A Star Trek chronology according to the stardates from the log entries of the original episodes, the animated series, the motion pictures, the comics from DC and Marvel, the novels from Pocket Books, and the Next Generation episodes. by Scott Sorrell (73307,1400) Voyage Stardate -------------------------------------------------------- My Enemy, My Ally 0304.6 The Magicks of Megas-Tu 1254.4 All Those Years Ago.... 1278.40 Uhura's Story 1297.8 Where No Man Has Gone Before 1312.4 Mudd's Women 1329.1 The Corbomite Maneuver 1512.2 The Man Trap 1531.1 Charlie X 1533.6 The Enemy Within 1672.1 The Naked Time 1704.2 Balance of Terror 1709.1 The Squire of Gothos 2124.5 Rules of Engagement 2213.5 Patterns of Force 2534.0 What Are Little Girls Made Of? 2712.4 Miri 2713.5 Dagger of the Mind 2715.1 The Conscience of the King 2817.6 The Galileo Seven 2821.5 Court-Martial 2947.3 Uhura's Song 2950.3 The Menagerie 3012.4 Catspaw 3018.2 Shore Leave 3025.3 Arena 3045.6 The Alternative Factor 3087.6 Tomorrow is Yesterday 3113.2 Vicious Circle 3114.1 Web of the Romulans 3125.3 The City on the Edge of Forever 3134.0 Space Seed 3141.9 The Return of the Archons 3156.2 Practical Joker 3183.3 A Taste of Armageddon 3192.1 The Devil in the Dark 3196.1 Errand of Mercy 3198.4 The Gamesters of Triskelion 3211.7 Metamorphosis 3219.4 Operation: Annihilate 3287.2 Amok Time 3372.7 This Side of Paradise 3417.3 The Changeling 3451.9 Who Mourns for Adonais? 3468.1 The Deadly Years 3478.2 Friday's Child 3497.2 A Small Matter of Faith 3547.2 Wolf in the Fold 3614.9 Obsession 3619.2 Tomorrow is Yesterday 3708.2 The Apple 3715.0 Journey to Babel 3842.3 The Argon Affair 3847.5 Spock Must Die 4011.9 Bread and Circuses 4040.7 Slaver Weapon 4187.3 The Doomsday Machine 4202.9 A Private Little War 4211.4 The Immunity Syndrome 4307.1 Elaan of Troyius 4372.5 Corona 4380.4 Spectre of the Gun 4385.3 I, Mudd 4513.3 The Galactic Whirlpool 4520.0 The Trouble with Tribbles 4523.3 A Piece of the Action 4598.0 By Any Other Name 4657.5 The Klingon Gambit 4720.1 Battlestations 4720.2 The Ultimate Computer 4729.4 Return to Tomorrow 4768.3 Mutiny on the Enterprise 4769.1 The Paradise Syndrome 4842.6 Double, Double 4925.2 Mudd's Passion 4978.5 The Entropy Effect 5001.1 And the Children Shall Lead 5027.3 The Enterprise Incident 5031.3 The Abode of Life 5064.4 The Empath 5121.0 The Survivor 5143.3 Time Trap 5267.2 Albatross 5275.6 Turnabout Intruder 5298.5 Dreams of the Raven 5302.1 One of Our Planets is Missing 5371.3 Yesteryear 5373.4 More Tribbles, More Troubles 5392.4 The Mark of Gideon 5423.4 Spock's Brain 5431.4 For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky 5476.3 The Lorelei Signal 5483.7 The Ambergris Element 5499.9 The Eye of the Beholder 5501.2 Black Fire 5505.6 Beyond the Farthest Star 5521.3 The Infinite Vulcan 5554.4 The Terratin Incident 5577.3 Once Upon a Planet 5591.2 Is There in Truth No Beauty? 