---==* STAR TREK *==--- THE MEGA-LISTING ___ ___....-----'---`-----....___ ========================================= ___`---..._______...---'___ (___) _|_|_|_ (___) \\____.-'_.---._`-.____// `~~~~`.__`---'__.'~~~~' ~~~~~ edited by ---==* LYKOS *==--- Disclaimer: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and all components thereof are registered trademarks of and copyrighted by Paramount Pictures, Inc. "Star Trek: The Mega-Listing" is an unauthorized non-fiction examination of the series, and does not intend to infringe on the copyrights involved. This electronic document may be copied and distributed freely in its unaltered form. U.S.S. ENTERPRISE GALAXY CLASS * STARFLEET REGISTRY NCC-1701-D UTOPIA PLANITIA FLEET YARDS, MARS FIFTH STARSHIP TO BEAR THE NAME * LAUNCHED STARDATE 40759.5 UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS "...to boldly go where no one has gone before." -From the Enterprise's commissioning plaque INTRODUCTION: First, a BIG thanks to the users of the REC.ARTS.STARTREK and REC.ARTS.STARTREK.INFO newsgroups on the InterNet, and to the users of the Star Trek message bases on the VirtualNet. Without them, this list wouldn't be here (especially Mark Holtz and Jim (The Big Dweeb) Griffin. Thanks, Jim & Mark!). Secondly, I'd like to respectfully dedicate this file (and its upkeeping) to Gene Roddenberry. Gene, I never knew you, and you never knew me. But I can't help but feel the impact your creation, Star Trek, made on me and my character. I think I'm probably a better, more tolerant person, thanks to the beliefs and ideals you instilled in me at an early age. You shall be missed. Hailing frequencies closed, sir. ---==* TABLE OF CONTENTS *==--- Notes..................................................2 Star Trek: The Original Series Episode Guide...........3 Star Trek: The Animated Series Episode Guide..........12 The Star Trek Films Reference Guide...................15 Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode Guide..........16 The Rumor Mill........................................30 The Cast of The Original Series.......................32 The Cast of The Next Generation.......................33 Guest Stars of The Next Generation....................34 Season to Season Changes on The Next Generation.......37 Episode and Film Checklist............................38 ---==* NOTES *==--- A B 1/2. Encounter at Farpoint C 721 D E Stardate 41153.7: A mysterious entity named "Q" places the crew of the new starship "Enterprise" on trial for all the crimes of humanity. A: The order in which the episodes were originally aired. B: The episode title. C: Paramount's production code number (ST:TNG Episodes) or Syndication airing order (ST:TOS Episodes) D: The first stardate given in the episode. E: Plot synopsis. In syndication, most stations air the episodes by Paramount's production code, rather than by airing order. So if you're wondering why reruns aren't shown in the order they were aired (or listed here), that's why. The stardates given in a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode follow a general rule: The first digit, 4, indicates the current series (Star Trek: TNG). The second digit indicates the season the episode falls in. The next three digits indicate how far in the season the episode is. A point follows, and then a number that represents (roughly) what day it is in the episode. (The first year, by the way, of Star Trek: The Next Generation is the year 2364. The original series took place around 2260, and Star Trek II occurred in the year 2284.) This works great for seasons 2-5, but the stardates still skip around a bit in the first season. And finally, as always, this listing will be updated as regularly as possible. Please check your local Bulletin Board System (BBS) for the latest version. LAST UPDATED: STARDATE 9205.11 OLD EARTH CALENDAR TRANSLATION: MAY 11, 1992 A.D. ---==* STAR TREK: THE ORIGINAL SERIES *==--- EPISODE REFERENCE GUIDE SEASON 1--------------------------------------------------------- 1. The Cage (Unaired Pilot Episode) 1 Stardate Unknown: While answering a distress call, Captain Pike of the U.S.S. Enterprise is captured by the highly intelligent Talosians, who have the ability to create illusions. 2. The Man Trap 6 Stardate 1531.1: The Enterprise is plagued by a shapeshifting creature that feeds on salt. 3. Charlie X 8 Stardate 1533.6: The Enterprise is ordered to deliver the lone survivor of a starship crash fourteen years before, unaware that the boy harbors godlike powers. 4. Where No Man Has Gone Before (Pilot Episode) 2 Stardate 1312.4: After crossing the Galactic Barrier, two crewmembers of the Enterprise find themselves with godlike psychic abilities. 5. The Naked Time 7 Stardate 1704.2: The crew of the Enterprise endanger their own ship when a virus causes them to act as if intoxicated. 6. The Enemy Within 5 Stardate 1672.1: A transporter malfunction splits Captain Kirk into his good and evil selves. 7. Mudd's Women 4 Stardate 1329.1: Intergalactic con artist Harry Mudd is caught by the Enterprise while transporting three gorgeous women to a mining planet. 8. What are Little Girls Made of? 10 Stardate 2712.4: The Enterprise discovers a planet run primarily by androids created by Dr. Roger Korby, Nurse Chapel's long-lost fiancee. 9. Miri 12 Stardate 2713.5: The Enterprise discovers a burned-out city on an Earth-like planet, where all adults contract a deadly plague and die. 10. Dagger of the Mind 11 Stardate 2715.1: Kirk and the Enterprise crew discover that all is not as it seems on Tantalus V, a "progressive" penal colony. 11. The Corbomite Maneuver 3 Stardate 1512.2: When the Enterprise is threatened by a huge alien ship, Captain Kirk threatens to destroy both ships. 12. The Menagerie (Two-Part Episode) 16 Stardate 3012.4: Spock is put on trial for the apparent abduction of former Enterprise captain Christopher Pike and the hijacking of the Enterprise to the forbidden world of Talos IV. 13. The Conscience of the King 13 Stardate 2817.6: Kirk is asked to help investigate a mysterious actor who may actually be Kodos, a mass murderer. 14. Balance of Terror 9 Stardate 1709.1: The Enterprise plays a deadly game of cat and mouse with a Romulan warship that has the ability to turn invisible. 15. Shore Leave 17 Stardate 3025.3: While taking shore leave on an Earth-like planet, the Enterprise crew is plagued by black knights, samurai warriors, and tigers. 16. The Galileo Seven 14 Stardate 2821.5: Spock, Scotty, McCoy, and four other crewmen are stranded aboard the shuttlecraft Galileo, while the Enterprise tries in vain to search for them. 17. The Squire of Gothos 18 Stardate 2124.5: Kirk and the Enterprise crew are trapped by Trelane, a powerful entity who appears as a 19th century fop. 18. Arena 19 Stardate 3045.6: After pursuing the Gorns, believing them to be the destroyers of a Starbase, Kirk and the Gorn captain are both captured and sent to battle each other on a planet by the Metrons. 19. Tomorrow is Yesterday 21 Stardate 3113.2: The Enterprise is sent back in time to the late 1960's, where they are spotted by an Air Force fighter pilot. 20. Court-Martial 15 Stardate 2947.3: Kirk is put on trial for the apparent death of a crewman under his command. 21. The Return of the Archons 22 Stardate 3156.2: While investigating the disappearance of a previous starship, the Enterprise crew is threatened with "absorption" into a very alien culture that has 12-hour orgies. 22. Space Seed 24 Stardate 3141.9: The Enterprise discovers a ship from the 20th century containing Khan, a genetically engineered superman who was exiled for his plans for world domination and put in suspended animation. 23. A Taste of Armageddon 23 Stardate 3192.1: While opening diplomatic channels on another world, Kirk and the Enterprise are declared casualties of war in a computer-simulated battle, and must be destroyed. 24. This Side of Paradise 25 Stardate 3417.3: While investigating the supposed destruction of a colony, the Enterprise crewmembers are infected with spores that cause pacifistic feelings. 25. The Devil in the Dark 26 Stardate 3196.1: The Enterprise Crew investigates a series of mysterious deaths on a mining colony, apparently caused by a creature that can burrow through stone. 26. Errand of Mercy 27 Stardate 3198.4: The hostilities between the Federation and the Klingon Empire come to a peak when both sides covet the strategically located world of Organia. 27. The Alternative Factor 20 Stardate 3087.6: The Enterprise discovers Lazarus, who is actually two different people: a sane man who exists in this universe, and a madman who exists in an antimatter universe. 