From: (---Closed Mondays---) Date: 5 May 93 17:18:25 GMT Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc Subject: StarTrek Info Lists: The Original Series ******************************************************************************* "Star Trek" (The Original Series): CAST LIST ~~~~~~~~~ Regular Cast: William Shatner - Captain James Tiberius Kirk (was James R. Kirk in "Where No Man Has Gone Before") Leonard Nimoy - First Officer/Commander Spock (Lieutenant Commander for part of first season) DeForest Kelley - Lieutenant Commander/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy (Chief Medical Officer) James Doohan - Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott "Scotty" (Chief Engineer) George Takei - Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu (Helmsman) Walter Koenig - Ensign Pavel Chekov (Navigator) Nichelle Nichols - Lieutenant Uhura (Communications Officer) Majel Barrett - Nurse Christine Chapel Grace Lee Whitney - Yeoman Janice Rand Notable Guests: Roger C. Carmel - Harcourt Fenton Mudd (Mudd's Women) - Harcourt Fenton Mudd (I, Mudd) William Campbell - Trelane (The Squire of Gothos) - Klingon Commander Koloth (The Trouble with Tribbles) Joan Collins - Edith Keeler (City on the Edge of Forever) Marriette Hartley - Zarabeth (All Our Yesterdays) Mark Lenard - Romulan Commander (Balance of Terror) - Sarek (Journey to Babel) Ricardo Montalban - Khan Noonian Singh (Space Seed) Diana Muldaur - Dr. Ann Mulhall (Return to Tomorrow) - Dr. Miranda Jones (Is There In Truth No Beauty) Jane Wyatt - Amanda (Journey to Babel) FIRST SEASON ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0. - PILOT - 1 Unknown * The Cage -Enterprise to mind-alien planet.Things not real! 1. 9/08/66 6 1513.1 The Man Trap -Shape-changing alien kills 2 crew.Symbiotic existance w/scientist. 2. 9/15/66 8 1533.6 * Charlie X -Super kid threatens ship, taken-back to super aliens. 3. 9/22/66 2 1312.4 * Where No Man Has Gone Before -Enterprise approaches edge of galaxy.two crew gain reckless ESP. 4. 9/29/66 7 1704.2 * The Naked Time -Crazy-Disease infects crew.Ship hurtled 3days in time to save it. 5. 10/06/66 5 1672.1 The Enemy Within -Transporter Malfunctions. Good & Bad Kirks. 6. 10/13/66 4 1329.1 * Mudd's Women -Mudd trades women for freedom. Beauty gained w/drugs. 7. 10/20/66 10 2712.4 * What are Little Girls Made Of? -Dr. Roger Korby duplicates an android Kirk.Attempts to steal Enterp. 8. 10/27/66 12 2713.5 * Miri -Planet where Puberty is Deadly, Landing party in danger! 9. 11/03/66 11 2715.1 * Dagger of the Mind -Mind altering Machine makes penal-colony inmates go crazy! 10. 11/10/66 3 1512.2 * The Corbomite Maneuver -Smaller Ship controls enterprise.Small alien.Kirk bluffs Corbomite. 11. 11/17/66 16 3012.4 t* The Menagerie (Part One) 12. 11/24/66 * The Menagerie (Part Two) -Capt. Pike Taken to Talos IV.Spock in conspracy. 13. 12/08/66 13 2817.6 * The Conscience of the King -Kodos, who kills lots of people, is killed by daughter. 14. 12/15/66 9 1709.1 * Balance of Terror -Romulans destroy earth outpost.Romulans resemble Spock.Prejudice. 15. 12/29/66 17 3025.3 * Shore Leave -Vacation planet where thoughts transformed into reality. 16. 1/05/67 14 2821.5 * The Galileo Seven -Spock & others stranded on planet.Prejudice.Phaser fixes Shuttle. 17. 1/12/67 18 2124.5 * The Squire of Gothos -Powerful alien(boy) plays with Enterprise & crew. 18. 1/19/67 19 3045.6 * Arena -Lizard aliens destroy Base.Metrons give Captains challange. 19. 1/26/67 21 3113.2 Tomorrow is Yesterday. -Enterprise thrown into 20th cent.Pilot saved.History restored. 