.::::::::::. .::::::::::. .::::''''''::::. .::::''''''::::. .:::' `::::.... ....::::' `:::. .::' `:::::::| Or |:::::::' `::. .::| |::::::|_ ___ __|::::::| |::. `--' Anarchy |::::::|_()__()_|::::::| Death `--' ::: |::-o::| |::o-::| ::: `::. .|::::::| |::::::|. .::' `:::. .::\-----' `-----/::. .:::' `::::......::::' `::::......::::' `::::::::::' Anarchy Or Death `::::::::::' Vol. 1 (2014-03-01) Table of Contents ----------------- [1] Intro [2] Freedom by force [3] Cop vs Criminal [4] We're just animals [5] Thoughts on security [6] Importance of fitness [7] Propaganda & Shaming [8] Misc. Rambling [9] Final Words "Life isn't worth living if you aren't free" -::[ 1 ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- -: :- -: Introduction :- -: :- -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- Welcome to the first issue of Anarchy Or Death. You've probably found this text because you've grown dissatisfied with the world around you. I should really point out that if you are a conspiracy theorist, don't even waste your time reading this; you are crazy and give the rest of us a bad name. This also isn't your frustrated teenager "lets change the world/fuck the government" brand of anarchy, so sorry to all the wannabe rebel kids out there who will inevitably conform when it is their generation's time to "grow up and get jobs". This document exists as a rejection of authority, and a proclamation of true freedom. While I believe that as a species we have come too far to completely do away with all structure something definitely needs to be done about the current state of affairs. If government worked the way it is supposed to there would be no problem. Fortunately that's a delusion I will not be sharing with the Fox News regulars. As a realist I have come to terms with the fact nothing is going to change any time soon and have acted accordingly in ways that will be covered throughout this text. If you can't change the system, change yourself and the way you interact with it. The purpose of this e-zine is to serve as an outlet for my own personally held views and beliefs, and also as a message to the establishment that not all of us are going to remain quiet and take whatever they give us. If nothing else, this e-zine will serve as a constant reminder that they are not unassailable and that they cannot, and will never, be able to control those who have the means and the wherewithal to fight back. The government has enjoyed dealing it out unchecked for many years - now it's time to see how well they can take it. -::[ 2 ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- -: :- -: Freedom by Force :- -: :- -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- Some things just have to be taken by force. Freedom is unfortunately one of them. You must understand that no government, whether harboring a police state or not, will ever relinquish power once they've got it. In this day and age this includes electronic surveillance, both online and in the physical world. While there are many ways to shield yourself online there are not a lot of options in the real world, save for smashing CCTV cameras or shooting down drones, which I'm sure we will begin to see more of. The law itself is nothing more than a tool to control you and the more you let it the more restricted and complicated your life will become. When it comes to punishing dissidents the establishment loves to throw the book at you, quoting long winded legal propaganda. It empowers them and gives them a sense of righteous superiority over you. They claim that the law is absolute and must be upheld at all costs. That justice must be served, etc. This all changes however when the tables are turned and you know the law and how to apply it effectively to your situation. Suddenly the law is no longer important and they don't want to hear it. If you've ever been in a bad court situation you will know exactly what I mean. At this point the jig is up and they will do whatever it takes to get their way, assuming they can do so while saving face. I find it very ironic that the law, something they want us all to follow and be afraid of, is camera shy. We are very rarely allowed to film what happens in the court room even for personal record keeping and I think that it should be clear to everyone why that is. It is hard to play by the rules of the legal system and get the outcome you desire when your opponent knows how to fight back. A surprisingly large number of people think that fighting the system in order to re-gain lost freedoms will accomplish anything. Not only is this ridiculous due to the fact that the very same system is the thing that took their freedoms away, but they are trying to fight it in accordance with its OWN RULES. It is akin to having an argument with someone, but before you start you hand them a list of things they can and cannot talk about, comparisons they can and cannot make, and when and where they can speak. Scenarios like these ultimately prove useless and yet they continue in hopes something will change. The famous quote from Albert Einstein can certainly be applied here: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." A lot of people fear the police and the last thing they want is to find themselves involved in a confronation. Maybe things would be different if they saw a way of dealing with