5630.7 Jihad 5683.1 The Tholian Web 5693.4 Wink of an Eye 5710.5 Whom Gods Destroy 5718.3 The Lights of Zetar 5725.3 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield 5730.2 Plato's Stepchildren 5784.0 The Cloudminers 5818.4 The Way to Eden 5832.3 Requiem for Methuselah 5843.7 The Savage Curtain 5906.4 All Our Yesterdays 5943.7 Pawns and Symbols 5960.2 The Final Voyage 5996.5 How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth 6063.4 The Cry of the Onlies 6118.2 Yesterday's Son 6324.09 The Pirates of Orion 6334.1 Like A Woman Scorned 6352.4 Vulcan 6451.3 The Starless World 6527.5 Chekov's Choice 6714.3 Spock,Messiah 6720.8 The Counter-Clock Incident 6770.3 Perry's Planet 6827.3 Death's Angel 6914.6 The Lost Years 6987.31 Mindshadow 7003.4 Bem 7403.6 Star Trek: The Motion Picture 7412.6 The Haunting of Thallus 7416.2 Spock's World 7416.664 The Haunting of the Enterprise 7417.4 The Enterprise Murder Case 7420.1 Crisis on Centaurus 7513.5 The Trellisane Confrontation 7521.6 The Expansionist Syndrome 7523.5 Experiment in Vengeance 7641.8 Domain of the Dragon God 7673.6 The Covenant of the Crown 7815.3 Deep Domain 7823.6 The Long Night's Dawn 8124.5 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 8130.3 Retrospect 8140.1 The Wormhole Connection 8141.5 The Only Good Klingon 8149.2 Errand of War 8150.7 Deadly Allies 8151.7 Mortal Gods 8163.5 Who is...Enigma? 8173.5 Pon Farr 8180.1 Dreadnought 8180.2 Eclipse of Reason 8180.7 Blood Fever 8185.35 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 8210.3 Promises to Keep 8215.5 Double Image 8216.4 Deadly Reflection 8217.2 The Tantalus Trap 8217.8 Masquerade 8220.3 Behind Enemy Lines 8221.6 The Beginning of the End 8223.4 The D'Artagnan Three 8263.5 Dreamworld 8293.6 Giri 8293.6 We Are Dying Egypt 8305.3 All Those Years Ago.... 8370.2 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 8390.0 There's No Place Like Gnomes 8431.5 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 8454.1 The Return 8470.3 The Sentence 8475.2 Death Before Dishonor 8481.7 Repercussions 8484.1 Fast Friends 8485.3 Cure All 8487.1 Not...Sweeney! 8488.3 ....Gone! 8490.7 The First Thing We Do... 8495.6 So Near the Touch 8503.1 The Final Reflection 8504.15 Wolf on the Prowl 8878.1 Wolf at the Door 8878.4 Double Blind 8890.1 The Trouble with Transporters 8892.3 The Last Word 8899.7 The Trouble with Bearclaw 8901.1 Maggie's World 8903.6 Judgment Day 8904.6 Death Ship 8906.3 Vicious Circle 8906.3 Stand-Off 8907.5 The Apocalypse Scenario 8908.3 Choices 8925.2 When You Wish Upon a Star.... 8931.2 Mudd's Magic 8932.3 What Goes Around.... 8950.1 The Corbomite Effect 8953.7 Paradise Lost 8954.8 Past Perfect 8958.6 Devil Down Below 8960.2 Aspiring to Be Angels 8987.7 Around the Clock 8988.3 Marriage of Inconvenience 8996.7 Haunted Honeymoon 9000.0 Hell in a Handbasket 9000.4 Old Loyalties 9001.3 Finnegan's Wake 9002.8 Uhura's Story 9142.5 Getaway 9212.8 Idol Threats 9219.7 The Wounded Sky 9250.0 The Fate of the Phoenix 9722.4 Encounter at Farpoint 41153.7 ....Where No One Has Gone Before 41187.5 The Naked Now 41209.2 Code of Honor 41235.25 Datalore 41242.4 Lonely Among Us 41249.3 Justice 41255.6 Where No One Has Gone Before 41263.1 Haven 41294.5 Too Short a Season 41309.5 11001001 41365.9 The Last Outpost 41386.4 Coming of Age 41416.2 Home Soil 41463.9 Heart of Glory 41503.7 When the Bough Breaks 41509.1 Hide and Q 41590.5 Skin of Evil 41601.3 Angel One 41636.9 We'll Always Have Paris 41697.9 The Battle 41723.9 Q Affects 41753.3 Here Today 41753.8 Conspiracy 