OPENING CRAWL At the dawn of the millennium, the nation collapsed. At 15% unemployment, 10 million were out of work. 800,000 students boycotted school. The adults lost confidence, and fearing the youth, eventually passed the Millennium Educational Reform Act, A.K.A. the Battle Royale Act. EXT.DAY A helicopter hovers overhead. A television news crew and a female reporter are covering the winner of a Battle Royale coming home. Soldiers are keeping the news crew from getting good shots as the camera probes as if this were documentary news footage. REPORTER This year, Zentsuji Middle School #4's Class E was chosen from among 43,000 ninth grade classes. This year's game, said to be more blistering than the last... A military jeep pulls up, with Mai, the winner, in the back. Her school uniform is tattered and blood-stained, and she is carrying a doll, also blood-stained. She looks sullen. REPORTER Oh, look, there! There she is! The winner is a girl! Surviving a fierce battle that raged two days, seven hours, and 43 minutes, the winner is a girl! Mai lifts her head up and flashes a creepy smile. She wears braces. REPORTER Look, she is smiling! Smiling! The smile looks creepier, like a smirk. REPORTER The girl definitely just smiled! Close up of the girl's face. The evil grin makes her look like she's about to kill someone with her bare hands just for the hell of it. OPENING CREDITS FADE IN on the class picture of Shiroiwa Junior High, Class 3-B. CUT TO: Close-up of the teacher, Kitano. Hold a few seconds. CUT TO: Close-up of Boy #15, Shuya Nanahara. SHUYA (V.O.) Mom left when I was in fourth grade, and my first day of seventh grade, Dad hung himself. INT.NANAHARA APARTMENT Shuya comes home from school to find his father hanging, with toilet paper draped around his neck. The toilet paper reads: "Go, Shuya! You can make it, Shuya!" Shuya looks at this shocking scene, goes into the bathroom, and throws up. SHUYA (V.O.) Everything was crazy. I didn't have a clue what to do, and no one to show me either. INT.SCHOOL CLASSROOM Kitano (the teacher) is erasing the blackboard, which reads, "We took the day off because we wanted to. Class B." No one else is in the classroom. A female student, Noriko Nakagawa, enters the class. NORIKO Good morning! KITANO What? NORIKO I'm sorry, I'm late and I don't know what's going on. Kitano erases the blackboard and leaves the class, followed by Noriko. INT.HALL As Kitano passes a door to another classroom, Yoshitoki Kuninobu suddenly runs out of the door and stabs Kitano in the buttock with a knife. He runs down the hall, bumps into Noriko and drops the knife. Noriko picks up the knife, hides it behind her. Kitano limps over to a faucet and cleans himself off. SHUYA (V.O.) Soon after that incident, that teacher left our school. INT.BASKETBALL COURT Shuya and the rest of Class 1-B are playing Class 1-A. The five players on the floor for 1-B are Shuya Nanahara, Shinji Mimura, Keita Iijima, Hiroki Sugimura and Yoji Kuramoto. From the looks of it, Nanahara, Mimura, and Sugimura at the least are talented athletes. The rest of the class cheers them on, with some of the girls dressed as cheerleaders. The new teacher, Hayashida, is also cheering them on. SHUYA (V.O.) No matter how crazy the world was getting, we all managed to have fun. The ball is tipped. Shuya, Mimura, and Sugimura pass the ball around and get plenty of screen time. As Mimura makes the winning shot as time winds down, the rest of the class runs to the floor to congratulate them. One girl, Mitsuko "Hardcore" Souma, the class trollop, does not join in the celebration. She simply leaves the gymnasium, alone. INT.BUS SHUYA (V.O.) And so, our compulsory education was coming to an end. The class is on a field trip. The students are laughing, goofing off, not paying attention to their surroundings. The teacher, Hayashida, looks out the bus's windows and notices that the bus route is lined with military jeeps. The two girls sitting on either side of Hayashida, Satomi Noda and Yukie Utsumi, notice the distraction. Utsumi is the class vice president. NODA & UTSUMI Teacher! HAYASHIDA Sorry, I was distracted. The girl sitting next to Noriko, Megumi Eto, is the class photographer. Her camera is a Polaroid instamatic. MEGUMI (to Noriko, who is sitting beside her) Let's go. They go to where Kuninobu and Shuya are sitting. MEGUMI & NORIKO Sorry! Sorry, let us through! NORIKO Nanahara, I baked some