the situation that wouldn't result in their arrest and being charged fallaciously. The police know this and take full advantage of the fear they induce. The good news is that you do not have to be a victim. You can fight back and win, though you will have to first opt out of "their game". Some might have a problem with suggesting violence as a solution so to these people I ask: Why is it okay for an overly aggressive cop to use violence against you and wrong for you to retaliate in kind? Do you really think that they are deserving of the luxury of mercy? Many will not agree with me but I say that if you get the upper hand, you do what you feel is necessary. Obviously this is an unlikely scenario if you have been pulled over as you most likely won't be able to exit your vehicle, disarm the officer and subdue them quickly enough. They will simply pull their gun and open fire. Opting out of their game doesn't mean that you shouldn't also challenge them on a legal basis. You do what you need to do to handle the situation in the present. Any other retaliatory efforts will most likely come into play later. How you proceed with that is up to you, but if you are the determined type who doesn't mind doing their homework a good place to start would be to learn the officer's schedule and stage a situation in which you can get them alone. On the topic of disarming officers it should be noted that they are often minimally trained and possess little to no hand-to-hand combat experience. There are many reasons for this but it can mainly be attributed to the fact that you don't exactly need Bruce Lee caliber fighting skills when you have a gun. Not to mention that it is usually the police who do the approaching and are thus already prepared by the time you encounter them. As I said earlier, take advantage of situations where you have gained the upper hand against law enforcement because they do not happen often. The lesson here is that you do not have to limit yourself to playing by their rules. If they hit you, you can strike back at them via side-channel methods, i.e.: in unconventional and unexpected ways. Never forget that you don't have to be miserable, you CAN be free and you CAN be happy and there is NOTHING stopping you from doing the things you want to do. Life is simply too short to live under someone else's rule. -::[ 3 ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- -: :- -: Cop vs. Criminal: A Comparison :- -: :- -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- The police like to think that they are above everyone else, that they exist above the laws and are the only ones with any sense of "freedom". The greatest irony in these beliefs is that the police are not at all free. In reality they have far less freedom than the so-called criminals they attempt to imprison, and while living in a police state offers many perks for the officers which help to perpetuate it, they must not forget that they are not exempt from the most oppressive elements. In this section I will lay out some examples comparing the common police officer to the common criminal and demonstrate the somewhat ironic relationship between freedom and authority. There is a lot to say on the subject so I have tried to keep it as brief as possible. The police answer to a higher authority, the criminal does not. Though police feel that they sit atop society's hierarchy they forget that they must still answer to their superiors, who in turn must answer to theirs. When you climb high enough in their chain of command you will realize that the politicians are in fact the ones who call the shots in policing and can strip them of all their 'power' at a moments notice. The criminal on the other hand answers to no one but himself. He cannot be stripped of his power, demoted or humiliated by those of a higher rank. The police lack the ability to escape surveillance, the criminal does not. When the ability to conduct yourself privately is constrained by the government, the citizenry, at least those of which who do not blindly accept what they are told to believe, will enjoy the luxury of privacy should they seek it out. For the criminal, this remains true even when such preventative measures are outlawed. The police officers, by the very nature of their job and general willingness to obey the system will remain subjected to the surveillance and will end up with considerably less freedom when all is said and done. The criminal does not care what decisions law- makers have come to and will do whatever is necessary to ensure his own personal beliefs remain unaffected. The police are not play makers, the criminal is self-sufficient. The police cannot function effectively without taking orders from other people. They do not make the critical decisions, hammer out solutions or draw conclusions that lead to success. For all of their gadgetry and training the police are essentially useless without first being given instructions and getting pointed in the right direction. Imagine what a 'criminal' could accomplish with the resources the police have, which leads me to the next point. The police go after low-hanging fruit, the criminal dreams big. Like you see in any crime-focused movie the criminal is seen aiming for the big pay-day and is seemingly relentless in his pursuit, only to have the police come parading in to foil