28. The City on the Edge of Forever 28 Stardate 3134.0: Kirk and Spock must travel back in time to the 1930s to prevent a delirious Dr. McCoy from altering history. 29. Operation: Annihilate! 29 Stardate 3287.2: The Enterprise discovers that the planet Deveva has been invaded by gigantic flying amoebas that have killed Kirk's brother. SEASON 2--------------------------------------------------------- 30. Amok Time 34 Stardate 3372.7: When Spock enters "pon farr", the Vulcan mating cycle, Kirk must get him to Vulcan to take a wife or he will die. 31. Who Mourns for Adonais? 33 Stardate 3468.1: The Enterprise crew is both astonished and skeptical when they encounter an entity who claims to be the ancient god Apollo. 32. The Changeling 37 Stardate 3451.9: The Enterprise encounters Nomad, an ancient space probe that has "evolved" into an incredibly powerful entity devoted to the destruction of imperfect life forms. 33. Mirror, Mirror 39 Stardate Unknown: A transporter malfunction sends Kirk, Scotty, McCoy and Uhura into a parallel universe where the Federation has evolved along sinister principals. 34. The Apple 38 Stardate 3715.0: Kirk and the Enterprise encounter a primitive yet benevolent society ruled by Vaal, an ancient supercomputer. 35. The Doomsday Machine 35 Stardate 4202.9: The Enterprise encounters a gigantic destructive planet-killing weapon and a crippled starship that lost its crew to the device. 36. Catspaw 30 Stardate 3018.2: The Enterprise crew explores a planet that houses a haunted castle, witches, and Sulu and Scott, who have been transformed into zombies. 37. I, Mudd 41 Stardate 4513.3: The Enterprise runs afoul of Harry Mudd once again, who believes he is the leader of a race of androids. 38. Metamorphosis 31 Stardate 3219.4: While chasing a cloud creature that has kidnapped a shuttlecraft, Kirk and the Enterprise crew meet Zephram Cochrane, the creator of the warp drive engine. 39. Journey to Babel 44 Stardate 3842.3: While en route to a diplomatic meeting aboard the Enterprise, Spock's estranged father, Sarek, is accused of murdering one of the other guests. 40. Friday's Child 32 Stardate 3497.2: While attempting to prevent an alliance between the Klingons and the Capellans, the landing party becomes hunted fugitives. 41. The Deadly Years 40 Stardate 3478.2: While visiting Gamma Hydra IV, the Enterprise's landing party is exposed to a mysterious disease that accelerates the aging process. 42. Obsession 47 Stardate 3619.2: When the Enterprise encounters a gaseous creature Kirk had encountered years before, he becomes obsessed with killing it. 43. Wolf in the Fold 36 Stardate 3614.9: Scotty is "possessed" by an ancient energy creature known as Redjac, and accused of murdering young women on Argelius II. 44. The Trouble with Tribbles 42 Stardate 4523.3: While assigned to protect a shipment of grain, the Enterprise becomes infested with small, harmless fuzzy creatures known as Tribbles. 45. The Gamesters of Triskelion 46 Stardate 3211.7: Kirk, Uhura, and Chekov are kidnapped by the "Providers" of Triskelion, and turned into slaves for gladiatorial games 46. A Piece of the Action 49 Stardate 4598.0: The Enterprise visits Iotia, a planet whose culture is based entirely on a book entitled "Chicago Mobs of the Twenties." 47. The Immunity Syndrome 48 Stardate 4307.1: The Enterprise encounters a gigantic amoeba responsible for the destruction of a Federation starship and system. 48. A Private Little War 45 Stardate 4211.4: The Enterprise discovers Klingon influences on a primitive planet Kirk has visited in the past. 49. Return to Tomorrow 51 Stardate 4768.3: The landing party agrees to allow themselves to be "possessed" temporarily by three alien minds. 50. Patterns of Force 52 Stardate 2534.0: Kirk discovers his old academy teacher has corrupted a planet's government, turning it into a recreation of Nazi Germany. 51. By Any Other Name 50 Stardate 4657.5: The Enterprise is taken over by aliens who have assumed human form to determine if the galaxy is suitable for their conquest. 52. The Omega Glory 54 Stardate Unknown: Kirk discovers a starship captain living on a planet that he claims gives him immortality, and which is being fought over by the Yangs and Kohms. 53. The Ultimate Computer 53 Stardate 4729.4: A simple wargame quickly turns to tragedy when the Enterprise is temporarily refitted with the new M-5 supercomputer. 54. Bread and Circuses 43 Stardate 4040.7: The Enterprise discovers a world with a 20th century level of technology, and a culture much like that of the Roman Empire. 55. Assignment: Earth 55 Stardate Unknown: While on a mission back in time to 1960's Earth, The Enterprise crew encounters a mysterious individual who calls himself Gary Seven. SEASON 3--------------------------------------------------------- 56. Spock's Brain 61 Stardate 5431.4: Spock's brain is stolen, and Kirk and McCoy must retrieve it. 57. The Enterprise Incident 59 Stardate 5031.3: While in a state of confusion, Kirk orders the Enterprise into Romulan space, where it is quickly captured. 58. The Paradise Syndrome 58 Stardate 4842.6: Kirk loses his memory while on a mission to a planet with a culture similar to American Indians, and quickly becomes Medicine Chief of the tribe. 59. And the Children Shall Lead 60 Stardate 5027.3: The Enterprise is plagued by illusions and confusion when it investigates the mysterious suicides of the adults on a scientific colony. 60. Is There in Truth No Beauty? 62 Stardate 5630.7: The Enterprise plays host to a beautiful scientist, an engineer, and a Medusan, an energy creature that causes madness when it is seen. 61. Spectre of the Gun 56 Stardate 4385.3: The Enterprise crew is transported to the surface of a planet that resembles the wild west of the 1800s, where they learn they are scheduled to participate in a recreation of the showdown at the OK Corral. 62. The Day of the Dove 66 Stardate Unknown: The crews of the USS Enterprise and a Klingon ship are forced to cooperate to defeat an entity that feeds off of aggressive instincts. 63. For the World is Hollow and I have Touched the Sky 65 Stardate 5476.3: After Dr. McCoy discovers he has a terminal illness, he falls in love with Natira, the High Priestess aboard an asteroid-sized spaceship. 64. The Tholian Web 64 Stardate 5693.4: Kirk is trapped aboard a derelict starship that fades into another dimension, while the Enterprise is trapped in an energy web created by the hostile Tholians. 65. Plato's Stepchildren 67 Stardate 5784.0: The landing party runs afoul of a small greek-like culture composed entirely of powerful telekinetics. (NOTE: This episode contains TV's first interracial kiss.) 66. Wink of an Eye 68 Stardate 5710.5: Kirk and the Enterprise's male crewmembers are chosen to repopulate the plat Scalos, where all the inhabitants move at superhuman speeds. 67. The Empath 63 Stardate 5121.0: Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are kidnapped and tortured by aliens, but find healing in a mysterious woman named Gem. 68. Elaan of Troyius 57 Stardate 4372.5: The Enterprise must open diplomatic relations between the planets of Troyius and Elas, while avoiding Klingon influences. 69. Whom Gods Destroy 71 Stardate 5718.3: The Enterprise faces a difficult challenge when the inmates at an asylum take it over with the help of a shape changer. 70. Let That be Your Last Battlefield 70 Stardate 5730.2: The Enterprise finds itself carrying two humanoids of slightly different races from the planet Cheron, who hate each other violently. 71. The Mark of Gideon 72 Stardate 5423.4: A transporter malfunction strands Kirk in a deserted Enterprise, alone except for a mysterious woman. 72. That Which Survives 69 Stardate Unknown: The Enterprise and the landing party struggle to avoid the attacks of a mysterious woman who tells her victims, "I have come for you." 73. The Lights of Zetar 73 Stardate 5725.3: A mission specialist aboard the Enterprise is possessed by the collective life force of the inhabitants of Zetar, a planet long dead. 74. Requiem for Methuselah 76 Stardate 5843.7: While searching for the cure to a disease, Kirk and the Enterprise crew meet Flynn, an immortal who was also known as Leonardo DaVinci, Brahms, Lazarus and Methuselah. 75. The Way to Eden 75 Stardate 5832.3: The Enterprise overtakes a stolen cruiser, which is revealed to contain a band of young idealists searching for the mythical planet Eden. 76. The Cloudminders 74 Stardate 5818.4: Kirk is drawn into a struggle for equality on a planet where the ruling class lives in the clouds, and the working class labors in the planet's mines. 