20. 2/02/67 15 2947.3 * Court Martial -Finney disliked Kirk.Reprogram's computer.Attempt to discredit Kirk. 21. 2/09/67 22 3156.2 The Return of the Archons -Planet has 12 hour orgy.Kirk destroys controlling computer. 22. 2/16/67 24 3141.9 * Space Seed -Khan takes-over ship.Kirk puts them on virgin planet.what'll happen? 23. 2/23/67 23 3192.1 * A Taste of Armageddon -Computer war.Voulentary casualties.Kirk destroys war computer. 24. 3/02/67 25 3417.3 * This Side of Paradise -Emotion-Spores nearly doom enterprise! Anger gets rid of them. 25. 3/09/67 26 3196.1 * The Devil in the Dark -Energy creature threatens miners.KirkNegotiates simbiotic relations. 26. 3/16/67 27 3198.4 * Errand of Mercy -Organians(omnipotent beings) stop war easily.oversee from now on. 27. 3/23/67 20 3087.6 * The Alternative Factor -Lazarus. Rip in the universe. 28. 4/06/67 28 3134.0 * The City on the Edge of Forever -Living time machine.Landing party changes past.Barely fixes it! 29. 4/13/67 29 3287.2 * Operation - Annihalate -Flying creatures invade nervous systems.Spock almost blinded. SECOND SEASON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30. 9/15/67 34 3372.7 * Amok Time -Spock in pon farr.go to Vulcan for mating ritual.Spock&Kirk fight. 31. 9/22/67 33 3468.1 Who Morns for Adonais -Enterprise encounters the God Apollo. 32. 9/29/67 37 3451.9 * The Changeling -Powerful space probe destroys planets.Tricked by Kirk todestruction. 33. 10/06/67 39 Unknown * Mirror, Mirror -Ion storm mixes two universes, Barbaric universe. 34. 10/13/67 38 3715.0 * The Apple -Enterprises' phasers destroy computer controlling a planet. 35. 10/20/67 35 4202.9 * The Doomsday Machine -Destruction machine. invading universe... 36. 10/27/67 30 3018.2 Catspaw -Haloween, haunted castle.real warlock & witch! 37. 11/03/67 41 4513.3 I, Mudd -Android brings enterprise to Harry Mudd(the leader of androidplanet. 38. 11/10/67 31 3219.4 Metamorphosis -Cochrane(warp drive), on planet with female cloud creature. 39. 11/17/67 44 3842.3 * Journey to Babel -Sarek diplomatic mission.Orion spy made to look like an Andoran. 40. 12/01/67 32 3497.2 Friday's Child -Klingon & federation fight for a planets' relations. 41. 12/08/67 40 3478.2 The Deadly Years -Disease ages crew.Adrenaline.'corbomite' bluff used... 42. 12/15/67 47 3619.2 Obsession -Vampire cloud brings back Kirk's memories.Antimatter finishes it! 43. 12/22/67 36 3614.9 * Wolf in the Fold -Jack the ripper's entity uses scotty's body.Kills lots of people. 44. 12/29/67 42 4523.3 * The Trouble with Tribbles -Trader's Tribbles infect ship.Klingon Spy ring. 45. 1/05/68 46 3211.7 The Gamesters of Triskellion -Party transported to other system.Gladiators.Kirk Wagers. 46. 1/12/68 49 4598.0 A Piece of the Action -Enterprise on gang-planet.Kirk bargains for 'piece of the action'. 47. 1/19/68 48 4307.1 * The Immunity Syndrome -Enterprise is defense(antibody) for galaxy-invading creature! 48. 2/02/68 45 4211.4 * A Private Little War -Faction provided by Klingons,federation coming in on other side. 49. 2/09/68 51 4768.3 * Return to Tomorrow -Kirk, Spock, & female doctor have their bodies borrowed. 50. 2/16/68 52 2534.0 Patterns of Force -The Enterprise finds a Nazi Germany type planet. 51. 2/23/68 50 4657.5 By Any Other Name -Kelvans test the Enterprise to see if the Galaxy is to be colonized. 52. 3/01/68 54 Unknown The Omega Glory -E. discovers mysterious dead ship.Discovers communist-type-earth. 53. 