his plans at the last second despite all the odds and ego issues that exist in reality. Unlike in the movies the police do not like to have to work hard at anything because, well, they HATE to fail, and due to their personalities they fail all the time in their day-to-day lives. To understand this fully, you must not forget that a fragile ego and need for control was likely the driving force pushing the would-be officer into the academy. They loath anything that they cannot control and it is much easier to bolster your ego with a few quick drug busts or a domestic homicide than it is to catch the guy who has taken his time and crossed all his t's, dotted his i's, and doesn't mind getting his hands dirty with the nitty gritty (hard) work that goes into anything that you actually care about. You see it all the time. Cops bust some low-level idiots and then hype them up to be top dogs no one has ever heard of. In policing, image is everything and if you cannot project an image of tactical superiority people will laugh at you. Put simply, the police do not dare to take on cases that might give them trouble and expose them for the morons they truly are, so taking down that small-time local drug dealer will have to make do for propaganda. Many if not all officers at some point in their careers will realize these things and the fallout isn't usually pretty. Some lash out at the public to restore their egos and feel big before scurrying back to their masters and hiding behind their bureaucratic influence. Some try to ignore it or push it out of their minds. Some attempt to climb higher in the department and grab more power. Others resign, albeit very few. Police officers are merely pawns in a much bigger game and no one should have to put up with any grief from these individuals whose goals oftentimes do not extend further than giving you a hard time. The good news is you don't have to tolerate it and most cops are too afraid to face someone on equal footing who is able and willing to fight back and defend themselves. -::[ 4 ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- -: :- -: We're Just Animals :- -: :- -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- Forget all the distinctions you've ever heard between "humans" and "animals". We are one and the same. We as humans evolved on this planet like every other species that has ever existed and to think otherwise is to be severely deluded or religious (what's the difference?). Yes, collectively we are the smartest species. Yes, we have propelled ourselves to the top of the food chain purely by means of our intellect. Yes, we have a deeper understanding of our feelings and emotions and have developed ways to communicate them with each other. None of these things is mutually exclusive to being an animal. We have advantages because of how we evolved and that is it. With that being said, the notion that any animal has authority over another is crazy and incredibly arrogant. Take a moment and really think about the concept. What other species allows for themselves, and every aspect of their lives, to be controlled by another animal? This isn't some "pack leader" scenario we're talking about here. We are talking about allowing the government total control over the entire population, without even so much as a fight and look what happens. No one should need to ask "why". These things should be obvious to everyone, given that we all possess the same tendencies to deceive, manipulate and do what we think we need to in order to get what we want. It is human nature, plain and simple. You don't need to waste your time trying to understand politics or law: every answer to every question regarding government malfeasance or corruption lies in all of us. When you understand this the world suddenly becomes less complicated. Humans often pride themselves on being above other life forms without considering the great irony that despite our intellectual uniqueness we are still animals. Our greatest strengths, being self-awareness and communication, are also our greatest weaknesses. Rather than making us articulate to the point that we no longer need violence, they ensure that our conflicts will never be solved. Because of the way our minds work, the fights we take on will never truly be over. Grudges, spite and conscious thought keep our hate alive indefinitely. Our ability to think on different levels guarantees that we will blow any conflict no matter how trivial, way out of proportion, when in the "animal kingdom" of which some believe we do not belong, something as simple as a smack or nip to the neck (oh no, violence!) would prove more effective than a thousand hours of mediation. Speech has given us the ability to dance around the issues at hand until we are individually satisfied that our egos have been sufficiently coddled. To argue that violence is ineffective or unnecessary is to argue with nature itself. Without it none of us would be here, privileged enough to be able to criticize the annals of history and denounce billions of years of evolution. Even throughout human history with the advent of conscious thought none of us would be here if our ancestors had been content with what they had. We would either still be living in caves and mud huts or living completely segregated from one another. You've probably heard it before that war