77. The Savage Curtain 77 Stardate 5906.4: Kirk and Spock are teamed with Abraham Lincoln and Surak in a battle against good and evil on the planet Excalbia. 78. All Our Yesterdays 78 Stardate 5943.7: While examining the planet Sarpeidon, about to be engulfed in the nova of its sun, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are accidentally sent to different historical eras in the planet's history. 79. Turnabout Intruder 79 Stardate 5298.5: An ex lover of Kirk's, Dr. Janice Lester, avenges herself on him by using a device to transfer her mind with Kirk's, so she can command the Enterprise. ---==* STAR TREK: THE ANIMATED SERIES *==-- EPISODE REFERENCE GUIDE 1. More Tribbles, More Troubles N/A Stardate 5392.4: While transporting a shipment of grain to a starving colony, the Enterprise crew rescues Cyrano Jones and his shipment of tribbles from a Klingon ship. 2. The Infinite Vulcan N/A Stardate 5554.4: A giant clone wishes to clone Spock, in an attempt to create a galactic peacemaker. Written by Walter Koening. 3. Yesteryear N/A Stardate 5373.4: Spock must use the Guardian of Forever to travel back to Vulcan's past, in an effort to save the life of his "younger" self. 4. Beyond the Farthest Star N/A Stardate 5521.3: The Enterprise discovers an abandoned starship inhabited by an evil alien entity that attempts to seize control of the Enterprise. 5. The Survivor N/A Stardate 5143.3: The Enterprise rescues a missing philanthropist, who may not be what he appears to be. 6. The Lorelei Signal N/A Stardate 5483.7: Uhura must lead a rescue party to save the men of the Enterprise when they are captured by beautiful aliens. 7. One of Our Planets is Missing N/A Stardate 5371.3: The Enterprise attempts to save a planet from a huge, destructive energy cloud. 8. Mudd's Passion N/A Stardate 4978.5: The Enterprise once again runs into Harry Mudd, who is now selling love potions. 9. The Magicks of Megas-Tu N/A Stardate 1254.4: The Enterprise is swept into another dimension where technology doesn't work, but magic does. 10. Time Trap N/A Stardate 5267.2: The Enterprise and a Klingon vessel are trapped in a galactic "graveyard of ships", populated by the descendants of starship crews long since stranded. 11. Slaver Weapon N/A Stardate 4187.3: While transporting a box that once belonged to an extinct race known as the Slavers, Uhura, Sulu and Spock are captured by the catlike Kzin, who want the box and it's contents. 12. Jihad N/A Stardate 5683.1: Kirk and Spock are asked to recover a holy relic, or a galaxy-wide holy war will erupt. 13. The Ambergris Element N/A Stardate 5499.9: While exploring the unstable water-planet of Argo, the Enterprise crew are mistaken for invading aliens by the water-breathing Aquans. 14. Once Upon a Planet N/A Stardate 5591.2: The Enterprise returns to the "Shore Leave" planet, only to discover that The Keeper is dead and the main computer is rebelling. 15. The Terratin Incident N/A Stardate 5577.3: When the Enterprise responds to a distress call, a strange energy bolt hits the Enterprise, causing all living matter to shrink. 16. The Eye of the Beholder N/A Stardate 5501.2: While investigating the disappearance of a starship's crew, the landing party is captured by giant alien slugs and put in a zoo. 17. BEM N/A Stardate 7403.6: An alien Starfleet commander attempts to test Kirk's resourcefulness, but accidentally winds up placing the Enterprise in jeopardy. 18. Albatross N/A Stardate 5275.6: While delivering medical supplies to a planet, McCoy is arrested and charged with causing a plague there 19 years earlier. 19. The Pirates of Orion N/A Stardate 6334.1: When Spock is infected with choriocytosis, the Enterprise arranges to rendezvous with another ship to retrieve the disease's only known antidote, only to have the ship raided by Orion pirates. 20. Practical Joker N/A Stardate 3183.3: While passing through a cosmic cloud in an attempt to evade hostile Romulans, strange events begin occurring aboard the Enterprise. 21. How Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth N/A Stardate 6063.4: The Enterprise runs afoul of Kulkukan, an ancient astronaut who was worshipped on Earth millennia ago as a god. 22. The Counter-Clock Incident N/A Stardate 6770.3: While transporting elderly Commodore Robert April, the first captain of the Enterprise, the ship is pulled into an alternate universe where time quickly runs backwards, transforming everyone into children. ---==* THE STAR TREK FILMS *==--- REFERENCE GUIDE Star Trek: The Motion Picture 1979 G Stardate 7411.4: Admiral Kirk returns to take command of the newly-refitted USS Enterprise on a mission to make contact with V'ger, a mysterious nebulous lifeform composed of almost pure energy. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 1982 PG Stardate 8130.3: While on a training mission, the Enterprise is attacked by Khan, who has hijacked a Federation starship and stolen the top secret "Genesis Project". Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 1984 PG Stardate 8210.3: Kirk and the Enterprise crew risk everything when they steal the Enterprise from Spacedock and journey to the Genesis Planet in an effort to retrieve Spock's body, unaware that a Klingon ship also wants the secrets of Genesis. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 1986 PG Stardate 8390.0: While en route to Earth, Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise travel back in time to the 1980s (in their stolen Klingon ship) to retrieve a pair of Humpbacked Whales needed desperately in the future. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989 PG Stardate 8454.1: A terrorist group, led by Spock's long lost half-brother, kidnaps three ambassadors on the "Planet of Galactic Peace" in an attempt to hijack the USS Enterprise and voyage to the center of the galaxy, where they believe God awaits them. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 1991 PG Stardate 9521.6: When the Klingon Empire makes peaceful overtures towards the Federation, Kirk and the Enterprise are ordered to escort the Klingon Chancellor to Earth, only to have Kirk framed for the chancellor's assassination. ---==* STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION *===-- EPISODE REFERENCE GUIDE SEASON 1--------------------------------------------------------- 1/2. Encounter at Farpoint 721 Stardate 41153.7: A mysterious entity named "Q" places the crew of the new starship "Enterprise" on trial for all the crimes of humanity. 3. The Naked Now 103 Stardate 41209.2: Romance, chaos, and danger result when a mysterious virus renders the crew of the Enterprise intoxicated. 4. Code of Honor 104 Stardate 41235.25: Lt. Yar is forced to battle for her freedom and the welfare of a diseased planet when she is kidnapped by aliens known as Ligonians. 5. The Last Outpost 107 Stardate 41386.4: Held captive over an unknown planet, the away teams of both the Enterprise and a Ferengi starship must pass an important inquisition by an entity known as Portal before they can be allowed to continue through space. 6. Where No One Has Gone Before 106 Stardate 41263.1: Teenager Wesley Crusher and a dying alien are the crew's only hope for escape when the Enterprise warps into a galaxy where thoughts become reality. 7. Lonely Among Us 108 Stardate 41249.3: While passing through a series of energy patterns in space, the Enterprise crew find themselves trying to solve the mystery surrounding the murder of Chief Asst. Engineer Singh, and the altered personalities of Lt. Worf, Dr. Crusher, and Captain Picard. 8. Justice 109 Stardate 41255.6: When Wesley is sentenced to death for accidentally violating an alien planet's customs, Captain Picard is forced to choose between saving Wesley's life or violating the Prime Directive, which prohibits interfering with another culture's way of life. 9. The Battle 110 Stardate 41723.9: A Ferengi captain offers the Federation Captain Picard's old starship, the Stargazer, but uses the peace offering as a means of revenging his son's death on Picard with a thought-altering device. 10. Hide and Q 111 Stardate 41590.5: The Enterprise is once again challenged by the powerful "Q," who offers Riker godlike powers if Riker will join the "Q-Continuum." 11. Haven 105 Stardate 41294.5: Deanna Troi is caught between her feelings for Riker and her devotion to Betazed customs when she faces a prearranged marriage. 