Path: uuwest!spies!mips!!pacbell!sactoh0!mholtz From: (Mark A. Holtz) Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc,rec.arts.startrek,rec.arts.startrek.current Subject: Star Trek TNG List of Lists [2/2] (April 1, 1992) Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 4 Apr 92 02:09:37 GMT Organization: Sacramento Public Access Unix Changes from Season to Season ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During the series progress, changes are made to various areas to reflect the shows evolution, or to fix some problems. Some of these changes are noted below: From "Encounter At Farpoint" (Pilot) to 1st Season -================================================- Opening credits changed from actor's name only to actor and character name. Troi outfit was changed from blue "mini-skirt" to non-uniform dress with rank pips removed. Troi's hair tied into tight bun. From 1st to 2nd Season -====================- Wesley Crusher changes from shirt with rainbow strip to all grey uniform. Worf is made permanent Security Chief (from red to gold uniform). Geordi LaForge is made permanent Chief of Engineering (from red to gold uniform). Ten-Forward is made as a permanent set. Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg) is added to crew. Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) is transferred to Starfleet Medical, and is replaced by Dr. Kate Pulaski (Diana Muldaur). Cmdr. Riker has grown a beard. The Con and Ops chair were changed from the couch style chairs to regular style chairs. Wesley Crusher was made Acting Ensign. Worf wears a new, aluminum-like sash instead of the old, foil-like sash. The stardates now advance in a more logical manner during a season instead of being somewhat random during TOS and the first season of TNG. From 2nd to 3rd Season -====================- The first portion of the opening title sequence is replaced from the planets to various views of the galaxy. Dr. Kate Pulaski (Diana Muldaur) was mysteriously replaced with Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden). The uniforms were replaced from the 1 piece collar-less uniforms to the looser two-piece uniforms with collars. Geordi LaForge is promoted to Lt. Commander. From 3rd to 4th Season -====================- Wesley was made full Ensign before going to Starfleet Academy. Star Trek is now broadcast in Dolby Surround Sound. From 4th to 5th Season -====================- Title sequence was slightly rearranged, with the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" logo coming out of a video-tunnel like effect. Captain Picard occasionally wears a blue-grey uniform with a red jacket. In the conference room, the wall relief containing the Enterprise lineage can been changed to some other pattern. The Enterprise's comissioning plaque is starting to tarnish. Major Species Appearences ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following is a listing of appearence of major races in TNG: The Borg -======- "Q Who" - Q introduces the Enterprise to the Borg. One notable scene is where the Borg cut a section out of the Enterprise and pull it out. "The Best of Both Worlds" - A single Borg ship kidnaps Captain Picard, turns him into Locutus of Borg, and head towards sector 001-Earth. "The Best of Both Worlds - Part II" - The crew fight to release Captain Picard from Locutus of Borg. Cardassians -=========- "The Wounded" - A renegade Federation captain is making unprovoked attacks on Cardassian ships. "Ensign Ro" - The Cardassians fake a Bajoran attack to get the Federation to turn against the Bajora. Ferrengi -======- "The Last Outpost" - The Enterprise chases after a stolen T-9 Energy unit. "The Battle" - A Ferengi Daimon seeks revenge for Picard killing his son in a battle a few years ago. "Peak Performance" - During a simulated space battle, the Ferengi demand the surrender of the Hathaway. "The Price" - The Ferengi take part in the negotiations of a wormhole. "Captain's Holiday" - A Ferengi tries to get the Tox Uthat. "Menage A Troi" - A Daimon falls in love with Lwaxana Troi, and kidnaps Lwaxana, Deanna, and Riker. "Unification II" - A fat Ferengi is secretly selling technology to the Romulans. Klingons -======- (excluding Worf, who has appeared in every episode) "Heart of Glory" - Three Klingons, who long for the old days of the Empire, get rescued by the Enterprise. "A Matter Of Honor" - Riker takes part in a officer exchange program aboard the Pagh. "The Emmisary" - An old girlfriend of Worf's, K'Ehleyr, is part of a mission to meet a Klingon ship which has been in "deep sleep" for years. "Yesterday's Enterprise" - In the alternative timeline, the Klingon Empire and the Federation are at war. "Sins Of The Father" - Worf's father, Mogh, is accused of betraying Khitomer to the Romulans. When the true nature of the events might be a cause of a civil war, Worf is faced with taking his own life to perserve honor. Rather than die, Worf accepts discommendation. "Reunion" - Picard is asked to choose a new leader of the Klingon empire. "The Drumhead" - Trials begin when a Klingon exchange officer is found to be giving Federation secrets to the Romulans. "The Mind's Eye" - The Klingons accuse the Federation of supplying phasers to rebels of the Klingon Empire. "Redemption" - A civil war begins when a son of Duras challenges Gowron's right to become leader. "Unification I" - Gowron supplies a cloaked ship for Picard and Data to travel to Romulas. "Q" -=- "Encounter At Farpoint" - "Q" challenges the crew to find the secret of Farpoint Station. "Hide And Q" - "Q" tempts Riker with the power of the "Q" "Q Who" - "Q" sends the crew for their first encounter with the Borg. "Deja Q" - "Q" is stripped of his powers and is sent to the Enterprise. "Qpid" - "Q" sends the crew to Sherwood Forest and makes Picard...Robin Hood. Romulans -======- "The Neutral Zone" - The Romulans announce that they are back. "Contagion" - On a planet in the Neutral Zone, both the Enterprise and a Romulan ship get infected with a computer virus. "The Enemy" - Stranded on a stormy planet, LaForge discovers a survivor of a crashed Romulan ship. "The Defector" - A Romulan defects over to the Enterprise with information that could prevent...or cause...a war. "Tin Man" - The Enterprise races against the Romulans to meet up with "Tin Man", a living lifeform. "Future Imperfect" - Riker believes that he is a prisoner of the Romulans. "Data's Day" - A visiting Vulcan ambassador turns out to be a Romulan spy in disguise. "The Mind's Eye" - The Romulans "program" LaForge, and use him to try and cause a war between the Klingons and the Romulans. "Redemption" - The Duras family is being helped by the Romulans. "Unification" - Sela uses Spock as part of a ploy to take over the planet Vulcan. Audio Problems? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During the fourth and fifth season episodes, if your station broadcasts TNG in stereo, yet, sometimes during the broadcast, the audio seems to disappear during the broadcast for a couple of seconds or seems to be coming out of the wrong channels, then you have a problem which can only be corrected at the broadcast station. Call up your local station and talk with the chief engineer. Tell him (or her) that Star Trek: The Next Generation, starting in the fourth season, has Dolby Surround as part of the stereo audio. This Dolby Surround information is confusing the "audio anti-phase detector", and that the detector should be removed to avoid future problems with the TNG audio. Then, thank the Chief Engineer for his time. Stardates ~~~~~~~~~ After the random stardates in the original "Star Trek", the powers that be decided on a more logical way to determine a stardate. Thus, the following came about. EXAMPLE: "Captains Log: Stardate 45076.3" The "4" represents that the series takes place in the 24th century. The "5" represents the season number of TNG without exception. The "076" represents the portion of a season that advances during TNG. The ".3" represents a portion of a day thereof. During the pre-recorded sub-space messages and recorded logs of away teams, both the current stardate and the current time (in 24-hour military format, down to the second). They are recording on the bottom of the screen. ("The Defector", "Identity Crisis") Working Titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Time To The Second" -> "Time Squared" "Send In The Clones" -> "Up The Long Ladder" "Beyond Tomorrow" -> "Legacy" "When Honor is Lost" -> "Reunion" "Civil Wars" -> "Half A Life" "Barriers" -> "New Ground" "Terror In Ten-Forward" -> "Power Play" What is canon? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ According to various sources, this is what is considered acceptable, or canon, for potential TNG episodes: * Almost all of the original series (except for obvious conflicts) * All of Star Trek: The Motion Picture * Most of Star Trek II, III, IV, and VI * All of the TNG episodes * "TNG Technical Manual" by Mike Okuda and Rick Sternbach The following is not acceptable: * Star Trek (The Animated Series) * Star Trek V: The Final Frontier * All Star Trek Novels (yes, even the ones Gene Roddenberry wrote) * All fanzines and fan written material * Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise * Worlds Of The Federation * All FASA Material Ranks and Insignia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Admiral - Triangular shoulder board with gold braid enclosing six gold circles of varying size. Rear Admiral - The same as an admiral, except with five gold circles of varying size. Branch Admiral - A color-coded triangle with the apex facing inward set on a white shoulder board surrounded by silver oak leaves. The triangle colors are: Medical Corps and Sciences - Navy Blue Security and Engineering - Mustard Yellow Command and Navigation - Wine Red Fleet Captain - Five solid gold circles Captain - Four solid gold circles Commander - three solid gold circles Lieutenant Commander - two solid gold circles and one empty gold circle Lieutenant - two solid gold circles Lieutenant (Junior Grade) - One solid gold circle and one empty Ensign - One solid gold circle Ensign (Junior Grade) - One empty gold circle Midshipman - One gold starburst worn on the right uniform lapel. NOTE: During seasons one or two, some of the pips were in silver. According to Gene Roddenberry, there are no enlisted ranks in Starfleet. However, in "Family", Sergei Sarjenka (Worf's Father) mentions something about meeting another Chief Petty Officer. Later on, in the same episode, Sargei mentions that he, an enlisted man, managed to raise an officer. Also, in "The Drumhead", the part-Romulan part-Human medical technician said that he was anxious to get into space, so he did to become an enlisted man. This will indeed contradict what Gene has said. In "Future Imperfect", some of the ranks in effect 15 years from season 4 are: Admiral - Four Gold Bars Captain - Four Silver Bars The other ranks are based upon the "normal" TNG ranks. They are formed by substituting a bar for a solid circle and a narrow bar for an empty circle. The rank is part of the insignia/communicator. Picard Surrenders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Encounter at Farpoint" - Picard says "Transmit the following in all languages and in all frequencies: 'We surrender'." "The Last Outpost" - The crew assume that the Ferengi have them immobilized, and attempt to surrender, but the Ferengi surrender first, believing that the Enterprise have them immobilized. "The Outrageous Okona" - Picard drops shields "In case we decide to surrender to them." "A Matter of Honor" - Picard surrenders to Riker on the Pagh. "Peak Performance" - Riker asks Picard "Would you care to surrender now?" even before the war games begin. Later, the Ferengi drop by, and demand the surrender of the Hathaway. "The Defector" - The Romulans ask Picard to surrender, but he doesn't. "Yesterday's Enterprise" - Alternate-Picard refuses to surrender to the Klingons. Picard violates the Prime Directive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In "The Drumhead", it is recorded that Picard violated the Prime Directive nine times while in command of the Enterprise. While it was not directly specified what the nine violations were, this is what is believed to be the Episodes which contained these violations: "Justice" - In order to save Wesley from the death penalty for (accidentally) violating one of the Edo laws. "Angel One" - The crew barely managed to save the survivors of a Federation ship from death for trying to change the society of Angel One. "Pen Pals" - Data communicates with a girl whose planet was slowly self-destructing. "Up the Long Ladder" - Picard essentially forced the clone race to live and breed with the Bringloidi, despite the strong resistance of the clone race and the fact that this would completely destroy the non-sexual nature of the clone race. "The Ensigns of Command" - The Enterprise manages to delay a Sheliak vessel from destroying a Federation colony on Tau Cygna Five, even though the planet is part of the Sheliak Corporate. "Who Watches the Watchers" - The Enterprise treats a Mintakan person for serious injuries as a result of a Federation observation's post's cloaking device's failure, ending with that race believing Picard was a God. "The High Ground" - The Enterprise engages in a commando raid in order to rescue Captain Picard and Beverly Crusher on a warring world. "Legacy" - The commando raid might have radically changed the balance of power on the planet. "First Contact" - The Enterprise contacts a planet in order to rescue Commander Riker. Since then, the following violations occurred: "The Masterpiece Society" - When the Enterprise is forced to make contact with a colony on ???????? in order to prevent them from being distroyed by a stellar fragment that is passing by, and causes changes in that colony. Command Offered to Commander Riker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The Arsenal of Freedom" - USS Drake (mentioned--offered before Enterprise) "The Icarus Factor" - USS Aries "Best of Both Worlds" - USS Melbourne Riker actually commands a ship, albiet temporarily, in the following episodes: "A Matter Of Honor" - Klingon Ship Pagh "Peak Performance" - USS Hathaway "The Best Of Both Worlds-Part II" - USS Enterprise NCC-1701D "Redemption II" - ???? during a blockade Saucer Separation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The TNG Enterprise, being a starship carrying families, has the ability to separate into a saucer and warp drive section in case of an emergency situation. When separated, the saucer section is capable of only impulse speed, while the warp drive section turns into a formidable battle machine. "Encounter at Farpoint" - While Worf takes the saucer section to Farpoint Station, Picard takes the warp drive section to meet up with the Q entity. "Arsenal of Freedom" - Geordi takes the Warp Drive section in order to destroy the defense device on Minos. "Best of Both Worlds - Part II" - In order to retrieve Locutus/Picard, the Enterprise separates into two sections. While the Borg attach the warp drive section, the rescue shuttle with Worf and Data launches from the saucer section. Shuttlecraft ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following shuttlecraft, associated