has served as the main motivator for innovation. Nothing motivates humans quite like revenge and their hatred for one another. The simple truth is that humans are completely consumed by ego. So long as we each get what we want we don't care about anything else. We put unrealistic expectations on others but would be completely up in arms if we were expected to do more than our share. The ONLY reason we possess the technology and luxuries of today is because we have forced others of our kind to do the work we did not want to do ourselves, oftentimes through violence. Through slavery, manipulation and other forms of controlling one another we have seen great civilizations rise and fall. Try and refute it if you must but you won't succeed. It starts with the promise of prosperity for everyone in exchange for complete and total obedience. It's the same, and apparently the only game we have played since the dawn of time. People believe what they want to believe and the more adept liars of our species have exploited this from the start. Once control of the population has been acquired the leaders place themselves in positions where they would profit most while maintaining the illusion that it is for the best interests of the people. Things run smoothly for a while but eventually other forms of corruption take hold and begin to rape the civilization in every way imaginable. The lust for more money and more power can never fully be satisfied. People slowly start to realize something funny is going on. Civil unrest begins to culminate. Eventually a point is reached where the populace feels the need to protest an injustice and it is only then that they are exposed to their government's true colors. By this point it is too late and the cycle continues for a while until the problems plaguing the society become too big and too apparent to ignore. Government propaganda ceases to have the effect it once had over the people and they begin to rise up and rebel. Unable to talk the populace down and back into submission the government heightens the tension by bringing about what we in modern times call a police state. In the end the result is always the same: the people rise up and overthrow the government which has forsaken them and we are back to square one. The fact that current governments think they are somehow immune to this would be laughable if it weren't a distinct possibility. At least in part. If a revolution were to happen tomorrow the current government would be 'ousted' but the guilty parties would be long gone, enjoying their ill-gotten gains somewhere else. This is why we must resist the globalization efforts of those ruling over us. While it may not be a full fledged "New World Order" type of globalization, our reliance on coalitions and alliances make it easy for those responsible to escape punishment. We simply cannot allow these people to get away with destroying our lives and I for one refuse to stick around and deal with the fallout of their actions. -::[ 5 ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- -: :- -: Thoughts on Security :- -: :- -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- Hacking has taken on a life of it's own in modern society. From credit card fraud to hacktivism, it has left its mark. For an anarchist, the single most important aspect of security is the ability to protect your communications, especially now that the government equates you to terrorists. Whether you are merely interested in reclaiming a sense of personal freedom or if you are a hardcore activist who believes their actions will have any lasting effect, it is vital for you to take steps to protect yourself. On the digital front this often means utilizing some sort of encryption. There exist many free programs out there to help you, though I would recommend the following: GnuPG for e-mail, Jabber/XMPP with the OTR plugin for instant messaging, and Tor for anonymous web browsing. Aside from safe guarding your privacy you need to also be mindful of attempts to compromise your system or e-mail accounts. Things like phishing e-mails should be easy to spot, but drive-by downloads that exploit a vulnerability in your web browser are more difficult to avoid. For situations like these, I recommend using the NoScript plugin for Firefox and only allow sites you know and trust. Of course, if the government has you in their sights they can easily guide you to a malicious server masquerading as the real site and bypass the protection entirely -- hence, Tor. If you are using Tor they will not be able to tell what site you are visiting, let alone serve you a fake or doctored one. For the more technically inclined, you might want to consider some kernel modifications to combat things like the NSA's VALIDATOR program and others like it that probe your system following a compromise looking for personal security products. If you can detect the program as it looks through running processes and loaded modules you at least have a fighting chance at preventing your system from being backdoored. Checksums on important files is also ideal. Though entities like the NSA are unlikely to do something as obvious as modifying files, the feds or your local police just might. Files of interest might include the passwd file, shared objects pertaining to libc functions (prime targets for rootkits), your