12. The Big Goodbye 113 Stardate 41997.7: While hostile aliens await a vital ritualistic greeting by Captain Picard, he and three other crew members are trapped in a malfunctioning Holodeck recreation of 1941 San Francisco, where the four of them are being held hostage by murderous gangsters. 13. Datalore 114 Stardate 41242.4: While visiting the planet where Data was found, the Away Team discovers a prototype of Data named Lore, who begins formulating an evil plan to sacrifice the Enterprise crew to a gigantic "Crystal Entity." 14. Angel One 115 Stardate 41636.9: While the Away Team struggles to save male fugitives on a planet run by women, the Enterprise is ravaged by a highly infectious virus. 15. 11001001 116 Stardate 41365.9: While docked at a starbase, the Enterprise is hijacked with only Riker and Picard on board, who learn their only clues lie with a mysterious Holodeck woman named "Minuet." 16. Too Short a Season 112 Stardate 41309.5: The Enterprise escorts a Federation admiral to a planet to negotiate the release of hostages, but the planetary governor wants to kill him in revenge for a previous hostage crisis that ended in tragedy. 17. When the Bough Breaks 118 Stardate 41509.1: The Enterprise discovers a planet believed to be mythological, only to have the sterile civilization kidnap Wesley and several other children, in hopes of rebuilding their race and repopulating their planet. 18. Home Soil 117 Stardate 41463.9: When a powerful microscopic life form declares war on humans, it takes over the Enterprise's lab and computers, and threatens to destroy the ship. 19. Coming of Age 119 Stardate 41416.2: While Wesley endures the grueling Starfleet Academy entrance exams, Captain Picard faces an investigation into his competency as a starship captain. 20. Heart of Glory 120 Stardate 41503.7: Lt. Worf is torn between his loyalty to the Enterprise and his fierce Klingon heritage when two Klingon fugitives attempt to seize control of the ship. 21. The Arsenal of Freedom 121 Stardate 41798.2: Picard and the Away Team fight for their lives on a planet run by a computerized weapons system, which also attacks the Enterprise. 22. Symbiosis 123 Stardate Unknown: The Enterprise is caught in the middle when two alien races wage a bitter struggle over cargo which one of them needs for survival. 23. Skin of Evil 122 Stardate 41601.3: A rescue mission turns to tragedy when Tasha Yar is killed by an evil alien entity named Armus. 24. We'll Always Have Paris 124 Stardate 41697.9: Captain Picard is unexpectedly reunited with his first love while investigating lethal time warp experiments. 25. Conspiracy 125 Stardate 41775.5: Captain Picard and Commander Riker travel to earth to investigate rumors of a conspiracy in the highest ranks of Starfleet Command. 26. The Neutral Zone 126 Stardate 41986.0: While traveling to a meeting with hostile Romulans, the Enterprise discovers a derelict ship containing three cryogenically frozen Americans from the 20th century. SEASON 2-------------------------------------------------------- 27. The Child 127 Stardate 42073.1: While preparing to transport a deadly plague to a research lab, the crew is stunned by the announcement of Counselor Troi's pregnancy. 28. Where Silence Has Lease 128 Stardate 42193.6: The Enterprise and her crew are held hostage in a mysterious void by a sadistic entity who wishes to observe the many ways in which humans die. 29. Elementary, Dear Data 129 Stardate 42286.3: While pretending to be Sherlock Holmes in the Holodeck, Data must solve a malfunctioning mystery that threatens Dr. Pulaski's life, and the Enterprise. 30. The Outrageous Okona 130 Stardate 42402.7: While the Enterprise plays host to a roguish captain wanted by two civilizations, Data struggles to acquire a sense of humor by consulting a Holodeck comedian. 31. Loud as a Whisper 132 Stardate 42477.2: The future of a warring planet depends on a deaf mediator, who suddenly loses his ability to communicate. 32. The Schizoid Man 131 Stardate 42437.5: A brilliant but terminally ill scientist seeks eternal life by transferring his mind into Data's body. 33. Unnatural Selection 133 Stardate 42494.8: The crew grapples with a mysterious disease which accelerates the aging process, causing humans to die of old age within a matter of days. 34. A Matter of Honor 134 Stardate 42506.5: Riker's loyalties are put to the test when he is assigned to a Klingon vessel which plans to attack the Enterprise. 35. The Measure of a Man 135 Stardate 42523.7: When Data refuses to be disassembled for research purposes, Picard is enlisted to help him fight for his rights in court. 36. The Dauphin 136 Stardate 42568.8: Wesley falls in love with the beautiful young ruler of Daled IV, who harbors a secret power. 37. Contagion 137 Stardate 42609.1: The Enterprise's computer system falls prey to a mysterious electronic "virus" which could program the ship to self destruct, while the Enterprise is confronted by Romulans. 38. The Royale 138 Stardate 42625.4: While investigating the discovery of a piece of metal stamped with a United States Air Force insignia, the Away Team finds itself in the world of "The Hotel Royale," a novel come to life. 39. Time Squared 139 Stardate 42679.2: The Enterprise discovers a shuttlecraft containing an exact replica of Captain Picard from six hours in the future, warning them of destruction. 40. The Icarus Factor 140 Stardate 42686.4: Commander Riker's estranged father appears on the eve of his departure to assume command of a new starship, while Worf is concerned about missing his Klingon Rite of Ascension. 41. Pen Pals 141 Stardate 42695.3: Data races against time to save the life of a little alien girl he's befriended on a planet doomed for destruction. 42. Q Who 142 Stardate 42761.3: The Enterprise is hurled across the galaxy by the malevolent "Q," who sets the crew up for destruction at the hands of cybernetic aliens who call themselves the Borg. 43. Samaritan Snare 143 Stardate 42779.1: While Picard and Wesley journey to a Starbase via shuttlecraft, Geordi is kidnapped by the simple-minded Paklit race. 44. Up the Long Ladder 144 Stardate 42823.2: The crew's rescue of a missing Earth colony leads to the discovery of a civilization composed entirely of clones. 45. Manhunt 145 Stardate 42859.2: In her search for the perfect mate, Troi's oversexed mother beams aboard the Enterprise and sets her sights on Captain Picard. 46. The Emissary 146 Stardate 42901.3: An official mission becomes a personal matter when Worf's former love is sent to the Enterprise to intercept a ship carrying Klingons who aren't aware that the war between the Empire and the Federation is over. 47. Peak Performance 147 Stardate 42923.4: A simulated war game turns deadly when the crews of both ships are ambushed by a Ferengi Marauder. 48. Shades of Gray 148 Stardate 42976.1: Commander Riker is struck down by a deadly microbe which invades his central nervous system, and which can only be repulsed by triggering memories of his service aboard the Enterprise. SEASON 3--------------------------------------------------------- 49. Evolution 150 Stardate 43125.8: The crew fights for survival when a mysterious force attacks the Enterprise's life support systems. 50. The Ensigns of Command 149 Stardate Unknown: Data races against time to save a colony of humans that has been marked for death by aliens. 51. The Survivors 151 Stardate 43142.4: The Enterprise travels to Rana IV, a remote colony where just two of its 11,000 inhabitants have miraculously survived a devastating attack. 52. Who Watches the Watchers 152 Stardate 43173.5: Mistakenly believing Captain Picard to be a god, the members of a primitive culture seize Troi and prepare to sacrifice her to appease him. 53. The Bonding 153 Stardate 43198.7: When the ship's archaeologist is killed on a mission led by Worf, the Klingon feels responsible for the young son she left behind. 54. Booby Trap 154 Stardate 43205.6: While the Enterprise is caught in a deadly booby trap that captures the ship and converts its energy into lethal levels of radiation, Geordi consults a holodeck recreation of the Enterprise's designer to discover a way out. 55. The Enemy 155 Stardate 43349.2: After Geordi and a Romulan are stranded together on a storm-ravaged planet, the crew's attempts to rescue him are hindered by an aggressive Romulan Warbird. 56. The Price 156 Stardate 43385.6: Counselor Troi is swept off her feet by a dashing delegate who uses unethical methods to transact his business while on board the Enterprise. 