DID RAIN OF FIRE ON ICE ENABLE FIRST EARTHLY LIFE? Theory Departs Sharply From Conventional Vew Los Angeles Times San Francisco, Feb. 20 -- All life on Earth may owe its origin to fire and ice, as a rain of immense meteorites shattered the thick ice sheathing a primordial ocean more than 4 billion years ago, according to a new theory presented by scientists today. In a sharp departure from the conventional scientific view of how life began, several leading authorities told the American Association for the Advancement of Science that such cataclysmic impacts may have intermittently melted frozen oceans and triggered in their depths a cascade of chemical reactions that spontaneously created the elemental building blocks of life. [...] Battered by the fiery impacts of asteroids greater than 50 miles in diameter, the ice would have thawed and refrozen repeatedly, perhaps as often as every 100,000 years. [...] Those familiar with the Thule Group, the Vril Society, or Hans Horbiger's theories on "Welteislehre" ought to get a kick out of all this. For those unfamiliar, consider this quote from Horbiger to Willy Ley: It [the origin of the solar system] was revealed to me, when as a young engineer I was watching one day some molten steel poured on to wet ground covered with snow: the ground exploded after some delay and with great violence." Building on this experience like Newton with his apple, Horbiger went on to develop a theory of Fire and Ice rarely matched in the annals of crackpot science: The sunspots are actually chunks of ice falling onto the sun from Jupiter; the last great race of giants was wiped out some 120,000 years ago when our third (chronologically speaking) moon fell into the oceans; Atlantis was sunk by floods resulting from the capture of our present moon -the fourth to orbit our planet- which is of course nothing but a ball of ice; the so-called Milky Way is merely a band of ice through which a few suns like our own are shining (most of what we call stars are actually pieces of ice, of course); and so on. Fastening on this theory, some of the leading members of the Nazi Party took up Horbiger's banner (since surely the theories of Jews like Einstein and the other corrupt intellectuals and scientists were nothing but lies to subjugate the superior Aryan race), they "justified" the atrocities of the Ahnenerbe and the Final Solution with such garbage as the now-supposedly supportable theory that Jews, Gypsies and other sub-human races come from the evolutionary nadir between the third and fourth moons -- and being non-human, could be treated the same as any other varmints. For those not familiar with Pauwels and Bergier's book _The Morning of the Magicians_ (originally published under _The Dawn of Magic_), I heartily recommend it. It does tread on some rather shaky, "Terra X" - like ground, but is a fascinating read nonetheless. Wonder if those scientists in the newspaper article had read it? Love is the law, love under will. - Christeos Pir .