local shell scripts (all kinds of badness can ensue), and any initramfs you might use in conjunction with disk encryption. Think evil maid but without a need to touch the boot sector. As someone who got into computers relatively late in his life I have learned that it is never too late to educate yourself about things that are important to the way the world works. If you are reading this thinking that you are too old and too behind in technology to keep up with the younger generations, let me ask you this: What's two or three years in the end? The amount of information you can soak up in that time frame is astounding. If anything, being older is a good thing as it means more free time and patience to sit down and learn. -::[ 6 ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- -: :- -: Importance of Fitness :- -: :- -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- You may be wondering why I have included a section on personal fitness amidst a trove of anti-establishment rants. The answer is partly because of how easy it is to get caught up fighting the system and being too burned out for exercise. I've seen it happen to a lot of people and it is a real shame. I've also included it partly because of the exposure to harmful chemicals we face daily. If eating right and exercising was important for you before it is absolutely imperative now. You see guys worldwide packing themselves into gyms trying to put on muscle. There is obviously nothing wrong with this, but their intentions usually aren't that, well, noble for lack of a better term. For many, working out is done so solely to gain the attention of women. For others it is to appear tough -- and while getting bigger does make you stronger by virtue of having more muscle your efforts mean nothing if you aren't actually willing to use your strength to defend yourself. Sure you'll put on your best tough guy act, say all the right words and get up in the face of some 'punk', after all, what can they do? You're the toughest around and they don't know who they're messing with. Good luck keeping that mean mug when they come from behind later and slit your throat wide open. The point I am trying to make here is that just because you think that the parameters of a conflict are limited to punches, kicks, and whatever MMA moves you saw on TV last week doesn't mean that the other guy follows the same ideology. In the real world you have to be ready for anything. You have to train your body for you, not anyone else and you have to be realistic about what can happen. If you aren't willing to break the law you have little business thinking of yourself as some sort of ultimate badass, so if this sounds like you, drop the ego and avoid the unnecessary risk it will bring. On a lighter note, personal fitness isn't just limited to confronation with other humans and it is still vital even in today's world. Sure, most of us aren't having to go out there and hunt to put food on the table but it is always good to have that option. When people think fitness they often think one of two things: cardio or upperbody workouts. For guys it is easy to overlook cardio due to wanting to bulk up but it is really important that you don't forget about it. If all you do is work your upper body and nothing else you will be putting an additional strain on your heart, on top of that which comes from lack of cardiovascular exercise. The stress you might endure as an anarchist/activist or whatever will eventually begin to take its toll on you if it goes unchecked. It can be hard to find time to work out when dealing with work and other things, not to mention the added stress that keeping up with world events brings. Even if you take ten minutes out of your day, every other day, and go for a run you will be doing wonders for your heart and overall personal health. Take care of yourself. -::[ 7 ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- -: :- -: Propaganda & Shaming :- -: :- -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- Due to the near disappearance of masculinity in modern times, there is an obvious mental void in the lives of many males. When I say masculinity I am talking about traditional male attributes, not the ones created by feminists that have sadly become the norm. Being in touch with your feelings, refraining from any form of violence, and whatever else they want that month, to name a few. This void is also fully recognized and manipulated by the military in order to gain recruits. They usually prey on one of two things: a lack of confidence in one's masculinity or the fear of not being considered a patriot. Hollywood does it's part in exemplifying these factors, but that's neither here nor there. Growing up as a male you are bombarded with contradicting messages. You have the feminists on one side shouting that you are not a real man if you are violent, and the military shouting from the other that if you aren't in the military and engaging in violence you are a coward or are weak. Before any mouth frothing feminists jump on that statement to try and argue that the military is somehow righteous or justified and only hurts enemy combatants, I would suggest they look into just how many women and children their beloved military have killed in cold blood. Society cannot have it both ways. Either violence is all well and good, or