57. The Vengeance Factor 157 Stardate 43421.9: The crew's attempts to mediate a violent dispute between warring clans is sabotaged by a mysterious assassin. 58. The Defector 158 Stardate 43462.5: A Romulan defector leads the Enterprise into a showdown that could erupt into a full scale war. 59. The Hunted 159 Stardate 43489.2: The Enterprise is bombarded by an alien soldier whose government turned him into the ultimate violent killer. 60. The High Ground 160 Stardate 43510.7: Dr. Crusher's abduction by a radical terrorist group thrusts the Enterprise crew into an explosive civil war on Rutia IV. (This episode was banned in Great Britain) 61. Deja Q 161 Stardate 43539.1: The crew is surprised by the appearance of their old nemesis, "Q," who has been stripped of his godlike powers and is being hunted by races he has tormented in the past. 62. A Matter of Perspective 162 Stardate 43610.4: When Riker is suspected of murdering an esteemed scientist who had accused the Enterprise officer of seducing his wife, he is put on trial in the Holodeck, where the different testimonies are recreated and viewed. 63. Yesterday's Enterprise 163 Stardate 43625.2: The course of history is altered when a time rift brings Enterprise NCC-1701-C from the past into the present, to a crew which now includes Tasha Yar. 64. The Offspring 164 Stardate 43657.0: Data creates an android daughter using a transfer of his own programming, but Starfleet wants to separate the pair. 65. Sins of the Father 165 Stardate 43685.2: When his long-lost younger brother appears on the Enterprise, Worf learns that he must travel to the Klingon home planet to fight a life or death battle for his family's honor. 66. Allegiance 166 Stardate 43714.1: Captain Picard is kidnapped by a mysterious alien force, and replaced by an exact double on the Enterprise. 67. Captain's Holiday 167 Stardate 43745.2: While vacationing on the resort planet Raisa, Picard becomes entangled with a beautiful archaeologist, a treacherous Ferengi, and a search for a missing weapon from the future. 68. Tin Man 168 Stardate 43779.3: The Enterprise is thrust into a deadly showdown with the Romulans over a newly discovered life-form in a remote star system. 69. Hollow Pursuits 169 Stardate 43807.4: The crew struggles to help shy Lt. Barclay, whose obsession with the fantasy worlds of the Holodeck may be endangering the Enterprise. 70. The Most Toys 170 Stardate 43872.2: The crew leaves Data for dead when his shuttle explodes during a routine mission, unaware that he's being held captive by a collector of rare objects. 71. Sarek 171 Stardate 43917.4: The Enterprise is plagued by outbreaks of random violence when it is visited by the renowned Vulcan ambassador. 72. Menage a Troi 172 Stardate 43930.7: The Enterprise is thrown into chaos when Riker, Troi, and her mother are all kidnapped by the Ferengi. 73. Transfigurations 173 Stardate 43957.2: The Enterprise rescues a mysterious humanoid whose remarkable powers affect the entire crew. 74. The Best of Both Worlds Pt. I 174 Stardate 43989.1: The Borg return, and capture Picard as the first step in their attempt to conquer Earth. SEASON 4--------------------------------------------------------- 75. The Best of Both Worlds Pt. II 175 Stardate 44001.4: Riker must choose between saving Picard and saving humanity when the Borg use the kidnapped captain as part of their plan to conquer and destroy Earth. 76. Family 178 Stardate 44012.3: While the Enterprise undergoes repairs on Earth, Worf is reunited with his human family, Dr. Crusher picks up some of her late husband's belongings, and Picard comes face to face with his jealous brother. 77. Brothers 177 Stardate 44085.7: Data is summoned to the side of his elderly creator, and clashes with his evil brother, Lore. 78. Suddenly Human 176 Stardate 44143.7: Picard risks war when he refuses to return a human boy to the aliens who have raised him and may have abused him. 79. Remember Me 179 Stardate 44161.2: Wesley's experiment with warp fields results in the mysterious and gradual disappearance of the crew. 80. Legacy 180 Stardate 44215.2: A rescue mission leads the Enterprise to the birthplace of former crewmember Tasha Yar, where the crew encounters her mysterious sister, Ishara. 81. Reunion 181 Stardate 44246.3: When Picard is chosen to mediate a Klingon power struggle, Worf is reunited with his ex-girlfriend, their child, and the Klingon who disgraced Worf's family's honor. 82. Future Imperfect 182 Stardate 44286.5: After an Away Team mission fails, Riker awakens in sickbay to discover sixteen years have passed and he now commands the Enterprise. 83. Final Mission 183 Stardate 44307.3: After being accepted to Starfleet Academy, Wesley accompanies Captain Picard on a final mission, only to find himself struggling to keep the captain alive. 84. The Loss 184 Stardate 44356.9: When the Enterprise is caught in a "school" of two-dimensional creatures, Counselor Troi resigns her post after experiencing a mysterious loss of her powers. 85. Data's Day 185 Stardate 44390.1: Chief O'Brien's impending wedding compounds Data's confusion about the nuances of human emotions, while the Enterprise escorts a Vulcan diplomat to a rendezvous in the Neutral Zone. 86. The Wounded 186 Stardate 44429.6: Picard must stop a renegade Federation starship which is making unprovoked attacks on a former enemy's ships. 87. Devil's Due 187 Stardate 44474.5: Picard fights to save a terrified planet from a powerful woman who claims to be the devil. 88. Clues 188 Stardate 44502.7: Picard and the Enterprise crew are shocked to discover Data is lying to them and covering up information. 89. First Contact 189 Stardate Unknown: While working undercover during a first contact mission, Riker is critically wounded and mistaken for a hostile alien. 90. Galaxy's Child 190 Stardate 44614.6: The Enterprise becomes a surrogate mother to a huge alien creature after Picard is forced to destroy its real mother. 91. Night Terrors 191 Stardate 44631.2: Trapped in a rift in space, the Enterprise crew are plagued by unexplained paranoia and hallucinations. 92. Identity Crisis 192 Stardate 44664.5: Dr. Crusher races against time to locate a parasite that threatens to transform Geordi into an alien creature. 93. The Nth Degree 193 Stardate 44704.2: When an alien probe endows Lt. Barclay with superhuman intelligence, he threatens the fate of the ship. 94. Qpid 194 Stardate 44741.9: The mischievous "Q" transforms Picard into Robin Hood and the crew into his band of Merry Men, and sends them to Sherwood Forrest on a quest to force Picard to prove his love for an old flame. 95. The Drumhead 195 Stardate 44769.2: A search for a traitor aboard the Enterprise turns into a 23rd-century "witch hunt" in which Picard is implicated. 96. Half a Life 196 Stardate 44805.3: Picard risks war when he offers asylum to a visiting scientist who wishes to escape the ritual suicide mandated by his society. 97. The Host 197 Stardate 44821.3: Dr, Crusher's love is put to the test when she falls for an alien symbiote who exists inside different host bodies in order to survive. 98. The Mind's Eye 198 Stardate 44885.5: Romulan forces kidnap Geordi and turn him into an assassin programmed to kill a Klingon governor. 99. In Theory 199 Stardate 44923.3: Data experiments with love by pursuing a romantic relationship with a fellow crew member. 100. Redemption Pt. I 200 Stardate 44995.3: As civil war threatens the Klingon Empire, Worf's loyalties are torn between his people and the Federation. SEASON 5--------------------------------------------------------- 101. Redemption Pt. II 201 Stardate 45020.4: The Klingon civil war continues, as Picard learns the origins of Romulan Commander Sela. 102. Darmok 202 Stardate 45047.2 Picard is kidnapped and transported to the surface of a hostile world with an alien captain whose language is almost indecipherable. 103. Ensign Ro 203 Stardate 45076.3: A headstrong mission specialist aboard the Enterprise may have a hidden agenda that could threaten the peace between the Federation and the Cardassians. 104. Silicon Avatar 204 Stardate 45122.3: An elderly scientist believes Data has allied with the destructive "Crystal Entity" when it decimates a colony the Away Team is on. 105. Disaster 205 Stardate 45156.1: The Enterprise collides with a subspace anomaly, trapping the crew in different parts of the ship. 106. The Game 206 Stardate 45208.2: Riker returns from shore leave on Raisa with a highly addictive video game that is part of an alien plot to seize control of the Federation. 