Jeff Walker #64 @7317 Wed Jun 26 22:45:05 1991 Other farms hit Bill Veenhuizen wasn't the only farmer in Maple Valley, Washington having mutilation problems. On Sunday, November 11, two female sheep were found with their sexual organs removed. The Hicks-Raburn King County Police found small holes on the carcasses that they concluded might be BB gun pellet wounds, but no pellets were found. Mystery technology Another major question: Had the blood been drained from all those animals without cutting them? If alien life forms are responsible, and blood is a fluid they need for sustenance, do the aliens have a technology which can transfer molecules of blood from within a living system and leave mysteriously dead animals behind having no cuts at all: The same question might apply to the hundreds of wild horses which were found dead in Nevada in 1989. In November, 1989, in Red Cloud, Nebraska, rancher Ron Bartels found a large, 1,000 lb. Chianina cow dead and mutilated. The Franklin County Sheriff Department investigated, and veterinarian Carl Guthrie, D.V.M., was asked to do a necropsy. In his report, he stated that a four-inch straight incision had been made over the cervical trachea. Beyond that cut inside the animal, over eight inches of trachea and esophagus had been surgically removed- "The skin over the abdomen was removed in a clear, demarcated line-no musculature disturbed," he noted. And the rectum and vagina were cored out. Predators discounted Dr. Guthrie concluded: "There were definite signs of suspicious acts to the body of this cow-the nature in which the skin was severed and removed was not characteristic of a predator strike." In addition to those cuts described by Dr. Guthrie, the neat circular patch of skin removed around the cow's eye, along with the eyeball, has been one of the hallmarks of animal mutilations since the 1970s. Rancher Ron Bartels told me, ". . . after several days, there had been no predation, and with the number of coyotes we now have in this area, they completely strip a carcass very quickly." But nothing touched the strangely cut cow. How are the cuts made: In my book An Alien Harvest, published in 1989, I show for the first time that tissue gathered from mutilator cuts in Arkansas on March 11, 1989, revealed the following characteristics under microscopic examination: 1) The line is pinpoint thin; 2) The line was subjected to high heat, probably 300 degrees Fahrenheit or above, leaving a hard and darkened edge; 3) The cuts were made rapidly, probably in two minutes or less, because there is no inflammatory cell destruction which typically begins in a few minutes after any trauma to tissue (See contrasting photomicrographs). In addition to the 1989 mutilation reports in Idaho, Washington, Nebraska and Arkansas, there have been other cases in Colorado, Oklahoma, Missouri and Florida. Further, over 800 wild horses in Nevada have died mysteriously, about 70 domestic cats have been Found dead and bloodlessly mutilated in Tustin, California and 30 more cats in the East Bay of San Francisco. A city employee in Setauket, Long Island, NY, has reported to me that about a dozen raccoons, opossums, dogs and cats have been found in Percy Rayner bloodlessly mutilated with cuts similar to cows. I have also received calls about mutilations in Canada, but have no firm photographs or reports. After An Alien Harvest was released in June of 1989, I received a letter from a security guard in Denver, Colorado. He described a night in August when he was patrolling the grounds of a large corporation west of the city. From his truck, he could see a large circle of lights in the dark sky. The lights remained stationary over a pasture a few hundred feet from the security guard. He was afraid to report the unidentified flying objects, because UFOs meant ridicule and he didn't want to lose his job. But he felt guilty about not reporting it, because the next morning he watched a farmer gather up a couple of dead and mutilated cows from the pasture where the lights had hovered overhead. He asked me, "What kind of technology are we talking about? I never took my eyes off those lights. There was no beam, no sound, nothing. How did they do it?" That's a question which has haunted ranchers and law enforcement since the first worldwide reported mutilation of a horse in 1967. Not only how-but why? If alien life forms are intruding on this planet and harvesting from animals and humans, is a program of genetic experimentation and sustenance the answer? Or only part of a larger alien need? Will the 1990s finally bring humans face to face with an alien intelligence that has secretly used earth life for eons? As we become more conscious of its presence, will we learn that the alien intent is simply to survive without human help? Or is there some larger and more complex alien scheme which could challenge the future of human existence? -Linda Moulton Howe- End of file.  .