Hi. I am a 20 year old South African male. I live in a dangerous land with so much hate! So I carry a gun..well maybe 2 around with me. I have heard about friends shooting someone and that person coming back to him and doing some rudimentary facial surgery with a panga. My 9mm is my best friend. I sleep with it. Eat with it and ...well u get the point. Some improvised ammunition I have found to work - Always use hollow points..the more hollow the better(it is the hollow bit that we can put nasties in). Try to find your own combinations as different ammo has different velocities. I have black talons in my 9mm..thses r too powerful to fool around with so try use normal +p bullets. step 1-(if you make your own bullets just use the head) drill out all the lead you can with a drill(make sure to take your time and not press to firmly on the drill with the bullet head as the heat and vibration in excess with cause it to explode). step 2-try to hollow out a hole in the bullet with a knife or other sharp device so that the sides of the hole are smooth. Step 3-fill the bullet with any substance that u desire (a list of substances I have used and recommend is at the end of this post) step 4-cap the bullet with a suitable substance depending on the holes content e.g. - for glass use wax to seal the hole, for mercury use plastic and a gas mask! step 5-melt the surrounding cap so that it is round and smooth like a glazier bullet. If u don't make the cap smooth the bullet will rupture the cap in the chamber as it is being shot. step 6 -fire the bullet into a target at close range to test. Never fire it at anything before the test fire as you don't want to see the bullet fly diagonally into your mother in law! a good test fire is a wet phone book hung on a tree. Inspect the damage of the head and then consider the weight of the substance to be put into the head. Before firing try to weigh the bullet and get it to weigh as much as it did before. substances-1)mercury mercury is a very weird substance to put in the bullet as you really know what u r doing to get it right. Mercury gives off toxic fumes when heated so when u cap the head use a gas mask and visor. When the head hits the target(human)the cap will melt from the heat and the mercury will spray into the surrounding cavity formed by the bullets head. Mercury poisoning is a nasty way to die and it makes sure that the target doesn't get the idea to come back after you -100% direct hit will kill anyone-ANYONE. 2)glass U ever try to pick up a broken lightbulb? Cuts your fingers and those little pieces are hard to pick up. take a small lightbulb ,put it into a towel and crush it with a hammer. Take the small pieces and put them into the hollow of the bullets head. Wax is a nice way to seal up the head as it holds tight to the head. 3)poison too many to describe try using poison in a powder form as a liquid doesn't penetrate as well. The powder will liquefy as it makes contact with blood anyway. 4)metal shards cut up some small triangle shaped metal peices. Get the metal from those portable chess boards and cut it up. The pieces have to be quite small to detach from the head as big ones will collect together. There are lots of different substances to mix so try some out. I TAKE NO RESPONSIBLITY FOR ANYTHING SAID IN THE ABOVE POST!!. Dont be an idiot and kill yourself, be careful. Adamantium .