[]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[] || || || Snagging Chicks || || || []:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[] Snagging chicks is one hell of a rough business, so that is why I have written this file. This file is written for those of you who have never snagged a chick before and would really like to give it a shot. Hopefully this will set you on your way to a long and illustrious chick snagging career. Snagging chicks is simply defined as getting a girl to like you enough to have a long affair, or a one night stand. There are a variety of different methods and I will explain them, and the technique to you. Let's face it, most chicks are almost dependent on what their first impression of you is. You must have the clothes, the grin, the general look that the girl is looking for. If you are a nerd type, look for nerd type chicks. If you are the tough type, look for tough looking chicks. If you are generally a wierdo like myself, than any sort of good looking chick will do. Make sure you have the right 'look' for the chicks inhabiting your area. Next, don't be boring. Chicks as a whole really hate and are bored by boring guys. Try to create the impression that you are totally confident, and a little cocky at the same time. Even though you may not be, this is a very important attribute for snagging chicks. Confidence is very important. Chicks are often impressed by conversation that you make. If you suck at talking to people, and are better at listening, you had better learn to talk too. To learn how to make a good conversation, talk to your friends a lot. Continually practice talking about seemingly unimportant things, and in no time flat, you should be able to walk up to just about any chick and start talking about stuff. When you talk to chicks, don't talk about boring things. Talk about exciting things: wiping out on your skateboard, surfing, getting totally blasted, you know, stuff like that. Chicks are more often than not impressed by bravado on your part. Once you get started talking, you should be able to carry on for a pretty long time. After you feel you somewhat know the chick, make sexual slurs like 'hey, wanna look at my room?'.. stuff along that line. You know it's working if the chick turns red, or grins. This is how you cn test chicks to see what they are made of. If she can come back with slurs directed toward you, you know you have a pretty funky chick. Remember, whn meeting chicks, act confidently and in a pretty cocky manner. This seems to have worked a lot in my case, and in other cases I have studied. Introduce yourself like 'hi, I'm Mike, anarchist extrodinaire'. Get up and shake her hand vigorously and grin. Look directly into the chick's eyes a lot, even though it may seem entirely freaky, do it anyway, because they seem to like it. Tryto grin at the same time, but this is very difficult, and only for advanced chick snaggers. Chicks are impressed by chivalry a lot, so if you really want to have some major sex with her just go:' hey, wanna have some major sex?' this may seem like an entirely impossible maneuver, but it is possible and has proved more effective than just attacking the chick right then and there. If you really can't handle that manuever, just do the latter, but the aforementioned is really much more successful, especially if you have a fun chick to be around. Different Chicks and Techniques: Spazzy chicks: Spazzy chicks are usually the most interesting chicks to try to nail, because they are simply the most fun and can be approached directly. These chicks often lick their lips in your direction or grab your ass. They can be confronted directly and often like a weird attitude toward life. Typical chick: Your typica chick that you can find virtually all over the united states of america is usually impressed by the image you convey. This type of chick usually goes for a clean, nice looking dude who wears mirrored sunglasses. This chick is easily embarrassed, and almost impossible to have sex with at all. Booooorrrrrrriiiing. Wench chick: This chick would have sex with a tree stump if it were possible for her. She is most often impressed by the leather and chains type of guy who wears motorcycle sunglasses and swears a lot. Psycho chick: This chick enjoys doing strangethings, like skinny dipping, drinking, getting totally wasted, crashing cars. In most attributes, she is a lot like the spazzy chick and is often less intellient. Nerd chick: These cicks are usually not to great looking and really pretty boring to be around. Only try to snag these chicks if there is nothing else in your area. They are impressed by GRADES. Ugh. Well, that is about it for this file, the most important thing to nailing chicks isgetting up the balls to do it. If you don't have the balls to go and do a lot of this stuff, I don't know what you can do. Just think to yourself "There are no consequences" and go for it. []:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[] || Written for: || || The Flaming Toilet 312-234-6795|| || Genesis Project IIe 312-395-1816|| || K.A.O.S. || || Renee (The Spazzy Chick) || || White Shark (Who gave me the idea) || []:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[] a darkside 444 g-file production special thanks to White Shark .