Anti AntiMuslims - By Stale Eyes:// I made this file to congratulate the thick fuck on making the "Western World" more of a scum packet than we thought. I am not a muslim, no, I do however have an higher IQ than a breadplant. And I feel "Mantis" needs to realise a few things.... Also, racist slurs only get idiots and Neonazis on your side. 1. You made that "statistic" (if it can really be called a statistic) up. Even so, a majority of terrorists being one race, doesn't make one race a majority of terrorists. 2. Islamic Countries aren't Third World (Saudi Arabia etc.) just because it has a high land mass of desert, they are some of the richest people because of the natural underground Oil and Gas resevoirs. 3. I had to quote this, because I actually LAUGHED when I read it: We have the best economy in the fucking world, and McDonalds's and malls, and professional sports teams, and movie theaters that show movies with sex scenes, which would make a fucking muslim shit a brick even if they saw a woman's leg. The towel clingers all need to lay off the Western bashing and shove their words up their anuses. Let's analyse this sentence, ripping it to shreds bit by bit. i) It's a normal assumption that fanatics that write files like this are from America, okay: Best economy: a) Say the worlds resources is equiv to "1". You use 3.4 of the worlds resources every day. b) America has debts of over $40,000,000,000,000 (that's 40 trillion, if you like,$136,479 per citizen). The Federal Government is in debt of $9.3 Trillion ($26,000 per child). This is happening at about £1,300,000,000 every year. The CIA itself goes £8,500,000, over it's budget each year. America is in excess debt of $23,000,000,000,000. ii) McDonalds is actually nothing. KFC has over 20,000 more restaraunts than McDonalds worldwide, and is growing constantly. iii) Malls, so what? Really? What does that prove? That your construction workers are thick and therefore have to work on big scale boxes? Oriental architecture is much more talented, and the people who build it can't read or write. iv) Professional Sports Teams? HA! Upon visiting America, I went to a Baseball game, and I have to say, it is THE most dullest sport, I don't know who invented it, but I hope they are being poked with eternal hellfire in their grave. Basketball. A bunch of lanky afros playing an incredibly biased sport, and at the same time the American race downputs the creators of the sport since the Settlers took notice of it. Yes, Native Americans. I prefer to call the current Americans "Neofuckers" or, more appropriately "Dense". American Football: Half the time they PICK UP the ball, discluding the foot bit really, and then it's shaped like a Rugby ball (only called a ball because they needed to put a word there, as being English, we created the language, (and rather than calling yours US English, it should be American), we fully realise a ball is more commonly associated with a spherical item. Not only that, but they were so much padding. You say it's voilent. And what? Have you seen Rugby? They DON'T wear padding. One guy nearly had his shoulder taken off, even then it took four men to drag him off the field because he still wanted to play. The long and short of it is: Professional Sport means nothing. v) Movie theaters that show movies with sex scenes, etc. : So what? You are a sad loser who has no sex life, and due to sexual frustration, resorts to porn movies? That makes you the bigger man? Either way, I quote "which would make a fucking muslim shit a brick even if they saw a woman's leg". You fucking idiot. That's The Amish. They don't demote sexual practises unless it's outside of marriage, their culture defines modesty as having the women covered up. If a woman was to display herself crudely, that's just lack of modesty, not pornographic. Just because the women in America are half hearted half dressed tarts and you perve at them at some guys party, doesn't mean America has a suitable modesty ethic. vi) What do you mean "Western Bashing"? None of them are "Bashing" the West, you are being hypocritical by "Bashing" them. And Shove their words up their anuses? Get a life. 4. They don't all beat women. A few have deprivational psychotic problems. Shun tourists? Quite the opposite. Go to Egypt, they will follow you everywhere. They certainly don't harbour terrorists. A few fanatics may want to have the "honour" of a famous terrorist in their home, but that doesn't mean Islam = Harbour "Evil". Weapons Of Mass Destruction? Jack Straw openly admitted there were no WOMD, though it took Tony Blair a while to catch up, and as for George W. Bush, he'll never face the music that there were none. They don't tell the Western World how to run themselves, I don't know where you heard that from. The rest of the sentence is dire and not worth commenting on. Okay, let's move on from his four points. About the gang members and stuff, they'll just get taken out before they realise what country they are in. Either way it's just another reason for anarchy, not helping anyone. You want to protect AMERICA over a race of people? Meh, your choice you thick fuck. I'm going to ignore the quote part. No point. Is it just me or is this guy going round in circles? I'm starting to believe less than a did before (which was very little) that this guy has anything intellectual to say. I hope the guy who wrote this actually follows what what he types. That way he might be shot quickly and just be another statistics. Only heroes die a prolonged and painful death. He isn't one. That is my comeback against "Mantis", a.k.a The Hopeless Fuckup. Stale Eyes:// (Jez Hunter) If you agree with me, or want to argue, email me at please. Thanks. .