41775.5 The Arsenal of Freedom 41798.2 The Captains' Honor 41800.9 The Neutral Zone 41986.0 The Big Goodbye 41997.7 The Child 42073.1 Spirit in the Sky 42120.3 Q Factor 42125.7 Where Silence Has Lease 42193.6 Elementary, Dear Data 42286.3 Return to Raimon 42305.7 Murder, Most Foul 42307.2 The Derelict 42315.8 The Hero Factor 42361.8 The Outrageous Okona 42402.7 Power Hungry 42422.5 The Schizoid Man 42437.5 Loud As a Whisper 42477.2 Unnatural Selection 42494.8 A Matter of Honor 42506.5 The Measure of a Man 42523.7 Metamorphosis 42528.6 The Dauphin 42568.8 Contagion 42609.1 The Royale 42625.4 Time Squared 42679.2 The Icarus Factor 42686.4 Pen Pals 42695.3 Q Who 42761.3 Samaritan Snare 42779.1 Up the Long Ladder 42823.2 Manhunt 42859.2 A Call To Darkness 42908.6 Peak Performance 42923.4 Shades of Gray 42976.1 Evolution 43125.8 The Survivors 43152.4 Who Watches the Watchers 43173.5 The Bonding 43198.7 Serafin's Survivors 43201.8 Booby Trap 43205.6 The Pilot 43265.4 The Enemy 43349.2 The Price 43385.6 The Vengeance Factor 43421.9 The Defector 43462.5 The Hunted 43489.2 The High Ground 43510.7 Deja Q 43539.1 A Matter of Perspective 43610.4 Yesterday's Enterprise 43625.2 The Offspring 43657.0 Sins of the Father 43685.2 Allegiance 43714.1 Captain's Holiday 43745.2 Tin Man 43779.3 Hollow Pursuits 43807.4 The Most Toys 43872.2 Sarek 43917.4 Menage a Troi 43930.7 Transfigurations 43957.2 The Best of Both Worlds 43989.1 ----------------- UNREPORTED VOYAGES ---------------- Assignment: Earth unknown The Battle Within unknown Bloodthirst unknown The Cage unknown Chain of Attack unknown The Children of Hamlin unknown Cry of the Onlies unknown The Day of the Dove unknown Demons unknown Doctor's Orders unknown Dwellers in the Crucible unknown The Emissary unknown The Ensigns of Command unknown Enterprise: The First Adventure unknown Final Frontier unknown The Final Nexus unknown Ghost Ship unknown Going, Going... unknown Gulliver's Fugitives unknown Homecoming unknown How Much for Just the Planet? unknown The IDIC Epidemic unknown Ishmael unknown The Kobayashi Maru unknown Killing Time unknown Masks unknown Memory Prime unknown Mirror, Mirror unknown The Noise of Justice unknown The Omega Glory unknown The Pandora Principle unknown The Pay Off unknown The Peacekeepers unknown The Prometheus Design unknown The Price of the Phoenix unknown A Rock and a Hard Place unknown Rest and Recreation unknown The Romulan Way unknown Shadow Lord unknown Shadows in the Garden unknown The Stars in Secret Influence unknown Strangers from the Sky unknown Strike Zone unknown Survivors unknown Symbiosis unknown That Which Survives unknown The Tears of the Singers unknown The Three-Minute Universe unknown Time for Yesterday unknown Timetrap unknown Triangle unknown The Vulcan Academy Murders unknown Vulcan's Glory unknown You're Dead, Jim unknown _____________________________________________________ If you have a novel or one of the Marvel comics that are not listed here, leave me a message with the title of the book (or comic) and the first stardate you come across in that book and it will be added. If the stardate is not listed, just say "unknown". S.S. X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .