend (even if he is easy to piss off). Anger him at your own risk. Favored Environment: Forest, Tundra (cold prairie) Advantages: +3 dice for combat spells. +1 Dice for Detection spells. +1 dice for conjuring Forest or Plains spirits (players choice) Disadvantages: +2 to all target numbers that are not involved with hunting/killing. -1 dice from health spells. Wolverine is hardy and enduring. A player of Wolverine must place at least 5 points to the body attribute and 3 to strength during character generation. Wolverines fury when wounded makes bear and sharks look like a child playing. When injured beyond serious wounds, the Shaman must make a willpower success test with a target number of 7. The wolverine will go berserk for 4 turns minus the number of success. When in a fury, the wolverine attacks anyone that has hurt him in that scene with his most powerful attack (spell or weapon). Anyone touching or trying to stop this rampage will be considered as having hurt the shaman. Tiger Type: Wilderness Characteristics: Tiger is power incarnate. He sneaks up on his prey and kills them with such force as to be totally devastating. He takes crap from nobody. Trifle with him at your own risk. Favored Environment: Jungle, Plains (prairie) (rare) Advantages: +4 dice to combat spells. +1 dice to illusion spells. +1 dice for conjuring forest (jungle) spirits. Hand Razors (any type) cost NO essence!!! Spurs cost 1/2! Disadvantages: Tiger takes no prisoners and is ferocious on an attack. After he attacks an opponent, the tiger must make a willpower test with a target number of 4 to break off combat. Ignore if the tiger has more then light wounds. He must also make a willpower test with a target number of 3 whenever he wants to use less then devastating force (including trying to incapacitate an opponent). If he fails, he must continue attacking with full force until his next action. Tiger is also a hard totem to get. A character who wants to be tiger must assign 4 points to strength, 3 to intelligence, 3 to willpower, 4 to body, and 4 to quickness during character creation. Panther (a.k.a. Leopard) Type: Wilderness Characteristics: Panther is a sly killer. A target of panther may never even know panther is there until he is lying on the floor dead. He strikes with deadly force. He is not, however, a fighter. More of an assassin. Favored Environment: Forest, Savanna (African prairie) Advantages: +5 dice and -1 to target number (!!!) for spell (including combat!) cast on an unknowing opponent. +3 dice to illusion spells. +1 dice to conjuring forest o prairie spirits (players choice), +1 dice to manipulation spells. LowLight Cybereyes cost No essence! RETRACTABLE Hand Razors cost no essence (standard or improved). Disadvantages: +2 target number for magic attacks not done from surprise. +1 target number to all other attacks not done from surprise. Note that surprise is roughly defined. If the Panther Shaman has not killed his opponent by the end of his 4th turn, he must make a willpower test with a target number of 5 or he will retreat for a few moments and try to attack from surprise again or run. To be a Panther shaman the character must put 4 points into intelligence and 2 into quickness during character generation. If wounded above light, the Panther shaman must make a willpower success test with a target number of 4 to avoid running for safety. Hyena Type: Wilderness Characteristics: Hyenas make wonderful corporate personnel. They are totally faithful to pack, but are ferocious when trying to gain something. They are tough survivors. They also like to be powerful. Corps just love 'em. As a runner, He will rarely bother with anything moral, or anything for that matter, that does not bring in good profits, items, etc. Favored environment: Savanna (Prairie) Advantages: +1 dice to combat spells. +2 dice to conjuring prairie spirits. +1 dice to detection spells. +1 to shamans body attribute (ignoring racial limits!)! Add this in AFTER character meets below requirement. Disadvantages: -1 dice to health spells. -1 dice to illusion spells. The Hyena shaman must, during character generation, assign at least 4 points to body and 3 to strength. When the Hyena shaman wants to do something other then what his pack (whatever that be) wants to do, he must make a willpower test with a target number of 7(!!!) or forget doing whatever he wanted to do for a time decided by the GM. When this time is up he must again make this roll. This roll is ignored if the shamans combined intelligence, willpower, and charisma equals or exceeds 14. When a Hyena character sets an objective for himself he must make a willpower test with a target number of 4 to break off that path. He may try as many times as the GM sees fit. Author: Michael Best (Capt MJB)  .