The Hugo Award Winning Novels And Nominees Awards are dated by the year that the awards were voted on at the World Science Fiction Convention. 1993 Winner (tie): Doomsday Book-Connie Willis A Fire Upon The Deep-Vernor Vinge Other nominees: China Mountain Zhang-Maureen F. McHugh Red Mars-Kim Stanley Robinson Steel Beach-John Varley 1992 Winner:Barrayar-Lois McMaster Bujold Other nominees: Xenocide-Orson Scott Card Bone Dance-Emma Bull All the Weyrs of Pern-Anne McCaffrey Stations of the Tide-Michael Swanwick The Summer Queen-Joan D. Vinge 1991 Winner: The Vor Game-Lois McMaster Bujold Other nominees: Earth-David Brin The Fall of Hyperion-Dan Simmons Queen of Angels-Greg Bear The Quiet Pools-Michael P. Kube-McDowell 1990 Winner: Hyperion-Dan Simmons Other nominees: The Boat of a Million Years-Poul Anderson Prentice Alvin-Orson Scott Card A Fire in the Sun-George Alec Effinger Grass-Sheri S. Tepper 1989 Winner: Cyteen-C.J.Cherryh Other nominees: Falling Free-Lois McMaster Bujold Islands in the Net-Bruce Sterling Mona Lisa Overdrive-William Gibson Red Prophet-Orson Scott Card 1988 Winner: The Uplift War-David Brin Other nominees: When Gravity Fails-George Alec Effinger Seventh Son-Orson Scott Card The Forge of God-Greg Bear The Urth of the New Sun-Gene Wolfe 1987 Winner: Speaker for the Dead-Orson Scott Card Other nominees: The Ragged Astronauts-Bob Shaw Count Zero-William Gibson Marooned in Realtime-Vernor Vinge Black Genesis-L.Ron Hubbard 1986 Winner: Ender's Game-Orson Scott Card Other nominees: Blood Music-Greg Bear Cuckoo's Egg-C.J.Cherryh Footfall-Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle The Postman-David Brin 1985 Winner: Neuromancer-William Gibson Other nominees: Emergence-David Palmer The Integral Trees-Larry Niven Job:A Comedy of Justice-Robert A. Heinlein The Peace War-Vernor Vinge 1984 Winner: Startide Rising-David Brin Other nominees: Millenium-John Varley Moreta:Dragonlady of Pern-Anne McCaffrey The Robots of Dawn-Isaac Asimov Tea With the Black Dragon-R.A.MacAvoy 1983 Winner: Foundation's Edge-Isaac Asimov Other nominees: The Pride of Chanur-C.J.Cherryh 2010:Odyssey Two-Arthur C. Clarke Friday-Robert A. Heinlein Courtship Rite-Donald Kingsbury The Sword of Lictor-Gene Wolfe 1982 Winner: Downbelow Station-C.J.Cherryh Other nominees: The Claw of the Conciliator-Gene Wolfe Little,Big-John Crowley The Many-Colored Land-Julian May Project Pope-Clifford D. Simak 1981 Winner: The Snow Queen-Joan Vinge Other nominees: Beyond the Blue Event Horizon-Frederik Pohl Lord Valentine's Castle-Robert Silverberg The Ringworld Engineers-Larry Niven Wizard-John Varley 1980 Winner: The Fountains of Paradise-Arthur C. Clarke Other nominees: On Wings of Song-Thomas M. Disch Harpist in the Wind-Patricia McKillip Jem-Frederik Pohl Titan-John Varley 1979 Winner: Dreamsnake-Vonda McIntyre Other nominees: The Faded Sun: Kesrith-C.J. Cherryh The White Dragon-Anne McCaffrey Blind Voices-Tom Reamy Up the Walls of the World-James Tiptree, Jr. 1978 Winner: Gateway-Frederik Pohl Other nominees: The Forbidden Tower-Marion Zimmer Bradley Lucifer's Hammer-Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle Time Storm-Gordon R. Dickson Dying of the Light-George R.R. Martin 1977 Winner: Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang-Kate Wilhelm Other nominees: Children of Dune-Frank Herbert Man Plus-Frederik Pohl Mindbridge-Joe Haldeman Shadrach in the Furnace-Robert Silverberg 1976 Winner: The Forever War-Joe Haldeman Other nominees: The Computer Connection-Alfred Bester The Stochastic Man-Robert Silverberg Doorways in the Sand-Roger Zelazny Inferno-Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle 1975 Winner: The Dispossessed-Ursula K. LeGuin Other nominees: Fire Time-Poul Anderson Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said-Philip K. Dick The Inverted World-Christopher Priest The Mote in God's Eye-Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle 1974 Winner: Rendezvous With Rama-Arthur C. Clarke Other nominees: The People of the Wind-Poul Anderson The Man Who Folded Himself-David Gerrold Time Enough For Love-Robert A. Heinlein Protector-Larry Niven 1973 Winner: The Gods Themselves-Isaac Asimov Other nominees: The Book of Skulls-Robert Silverberg A Choice of Gods-Clifford D. Simak Dying Inside-Robert Silverberg There Will Be Time-Poul Anderson When Harlie Was One-David Gerrold 1972 Winner: To Your Scattered Bodies Go-Philip Jose Farmer Other nominees: Dragonquest-Anne McCaffrey Jack of Shadows-Roger Zelazny The Lathe of Heaven-Ursula K. Le Guin A Time of Changes-Robert Silverberg The World Inside-Robert Silverberg 1971 Winner: Ringworld-Larry Niven Other nominees: Tau Zero-Poul Anderson Tower of Glass-Robert Silverberg Star Light-Hal Clement The Year of the Quiet Sun-Wilson Tucker 1970 Winner: The Left Hand of Darkness-Ursula K. LeGuin Other nominees: Bug Jack Barron-Norman Spinrad Macroscope-Piers Anthony Slaughterhouse-Five-Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Up the Line-Robert Silverberg 1969 Winner: Stand on Zanzibar-John Brunner Other nominees: Goblin Reservation-Clifford D. Simak Nova-Samuel R. Delany Past Master-R.A. Lafferty Rite of Passage-Alexei Panshin 1968 Winner: Lord of Light-Roger Zelazny Other nominees: The Butterfly Kid-Chester Anderson Chthon-Piers Anthony The Einstein Intersection-Samuel R. Delany Thorns-Robert Silverberg 1967 Winner: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress-Robert A. Heinlein Other nominees: Babel-17-Samuel R. Delany Day of the Minotaur-Thomas Burnett Swann Flowers for AlgernonDaniel Keyes Too Many Magicians-Randall Garrett The Witches of Karras-James H. Schmitz 1966 Winner: (tie)...And Call Me Conrad(This Immortal)-Roger Zelazny Dune-Frank Herbert Other nominees: Skylark DuQuesne-E.E. Smith Squares of the City-John Brunner 1965 Winner: The Wanderer-Fritz Leiber Other nominees: Davy-Edgar Pangborn The Planet Buyer-Cordwainer Smith The Whole Man-John Brunner 1964 Winner: Here Gather the Stars(Way Station)-Clifford D. Simak Other nominees: Cat's Cradle-Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Dune World-Frank Herbert Glory Road-Robert A. Heinlein Witch World-Andr‚ Norton 1963 Winner: The Man in the High Castle-Philip K. Dick Other nominees: A Fall of Moondust-Arthur C. Clarke Little Fuzzy-H. Beam Piper Sword of Aldones-Marion Zimmer Bradley Sylva-Vercors 1962 Winner: Stranger in a Strange Land-Robert A. Heinlein Other nominees: Dark Universe-Daniel F. Galouye The Fisherman(Time is the Simplest Thing)-Clifford D. Simak Second Ending-James White Sense of Obligation(Planet of the Damned)-Harry Harrison 1961 Winner: A Canticle for Leibowitz-Walter M. Miller, Jr. Other nominees: Deathworld-Harry Harrison The High Crusade-Poul Anderson Rogue Moon-Algis Budrys Venus Plus X-Theodore Sturgeon 1960 Winner: Starship Troopers-Robert A. Heinlein Other nominees: Dorsai!-Gordon R. Dickson The Pirates of Ersatz(Pirates of Zan)-Murray Leinster The Sirens of Titan-Kurt Vonnegut Jr. That Sweet Little Old Lady(Brain Twister)-Mark Phillips 1959 Winner: A Case of Conscience-James Blish Other nominees: Have Spacesuit-Will Travel-Robert A. Heinlein Time Killer-Robert Sheckley We Have Fed Our Seas-Poul Anderson Who?-Algis Budrys 1958 Winner: The Big Time-Fritz Leiber 1957 No Award given 1956 Winner: Double Star-Robert A.Heinlein 1955 Winner: They'd Rather Be Right-Mark Clifton,Frank Riley 1954 No Awards given 1953 Winner: The Demolished Man-Alfred Bester .