3/08/68 53 4729.4 * The Ultimate Computer -A new computer goes haywire and thinks a combat test is real. 54. 3/15/68 43 4040.7 Bread and Circuses -Planet of sun-worshippers.Party captured.Scotty saves the day! 55. 3/29/68 55 Unknown * Assignment: Earth -Enterprise in 1968. Traveler from other world helps Humanity? THIRD SEASON ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 56. 9/20/68 61 5431.4 * Spock's Brain -Spock's brain is stolen for powerful purposes. 57. 9/27/68 59 5031.3 * The Enterprise Incident -Enterprise steals cloaking device.E cloaks.Vulcan death grip! 58. 10/04/68 58 4842.6 The Paradise Syndrome -Kirk looses memory on planet where he is worshipped as a god. 59. 10/11/68 60 5027.3 And The Children Shall Lead -Five children are guided by a friendly angel to take-over planets. 60. 10/18/68 62 5630.7 Is There In Truth No Beauty? -Love triangle: Telepathic scientist, her wooer, and an alien. 61. 10/25/68 56 4385.3 * Spectre of the Gun -Kirk, Spock, McCoy, & Chekov are transported to OK Corral gunfight. 62. 11/01/68 66 Unknown * Day of the Dove -Klingons and the crew battle. Alien feeds off of anger. 63 11/08/68 65 5476.3 * For The World Is Hollow And I Have Touched the Sky -McCoy falls in love with a priestess in an asteroid. 64. 11/15/68 64 5693.4 * The Tholian Web -Kirk lost, Crew goes mad, Tholians trap the Enterprise. 65. 11/22/68 67 5784.0 Plato's Stepchildren -Powerful telekinetics control the Enterprise & crew. 66. 11/29/68 68 5710.5 * Wink of an Eye -Kirk encounters people who move incredibly fast! 67. 12/06/68 63 5121.0 The Empath -Kirk,Spock,McCoy kidnapped by aliens to find cure for pain? 68. 12/20/68 57 4372.5 Elaan of Troyius -Enterprise to transport brat to marry a leader.klingons intervene. 69. 1/03/69 71 5718.3 Whom Gods Distroy -Once legendary captain takes control of a mental planet. 70. 1/10/69 70 5730.2 * Let That Be Your Last Battlefield -The last ones of two races fight to wipe each other out. 71. 1/17/69 72 5423.4 The Mark Of Gideon -Overcrowded, pure planet wants kirk to introduce disease. 72. 1/24/69 69 Unknown That Which Survives -Hologram threatens several crewmembers.away team stranded. 73. 1/31/69 73 5725.3 The Lights of Zetar -Scotty's girlfriend predicts future after looking at the lights. 74. 2/14/69 76 5843.7 * Requiem for Methuselah -A living lazarus Long is found, on planet with a woman robot. 75. 2/21/69 75 5832.3 * The Way to Eden -Space hippies on the enterprise search for eden. 76. 2/28/69 74 5818.4 * The Cloudminders -Underground miners struggle for equality with rulers in the clouds. 77. 3/07/69 77 5906.4 The Savage Curtain -Abraham Lincoln comes aboard and fights evil with kirk&Spock. 78. 3/14/69 78 5943.7 * All Our Yesterdays -Kirk,Spock and McCoy transported to a dying star-system. 79. 6/03/69 79 5298.5 Turnabout Intruder -old flame of Kirk's switches bodies with him to become a captain. "I'm a Doctor, not a _________" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bricklayer - Devil in the Dark Escalator - Friday's Child Engineer - Mirror, Mirror Mechanic - The Doomsday Machine Psychiatrist - The City on the Edge of Forever Moon shuttle conductor - The Corbomite Maneuver The last is paraphrased, since he said "What am I, a doctor or a moon shuttle conductor", but it fits the mold. Also, in Amok Time, Kirk says "Well, are you a doctor or aren't you?" and in ST5 says something like "Dammit Bones, you're a doctor." ADDITIONAL NOTES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For a good source of information, please try "The Star Trek Compendium" by Alan Asherman. .