with the Enterprise, have appeared in TNG: NCC-1701D-2 - "Sacharov" (used in ?????) NCC-1701D-10 - "Onizuka" (used in ?????) Family Relations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are the various characters, and the family members seen or mentioned. Words in [brackets] indicates character's current status. Jean-Luc Picard - Brother-Robert Picard (Jeremy Kemp - "Family"), Sister-In-Law-Marie Picard (Samantha Aggar - "Family"), Nephew-Rene Picard (David Tristan Birken - "Family") William Riker - Father-Kyle Riker (Mitchell Ryan-"The Icarus Factor") Beverly & Wesley Crusher - Jack Crusher (Doug Wert-"Family" [holodeck]) Data - "Father"-Dr. Noonian Soong ("Brothers"), Brother-Lore ("Brothers"), "Grandfather"-Dr. Ira Graves (W. Morgan Sheppard-"The Schizoid Man" [deceased]), "Daughter"-Lal (Hallie Todd-"The Offspring") Deanna Troi - Mother-Lwaxana Troi (Majel Barrett-see guest cast) Worf, Son of Mogh - Father-Mogh (mentioned in "Redemption"), Brother-Kern (Tony Todd-"Sins of the Father", "Redemption"), Mate-K'Ehleyr (Suzie Plakson-"The Emmisary", "Reunion" [killed]), Son-Alexander (Jon Steuer-"Reunion", Brian Bonsall-"New Ground", "Ethics", "Cost of Living"), Grandfather Worf (Michael Dorn, Star Trek VI) Foster Father-Sergey Rozhenko (Theodore Bikel-"Family"), Foster Mother-Helena Rozhenko (Georgia Brown-"Family") Tasha Yar - Sister-Ishara Yar (Beth Toussaint-"Legacy") Miles Edward O'Brien - Wife-Keiko (see guest cast), Daughter-Molly (seen in "Disaster", named in "The Game") Geordi LaForge - No family references mentioned. Attempts at Self-Destruct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "11001001" - Picard and Riker try to self destruct in order to prevent the possibility of the Enterprise falling into enemy hands.. "Where Silence Has Lease" - Picard tries to self destruct for Nagilum. "Contagion" - Virus-induced sort-of-self-destruct-like-thing. "Brothers" - Picard attempts to engage the self-destruct sequence in order to regain control of the Enterprise, but fails. Time Travel ~~~~~~~~~~~ "We'll Always Have Paris" - Dr. Paul Manhein's time experiment causes small loops to occur in time. "Time Squared" - Due to a strange energy vortex, a duplicate Picard from the future arrives on a shuttlecraft "Yesterday's Enterprise" - A worm hole is created, causing the Enterprise-C to travel through time. "Captain's Holiday" - Two Vorgons travel from the 27th century to get the Tox Uthat. "Future Imperfect" - Riker thinks he's in the future "A Matter Of Time" - Berlinghoff Rasmussen steals a time machine from a 26th century time traveler and travels to the future to visit the Enterprise. "Cause and Effect" - The Enterprise and the Bozeman gets caught in a time loop. For the Enterprise, it was for around 17 days. For the Bozeman, it was around 80 years. Also, the Traveler ("Where None Have Gone Before" and "Remember Me") could be considered a time traveler. Maybe. The Crew Taken Over ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The Naked Now" - The entire crew gets a virus that is like intoxication. "Lonely Among Us" - While passing through an energy cloud, a intelligence is picked up, taking over Worf, Beverly Crusher, Assistant Chief Engineer Singh, and Captain Picard. "The Battle" - A Ferengi "thought-maker" is used of Daimon Bok to cause Captain Picard to relive the Stargazer incident that occurred nine years previous. "Hide and Q" - Q takes over Data, and tells Riker that he has been given the powers of the Q. "Conspiracy" - Several members of Starfleet high command are taken over by the "Blue Gill" creatures. "The Child" - A glowing white sphere enters the Enterprise, and causes Troi to become pregnant with an alien child. "The Schizoid Man" - Data gets taken over by Ira Graves, who transfers his mind over to Data. "Contagion" - Data gets infected with an alien virus. "Allegiance" - Captain Picard gets kidnapped, and is replaced by an evil imposter. "The Best of Both Worlds" Parts I & II - Captain Picard is kidnapped by the Borg, and is turned into Locutus of Borg. "Brothers" - A homing program in Data is activated by Data's creator: Dr. Noonian Soong. "Clues" - Troi gets taken over by an alien race that simply wants to be left alone. "Identity Crisis" - LaForge and another member of Starfleet gets taken over by a parasite from an earlier away team mission in 40???.?. "The Nth Degree" - Barclay gains the intelligence of an alien probe. "The Mind's Eye" - LaForge is brainwashed by the Romulans, and made to accomplish a Romulan mission. "The Game" - Riker brings back a electronic game from Riasa which not only addicting, but provides a form of mind control for everyone on board ship. Under this mind control, Riker, LaForge, Troi, and Dr. Crusher deactivate Data. "Violations" - Troi, Riker, and Dr. Crusher face inexplicable comas while a group of aliens are on board. The comas are caused by a nightmare. "Conundrum" - The entire crew, including Data, is affected by sudden amnesia, and is involved in a war. "Power Play" - Troi, O'Brien, and Data is taken over by the spirits of cadet prisoners on a penal colony set up by the Ux-Mal. Enterprise Exceeds Warp Limits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Enterprise is able to only achieve Warp 9.5 "with extreme risk" (Encounter at Farpoint). However, there have been various times when this 'speed limit' has been exceeded. "Where No One Has Gone Before" - In a warp field experiment with the Traveler, Wesley's distraction caused the Traveler to phase in and out, and causes the Enterprise to travel 2.7 million light years in a few seconds. "When The Bough Breaks" - When Captain Picard insists that the Aldean people return the children kidnapped from the Enterprise, the Enterprise is hit with a bolt of energy that causes it to travel such a distance that it would take 3 days to travel back to Aldea at Warp 9. "Q Who" - Q, with the snap of his fingers, send the Enterprise seven thousand light years away for their first encounter with the Borg. Also, when the Enterprise is being chased by the Borg, LaForge reads the speed off as Warp 9.65. "The Nth Degree" - Barclay, with the knowledge gained from an alien probe, creates a space distortion that causes the Enterprise to travel halfway across the Galaxy. TOS Crossovers In TNG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Encounter At Farpoint" - DeForest Kelley makes an appearance as an unnamed admiral who hates transporters and notices that Data, with all that knowledge, doesn't have pointed ears. "The Naked Now" - The records from the original Enterprise ("The Naked Time") were used to combat a microbe that causes drunk-like effects. "Sarek" - Mark Lenard makes an appearance as Sarek. "The Unification" - Leonard Nimoy makes an appearance as Spock, as well as Mark Lenard as Sarek. Also: Diana Muldaur, a guest star on two different episodes of TOS, appears on a regular basis as Dr. Pulaski during the second season of TNG. Majel Barrett, who played Number One ("The Cage") and Doctor/Nurse Chapel, is used as the TNG computer voice, and has appeared as Deanna Troi's mother, Lwaxana Troi. Trek in Other Lands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are the titles of the Star Trek series in other lands: England - The series is broadcast on BBC2 Wednesdays at 6 PM. However, some notes on the following episodes: "Conspiracy" - The scene with the mother creature is edited out. The Icarus Factor" - The pain sticks ceremony is heavily edited. "Shades of Grey" - The flashbacks include the scene from "Conspiracy" with the mother creature....intact! "The High Ground" - This episode is unaired because the theme of the episode, terrorism, could cause problems. In this episode, Data makes a reference to a sucessful use of terrorism in 2017. Finland - "Star Trek - Uusi Sukupolvi"/"Star Trek - The Next Generation" Germany - "Raumschiff Enterprise: Das Naechste Jahrhundert"/"Starship Enterprise: The Next Century" - Dubbed Isreal - "Masa beyn haKokhavim, haDor haBa"/"Trek Among The Stars, The Generation the Next" - In English with Hebrew & Arabic Subtitles It is currently shown Monday afternoons from 3:00-3:45 PM as part of a children's afternoon show called "Dagi Digitali" Japan - "Star Trek '88: SHIN UCHUU DAISAKUSEN"/"Star Trek '88: New Mission In Space" Lebanon - "alrhlt byn alkwakb aljyl alqadm"-In English with Arabic subtitles It is current being shown on Lebanon's Middle East TV (METV) Tuesday evenings at 8:00 PM. Puerto Rico - "Viaje a las Estrellas"/"Trip To The Stars" Quebec - "Patrouille d'Espace"/"Space Patrol" Security Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Auto-Destruct Sequence in "11001001": (V) Activation - Picard and Riker place their hands on the computer terminals for finger scan. Computer: "Recognized - Picard, Jean-Luc, Captain. Recognized - Riker, William T., Commander." Picard: "Set auto-destruct sequence." Computer: "Does the first officer concur?" Riker: "Yes, set auto-destruct sequence . . . now." Computer: "Auto-destruct will detonate in four minutes and fifty-nine seconds." De-Activation - Picard: (lays hand on bridge computer console) "Cancel auto-destruct." Computer: "Does the first officer agree?" Riker: (lays hand on computer console) "Affirmative." Computer: "Auto-destruct cancelled." (NOTE: While the auto-destruct can be activated in Engineering, it can only be deactivated on the bridge.) Secured Message Code in "Conspiracy" (UV): Picard Secured Message Code in "The Defector": (V) (Picard and Data are viewing information on Nelvana system) Computer: "Captain Picard, priority one message from Starfleet coming in on secured channel." Picard: "In my ready room. Computer, delay time." Computer: "Two hours twenty-two minute delay from time of transmission at Starfleet Command on Lion Three." Picard: (having entered his ready room) "Computer, key access Four One Two Mark Eight Zero Picard, Jean-Luc Starfleet Priority Code Gamma. Decode. Begin Message." (Message begins). Ferengi Captain's Security Code in "Menage a Troi" (V): Lwaxana Troi: "Oh, I'll need your access code." Daimon Tog: "Yes, my beloved. Computer, access code kei yuri dactei. . . " Dr. Farek: (Interrupting) "TOG! Be silent! I knew you were not to be trusted." Data's Lock on command functions in "Brothers" (V): Spoken: One Seven Three Four Six Seven [Three] Two One Four Seven Six Charlie Three Two Seven Eight Nine Seven Seven Seven Six [Four] Three Tango Seven Three Two Victor Seven Three One One Seven Eight Eight Eight Seven Three Two Four Seven Six Seven Eight Nine Seven Six Four Three Seven Six LOCK Display: One Seven Three Four Six Seven Two One Four Seven Six Charlie Three Two Seven Eight Nine Seven Seven Seven Six Three Tango Seven Three Two Victor Seven Three One One Seven [One] Eight Eight Eight Seven Three Two Four Seven Six Seven Eight Nine Seven Six Four Three Seven Six LOCK Numbers in [Brackets] are unique to the series they appear in (i.e. missing from the other). Computer Recognition Command Levels in "Brothers": (UV) Data: Alpha-1 Picard: Alpha-2 Riker: Omega-3 (In "Power Play") Klingon File Security Access Codes in "Reunion": (UV) K'Ehleyr's Access Level: "Padoch-Cha" Required Access Level: "Duco-Cha" T'Pel's (Romulan Spy Selak) clearance code to Data for information in "Data's Day": (UV) Kappa-Alpha-Four-Six-Zero-One-Seven-Zero-Four LaForge's Access Code to in "The Minds Eye": LaForge: "Computer, reroute the power flow in Cargo Bay 4 transporter through the auxiliary replicator system." Computer: "Please verify command with necessary protocol." LaForge: "Initiate protocol 364-B." Computer: "Verify priority clearance." LaForge: "Recognized LaForge Theta 2 997." Computer: "Acknowledged. Power has been rerouted through auxiliary power distribution system code number 44762." (Note, this code was also used in "Hollow Pursuits") Riker Command Override in "Power Play": When the bridge was taken over: "Computer, transfer command to Engineering, full security alert." This effectively shut down all control panels, including Con and Ops. After Troi, O'Brien, and Data leave the bridge: "Computer, re-enable bridge control, security protocol authorization Riker Omega Three." Convention Hints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Patrick Stewart - May or may not allow taping of convention appearance. He considers convention appearances to be a personal experience to be shared with those in the audience. Brent Spiner - He is very protective of his privacy, and rarely makes convention appearances, partially due to a bad experience with a fan at a convention in New York. He does not allow the video taping or the photographing of convention appearances. Gates McFadden - Do not videotape convention appearance. Wil Wheaton - He doesn't allow videotaping. The explanation for this was that someone had taped him before and sold these tapes without his consent or paying him. Michael Dorn - "I don't LIKE prune juice, Worf likes prune juice, I don't." Marina Sirtis - While she does allow for videotaping of her convention appearances, she reminds everyone that videotaping is a privilege, and not a right. No flash photography when Q&A starts. Also, she has no idea about how the pips work, nothing about Engineering, why Worf changed uniform color, and similar topics. Please remember, these actors are taking their personal time in order to appear at conventions. Some of these actors do not give out autographs, others do. The "no videotaping" rule is due to the fact that some unscrupulous people taping the convention appearances and then resell the tapes without royalties going to the actor. How Many Episodes? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to be counted as appearing on an episode, the character must appear or be heard in the episode. Holograms and flashbacks don't count. NOTE: This section is still being worked on. Patrick Stewart - ___ episodes as Captain Picard + 2 episodes as Locutas of Borg (Directed 1 Episode) Jonathan Frakes - ___ episodes as Commander Riker (Directed 3 Episodes) Levar Burton - ___ episodes as Lt. LaForge Denise Crosby - ___ episodes as Lt. Yar (including "Yesterday's Enterprise" + 3 episodes as Sela Michael Dorn - ___ episodes as Worf Gates McFadden - ___ episodes as Dr. Crusher Marina Sirtis - ___ episodes as Deanna Troi Brent Spiner - ___ episodes as Data + 2 episodes as Lore + 1 episode as Dr. Noonian Soong Wil Wheaton - ___ episodes as Wesley Crusher Colm Meaney - 45 episodes as Chief O'Brian/Transporter Chief/Other Whoopie Goldberg - 22 episodes as Guiman Diana Muldaur - 20 episodes as Kate Pulaski Majel Barrett - MANY episodes as Enterprise Computer Voice (most uncredited) + 4 episodes as Lwaxana Troi Birthdays ~~~~~~~~~ February 2, 1955 - Brent Spiner 16, 1957 - LaVar Burton 23 - Majel Barrett Roddenberry March 20 - John de Lancie (Q) 29, 1959 - Marina Sirtis July 13 - Patrick Stewart 29, 1972 - Will Wheaton August 19, 1938 - Diana Muldaur 19, 1921 - Gene Roddenberry 19, 1952 - Jonathan Frakes 28, 1949 - Gates McFadden November 13, 1949 - Whoopi Goldberg 24, 1957 - Denise Crosby December 9 - Michael Dorn The Merry Men (and Women) of Qpid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Picard -> Robin Hood Riker -> Little John Data -> Friar Tuck Worf -> Wil Scarlet. Is not a merry man. Laforge -> Alan A Dale Vash -> Maid