107. Unification Pt. I 208 Stardate 45233.1: Picard and Data go on an undercover mission to Romulus to learn if the famous Vulcan ambassador Spock has defected. 108. Unification Pt. II 207 Stardate 45245.8: Picard learns Spock's motives for travelling to Romulus, while the Enterprise investigates the theft of a Vulcan ship. 109. A Matter of Time 209 Stardate 45349.1: The presence of a time traveller disturbs the crew of the Enterprise during a routine mission. 110. New Ground 210 Stardate 45376.3: Worf's son, Alexander, returns to the Enterprise, and Worf learns some valuable lessons about parenting. 111. Hero Worship 211 Stardate 45397.3: Data rescues a traumatized young boy from a doomed starship, who starts to mimic him. 112. Violations 212 Stardate 45429.3: The Enterprise escorts three telepathic aliens, one of whom is a mind rapist whose attacks leave its victims in a comatose state. 113. The Masterpiece Society 213 Stardate 45470.1: The Enterprise attempts to save a closed utopian society from a natural disaster, but problems arise when the colonists ask Captain Picard for asylum. 114. Conundrum 214 Stardate 45494.2: While suffering from an unexplained case of mass amnesia, the Enterprise crew finds themselves fighting a war they do not remember or understand, as they search for their own identities. 115. Power Play 215 Stardate 45571.2: After returning from a planet, Data, Troi, and O'Brien claim to be possessed by the spirits of a previous starship's crew, and attempt to seize control of the Enterprise. 116. Ethics 216 Stardate 45587.3: After being critically injured in an accident, Worf must choose between committing suicide or risking a potentially fatal surgical procedure, while Dr. Crusher contends with a doctor whose ethical practices are questionable. 117. The Outcast 217 Stardate 45614.6: A rescue mission leads to a dangerous romance between Riker and a rebellious member of an androgynous race. 118. Cause and Effect 218 Stardate 45652.1: The Enterprise crew is perplexed when they find themselves caught in a time loop that begins with a poker game and ends with a fatal collision between the Enterprise and a ship that vanished 90 years earlier. 119. The First Duty 219. Stardate 45703.9: Wesley is involved in an accident resulting in the death of a fellow cadet at Starfleet Academy, and Picard learns he may be covering up the truth. 120. Cost of Living 220 Stardate 45733.6: Lwaxana Troi angers both Deanna and Worf when she introduces Alexander to her fun-loving lifestyle; meanwhile, parasites infect the Enterprise, causing shipwide malfunctions. 121. The Perfect Mate 221 Stardate 45761.3: Picard finds himself attracted to a beautiful empathic metamorph who has been pledged to the ruler of another planet for a prearranged marriage. 122. Imaginary Friend 222 Stardate 45852.1: An alien entity appears on the Enterprise in the form of a little girl's imaginary friend, and decides the ship and her crew of rule-making adults must be destroyed. 123. I, Borg 223 Stardate Unknown: See the Rumor Mill 124. The Next Phase 224 Stardate Unknown: See the Rumor Mill 125. Inner Light 225 Stardate Unknown: See the Rumor Mill 126. Time's Arrow Pt. I 226 Stardate Unknown: See the Rumor Mill ---==* THE RUMOR MILL *==--- All of the following tidbits are RUMORS ONLY. If you don't want to have some future episodes spoiled for you, you may not want to read any further. You have been warned. Whoopi Goldberg will do three more episodes of ST:TNG. Also, Nichelle Nichols may appear in a future episode as Guinan's Mother or Daughter. (NOTE: The latest rumor on this is Guinan will appear in either the last 3 or 4 episodes this season, and possibly the first few episodes of next season. As of this writing, she has reappeared in "Imaginary Friend" and "I, Borg".) Paramount may introduce a homosexual character to ST:TNG. (NOTE: It looks like right now they've decided instead to have a homosexuality- themed episode with "The Outcast") Future episodes will include: "I, Borg" - The Borg are back! Well... at least one of them is. Geordi takes it upon himself to free an adolescent boy from his Borg programming, when the Enterprise discovers a crashed Borg ship. "The Next Phase" - Experimental Romulan cloaking technology renders Geordi and Ro Laryn invisible (oops!), and the crew believes they're both dead. Rumor has it we'll get to see Data deliver Geordi's eulogy, and Riker will play the trombone at his funeral. We'll actually learn quite a bit about Geordi's family in this episode. "Inner Light" - "An alien icon in space has a strange effect" on Picard. This episode will feature Patrick Stewart's son, Daniel, playing (appropriately) Picard's "long-lost son". I've heard this will be an alternate reality story, as we'll also see Picard's "grandchildren." "Time's Arrow" - The big season finale is coming up... Apparently, Data travels back in time (with Guinan) to either the late 19th or early 20th century, where he meets the legendary author Mark Twain. The episode was originally not written as a two-part episode, but will be expanded to become one. Rumor has it that our old buddy, Q, will appear either at the end of part 1 or the beginning of part 2. "Duelling Qs" (Next Season) - From what I hear, it will involve two Qs challenging each other to a sort of intergalactic olympiad. The John DeLancie Q has the Enterprise Crew play on his team, so to speak. The other Q is... ready for this?... to be played by William Campbell (The Squire of Gothos). "Are you challenging me to a duel?" This episode may not be filmed due to projected cost overruns. We will see (oh, joy) the Enterprise "head" (or bathroom) in an upcoming episode this season. The secret of Picard's relationship with Guinan (which has been hinted at in "The Best of Both Worlds" and "Ensign Ro") will be revealed before the end of the sixth season. Both Stewart and McFadden would like to see the Picard/Crusher relationship explored more. Stewart has revealed that an "upcoming episode" will touch on it a little (possibly the episode "Inner Light?"). We may see a female Q next season (why not?). Michael Dorn will play a non-klingon role in a guest appearance. ST:TNG will run for seven seasons, not six, as was initially reported. Dr. Pulaski will _not_ appear on ST:TNG again. There will no longer be any more episodes with Data emulating Sherlock Holmes, and "Moriarty" (from "Elementary, My Dear Data") will not appear again on ST:TNG. This is because Paramount would have to pay the estate of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle a licensing fee (apparently, they were really upset that "Elementary, My Dear Data" was shot without the above sum being paid.) AND NOT A RUMOR, BUT... Brent Spiner has released an album of songs entitled "Ol' Yellow Eyes is Back." In addition to Spiner, Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Michael Dorn, and Levar Burton appear as Spiner's backup singers, "The Sunspots" (on the song "It's a Sin to Tell a Lie"). I had a chance to listen to it, and IMHO, it is truly awful. I mean it. ---==* STAR TREK: THE ORIGINAL SERIES *==--- MAIN CAST: William Shatner.....................Capt. James Tiberius Kirk George Samuel Kirk Sargon Dr. Janice Lester Leonard Nimoy.......................Commander Spock Science Officer Also First Officer DeForest Kelley.....................Leonard "Bones" McCoy Ship's Doctor Commander rank James Doohan........................Lt. Comm. Montgomery Scott aka "Scotty" Chief Engineer Walter Koening......................Ensign Pavel Chekov Second and Third season only Ship's Navigator Nichelle Nichols....................Lt. Nyota Uhura Communications Officer George Takei........................Lt. Hikaryu Sulu Ship's Helmsman Majel Barret........................Nurse Christine Chapel Computer Voice "Number One" First Officer in "The Cage" Grace Lee Whitney...................Yeoman Janice Rand ---==* STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION *==--- MAIN CAST: Patrick Stewart.....................Capt. Jean-Luc Picard Locutus of Borg Jonathan Frakes.....................Commander William Riker First Officer Levar Burton........................Lt. Commander Geordi LaForge Chief Engineer Season 2: Lieutenant Season 1: Lieutenant J.G. Denise Crosby.......................Lt. Natasha "Tasha" Yar Security Chief Died in Action: Skin of Evil See also: Guest Cast Michael Dorn........................Lieutenant Worf Security Chief Season 1 & 2: Lt. J.G. Whoopi Goldberg.....................Guinan Manager, Ten-Forward Lounge Gates McFadden......................Dr. Beverly