cookies for us to share. For you too, Nobu. KUNINOBU For real? Kuninobu takes some cookies. Megumi has her camera out. MEGUMI Look over here! KUNINOBU Okay. MEGUMI Say cheese! Megumi takes a photo of Shuya, Noriko, and Kuninobu. MEGUMI Noriko has been waiting to give you the cookies. NORIKO Megumi! MEGUMI It's okay. KUNINOBU (to Shuya) You eat some too. SHUYA No, you go ahead. KUNINOBU Noriko, thanks for getting me to come back to school. NORIKO I'm glad too, Nobu. MEGUMI Picture's ready! Megumi gives the picture to Kuninobu, who looks at it. Kuninobu's head is cut off in the photo. KUNINOBU I'm hardly in it! Megumi laughs. INT.BUS NIGHT The bus enters a tunnel. Sinister music plays. The students on the bus are gassed, fall asleep. Shuya, who was sleeping on his arm, wakes up as the arm gives way. He notices that all the students and teacher have fallen asleep. He stumbles to the back of the bus to find Noriko's cookies. The bus driver and a guide, who sits in the front, are wearing gas masks. The guide notices the commotion, gets up, walks back to Shuya, and whacks him in the head with a baton. Shuya falls back asleep. EXT.ISLAND NIGHT A few seconds of the waves coming ashore at night. INT.SCHOOL (D-6 ON MAP) NIGHT The gas wears off. The students are surprised to find themselves inside a school room. Shuya wakes up, nursing the whopper he received on the bus. He gets up, and notices that he is wearing an electronic metal collar around his neck. After a few seconds of orienting himself, he notices the other students in the room, all with metal collars around their necks similar to the one he is wearing. He goes over to Noriko, notices the collar. SHUYA (shaking Noriko) Hey, Nakagawa! Shaking her awake is not working too well. He goes over to Kuninobu, notices that he is wearing a collar as well. SHUYA (shaking Kuninobu) Nobu! KUNINOBU (groggily) Huh? What? The students wake up and notice that they are in a darkened room. Shuya notices an older guy with a bandanna around his head in the corner, Shogo Kawada. He looks menacing. In the other corner of the room is another guy who looks older than the rest of the class, Kazuo Kiriyama. He has wild hair, and looks even more menacing than Kawada. Light comes through the windows. The kids rush to look out and see a helicopter land. A military escort rushes to the helicopter and a guard, Lieutenant Anjo, opens the door. Kitano, wearing a track suit, comes out of the helicopter. The soldiers escort Kitano to the room. Anjo unlocks the door and gestures to Kitano. ANJO After you. Kitano enters, escorted by Anjo and a few armed soldiers. Someone turns the lights on. A soldier knocks over a desk. Kitano takes his place at the front of the room. KUNINOBU Kitano?! Girl #10 Hirono Shimizu is in Mitsuko Souma's clique. SHIMIZU Kitano?! Can't be! KITANO Okay, sit down. ANJO (shouting like a drill instructor) Sit down! Now! The class sits down on the floor. There are some chairs, which are taken. KITANO It's been a while. I'm Kitano, your seventh grade teacher. I'm taking Class B over again. Let's be friends. We have two transfer students: Shogo Kawada ... (points Kawada out) over there, and Kazuo Kiriyama ... (points Kiriyama out) over there. Be nice to them. Kitano goes to the chalkboard and writes "The BR Act" in big letters on it. Boy #10 Ryuhei Sasagawa has long hair and is a stoner type. SASAGAWA Where the hell are we? UTSUMI What's going on here? NODA Who are these people? KITANO (points to the board) Do you know this law? Pause. Dead silence. KITANO No good. That's what this country has become. Do you want to know why? Kitano throws chalk at Yoji Kuramoto, who was whispering to his girlfriend, Yoshimi Yahagi. Yahagi is in Souma's clique. KITANO No whispering, dammit! Yahagi runs to Kitano and shouts the next line in his face. YAHAGI (to Kitano) You asshole! KITANO When someone is talking, shut up and listen. Kitano pushes Yahagi away in the forehead. Girl #13 Takako Chigusa raises her hand. She is a pretty girl, considered by the boys to be the second-most beautiful in the class after Mitsuko Souma, and a track star. CHIGUSA Teacher, may I go to the bathroom? KITANO Chigusa, can't you wait a little? (to the class) I missed you guys. (to Kuninobu) Kuninobu, man, my ass hurt. Before I quit, I told you not to bother coming, that you were no good. And you really started boycotting school. That's no good. You're no good, but you