Marian Q -> The Sheriff of Nottingham (NOTE: I have not read or seen "Robin Hood", so some of those spellings are bound to be wrong.) Money In The Future ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Encounter At Farpoint" - Beverly Crusher buys a roll of cloth, and has her account on the Enterprise billed. (maybe) "Conspiracy" - The planet where the Starship Captains meet is Digitalis B, and is said to be owned by Digitalis Mining Corporation, which may imply something of the Federation's economic structure. "The Neutral Zone" - Picard mentions that they no longer use money. "The Price" - There is a bidding war going on for the use of a wormhole, and Picard mentions how much toll the Ferengi might charge if they get the rights to use that wormhole. "A Matter Of Perspective" - Dr. Apgar's reason for developing the Krieger wave generator was to sell it to the highest bidder. "Unification II" - When Riker enters the bar, he is asked to toss a couple of coins into the jar for a song. Riker responds that he doesn't have any money. Religion In The Future ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Who Watches The Watchers" - Picard is thought to be a god by the populance. "Data's Day" - In Data's log, a Hindu festival of lights is mentioned. Did you know . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. . . That Geordi LaForge is named after a real Star Trek fan named George LaForge? George LaForge died from muscular dystrophy in 1975. .. . . That Gene Roddenberry's full name is Eugene Wesley Roddenberry, thus, in creating Wesley Crusher, Gene used his own first name and based the character on what he wanted to be like when he was young?> .. . . Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) did the special effect shots only for "Encounter At Farpoint". However, they get credit in every episode because of the extra stock footage for Enterprise fly-bys and such. .. . . That William Riker and Deanna Troi is based upon Ilia and Decker from "Star Trek: The Motion Picture"? .. . . That while "Skin of Evil" was aired after "Symbiosis", they were produced in the reverse order. Near the end of Symbiosis, when the Onnarans and Brekkans beam off, she is seen in the background, waving goodbye as the doors close. (UV) .. . . That "Star Trek: The Next Generation" has made over $500,000,000 in syndication and merchandising. .. . . If you look closely at the Enterprise during the fly-by in the opening credits, you can see someone walking past the windows. According to Mike Okuda in the "Star Trek: The Official Fan Club Magazine" (#60), this is Captain Picard. .. . . "The Child" and "Devil's Due" were originally scripts for the proposed "Star Trek II" television series. The "Star Trek II" series idea was scrapped, and instead, the sets were used for the shooting of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" .. . . The junkyard in "Unification I" consisted mostly of ships dragged out from wherever Mike Okuda could find 'em. Some of the models included: models from the unmade first Star Trek movie (years before Star Trek: The Motion Picture), models from ILM that were never used, models of the Enterprise that didn't come out of the mold right, and a very unusual looking Enterprise. Some of the models were designed by Greg Jein and Robert McCall. .. . . "A Matter Of Time" was written partially because Robin Williams, a fan of the show, wanted to appear. However, when the script was ready for shooting, Robin was unavailable, so Matt Frewer was cast instead. .. . . That the shuttle Onizuka, which Data used in "Ensigns of Command", was named in tribute to one of the Space Shuttle "Challenger" astronauts. .. . . During the fifth season, a thirty-second ad during one of the show's 10 national ad slots in a first-run episode costs $200,000. .. . . Gene died at the same time the crew was filming "Hero Worship"? .. . . That "Star Trek: The Next Generation" is on the list of shows endored by the Viewers for Quality Television. Other VQT endored shows include "Cheers", "Designing Women", "LA Law", "Life Goes On", "Murphy Brown", "Northern Exposure", "The Trials Of Rosie O'Neill", "Law & Order", "Quantum Leap", "60 Minutes", "China Beach", "thirtysomething", and "Beauty and the Beast". (The VQT should not be confused with the American Viewers of Quality Television. The VQT seeks to change television by encouraging and nurturing high quality television, while the AVQT seeks to change television by boycotting or threatening thse who produce low quality televsion. For more details, write to: Viewers For Quality Television, PO Box 195, Fairfax, VA 22039). In-Jokes ~~~~~~~~ "Unknown" - In this episode, Doctor Crusher prescribes the active ingredient fo SuperGlue. "Unknown" - In this episode, Daled 4 is a planet's name. Daled is the fourth letter in the Hebrew alphabet, and has the numeric value of four. (UV) "The Naked Now" - During the scan of records, we see a parrot wearing a Starfleet shirt, complete with insignia, with nacelles, an obvious reference to Gene Roddenberry. ("The Great Bird" = Gene) This same screen also reappears in "Conspiracy". "Conspiracy" - The planet Digitalis is a slight rearrangement of a medicine takn by heart patients. "The Neutral Zone" - On the family tree of Clare Raymond, which is recalled by Troi, there are references to various shows, including: W. Hartnell m. P. Troughton (DW), J. Pertwee m. T. Baker (DW), and P. Davison m. C. Baker (DW), and J-L. Picard m. W. Riker. Other references include Gilligan's Island and M*A*S*H. "Loud As A Whisper" - (DP) The conference table, "made to resemble indigenous rock", had various markings on them. Most notable to Lovely Angels/Dirty Pair fans are the marking "Kei" and "Yuri". "The Measure Of A Man" - When Riker is showing off Data's arm to the JAG representative, there is a pad on her desk which lists Data's parts, including "Nausican Valve" and "Totoro Interface". Also, it is noted that part of Data's construction is made out of something called "Yurium". (DP) "The Dauphin" - The title comes from the french term "Le Dauphin", and is used to designate the heir to the royal throne. "Contagion" - The Iconian artifact has various markings on it, including "Kei and Yuri" (DP), "Dirty Pair" (DP), "Gundam" and "Totoro." Also, the various views as seen through the portal include: Toronto's City Hall and Nathan Phillip's Square (depicting the arches over the reflecting pool/skating rink), and Toronto's City Council Chambers. In this episode, another Galaxy Class Starship is mentioned. . . the Yamato. This was originally the flagship of the Japanese fleet that fought in World War II at both the Coral Sea and Midway before it was sunk by Torpedo Bombers from an American carrier. Many years later, a Japanese Animation series was done up, in which a battleship is reconfigured to become a starship in order to recover something called the "Cosmo DNA". This series was called "Starship Yamato", however, this series was known in the United States as "Star Blazers". "The Icarus Factor" - The TNG art department had a field day putting in in-jokes. The mat has the chinese character of "sei", or "star" (as in "starry sky". The two scrolls hanging on the walls say, in Japanese syllabic characters (hiragana), "urusei yatsura", a pun of "ususai yatsura" ("noisy neighbors" or "annoying neighbors", a Japanese animation. Also, while lunging at Riker, Riker's father says (in a terrible accent), "youroshiku onegaishimasu", literally saying "Please do me the favor of being kind to me", but has the meaning of the English phrase "Pleased to meet you." Various other markings include "Kei" (DP), "Yuri" (DP), "Akira", and "Tonari No Totoro". In addition, the scrolls hanging on the walls also say, "Ataru", "Lum", and "Uresai Yatsura". "Samaritan Snare" - Picard mentions "Nausicaans" in a conversation with Wesley on the shuttlecraft. "Up The Long Ladder" - When Picard is looking at the list of ships trying to find the Mariposa, another ship listed is the Buckaroo Banzai captained by John Whorfin and built by the company that the red Lectroids had made. The same company name was seen on the USS Hathaway (Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems (of Grover's Mill, NJ :-) ) "Hollow Pursuits" - The anti-grav units contain a flux capacitor. Nothing big, until you consider that the flux capacitor was a essential part of the DeLorean/Time Machine in "Back To The Future". "Menage a Troi" - The Ferengi Security code begins with "Kei Yuri" (DP). "Transfigurations" - (DW) In the sick bay, against the wall, there is an outline of the top portion of the TARDIS, upside down. Also, three roundals can be seen against the wall. They show up again in several episodes after this one. "Qpid" - The scene where Worf smashes Geordi's lute, then says "Sorry" is completely reminiscent of a scene in Animal House at a toga party. Also, Princess Bride fans might want to note that the dialog during the sword fight with Picard/Robin Hood, where he says "There is something you should know . . .. . I'm not from Nottingham.", is reminiscent of a sword fight in the movie where similar dialog is uttered. "In Theory" - The line "Now would be a good time", spoken by Picard, is completely reminiscent from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Also, while it may not be visible in the actual show, someone on the production crew re-labeled the shuttle pod "PONTIAC NC-1701-D". "Darmok" - The writers were playing around with the words in this episode, with DARMOK, the letters reversed, becomes KOMRAD (comrade). JILARD also becomes JLpIcARD. Also, Gilgamesh is based upon Gigamesh (from Sumerian lore), a character described as a combination of Solomanm, Ulysses, and Hercules combined into one. One of the important factor's after his friend's death is Gigamesh's fear of death, although never playing a factor in battle, results in his constant search for immortality, but, in one manner or another, comes very close, but always manages to miss. "The Outcast" - Among the technical phrases used, "Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow" was a phrase commonly used by the third doctor (Jon Pertwee) during Doctor Who. (UV) Doctor Who (DW): A cult British Science Fiction series which ran on BBC1 from 1963 to 1989. The title character is known only as "The Doctor", a time lord who travels through time and space in a TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space). The TARDIS is bigger on the inside than on the outside, and can change outward appearance, however, the Doctor's TARDIS, being a broken down Type-40, is stuck in the shape of blue British Police Call Box. The Doctor himself can, at point of death, regenerate into a totally different body and personality. The series can be seen on several PBS stations and the (to be launched in late 1991) Sci-Fi Channel. Lovely Angels/Dirty Pair (DP): A Japanese anime series where the two main characters, "Kei" and "Yuri", are members of World Welfare Foundation. Their job is to take care of problems that crop up. However, they usually leave the place in worse shape then they arrived, and it's usually not their fault. The series itself has had TOS in-jokes in it also. Differences in "Encounter At Farpoint" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Currently, "Encounter At Farpoint" is being distributed in both a two-part form and a two-hour movie form. The two-hour movie was shown as the first episode of TNG, the repeat was shown as a two-part episode. Currently, the stations that are showing TNG as a daily syndicated program have "Encounter At Farpoint" as a two-part episode. Unfortunately, the two-part episode is heavily butchered. Among the changes from the two-hour movie version: * The movie version starts out with the credits, the two-parter starts out with a teaser instead. * In the movie version, Riker sees what happens in two sections. In the two-parter, the second section is cut out. * The two-parter had the rejoining of the saucer section with the warp drive section being majorly edited. * A section where Picard is talking to Dr. Crusher about Wesley is cut. * A scene where Geordi talks to Dr. Crusher about his VISOR was moved to part two. It appeared in the first half of the movie version. * Some of the audio was changed, and somewhat "sweetened" (Mike Brown term), in the two-part version. To add additional confusion, Paramount has officially retired the two-hour movie, and has made available for the videotape and laserdisc series an unbutchered two-part episode of "Encounter At Farpoint." Operation SNAFU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opening Credits (1st & 2nd Season) - During the opening sequence, the graphics are a departure from the Sol system, beginning with Eath with the sun in the background, and featuring fly-bys of Jupiter and Saturn. During this sequence, the camera pans right, and we see sunlight off the left side of Earth and Jupiter, but the right side of Saturn, indicating that Saturn is backlit. (UV) "Code Of Honor" - While on the planet, watch Deanna's arms. In the group shots, Deanna's arms are at her sides, while, in the close-ups, her arms are behind her back. (UV) "Datalore" - Upon beaming down to the planet's surface, Commander Riker gives the stardate as 4124.5. A little later, Captain Picard gives it as 41242.45. (V) "Skin Of Evil" - When Riker is being pulled into Armus, the away team runs towards Armus. However Geordi drops his phaser into Armus. In the next scene, the away team is standing around calmly, and Geordi's phaser is back in his pocket. (UV) "Conspiracy" - At the beginning of the episode, while Picard is asleep, Riker tells LaForge to increase speed to Warp 6. Laforge replies, "Aye Sir, full impulse." Later on, in that same episode, Picard says "Mr. LaForge, ahead warp six." Geordi responds with "Aye, sir, full impulse." (UV) "The Enemy" - Picard says to Tomaluk that he will be escorting the Romulan ship to the Neutral Zone. Yet, in the closing shot, the Enterprise and the Romulan Ship take off in two different directions. (V) "The Royale" - The surface temperature of the planet is less than absolute zero. Also, after they beam the piece of the ship out of orbit, O'Brien and Riker pick it up with their bare hands (coming from space, it should have been close to zero Kelvin itself). Plus, after beaming down, they then scan the atmosphere to see if it's safe to breathe. (V) "Loud As A Whisper" - Data has learned sign language and is now interpreting what the mediator is saying. Data quotes the mediator as saying "My friends have died" or something like that, before it is even signed. (V) "Yesterdays Enterprise" - At the end of the episode, Geordi talks with Guinan. However, he is wearing an open neck uniform. (V) "Sins of the Father" - The sound effects people must have fallen asleep every time someone got slapped. (V) "Sarek" - The music recital in this episode contained several errors. First, the quartet seating is towards the audience, not toward each other. Classical music was originally developed with the performers facing each other in order to get visual cues. The performing in front of the audience did not come about until much later.Second, the Allegro is by Brahm's, not Mozart. Thirdly, the Allegro is sextet, not a quartet. (UV) "The