Crusher Chief Medical Officer Commander rank Seasons 1, 3-5 Season 2: Assigned to SFMed. Colm Meaney.........................Chief Miles Edward O'Brien Transporter Chief Diana Muldaur.......................Dr. Kate Pulaski Season 2: CMO, Enterprise Season 3: Transferred Marina Sirtis.......................Counsellor Deanna Troi Lt. Commander rank Brent Spiner........................Lt. Commander NFN NMI Data Second Officer Lore Dr. Noonian Soong Will Wheaton........................Ensign Wesley Crusher Season 3-4 only Now in SF Academy Seasons 1-3: Acting Ensign Season 1: Civilian See also: Guest Cast ---==* STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION *==--- GUEST CAST (PARTIAL LISTING) Chad Allen.............................Jono Suddenly Human Corbin Bernsen.........................Q2 Deja Q Theodore Bikel.........................Sergey Roshenko Family David Tristan Birkin...................Rene Picard Family Brian Bonsall..........................Alexander Roshenko New Ground Ethics Cost of Living Imaginary Friend Georgia Brown..........................Helena Roshenko Family New Ground Bill Campbell..........................Captain Okona The Outrageous Okona Cat....................................Spot Data's Day In Theory Rosalind Chao..........................Keiko Ishikawa O'Brien Data's Day The Wounded Night Terrors In Theory Disaster Violations Power Play Charles Cooper.........................K'mpec Sins of the Father Reunion (Murdered) Denise Crosby..........................Lt. Tasha Yar Yesterday's Enterprise (Killed) Romulan Commander Sela The Mind's Eye Redemption I Redemption II Unification II John DeLancie..........................Q Encounter at Farpoint Hide and Q Q Who Deja Q Qpid Elizabeth Dennehy......................Commander Shelby The Best of Both Worlds Samantha Eggar.........................Marie Picard Family Michelle Forbes........................Dara Half a Life Ensign Ro Laryn Ensign Ro Disaster Conundrum Power Play Cause and Effect The Next Phase Matt Frewer............................Berlingoff Rasmussen A Matter of Time Susan Gibney...........................Leah Brahms Booby Trap Galaxy's Child Kelsey Grammer.........................Captain Bateson Cause and Effect Jennifer Hetrick.......................Vash Captain's Holiday Qpid Famke Janssen..........................Kamala The Perfect Mate Tony Jay...............................Minister Cambio Cost of Living Andreas Katsulas.......................Romulan Commander Tomalak The Enemy The Defector Future Imperfect DeForest Kelley........................"The Admiral" Encounter at Farpoint Jeremy Kemp............................Robert Picard Family Mark Lenard............................Sarek Sarek Unification I (Died) Patrick Massett........................Duras Sins of the Father Reunion (Killed) Carolyn McCormick......................Minuet 11001001 Future Imperfect Eric Menyuk............................The Traveller Where No One Has Gone Before Remember Me Joanna Miles...........................Perrin Sarek Unification I Lycia Naff.............................Ensign Sonya Gomez Q Who Samaritan Snare Bebe Neuwirth..........................Lanel First Contact Leonard Nimoy..........................Ambassador Spock Unification II Tim O'Connor...........................Ambassador Breehan The Perfect Mate Joe Piscopo............................The Holodeck Comic The Outrageous Okona Suzie Plakson..........................Dr. Selar The Schizoid Man Ambassador K'Ehleyr The Emissary Reunion (Murdered) Majel Barrett-Roddenberry..............The Enterprise Computer Lwaxana Troi Haven Manhunt Menage a Troi Half a Life Cost of Living Robert Schenkkan.......................Lt. Cmdr. Dexter Remmick Coming of Age Conspiracy (Died) Vincent Schiavelli.....................The Automated Salesman The Arsenal of Freedom Dwight Schultz.........................Lt. Reginald "Reg" Barclay Hollow Pursuits The Nth Degree Jon Steuer.............................Alexander Reunion David Ogden Stiers.....................Timicin Half a Life (Suicide) Carel Struycken........................Mr. Homm Haven Manhunt Menage a Troi Half a Life Cost of Living Malachi Throne.........................Romulan Senator Pardek Unification Beth Toussaint.........................Ishara Yar Legacy Ray Walston............................Boothby The First Duty Doug Wert..............................Jack Crusher Family Violations Will Wheaton...........................Ensign Wesley Crusher The Game The First Duty Paul Winfield..........................Tamarian Captain Darmok ---==* CHANGES FROM SEASON TO SEASON *==--- From "Encounter at Farpoint" to the First Season: * Opening credits changed from the actors' names only to actor and character names. * Troi's costume changed from uniform "mini-skirt" to non-uniform dress with no rank pips. Troi's hair is also worn in a tight bun. From First Season to Second Season: * Wesley Crusher's costume changed from shirt with rainbow stripe to all-grey uniform with solid silver communicator. * Worf is made Chief of Security (from red to gold uniform) * Geordi is made Chief of Engineering (from red to gold uniform) * Ten-Forward is constructed as a permanent set. * Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg) is added to the crew. * Dr Crusher is transferred to StarFleet Medical, and is replaced by Dr. Kate Pulaski (Diana Muldaur). * Cmdr. Riker now wears a beard. * Chairs at Con and Ops changed from "couch-style" to "regular style". * Wesley Crusher made acting ensign. * Worf's battle-sash changed from gold foil to aluminum chain-link. * The Stardates advance in a orderly, logical fashion, rather than skip about, as they did in ST:TOS and the First Season of ST:TNG. From Second Season to Third Season: * The first portion of the opening credits has changed from views of the planets in the Solar System to different views of the galaxy. * Dr. Kate Pulaski mysteriously replaced by Dr. Beverly Crusher. * The Uniforms are changed from a one-piece collar-less jumpsuit to a looser two-piece uniform with a collar. * Geordi LaForge promoted to Lt. Commander. From Third Season to Fourth Season: * Wesley made full Ensign before going to StarFleet Academy. * Star Trek is now broadcast in Dolby Surroundsound. From Fourth Season to Fifth Season: * Title Sequence slightly rearranged with the "ST:TNG" coming out of a "video-tunnel" effect. * Captain Picard occasionally wears a blue-grey uniform with a red and black suede jacket. * In the Conference Room, the wall relief depicting the lineage of "Enterprise" ships has been changed to a different pattern. * The Enterprise's commissioning plaque is beginning to tarnish. ---==* STAR TREK: THE EPISODE AND FILM TITLE CHECKLIST *===--- ST:TOS SEASON 1-------------------------------------------------- [ ] 1. The Cage Stardate Unknown [ ] 2. The Man Trap Stardate 1531.1 [ ] 3. Charlie X Stardate 1533.6 [ ] 4. Where No Man Has Gone Before Stardate 1312.4 [ ] 5. The Naked Time Stardate 1704.2 [ ] 6. The Enemy Within Stardate 1672.1 [ ] 7. Mudd's Women Stardate 1329.1 [ ] 8. What are Little Girls Made of? Stardate 2712.4 [ ] 9. Miri Stardate 2713.5 [ ] 10. Dagger of the Mind Stardate 2715.1 [ ] 11. The Corbomite Maneuver Stardate 1512.2 [ ] 12. The Menagerie Stardate 3012.4 [ ] 13. The Conscience of the King Stardate 2817.6 [ ] 14. Balance of Terror Stardate 1709.1 [ ] 15. Shore Leave Stardate 3025.3 [ ] 16. The Galileo Seven Stardate 2821.5 [ ] 17. The Squire of Gothos Stardate 2124.5 [ ] 18. Arena Stardate 3045.6 [ ] 19. Tomorrow is Yesterday Stardate 3113.2 [ ] 20. Court-Martial Stardate 2947.3 [ ] 21. The Return of the Archons Stardate 3156.2 [ ] 22. Space Seed Stardate 3141.9 [ ] 23. A Taste of Armageddon Stardate 3192.1 [ ] 24. This Side of Paradise Stardate 3417.3 [ ] 25. The Devil in the Dark Stardate 3196.1 [ ] 26. Errand of Mercy Stardate 3198.4 [ ] 27. The Alternative Factor Stardate 3087.6 [ ] 28. The City on the Edge of Forever Stardate 3134.0 [ ] 29. Operation: Annihilate! Stardate 3287.2 ST:TOS SEASON 2-------------------------------------------------- [ ] 30. Amok Time Stardate 3372.7 [ ] 31. Who Mourns for Adonais? Stardate 3468.1 [ ] 32. The Changeling Stardate 3451.9 [ ] 33. Mirror, Mirror Stardate Unknown [ ] 34. The Apple Stardate 3715.0 [ ] 35. The Doomsday Machine Stardate 4202.9 [ ] 36. Catspaw Stardate 3018.2 [ ] 37. I, Mudd Stardate 4513.3 [ ] 38. Metamorphosis Stardate 3219.4 [ ] 39. Journey to Babel Stardate 3842.3 [ ] 40. Friday's Child Stardate 3497.2 [ ] 41. The Deadly Years