Fellow members of humanity, I wrote the textfile "Message for Muslims". I was a young man who was confused, insecure, and full of fear. I felt the need to lash out in hate and anger at an entire group of people. I even made up a couple words to try to sound important. Years later, although I am still growing as an individual, and as a spiritual being, I've learned a lot of things. First of all, I learned that hate is nothing more than the absence of love. I learned that although we have different skin colors, speak different languages, and have different beliefs, despite all that, we're still the same! We all want the same things: we all want to be free, happy, prosperous, and we want our children to be safe, and also enjoy these same things. I've learned to love all that exists unconditionally, to help others, to stop worrying about what people think about me, and to just do whatever I can to make the world a better place than when I was born. I also learned that I must hold myself accountable and responsible for my actions. I heard a quote from a native-American man named Little Hawk (I hope I got that right), from the Mohawk tribe: "Take credit for your mistakes, not what you do good, because you're supposed to be doing good anyway." I'm typing this textfile because I am holding myself accountable for my act of sending out that textfile into the world. As long as that textfile is on this site, visible to all, it spreads hate, intolerance, and negative energy. It is my hope that it is removed from the site, and therefore, the world forever. The prison system in this country has the highest incarceration rate in the world; yet it still allows convicts to make amends after serving their time, by letting them out and giving them another chance to make a positive contribution to society. Despite how bad it is, the ex-convicts still have the wonderful opportunity to create a better world. As citizens on Earth, as members of the collective human race living on a small ball, floating in an infinite space, we have to live with each other. We are not as different as people think. We have to realize this and come together and love each other unconditionally, and this is our DUTY. I made a horrible mistake of typing it up and sending it out into the world in fear and anger years ago, but it's in your power to IGNORE ITS contents, and to limit the amount of negative energy that is too prevalent in the world today. Everyday, we are given a new chance to do good. Love and creation is the only way we will survive, in a 180 degree contrast to hate and destruction. We are Creators. Everyday, we are given a new chance to change the world and create a better one, a world filled with love, coexistence, and prosperity. We are at a point in our civilization's history where we must remove negative energy from our planet forever, and replace it with loving, warm, life-giving positive energy. Then we must maintain and sustain this love forever. For years, I've felt awful about making that textfile as an ignorant, fearful young man. This isn't about me as much as it is about the world. I have come to terms with what I've done, and a little while ago, I decided to attempt to not only cancel out the negative energy from that textfile, but surpass the amount of negative energy it spreads, by loving others, being polite to people, picking up trash and litter, talking to others about how love is the only way forward, and spreading coexistence and tolerance. Ignore the file. It's COMPLETE CRAP. Everyday, we are blessed with miracles. Science clearly states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, but yet, here we are! Is that clearly not a miracle? Thus, it is self-evident that somehow, outside of the laws of physics, this universe was created. Life formed. I am not religious, but I am now very spiritual. We are also Creators. It wasn't that long ago in our human history that the only information came from the priests. There were wise men whom called forth new domains of thinking that never existed here before. I'm not talking about philosophers, although they were the predecessors of scientists. I'm talking about Galileo, Aristotle, Pythagoras, etc. Many of them were punished, but they created, out of nothing, something called science. Another example of us Creating out of nothing was when this country was founded. Before we wrote the Declaration of Independence, nothing like that had ever been done before. The only people with rights were the kings and priests, but the vast majority of humans did not enjoy any rights. However, despite being under despotic rule, we created individual human rights and freedom out of nothing. Without love energy, and without intent, this could not have happened. We created the domain that created not only the rights to call it forth, but we also created language, and then communicated it. This communication that we created had power, because it was full of intent. It has the power not only to represent and invoke, but also to literally bring it into being. This is what we need to do in order to clearly know ourselves. We are destined to Create out of nothing. As we grow as a species on this relatively small planet, we will continue to grow in many areas, and when we learn who WE are, and when we have become spiritually ready, we will once again Create something unprecedented. It is our destiny; it is who we really are. It is my belief that we were called forth from the Creator so that we could live, learn, love, and experience, and then to spread and multiply this love outward in all directions into space and eventually Create out of nothing but love, other domains which didn't exist before. I truly believe the Creator intended, and did, create Creators. I believe and feel that my soul came to this planet and entered this body shortly after I was conceived so that I could also spread love energy. But making mistakes is part of learning and experiencing. If we already had all the knowledge, we wouldn't need to be here. That's the whole point of life: to experience, make mistakes, and learn from them so that we can become more wise, and then use that wisdom for benevolent purposes. There was no excuse to create that file, and this is my opportunity to not only attempt to cancel it out, but to do my best to help humanity as much as possible by spreading love. We are all nodes, and beacons of love. I believe that we must ask ourselves, "What hasn't our contribution to humanity, the world, the universe been?" I want to make as much of a contribution as I can before this particular lifetime of mine is over. So please, for the sake of the betterment of humanity as a whole, please IGNORE that file. It would be better to limit and cease the spread of hate and intolerance than it would just to respond to it and give it attention, since it contains no information whatsoever, unlike the other textfiles on the site. I have written this from my heart, not just my fingers, keyboard, and computer. It is my intent to Create a better world. I am literally doing just that, with every good and loving thing I do, because I'm spreading love. We truly have the power to Create a better world by intending to spread love, and then doing it. It's a chain-reaction. So please help to make this a better, more loving world. You are truly powerful, resilient, beings of light, and it is the responsibility of the spiritual people, and the people who have awakened, to be the leaders and guides of the rest of humanity who has not yet awakened. With great knowledge comes great responsibility, and it is our duty to be there and help people through the rough times that lie ahead. I do not know how much longer I have during this lifetime, so I wanted to share this textfile with all, and dedicate it to all of humanity, because I truly love all of you. We are merely cells of the larger, living organism we call Earth, and Earth is just part of a larger living organism which is our galaxy. Our galaxy is a living organism which is part of the living universal organism. So as you can see, everything that exists is related, and we are connected to all that exists. You are all my priority, and please know that I love you all, and I have faith in all of you. But most importantly, believe in yourselves, because you all wield the power to create your own reality and reshape the world with your love and intent. It is my sincerest hope that we all realize this power and create a world full of love, where there is no suffering. Love and light to you all. .