~ ~-[====-YOU CAN BE A PEEPING TOM WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT-====]- Another Great You-Can-Be-A- file from Brutus Maccabee! (c) July 11, 1988 {8th day of the Tour de France} Ok, you're a normal guy with normal needs. Your girlfriend won't put out; you don't have enough for a whore. Pornos and Playboy just don't cut it anymore. You want real live sexual activity before you. Fucking the Dead is one way. (Someone wrote a fil e on that didn't they?) But this way maggots don't eat your cock off while you're a-fucking. If you live in a large building on a high floor, peeping should be no problem. All you need to do is find a careless neighbor anywhere in your view from your window. A young couple who still go at it and walk around the house naked a lot are prime spe cimens. A pre-peeping idea: Try to carry groceries up for the wife while the husband is at work. Then while she is going back downstairs, open the shades in the bedroom and open the window in the bathroom. If they are careless enough then you should get a good show that night. Or, try any way to get into the apartment. If you are young and innocent looking say you are taking some poll or survey. Then do the thing with the blinds and get ready. If you're into illegal shit, why not just break in? And if you have electronic equipment, set up some cameras in the bedroom or bathroom or wherever. Also, bug the place to get the full audio as well. Ok, you're ready to peep. At night, if they have the lights on and you have the lights off, they can't see your ass at all. Just get out the binoculars and peep to your hearts content. Of course, when they turn out the lights you can't see shit, but t hey won't turn them off right away know what I mean? And they never turn off the bathroom light so if she is a habitual showerer...get going. If the building they live in is close enough to yours you don't even need binoculars. But if you do need them, fo cus them beforehand because they are a bitch to focus in the dark. Kitchens are good places to look as well, because I have found that after a good fuck the wife usually comes out for a drink and doesn't bother to re-dress, and the light from the refriger ator makes her show up very nicely. Another good place to peep is at the beach. Some of the girls there have so little on that they're better than naked because it holds all the flesh in place know what I mean? Just take out you're binoculars and pretend that you're looking at the sailb oats or light houses or some bullshit like that. Then casually scan the beach! Woah! Awesome! Focus on some asses, you can see through some of the material at close range. You can also peep into houses and even onto the beach while hidden in a tree. Or even while just sittng in a tree where you're not really noticeable. Always go pretty high for best affect. (Or is it effect?). If you know a hot girl well, try to go ove r to her house and when there open all the shades and blinds and curtains. Then if someone in her family catches you around the house while peeping just say you were coming to see her. Ta-da! Welp, thats all for this presentattion. There are a lot more places and ways to peep, but I hope you get the general idea! Special thanks to: All my careless neighbors and all the hot girls on the beach. This has been a Brutus Maccabee presentation! Watch for my new X-Rated series: ~ ~ The Adventures of Betty Bondage and Laura Lust DOWNLOADED FROM P-80 SYSTEMS...... Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253 .