Stardate 3478.2 [ ] 42. Obsession Stardate 3619.2 [ ] 43. Wolf in the Fold Stardate 3614.9 [ ] 44. The Trouble with Tribbles Stardate 4523.3 [ ] 45. The Gamemasters of Triskelion Stardate 3211.7 [ ] 46. A Piece of the Action Stardate 4598.0 [ ] 47. The Immunity Syndrome Stardate 4307.1 [ ] 48. A Private Little War Stardate 4211.4 [ ] 49. Return to Tomorrow Stardate 4768.3 [ ] 50. Patterns of Force Stardate 2534.0 [ ] 51. By Any Other Name Stardate 4657.5 [ ] 52. The Omega Glory Stardate Unknown [ ] 53. The Ultimate Computer Stardate 4729.4 [ ] 54. Bread and Circuses Stardate 4040.7 [ ] 55. Assignment: Earth Stardate Unknown ST:TOS SEASON 3-------------------------------------------------- [ ] 56. Spock's Brain Stardate 5431.4 [ ] 57. The Interprise Incident Stardate 5031.3 [ ] 58. The Paradise Syndrome Stardate 4842.6 [ ] 59. And the Children Shall Lead Stardate 5027.3 [ ] 60. Is There in Truth No Beauty? Stardate 5630.7 [ ] 61. Spectre of the Gun Stardate 4385.3 [ ] 62. The Day of the Dove Stardate Unknown [ ] 63. For the World is Hollow and I Stardate 5476.3 Have Touched the Sky [ ] 64. The Tholian Web Stardate 5693.4 [ ] 65. Plato's Stepchildren Stardate 5784.0 [ ] 66. Wink of an Eye Stardate 5710.5 [ ] 67. The Empath Stardate 5121.0 [ ] 68. Elaan of Troyius Stardate 4372.5 [ ] 69. Whom Gods Destroy Stardate 5718.3 [ ] 70. Let That be Your Last Battlefield Stardate 5730.2 [ ] 71. The Mark of Gideon Stardate 5423.4 [ ] 72. That Which Survives Stardate Unknown [ ] 73. The Lights of Zetar Stardate 5725.3 [ ] 74. Requiem for Methuselah Stardate 5843.7 [ ] 75. The Way to Eden Stardate 5832.3 [ ] 76. The Cloudminders Stardate 5818.4 [ ] 77. The Savage Curtain Stardate 5906.4 [ ] 78. All Our Yesterdays Stardate 5943.7 [ ] 79. Turnabout Intruder Stardate 5298.5 STAR TREK: THE ANIMATED SERIES----------------------------------- [ ] 1. More Tribbles, More Troubles Stardate 5392.4 [ ] 2. The Infinite Vulcan Stardate 5554.4 [ ] 3. Yesteryear Stardate 5373.4 [ ] 4. Beyond the Farthest Star Stardate 5521.3 [ ] 5. The Survivor Stardate 5143.3 [ ] 6. The Lorelei Signal Stardate 5483.7 [ ] 7. One of Our Planets is Missing Stardate 5371.3 [ ] 8. Mudd's Passion Stardate 4978.5 [ ] 9. The Magicks of Megas-Tu Stardate 1254.4 [ ] 10. Time Trap Stardate 5267.2 [ ] 11. Slaver Weapon Stardate 4187.3 [ ] 12. Jihad Stardate 5683.1 [ ] 13. The Ambergris Element Stardate 5499.9 [ ] 14. Once Upon a Planet Stardate 5591.2 [ ] 15. The Terratin Incident Stardate 5577.3 [ ] 16. The Eye of the Beholder Stardate 5501.2 [ ] 17. BEM Stardate 7403.6 [ ] 18. Albatross Stardate 5275.6 [ ] 19. The Pirates of Orion Stardate 6334.1 [ ] 20. Practical Joker Stardate 3183.3 [ ] 21. How Sharper than a Serpent's Stardate 6063.4 Tooth [ ] 22. The Counter-Clock Incident Stardate 6770.3 STAR TREK: THE FILMS--------------------------------------------- [ ] 1. Star Trek: The Motion Picture 1980 [ ] 2. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 1982 [ ] 3. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 1984 [ ] 4. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 1986 [ ] 5. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989 [ ] 6. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 1991 ST:TNG SEASON 1-------------------------------------------------- [ ] 1/2. Encounter at Farpoint Stardate 41153.7 [ ] 3. The Naked Now Stardate 41209.2 [ ] 4. Code of Honor Stardate 41235.25 [ ] 5. The Last Outpost Stardate 41386.4 [ ] 6. Where No One Has Gone Before Stardate 41263.1 [ ] 7. Lonely Among Us Stardate 41249.3 [ ] 8. Justice Stardate 41255.6 [ ] 9. The Battle Stardate 41723.9 [ ] 10. Hide and Q Stardate 41590.5 [ ] 11. Haven Stardate 41294.5 [ ] 12. The Big Goodbye Stardate 41997.7 [ ] 13. Datalore Stardate 41242.4 [ ] 14. Angel One Stardate 41636.9 [ ] 15. 11001001 Stardate 41365.9 [ ] 16. Too Short a Season Stardate 41309.5 [ ] 17. When the Bough Breaks Stardate 41509.1 [ ] 18. Home Soil Stardate 41463.9 [ ] 19. Coming of Age Stardate 41416.2 [ ] 20. Heart of Glory Stardate 41503.7 [ ] 21. The Arsenal of Freedom Stardate 41798.2 [ ] 22. Symbiosis Stardate Unknown [ ] 23. Skin of Evil Stardate 41601.3 [ ] 24. We'll Always Have Paris Stardate 41697.9 [ ] 25. Conspiracy Stardate 41775.5 [ ] 26. The Neutral Zone Stardate 41986.0 ST:TNG SEASON 2------------------------------------------------- [ ] 27. The Child Stardate 42073.1 [ ] 28. Where Silence Has Lease Stardate 42193.6 [ ] 29. Elementary, Dear Data Stardate 42286.3 [ ] 30. The Outrageous Okona Stardate 42402.7 [ ] 31. Loud as a Whisper Stardate 42477.2 [ ] 32. The Schizoid Man Stardate 42437.5 [ ] 33. Unnatural Selection Stardate 42494.8 [ ] 34. A Matter of Honor Stardate 42506.5 [ ] 35. The Measure of a Man Stardate 42523.7 [ ] 36. The Dauphin Stardate 42568.8 [ ] 37. Contagion Stardate 42609.1 [ ] 38. The Royale Stardate 42625.4 [ ] 39. Time Squared Stardate 42679.2 [ ] 40. The Icarus Factor Stardate 42686.4 [ ] 41. Pen Pals Stardate 42695.3 [ ] 42. Q Who Stardate 42761.3 [ ] 43. Samaritan Snare Stardate 42779.1 [ ] 44. Up the Long Ladder Stardate 42823.2 [ ] 45. Manhunt Stardate 42859.2 [ ] 46. The Emissary Stardate 42901.3 [ ] 47. Peak Performance Stardate 42923.4 [ ] 48. Shades of Gray Stardate 42976.1 ST:TNG SEASON 3-------------------------------------------------- [ ] 49. Evolution Stardate 43125.8 [ ] 50. The Ensigns of Command Stardate Unknown [ ] 51. The Survivors Stardate 43142.4 [ ] 52. Who Watches the Watchers Stardate 43173.5 [ ] 53. The Bonding Stardate 43198.7 [ ] 54. Booby Trap Stardate 43205.6 [ ] 55. The Enemy Stardate 43349.2 [ ] 56. The Price Stardate 43385.6 [ ] 57. The Vengeance Factor Stardate 43421.9 [ ] 58. The Defector Stardate 43462.5 [ ] 59. The Hunted Stardate 43489.2 [ ] 60. The High Ground Stardate 43510.7 [ ] 61. Deja Q Stardate 43539.1 [ ] 62. A Matter of Perspective Stardate 43610.4 [ ] 63. Yesterday's Enterprise Stardate 43625.2 [ ] 64. The Offspring Stardate 43657.0 [ ] 65. Sins of the Father Stardate 43685.2 [ ] 66. Allegiance Stardate 43714.1 [ ] 67. Captain's Holliday Stardate 43745.2 [ ] 68. Tin Man Stardate 43779.3 [ ] 69. Hollow Pursuits Stardate 43807.4 [ ] 70. The Most Toys Stardate 43872.2 [ ] 71. Sarek Stardate 43917.4 [ ] 72. Menage a Troi Stardate 43930.7 [ ] 73. Transfigurations Stardate 43957.2 [ ] 74. The Best of Both Worlds Pt. I Stardate 43989.1 ST:TNG SEASON 4------------------------------------------------- [ ] 75. The Best of Both Worlds Pt. II Stardate 44001.4 [ ] 76. Family Stardate 44012.3 [ ] 77. Brothers Stardate 44085.7 [ ] 78. Suddenly Human Stardate 44143.7 [ ] 79. Remember Me Stardate 44161.2 [ ] 80. Legacy Stardate 44215.2 [ ] 81. Reunion Stardate 44246.3 [ ] 82. Future Imperfect Stardate 44286.5 [ ] 83. Final Mission Stardate 44307.3 [ ] 84. The Loss Stardate 44356.9 [ ] 85. Data's Day Stardate 44390.1 [ ] 86. The Wounded Stardate 44429.6 [ ] 87. Devil's Due Stardate 44474.5 [ ] 88. Clues Stardate 44502.7 [ ] 89. First Contact Stardate Unknown [ ] 90. Galaxy's Child Stardate 44614.6 [ ] 91. Night Terrors Stardate 44631.2 [ ] 92. Identity Crisis Stardate 44664.5 [ ] 93. The Nth Degree Stardate 44704.2 [ ] 94. Qpid Stardate 44741.9 [ ] 95. The Drumhead Stardate 44769.2 [ ] 96. Half a Life Stardate 44805.3 [ ] 97. The Host Stardate 44821.3 [ ] 98. The Mind's Eye Stardate 44885.5 [ ] 99. In Theory Stardate 44923.3 [ ] 100. Redemption Pt. I Stardate 44995.3 ST:TNG SEASON 5-------------------------------------------------- [ ] 101. Redemption Pt. II Stardate 45020.4 [ ] 102. Darmok Stardate 45047.2 [ ] 103. Ensign Ro Stardate 45076.3 [ ] 104. Silicon Avatar Stardate 45122.3 [ ] 105. Disaster Stardate 45156.1 [ ] 106. The Game Stardate 45208.2 [ ] 107. Unification Pt. I Stardate 45233.1 [ ] 108. Unification Pt. II Stardate 45245.8 [ ] 109. A Matter of Time Stardate 45349.1 [ ] 110. New Ground Stardate 45376.3 [ ] 111. Hero Worship Stardate 45397.3 [ ] 112. Violations Stardate 45429.3 [ ] 113. The Masterpiece Society Stardate 45470.1 [ ] 114. Conundrum Stardate 45494.2 [ ] 115. Power Play Stardate 45571.2 [ ] 116. Ethics Stardate 45587.3 [ ] 117. The Outcast Stardate 45614.6 [ ] 118. Cause and Effect Stardate 45652.1 [ ] 119. The First Duty Stardate 45703.9 [ ] 120. Cost of Living Stardate 45733.6 [ ] 121. The Perfect Mate Stardate 45761.3 [ ] 122. Imaginary Friend Stardate 45852.1 [ ] 123. I, Borg Stardate Unknown [ ] 124. The Next Phase Stardate Unknown [ ] 125. Inner Light Stardate Unknown [ ] 126. Time's Arrow Pt. I Stardate Unknown ST:TNG SEASON 6-------------------------------------------------- [ ] 127. Time's Arrow Pt. II Stardate Unknown .