thought you'd come on the class trip anyway, huh? Kuninobu makes a face at Kitano, who slaps Kuninobu. KITANO Listen up! Because of folks like Kuninobu here, this country is absolutely no good anymore! So the bigwigs got together and passed this law. Battle Royale! We hear a sinister music chord. KITANO So, today's lesson is ... you kill each other off until there's only one left. Nothing is against the rules! Boy #2, Keita Iijima, laughs. He is the class clown. KITANO What's funny? Girl #5, Izumi Kanai, is puzzled. She is in the same gang as Sasagawa, its only female member. KANAI Teacher, I don't understand what you are saying. This can't possibly ... KITANO Actually, your teacher, Hayashida, deeply opposed the selection of Class B. Soldiers wheel Hayashida's body in on a gurney, under a sheet. Kitano pulls the sheet off to reveal that Hayashida has been shot in the back of the head, execution style. The students gasp. KITANO Now, calm down! Okay, this is a no good adult! You have to work hard to become not like him! The soldiers wheel Hayashida's body out of the room. KITANO Time to watch the video. Don't fall asleep, now! Anjo pushes the play button on the video remote control. The television turns on. The video has a cheesy splash screen with a title, "The Right Way to Fight a Battle Royale! by the BR Action Committee". The video training woman looks like she's in her mid-twenties. She looks way too perky and addresses everyone the same way a kindergarten teacher addresses her class. She's dressed as if she were going hiking and is wearing a T-shirt with the letters "BR" on it. She salutes the class. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Hello, everyone in Shiroiwa Junior High, Class 3-B! KITANO (acting like a kindergartener, addressing the video) Hello! The rest of the class is silent. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN You are the lucky class chosen for this year's Battle Royale! Congratulations! KITANO (still acting like a kindergartener) Thank you very much! The rest of the class is silent. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Now, I'm going to explain the rules for you. Listen well to fight right and with gusto! The video graphic shows the video training woman in front of a topographical map of the island. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN You are on a deserted island that looks like this! It's about ten kilometers around, but we evacuated everyone, so it's empty! Kitano suddenly pauses the video. He catches Girl #18 Fumiyo Fujiyoshi whispering something to Yukie Utsumi. KITANO I said no whispering! Kitano throws a knife at Fujiyoshi. The knife impales Fujiyoshi squarely in the forehead. She falls to the floor and dies. The students are startled. KITANO All right, move, move! He walks over to Fujiyoshi's body. KITANO (to Fujiyoshi) Sorry. It's against the rules for me to kill, isn't it? Kitano kicks the body over so that Fujiyoshi is lying on her back. A graphic reads: "GIRL #18: FUMIYO FUJIYOSHI DEAD. 41 PLAYERS LEFT." Kitano stands over the body and pulls the knife out of Fujiyoshi's forehead. The students panic and start running around, heading for the door to the room. Soldiers get in the way and act as a riot squad. They fire automatic weapons at the ceiling to calm the students down. Then they aim for the floor to push the students back. Kitano looks at the chaos around him gleefully. In the chaos, a bullet grazes Noriko in the left arm. Kitano winces as Noriko gets hurt. Megumi, Kuninobu, and Shuya go over to Noriko and inspect the damage. MEGUMI Nakagawa! SHUYA Noriko! Noriko! KUNINOBU (to Kitano) You asshole! Kuninobu charges at Kitano. SHUYA Nobu! Kitano catches Kuninobu and, using the same knife he killed Fujiyoshi with, slashes Kuninobu in the buttock. He passes Kuninobu to Anjo, who punches Kuninobu in the face, pushing him back. SHUYA Nobu! Nobu! Shit! Shuya attempts to charge at Kitano, but Shinji Mimura and Hiroki Sugimura restrain him. The soldiers draw their weapons, aiming for Kuninobu. Kitano waves them off. KITANO Okay, back to the video! VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN The island's divided into many zones. Every six hours, your teacher will broadcast updates ... KITANO Four times a day! VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN ... about which zones are becoming danger zones. If you are in these zones, you should leave quickly