Best Of Both Worlds" - In the scene where the away team is on the Borg ship, Beverly notices Picard/Locutus behind six Borg soldiers. Yet, when Worf rushes to rescue Picard, the soldier have disappeared. (V) "Brothers" - The code which Data gives to lock the Enterprise computer system differs between the spoken version and the version displayed on the screen. (See "Security Codes") (V) "Remember Me" - In the final act, when Wesley and the Traveler are entering the equations into the computer, watch Wesley's hand. He closes his eyes, and then places his hand on the case, about three inches below the entry pad. While he is making his entries, his hand starts moving up, while the sound effect people keep making the sounds in time. (V) "Legacy" - During the card trick with Data, Riker's hand keeps on changing position during the trick when the camera switches. (UV) "Reunion" - After K'Eyhlar dies, Alexander the child runs away, and Worf lets out his primal scream, we see her body being lowered to the floor. As she is finally settled, her eyes flutter open and closed several times (as, presumably, the actress, Suzie Plakson, "gets her bearings"). Also notice that her head is facing towards her left. However, when her body is shown full-on from the perspective of her feet (as Worf tells Alexander to "look at death, and never forget"), her head is facing slightly towards her *RIGHT*, and remains that way for the rest of the scene (a prime example of a scene being shot in several takes). (V) Also, Dr. Crusher and her aide comes from the bedroom, not from the corridor. (UV) "The Drumhead" - After the first hearing with J'Ddan, Worf and J'Ddan leave the hearing room. The doors open, as they are walking though the doorway, the doors start to close, but hesitate, open back up and then close after they leave the doorway. Looks like someone pulled on the rope too soon :-) (V) Also, Satie says that Captain Picard took command of the Enterprise at Stardate 41162. This is in error . . . it was 41152. (V) "Half A Life" - Near the end of the episode, when Lwaxana Troi is standing next to the mirror and then begins to walk away from it, for a brief instant the boom from the mic is visible in the reflection. (V) "In Theory" - In the teaser, Data finishes telling Jenna the reasons why she broke up with Jeff. She and Data then close up the photon torpedo, and she moves off to a control panel. On top of the torpedo rests a black, hand-sided deviceamajig. Data stands up, holding some sensormajig in his left hand. The scene then shifts to Data walking towards Jenna, and the sensormajig is now in his RIGHT hand (with no indication that he ever shifted it there), and Jenna is holding the deviceamajig she left on top of the torpedo (with no indication that she ever went back to get it). (V) "Redemption II" - In part one of this story, Worf said that he would be serving on the Bortas. Yet, in this episode, he is serving on the Hectar, with no explaination about the transfer. Also, Picard says to Guinan that Yar died a year prior to Guinan joining the crew. However, "Skin of Evil" was the fourth to last story of the season, and Guinan is first seen in the second season premere "The Child", suggesting only 3-4 months between the two stories. Picard refers to the battle on Narendra III as taking place 24 years ago to Sela, and 23 years ago to Guinan. (V) "Ensign Ro" - When Ensign Ro takes off her jacket, her communicator is on her jacket. However, when she hands the jacket to the little girl, her communicator jumps to her uniform, with no action of putting the communicator there. (V) "Silicon Avatar" - In the second act, look closely at the tricorder that Dr. Marr holds during the conversation between Dr. Marr and Data. During the conversation, she has her tricorder open. She then closes it, then reopens it, but holds the tricorder UPSIDE DOWN!!!! (V) "Disaster" - In the scene where Dr. Crusher and Geordi are evacuating all the air out of the cargo bay, Geordi hits the button that closes the cargo bay. The pushing of the button and resulting door closing are audibly heard, even though sound doesn't travel in a vacuum. (Probably dramatic reasons) Also, when the ship starts shaking, they cut to ten forward, where the stars are shaking right along with the ship. (V) "The Game" - When the crew are forcing Wesley to play the game, and ???? is holding his eyes open, Wesley blinks. (V) "Unification I" - When Dr. Crusher is examining Data in order to prep him (and Picard) to Romulas, she asks if Data's ears are detachable, to which Data says that they are not. Yet, in "Datalore", Data's brother, Lore, is clearly shown without ears. A design change? "Unification II" - After Spock, Picard, and Data have knocked out the Romulan guards, and Spock has Sela at gunpoint, Picard has no gun in his hand. After a camera switch, Picard then holds a Romulan phaser "pistol". A minute later, after a scene with the Enterprise, Picard is still standing in the same place, but with a Romulan phaser "rifle". (UV) After Data gives Sela the famous "Spock Pinch", and when Picard, Data, and Spock leave the room, look at the glass pyramid in Sela's office. There is a reflection of a cameraman chewing gum. (V) "New Ground" - Alexander states that he was born on stardate 42305. Unless the equivelent of 01000 stardate equals aproximately one year, Alexander would be only 2 and a half years old. Also, the creature which Riker saves from the lab is obviously a hand puppet. (V) "The Masterpiece Society" - Geordi states that his VISOR covered the range from 1 Hertz to 1 Terahertz. While this covers radio, microwave, and far infrared frequencies, it does not cover near infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-rays, or gamma rays. "Conundrum" - When MacDuff is talking to Picard in Picard's ready room, when Picard goes to the window, all you see in the in the window is the reflection of Picard and the room behind him (not the stars outside), then, when you see MacDuff, in the reflection, leaving the room behind Picard, when the door opens, you don't see the reflection of the bridge, you see stars. Oops! (UV) After Rikers first love scene, a wide-angle-view-pan-to-closeup on the bridge can be seen at the very top of the screen, in the brightly lit area. (UV). Shortly afterwards, in the same scene, MacDuff is walking around and up to the tactical station from his chair, and we can see his legs walk next to Worfs. The camera cuts to Worf, and we see MacDuff approaching Worf. (UV) - Betazoid's and the Ferengi Mind: In "The Battle" and "The Price", Deanna's is able to sense deception from the Ferengi, and later, used against them. Yet, in "Menage A Troi", the Betazoid Ambassador says that they are unable to read Ferengi minds, a fact later confirmed in "The Loss". Data has suggested that this is due to the Ferengi brain separated in four regions. - In "Reunion," Gowron was prepared to offer K'Ehleyr a seat on the Klingon Council for her assistance in getting Picard to quicken the pace of the Rite of Succession. However, in "Redemption," he states to Picard that females are not allowed to serve on that Council. Data Using Contractions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In "Datalore", Lore says that there are differences between him and Data, among them, the ability of Lore being able to use contractions, while Data couldn't. Yet, in "The Offspring", Data says that he hadn't quite mastered contractions. It appears that Data can use contractions, as the following shows indicate . . . . . "Encounter At Farpoint" - At the beginning of the "post Atomic-horror" courtroom, when Q enters, Data says, "At least we're acquainted with the judge." (V) Also, when Data is asked by a very familiar "Admiral" if he is a Vulcan, Data replies, "I'm an android." (V) "The Naked Now" - Data says: "Correction, sir.. that's blown out." instead of "that is".... Also, after Picard orders Yar to the sick bay, Yar asks "Did he say when?", to which Data replies "I'm sure he meant now." (UV) "The Last Outpost" - (UV) "Where No Man Has Gone Before" - After they shot out of the galaxy and were looking at all the nice special effects outside Data said something like "It's beautiful". (UV) "Datalore" - In the teaser, in response to Tasha's query about holding the memory of over 411 people, Data responds, "Actually, I'm quite efficient in some basic human information." Then, in act one, on the way to the place where he was found, in response to Tasha's query about the colonist's memories, Data replies, "I've always felt that it was done hurriedly, but I know little more." Next, in act two, in a conversation with Chief Argyle, Data says, "I've been most anxious to hear the Chief Engineer's opinion, Mr. Argyle." Then, in the final act, after the fight with Lore, Picard asks Data if he's ok, in which Data replies, "Yes Sir, I'm fine." This is quite surprising, since this is one episode which they should have been extra careful about using contractions. (V) "Heart of Glory" - (UV) "Elementary, Dear Data" - When Data and Geordi are just about to confront Moriarty for the first time, Data notices some scratches near Moriarty's secret entrance and he asks, "What's this?" (UV) "The Offspring" - In the Captain's quarters, after Picard answers Data's question about Admiral Halftel having children, Data replies, "I'm forced to wonder how much experience he had as a parent when his first child was born." (V) "Future Imperfect" - The future Data uses a contraction. "In Theory" - When entering Jenna's quarters, Data recites several phrases with contractions, including "Honey, I'm Home" and "You don't tell me what to do! You're not my mother!" - a clear contradiction of the no-contraction rule. However, he was running a program in which he was simply reciting various phrases couples use, and he was saying them in a different tone of voice than usual. (V) :+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+: ST:TNG Technical Manual The "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Technical Manual (Pocket Books, ISBN 0-671-70427-3) is the complete technical guide to the Treknology used in TNG. It is written by Rick Sternback and Michael Okuda, who work in TNG's Art Department. Among their responsibilities include making sure that everything is consistant in the technical department from show to show. However, they have been known to clown around a little, and some of that clowning has shown up in the technical manual. Such as: 11 - In the saucer section, right above the Captain's Yacht, there is a duck. A half inch to the left and a little bit down, there is a mouse. Slightly to the rigt of the mouse, there is a "Slippery When Wet" sign. In the shuttle bay, there is three big shuttles, two small shuttles, and sports car (probably from Pontiac ;). To the right of the duck, about one inch, there is a B-52 Bomber, and, in that same rectangle, there is a symbol of a woman and a child (the symbol for Canada's "Family" rating for movies). Also, right under the warp pylons, there is a registered trademark symbol. Interestingly enough, if you look at the ship diagram in Engineering on the show, those exact items show up. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Mike Brown's Program Guide The best "Star Trek: The Next Generation" program guide is put out by Mike Brown. It contains everything one could possibly want from a Star Trek guide, including: * Roger Noe's credit and cast listings * Tim Lynch's detailed synopsis of each episode * Paramount's advertising headlines, TV Log notes,and highlight listings * Satellite uplink dates * Writing, Directing, and Production crew listings and cross-references * Major award listings * Information compiled from various conventions If you are a serious trekker, this is the guide for you! The guide only costs $30.00 (including shipping and handling), and comes ready to be inserted into a loose-leaf notebook (notebook not included). Updates are also available. For more information and a sample page, please send a self-addressed stamped business size envelope to: Mr. Video Productions 6013 Mayhill Drive Madison, WI 53711-4123 E-mail address is . . .\ \ harvard\ att!nicmad\ ucbvax!uwvax..........!astroatc!vidiot!brown rutgers/ decvax!nicmad/ INTERNET: vidiot! -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- Thanks to . . . Edward Champion - For loaning me half of his Trek tape collection. Mike Brown - For information from his program guide, plus his endless informative contributions to Usenet (buy a TNG Program Guide from him!!!!) Jim Smith - For proofreading this thing and checking for those evasive typos Jim Griffith - For moderating the very informative Otto 'Hackman' Heuer - For information stolen from his FAQ List Tim Lynch & Michael Rawdon - Usenet reviews who point out interesting things Brendan Kehoe & Raymond Chen - FTP Site moderators Jim Earl and Paul Dyer - Wonderful Local Sysops Martin Pollard - The man with the close eye for details and . . . . Dean Adams, Mario Alaniz, Mark H. Anbinder, Mike Beizer, Mike Belzner, Michael Bennett, Dan Berry, Woody Bilyeu-Harper, Joel E. and FrancineBion, David Borkowski, Edward Branley, James P. Callison, Chuck Carroll, Tim Cherna, Brian Clayton, Jeff Comer, Erik L. Cunha, Dave Davis, Ben Delisle, Stephen Dennison, Jon Drukman, Brooks Duncan, Kevin Eastman, Zorch Frezberg, Blaine Gardner, Dean Gilbert, Richard L. Gralnik, B. J. Guillot, Michael Gunderson, Andrew Hackard, Paul Hager, John Hale, Inge Heyer, Irwin Horowitz, Chris Jacobson, Jon Jerome, Glenn E. Johnson, Ian Justman, Lawrence Kiefer, Frank Lazer, Gabriel Lee, Rockford Lhotka, Lloyd Lim, Jim Shaun Lyon, Don Malzahn, Steve Manitsas, Kent Miller, Francis Moraes, Michael Mullen, Colum Mylod, Elaine Naiman, Bryce Newall, Roger Noe, Mike Okuda, Owen E. Oulton, David Pearson, Ken Pergrem, Loren Petrich, Rob Pfile, Geoff Poole, Carl Potter, Ken Quick, John Rackley, Mitsuhiro Sakai, Paul Sander, Brian E. Saunders, Richard Saunders, Brian Scearce, Dave Schaumann, Catherine Schulz, Bob Schmidt, Joe Siegler, David S. Serchayand, Betsey Crockett Shay, John Smith, Jason Snell, Andrew Sepulveda, Lee Storm, Dave Sturm, Jamie Talbott, John Todd, R. B. Torok, "Mr. Tech", Mike Valiviita, Paul Vega, Scott Viguie, Gary Wachs, David Welle, John Whelan, Andy Wood, Gregg E. Woodcock, Ivan (captkidd@ATHENA.MIT.EDU), Erez Zadok, Douglas Alan Zander .. . . . . and the many other folks on Usenet's rec.arts.startrek and Fidonet Star Trek and TNG Echos. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Wesley Eugene "Gene" Roddenberry August 19, 1921 - October 24, 1991 He created a legend which continues on today, creating a show that has helped beleive that there was a future worth living for. He showed us that space is not just for space battles, but for learning new ideas and ways of thinking, and, indirectly, has done more for civil rights and the space program than Martin Luther King, Jr. and John F. Kennedy. Gene will be missed, but will not be forgotten. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Keep circulating the List of Lists. -- Mark Arthur Holtz <:> UUCP: PacBell.COM! -> mholtz!sactoh0 * Keeper - Star Trek List of Lists <:> ucbvax!csusac! / * Compiler - "The Simpsons" Air Dates <:> and "The Simpsons" Episode Guide <:> Internet: .