it is heinous and should be done away with completely. Yeah, let's all sit down and talk about things, we don't need violence. What do you think we are, mindless brutes? Let's use our words and our minds to settle our differences. Let's do these things to quell religious turmoil, settle territorial disputes, and address the corporate lust for money and oil. It will work because we are intelligent and civilized enough to refrain from violence. They will all listen and understand and agree. The reality is that all of the aforementioned topics are the main catalysts of war. The very same wars that your can-do-no-wrong militaries are fighting in each and every day. I really did not want to drag feminism into this but it is irrefutable fact that they play a major role in immasculating men. Congratulations, you've systematically destroyed an entire gender. Still think you aren't being listened to or aren't being treated fairly enough? I can only wonder how feminists would feel if men (and women who would be sympathetic to our 'cause') begun shaming the entire female sex over stereotypical traits. Things like caring for and looking after children. Oh wait, men can do that too? Cooking and cleaning? What, men can also cook and clean? But these are POSITIVE things you're talking about unlike VIOLENCE you say. Well I'm sorry to break it to you but violence has an essential place in the world too and it is not exclusive to one particular gender. Would you not defend your children? Yourself? How about if someone took the life of someone you cared about? That's right, sit them down and tell them how you feel what they did was wrong. Whether people own up to it or not the impulses to use violence are there, just supressed. Whatever the reasons are for suppressing them it is not a healthy thing to do. You may think you're taking the moral high ground but what you are really doing is being stupid and destroying your body. I'm not saying to go around hitting people at the slightest provocation, but to suggest that violence has no place in society is just plain ignorant. It is interesting that most of the people denouncing violence are those who would do poorly at carrying it out. Maybe it's a self-preservation thing. Neutralize those who are a threat to you by making them ashamed of their physical strength. Who knows. More often than not though, the reason is fear of the law. If someone has murdered your child for example, you would have some collection of words tell you that you can't retaliate? It is situations like these that have me questioning even the most serious atheists. Okay, so you're too smart, clever and informed to believe in and take orders from an imaginary man in the sky, but you would base every action you take in life around what some humans have said? Surely the very same intellect that helped you steer clear of religion should be able to pick up on the blatant manipulation that is the law? Similarly the question could be posed to people who are religious themselves: If there is a god and their word is absolute, why then do you choose to follow lesser laws made by man? I think it is time to be realistic about things and drop the facades. Religion and the law are no different. They both involve mass amounts of made up scripture that dictate the do's and dont's of your life. Both exist only to control and frighten you out of breaking their rules. It is also curious the number of prisoners who find religion while incarcerated. If they are already having one form of rules shoved down their throats why not have another? Religion and law actually go hand in hand quite ironically. If a citizen doesn't just blindly accept the claims of religion then just use plain fear and threat of punishment to get them to do what you want. I always get a kick out of comparing the definition of terrorism to the application of law. Merriam-Webster: ---------------- "The use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal" Oxford Dictionary: ------------------ "The unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims" Sounds an awful lot like how policing works, no? Oh, silly me, the people perpetuating the violence have declared their actions "official" so everything is okay. Moving on. Notice how most military types are of the "god fearing" variety, especially high ranking members. Since regular law doesn't always apply to the military it shouldn't really be any surprise that religion has taken its place. While there is far more to masculinity than violence, I would only ask that feminists and the like refrain from trying to define an entire gender based on their specific world views. When a child is exposed to propaganda early on in their lives and throughout their adolescence it is very hard for them to change their views down the line. It is no different than teaching religion to a child. You are most likely never going to change their views as an adult and even if you succeed they will spend the rest of their lives having to consciously supress old beliefs in place of new ones. What people believe should always be their choice. -::[ 8 ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- -: :- -: Misc. Rambling :- -: :- -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- In reality there are no laws, no rules, no punishments, no enforcement of any kind. You do what you