because the danger is ... okay, about the necklaces you are wearing. They are one hundred percent waterproof and shockproof ... and permanent! It monitors your pulse, informing us of your location and movements. So if you linger in a danger zone, or cause trouble, we can identify you and transmit radio waves that trigger an alarm and BOOM! It explodes! If you try to rip it off, it explodes too, so promise not to try that, okay? KUNINOBU You assholes! Boy #20 Kyouichi Motobuchi is the president of the class. He has a nerdy disposition and wears coke bottle glasses. MOTOBUCHI Shut up! I can't hear the video! Cut it out, Nobu! Kuninobu charges Motobuchi. The two of them grapple for a few seconds. MOTOBUCHI Cut it out! Anjo pulls Kuninobu away from Motobuchi. Another soldier pushes Motobuchi back. ANJO Quiet! Cut it out! Anjo now has Kuninobu in a headlock. Kitano pulls a small remote control out of his pocket. KITANO I really hate to do this ... Kitano pushes a button on the remote, detonating Kuninobu's collar. An LED in the collar starts blinking. Kuninobu panics, Anjo releases him. KITANO Better run, guys! KUNINOBU What is this? Kuninobu runs around the room. The other students push him away. KUNINOBU Help me! He goes to Mimura, who pushes him away, then to Shuya. KUNINOBU Shuya! SHUYA Nobu! Kuninobu's collar explodes, sending shrapnel into his neck, killing him. His body falls to the floor, next to Fujiyoshi. Shuya walks over to Kuninobu's body and starts crying. SHUYA (crying) Nobu! Shuya finds in Kuninobu's possession the photo that Megumi took on the bus. On the back of the photo it is written, "Hey, Shuya, do you have a crush on a girl now?" Shuya cries some more. A graphic reads: "BOY #7: YOSHITOKI KUNINOBU DEAD. 40 PLAYERS LEFT." KITANO What a shame. I looked after him my own way. Shuya gets up. He has a determined look on his face. KITANO What's that look for, Nanahara? Shuya tries to charge Kitano but Mimura, Sugimura, and a couple of the other students tackle him. When he gets up after the tackling, he notices Noriko right beside him and restrains himself. Kitano walks back to the front of the class, unpauses the video. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Oh, I forgot one important thing. There's a time limit on this game! Three days. If we haven't got a winner after three days, all the necklaces automatically explode! And no one wins! So as long as we're here, let's fight hard so that doesn't happen! KITANO Okay, any questions so far? Motobuchi raises his hand. KITANO Yeah, Motobuchi. MOTOBUCHI If I survive, may I go home? KITANO Sure, but only if everyone else is dead. Mimura? MIMURA How were we chosen? KITANO By impartial lottery. None of the students believe Kitano, thinking that he had a part in the selection of the class. MIMURA One more? KITANO Sure. MIMURA Why are you doing this? KITANO It's your own damn fault. You guys mock grown-ups. Go ahead and mock us, but don't you forget: life is a game, so fight for survival and find out if you're worth it. A panel in the back of the room opens up. Soldiers wheel in racks with lots of olive-green kits on them to the front of the room. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN You will leave the room one by one, but first you get a kit. (shows a display kit) Inside is food and water, a map and compass, a flashlight and a weapon, so check it out later, okay? The girls might need personal items, so you can all take them. Each weapon is different. Not just guns and knives, either! It's random, so maybe you'll get lucky, maybe not. It eliminates natural advantages. (picks up an ax) Ooh, this one's super lucky! KITANO We've notified your parents, so go for it! VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Okay, you'll be leaving by class number. When I call your name, I want to hear a nice big "Here!" Boy #1, Yoshio Akamatsu! Yoshio Akamatsu is the token fat kid in the class. AKAMATSU Here! Terrified, Akamatsu grabs his personal belongings. A soldier tosses him a kit. In fear, he runs out of the classroom. ANJO Go! AKAMATSU Okay! A graphic reads: "DAY #1, 1:40 A.M. THE GAME BEGINS." VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Girl #1, Mizuho Inada! INADA Here! Inada grabs her bag. Girl #20, Kaori Minami, grabs Inada. MINAMI Whatever happens, you are still my friend! INADA I know! The guard throws Inada a kit and she runs out of the room. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Boy #2, Keita Iijima! Without saying a word, Iijima grabs his bag and runs to the front. The guard throws him a kit. He holds the kit above his ahead for a second before the guard tosses him out of the room. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Girl #2, Yukie Utsumi! Utsumi grabs her bag, walks to the front, the guard tosses her a kit, and she walks out of the room. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Boy #3, Tatsumichi Oki! Oki grabs his bag, runs to the front of the room. The guard tosses him a kit. He doesn't catch it, but goes and gets it before running out of the room. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Girl #3, Megumi Eto! Megumi hugs Noriko. MEGUMI (almost crying) I'm going, Noriko. NORIKO Megumi! Megumi grabs her bag, runs to the front. The guard tosses her a kit, and she runs out of the room. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Boy #4, Toshimori Oda! Oda grabs his things, runs to the front. The guard tosses him a kit, and he runs out of the room. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Girl #4, Sakura Ogawa! Ogawa holds her boyfriend's hand (her boyfriend is Boy #21, Kazuhiko Yamamoto) for a second. She goes to the front of the room. The guard tosses her a kit. She angrily throws the kit at Kitano (who catches it and tosses it back on the rack) before storming out of the room. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Boy #5, Shogo Kawada! Kawada was tying his shoes. ANJO Shogo Kawada! Kawada runs to the front, catches his bag, and runs out. In the hallway, he suddenly stops running. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Girl #5, Izumi Kanai! Kanai grabs her bag, gets tossed a kit, and runs out. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Boy #6, Kazuo Kiriyama! Kiriyama strolls to the front of the room nonchalantly, like he owns the place. ANJO On the double! Kiriyama gets tossed his kit, and as he leaves, he bumps into Kawada, who is running back into the room. ANJO What the --? Kawada tosses the guard his kit. KAWADA You gave me the wrong kit! GUARD What the hell? KITANO (to the class) You probably guessed, but they are a little dangerous. Kawada grabs a different kit off the rack, stares at Kiriyama, and storms out of the room. INT.SCHOOL LATER VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Girl #14, Mayumi Tendo! Tendo grabs her bag, the guard tosses her a kit, she leaves. VIDEO TRAINING WOMAN Boy #15, Shuya Nanahara! Shuya hesitates. He doesn't want to leave Kuninobu's body. He gives the photo to Noriko (who is Girl #15). ANJO Shuya Nanahara! SHUYA (to Noriko) I'll wait for you outside. Shuya grabs his bag, the guard tosses him a kit, and he leaves. EXT.OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL (D-6 ON THE MAP) Shuya finds a spot to wait. He notices Girl #14, Mayumi Tendo, coming back toward him. TENDO Nanahara! Shuya gets the flashlight out of his kit and shines it at Tendo. She has a crossbow bolt lodged in her neck. SHUYA What happened? TENDO What am I going to do? What is this? Mayumi Tendo collapses and dies in Shuya's arms. SHUYA Tendo! Yoshio Akamatsu shoots a crossbow bolt at Shuya, but barely misses him, hitting Tendo's body in the leg. Shuya takes the bolt and throws it back at Akamatsu, causing him to fall. Shuya then turns off the flashlight, grabs his kit, and runs back to Noriko, who has just exited the school. SHUYA Noriko, don't! Shuya takes Noriko down a path away from Akamatsu, who falls down a small hill, dropping his weapon. AKAMATSU Shit! What am I doing? Akamatsu looks around for the crossbow. Boy #16 Kazushi Niida, who has just exited the school, enters the scene. NIIDA What are you doing? Niida finds the crossbow. NIIDA Isn't this yours? Akamatsu charges Niida, who shoots Akamatsu in the chest with the crossbow. Akamatsu dies. NIIDA Shit! It's for real! Niida runs away with the crossbow. A graphic reads: "GIRL #14: MAYUMI TENDO DEAD. BOY #1: YOSHIO AKAMATSU DEAD. 38 PLAYERS LEFT." EXT.BEACH NIGHT Shuya and Noriko run towards the beach area, where they find a small cave. INT.CAVE NIGHT Shuya and Noriko hide in the cave, where they sit down. SHUYA Is your arm okay? NORIKO I was frantic! SHUYA Let's see. Shuya pulls Noriko's jacket off and inspects the wound. SHUYA It's just a scratch. I'll wash off the blood. Shuya checks his pack, and finds an aluminum pot lid. SHUYA What's this? