MCMLXXXV-10megs-300/1200-612/729-1985 *************************************** * * * The Star Trek episode guide * * * * By: * * * * Apple Avenger * * * * (C)1985 Midwest Pirate's Guild * * * *************************************** "Space-the final frontier...These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before." Sounds familiar doesn't it? The preamble above is from histories most famous and influential television series ever, Star Trek. Star Trek has evolved into one of the biggest cults today. Even after two decades, its syndicated shows are watch over and over again by many different generations of people. In this feature file I will list the shows in order by their season, and also give a little explanation about what happen in each show. I will not try to say to much so that other young trekkie fans who have not seen most of these shows will not be upset that I disclosed what happen in them. Star Trek was first air on September 8th, 1966. The show lasted a total of three seasons on NBC before it was canceled 1969. During those three seasons a total of 79 episode were filmed. During the 1973-75 saturday morning cartoon seasons, Star Trek came back in a cartoon form with the original voices of the cast doing their own character. Then in 1980, do to popular demand from the trekkie groups across the nation, Star Trek: The motion picture was filmed and released. This film was a big success and promoted them to film another film entitled, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. In this film Kirks old enemy from the episode "Space Seed" Khan (Richardo Montalban) has escaped from the planet that Kirk imprisoned him on 15 years ago. In Trek II we find out the Kirk has a son named David, and Spock gives his life in order to save the Enterprise from Khan who has triggered the Genesis Device (which is a device that makes life from lifelessness, created my Dr. Carol Marcus and he son David). In Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, we find out that Spocks body was still alive but his soul (brain) is possessed by Dr McCoy and the crew of the Enterprise must steal their ship back and go and rescue Spock from the Genesis planet. In this movie we see the final voyage of the Starship Enterprise and we see the death of Kirks son David. Since the last movie, resent rumor has it that they have started to film a forth Star Trek Movie, and who knows what this will be (authors note: The last Star Trek movie was directed by Leonard Nimoy, Mr.Spock as he is better known to trekkies). The creator of Star Trek is Gene Roddenberry. Mr. Roddenberry will admit that he borrowed from many other sci-fi shows from earlm%d dates in order to get some ideas for Star Trek. No one really knows why Star Trek was so popular. For its time it dealt with many things that people were just beginning to understand, like space travel, lasers, etc. Many actors played in the Star Trek series, the most known are: William Shatner as Capt. James T. Kirk, Leonard Nimoy as Mr.Spock, DeForest Kelly as Dr.Leonard "Bones" McCoy, James Doohan as Engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Nichelle Nichola as Uhura, George Takei as Mr.Sulu, and Walter Koeing as Ensign Pavel Chekov. Star Trek was a leader in Science Fiction television shows. Many have borrowed and copied from it, but none have gotten the cult following like Star Trek has. I hope this list will be helpful in your watching and taping of the Star Trek episodes (authors note: Paramount Studios has now released all of the Star Trek episodes on tape for the budget price of $14.95. The Movies can be purchased for $29.95. Check your local video store for more details). Star Trek: The 1st Season ------------------------- 01: "The Man Trap" On a desert planet, Kirk and McCoy are involved in a series of bizarre killings. 02: "Charlie X" A teenage boy, reared by aliens, is brought aboard the Enterprise and soon reveals his true intentions. 03: "Where no man has gone before" Actually the second pilot. Guest Stars Gary Lockwood and Sally Kellerman transform into all-powerful beings when the Enterprise crosses a cosmic barrier. 04: "The Naked Time" Emotions run high when an alien virus passed by casual contact strips the Enterprise crew of all inhibitions. 05: "The Enemy Within" The Kirk id is explored as the Captain is transformed into two people; one meek and caring, the other violent and impulsive 06: "Mudd's Women" Roger C. Carmel stars as Harry Mudd, the flim-flam man of space whose three beautiful companions have the power to command men. 07: "What are little girls made of?" A mad scientist intends to replace Kirk with a android double. 08: "Miri" Kirk must deal with the love of a survivor of a planet-wide catastrophe who is 300 years old. 09: "Dagger of the mind" Another renegade scientist is using a mind-altering device for nefarious purposes. 10: "The Carbomite Maneuver" A seemingly malevolent alien is intent on destroying the Enterprise for violating his race's space. 11-12: "The Menagerie" Two-part episode has Spock abducting former Enterprise captain Christopher Pike and hijacking the Starship to a forbidden planet. 13: "The conscience of the king" Kirk is told that the star of a troupe of actors is actually the escape Earth Criminal, Kodos the Executioner. 14: "Balance of terror" Kirk must fight of wits with the commander of a Romulan ship. 15: "Shore Leave" The crew of the Enterprise is given shore leave on a Eden like planet where all of their thoughts and dreams become real. 16: "The Galileo Seven" When the Enterprise's shuttle craft crash lands on a hostile planet, Spock finds out that logic alone won't solve the situation. 17: "The Squire of Gothos" A maniacal alien uses the Enterprise crew as playthings. 18: "Arena" Kirk must do battles with a powerful lizard like alien if he is save the Enterprise from destruction. 19: "Tomorrow is Yesterday" The Enterprise is sent back to the '60s and must erase all evidence of its appearance before it can return to the future. 20: "Court Martial" Kirk goes on trial after a computer accuses him of murder. 21: "Return of the Archons" Kirk again battles a computer that's intent on slowly murdering a planet's inhabitants. 22: "Space Seed" The earth superman Khan, from the 1990's is introduced, and attempts to conquer again by first taking over the Enterprise. 23: "A taste of Armageddon" Kirk and Spock become involved in a computer war on a planet where the inhabitants are forced to comply. 24: "This side of paradise" Spock experiences true love for the first time when alien spores make him and an entire planet's population euphoric 25: "The Devil in the dark" Kirk and Spock must track down a rock-like monster menacing a mining colony. 26: "Errand of mercy" When Organia is invaded by Klingons, the Enterprise comes to the rescue-or does it? 27: "The alternative factor" A mad time-traveler attempts to convince Kirk that the end of the universe is near. 28: "The city on the edge of forever" Kirk and Spock must go back in time to stop a deranged McCoy before he can change history. Star Trek: The 2nd Season ------------------------- 29: "Operation Annihilate" Kirk must save the inhabitants of Deneva before parasites drive them all mad. 30: "Amok Time" Spock must return to Vulcan to marry before he dies. 31: "Who mourns for Adonais" The Greek god Apollo attempts to capture the Enterprise crew. 32: "The changeling nomad" An ancient robot probe intends to reach Earth and destroy all inferior species, namely humans. 33: "Mirror, mirror" During a ion storm, Kirk and his landing party exchange places with their counterparts in another universe. 34: "The Apple" Kirk and crew must rid a dependent planet of its "God" machine. 35: "The Doomsday machine" And all-powerful planet killer will gobble up the universe unless the Enterprise destroys it. Introduces the character Decker, whose son is featured in Star Trek-the Motion Picture. 36: "Catspaw" Weird creatures capable of assuming different forms capture Kirk Spock and McCoy. 37: "I, Mudd" Harry Mudd returns, this time as a leader of a 2,000 male and female androids who carry out his every wish. 38: "Metamorphosis" A cloud-like alien creature refuses to let her "lover", a space pioneer, leave a desolate planet. 39: "Journey to Babel" Kirk must deal with murder aboard ship as he transports planetary delegates, including Spocks parents, across th cosmos. 40: "Friday's Child" Kirk and crew are forced to care for a tribal leader's pregnant wife when they break a planetary taboo. 41: "The Deadly years" After visiting a planet, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Scotty begin to age rapidly, losing their ability to command the Enterprise. 42: "Obsession" Determine to destroy a deadly, gaseous creature, Kirk puts his career on the line. 43: "Wolf in the fold" When the lights go out, it's murder, and Scotty is suspected of being a futuristic Jack the Ripper. 44: "The trouble with Tribbles" On a mission to deliver vital materials, Kirk must deal with Klingons and cute purring creatures the multiply at an alarming rate. 45: "The Gamesters of Triskelion" To amuse themselves, the remaining inhabitants of a mysterious planet bet on games of death, and force Kirk to play. 46: "A piece of the action" Effectively, Star Trek meets the Untouchables, as Kirk and Spock must reform a planets that's run like a movie version of the '30s Chicago. 47: "The immunity Syndrome" The Enterprise must destroy a giant amoeba-like creature that threatens to engulf the galaxy. 48: "A private little war" To maintain the balance of power, Kirk must arm a warring tribal faction. 49: "Return of tomorrow" The three survivors of an advance civilization must use the bodies of Kirk, Spock and a female scientist to build robot replicas, but one doesn't want to give its body back. 50: "Patterns of Force" Kirk attempts to find out why a planet has evolved like Nazi Germany. 51: "By any other name" The Enterprise is hijacked by aliens intent on destroying all human life. 52: "The omega glory" When warring Yangs and Comms do at it, Kirk becomes involved. 53: "The ultimate computer" A malevolent computer disregards its creators' orders and begins thinking thoughts of destruction. 54: "Bread and Circuses" The Enterprise visits a planet that mixes modern technology with the lifestyle of ancient Rome. 55: "Assignment Earth" Robert Lasing stars as a human raised by aliens who hopes are to avoid World War III. Actually, it's the pilot for an unsold series with little more than cameos by the Trek crew. Star Trek: The 3rd Season ------------------------- 56: "Spocks Brain" A group from a dying planet steals Spock's Brain. 57: "The Enterprise incident" Kirk crosses the Neutral Zone to steal the cloaking device from the Romulans. 58: "The paradise syndrome" An amnesiac Captain Kirk marries a beautiful alien, unaware of he planet's impending doom. 59: "And the small children shall lead" Lawyer Melvin Belli plays a black angel what has turned children into all powerful killers. 60: "Is there no truth in beauty?" When Spocks accidentally gazes at a Medusan ambassador, he is destined for madness unless the diplomat's jealous companion will help. 61: "Spectre of the gun" After violating Melkotian space, Kirk, Spock and McCoy are send to the OK Corral to face their doom. 62: "Day of the dove" Klingons battle humans at the bidding of an alien creature that thrives on hate. 63: "For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky" A dying McCoy is enslaved by the queen of a hollow world. 64: "The Tholian web" The Tholian attempt to snare the Enterprise is their deadly web as Kirk lies helpless in hyperspace. 65: "Plato's Stepchildren" Telepathic citizens of a Platonius enslave the Enterprises crew. 66: "Wink of an eye" An advance rave with an even more advance metabolism attempts to steal the Enterprise. 67: "The Empath" Kirk, Spock, and McCoy teach the notion of compassion to a mute girl who has the gift of sensing emotion and transferring pain. 68: "Elaan of Troyius" a Trek version of The Taming of the Shrew, with Kirk attempting to tame a tempestuous gueen. 69: "Whom god destroy" A madman attempting to conquer the universe has the power to change shape. 70: "Let that be your last battlefield" Warring aliens continue their 50,000 year struggle aboard the Enterprise. 71: "Mark of Gideon" Rulers of an overpopulated planet attempt to fool Captain Kirk into introducing death to the populace. 72: "That which survives" Kirk and McCoy face certain death when the Enterprise is hurtled a thousand light years away. 73: "The lights of zetar" Scotty's love interest faces death when mysterious lights invade her mind. 74: "Requiem for Methuselah" An alien claims he has lived on Earth as some of the most influential men of history. 75: "The what to eden" a futuristic hippie and his and attempt to find a planetary paradise by hijacking the Enterprise. 76: "The cloud minders" Class systems are challenged when Kirk and Spock become embroiled in a slave rebellion. 77: "The savage curtain" Kirk and Spock, aided by Abe Lincolin and the Valcon father figure Surak, must battle the most evil villains of all time to appease an alien. 78: "All out yesterdays" Kirk, Spock and Dr. McCoy seem to be transported to a different eras in Earth's past when the visit a dying planet. 79: "The turnabout intruder" In an effort to take over the Enterprise, and evil female scientist transfers her mind into the body of Captain Kirk. Well, thats it! Every Star Trek episode. I hope this file is helpful in your watching one of TV's greatest Science Fiction show ever, Star Trek. Written by: Apple Avenger 3/06/85 "Star Trek" Is a Trademark of Paramount Pictures Corporation Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark office. ---------------------------------------  .