can and take what you need. Others do the same. If someone doesn't like what you are doing they will try and stop you; these days this means calling the police. If they manage to stop you, then that is what happens. If not, you get to see these words in action. Reality holds no absolutes and you have as much influence on the outcome of a situation as you allow yourself to have. On the topic of arrests, think of it like this. They say that if you break the law you will be arrested and prosecuted "to the fullest extent of the law". If that were true then I would be serving a thousand consecutive life sentences yet I haven't spent a night in jail, much less federal prison. If that were true there would be no corruption in the political world or drone strikes on innocent women and children abroad going unpunished. What keeps the rich, the elite and members of the boys in blue out of trouble is their money and favors from the system, assuming their mis- conduct isn't ignored outright. What keeps an anarchist free depends on circumstance and the skills he/she possesses. You do not get to enjoy the same luxuries as those who would love to see you behind bars. Protecting their own almost comes naturally to them because it is essential that they stick together and are able to outnumber you. It is generally a good idea to keep a low profile. There really is nothing to be gained from going around on the streets protesting and announcing how much you hate the establishment. It will only paint a target on your back and make it that much easier for them to single you out. Your best defense is your anonymity. This is not to say that you are hiding, however -- it is merely a tactical decision and it works both ways. For example, if the police were to announce their identities, time and location before a raid then their plans would fall through or would be susceptible to being countered. This is essentially what you are doing every time you engage in street protests. Strategically it just doesn't make sense. Without fear police are useless. If everyone resisted every time, it would be near impossible for the police to enforce anything. Imagine a scenario where citizens valued their freedoms above all else. In this world police corruption simply could not exist, let alone thrive. If they were to for example attempt an arrest of an innocent citizen who has done nothing but refuse to cower in their presence, you might see bystanders coming to his aide and preventing the arrest from taking place. It is disgusting that this sounds to most people like a delusional fantasy. Sadly, this is the world we are living in, where people would be more likely to snap a photo for their Facebook page than jump in and defend a fellow human against blatant power tripping. If the thought of completely removing yourself from society doesn't appeal to you there is good news. You don't have to become a mountain man and isolate yourself from the rest of society. Take what you want from it and play along to the extent that it suits you. Society is going to exist whether you like it or not, so you might as well exploit it like everyone else, only with fewer limitations and a broader understanding of why you're doing it. No one truly cares about the law. At least not when it is their turn to follow it. Not the establishment, not the people under its rule, and certainly not the top corporations. Everyone seems to think that the law is necessary and without it we would find ourselves living in chaos. Look around. The most influential entities in this world are completely lawless and the problems they cause in the name of profits can rightly be considered the chaos you speak of. Poverty, murder, and complete unaccountability on the part of a select few. This is the world we are already living in, so please don't waste your time telling me about how it is important that we don't jay walk, litter or download a few MP3's without the artist's permission (hah, right). They have taken hypocrisy to unseen heights with their claims that our civil disobediance is terroristic activity. Through various media platforms they try and fill our heads with whatever distractions they think will work against us at the time so that they can continue doing what they do unquestioned. When someone makes a political statement that paints the police in a bad light you immediately see some heart-felt story covered in which the police are shown to be kind heroes. You often see people attempting to shame individuals by pointing out that they have a problem with authority. Any self respecting person SHOULD have a problem with authority. The types of personality traits that reject authority are often indicative of the alpha male role that once existed. Police officers love to play the role of alpha male when they know people are going to be afraid of them, or when they are armed to the teeth and aided by backup. The existence of modern day policing has essentially allowed for, and I hate using these terms, the "beta" male to ascend to what he believes is a higher status. This self-promotion to artificial alpha male goes straight to their heads and things get ugly fast. We could end world hunger if we really wanted to. The tax breaks of large corporations alone could take care of it. What's a few billion dollars to them collectively? Sure they toss a bit of money to starving nations every now and then for food but that is just a bandaid. If we pooled our funds and send a modest amount to these places we could set them up with the tools they need to sustain themselves. I understand that certain places in Africa just aren't ideal for industrialization but there are other ways for them to turn a profit. We are living in a world where democracy is a hollow term and our voices are going unheard. They say actions speak louder than words, and it's true. To anyone reading this, please don't waste your time trying to get the attention of your government so you can tell them how angry you are or how corrupt they are. They are well aware that you don't like what they're doing. If they cared at all I wouldn't have a reason to be writing this. If activism is something you absolutely must do then maybe try an alternative route -- one that will accomplish more than getting your name appended to a watch list. Rather than taking to the streets with a megaphone or a sign, create information packages and drop them off around your city. Cars, mailboxes, light posts, bus stops, newspaper stands and doorsteps are all good spots. Make them engaging and capable of appealing to the younger crowds. Organize offline if you no longer trust electronic communication. Don't afford them the luxury of being prepared. When enough of us finally wake up and we come for them our message will be heard loud and clear, and the more of us that they can't pre-emptively target the better. They love instilling the triad of fear, uncertainty and doubt in us, so why not give them a taste of their own medicine? What are they to do when despite their billions spent on electronic surveillance and mainstream media brainwashing we refuse to be ignored? How will they feel knowing that we, the enemy, could be anywhere and they are unable to identify us? Truth be told, their own paranoia will destroy them before the fight even begins and the cracks have already begun to show. -::[ 9 ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- -: :- -: Final Words :- -: :- -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- Hopefully you enjoyed reading the e-zine. While the aim here isn't to entertain I have tried to present the information in a digestable way that doesn't leave you clawing your eyes out. I apologize if you found it to be a bit rushed; I wrote this in a night. There were a lot of things floating around my head that had culminated over the years and I decided it was time to just let it all out. Obviously there will be those whose knee-jerk reactions will include claims that I am crazy or delusional or whatever the fuck else makes them feel better about living in this world. There will be people who will read what I've written and want to find something, anything, to latch onto in an attempt to nullify everything that has been said. It could be my writing style, the way I hop from topic to topic, the things I chose not to discuss, or things I just plain forgot about. I don't care. Despite the presentation of this text it is merely a long rant and should be read with that in mind. I took great pains in categorizing everything as you see it now and I sincerely hope that you were able to take something positive away from it. The only reason I took on this idea was because I am pissed off about the way things are and wanted an outlet. I'd have kept it to myself but I figured there might be someone else out there with similar views who might find solace in the fact they aren't alone. It is not a nice feeling when you realize that the things that are bothering you cannot be discussed openly with most people for fear that they will not understand. I may or may not write another issue, so to keep that option open I have labelled this document volume one, though even as I am writing this I feel it would be a pointless endeavor. I don't mean that in a defeatist sort of way, I just don't see the point. There will always be more things to rant about but I think we can all agree that everything is well and truly fucked and we've pretty much covered all the talking points we possibly can. It really comes down to how many more people will be willing to listen and get engaged in the real world around them. Programs like Breaking The Set are a great start for those wishing to come out of their shells and begin to inform themselves. Sadly there is no happy medium and you will reach a point where you find yourself having to go all-in or back out as too much exposure to the awful truth is unsurprisingly a fast way to burn yourself into the ground. It is for this reason that I can no longer watch it on a regular basis. Thankfully if this happens and you are able to recover from the burn out you will be that much stronger for it. It is natural to burn out at some point. The question is whether or not you will be rejoining the fight once you do. In closing I would like to say that I have broken virtually every law that exists and I am still here. I live my life however I want to, as a man who is truly free. Some might call me a criminal, a monster, or evil. Others will call me kind, generous and caring. I enjoy helping as much as I enjoy hurting. I have a backbone and I am honest enough to admit these things. I am neither good nor bad. I am a human and I am free. Thanks for reading. .