Dealing with annoying neighbours By Sweeper09 At some point of our lives, had to deal with them, especially if you happen to be a minority of any kind. Here.s a few steps to make life easier when a problem arises with a neighbour. I. Don.t talk, listen These days, spy cams in the shape of pens, teddy bears and even buttons are extremely cheap, offering video of good resolution and audio as well. Nobody likes a loudmouth, avoiding being one will earn you neutrality in an apartment building, so the first thing you will do is just listen in with your device placed in an open window, hidden in plain sight. II. Don.t get mad, get everything Armed with the good evidence you may have collected from the would-be harassers, your local civil rights organization will be more than happy to represent you for free. Discrimination and mobbing are illegal but if it involves things like loud noises, make sure you use a reference for which time it is, like filming a clock with your camera without cutting away. III. Be like Elliot Ness Al Capone got famously caught for tax evasion, instead of selling liquor and, you know, killing people. So, say your neighbours are remodelling; what you do is call in a decibel measuring crew and, if the sounds they produce are higher than that of a dog barking, you can essentially take them to court with the evidence and get their money when they decide to make a deal instead. IV. In case they are listening Get a caller ID service, just in case you give out your phone number by accident and they call you to make prank phone calls. A phone recorder works even better but may not be necessary. V. When it comes to meeting them The best defence is to speak your mind but in an extremely polite manner, so as not to cause animosity, as people respond more to tone than what is being said to them. .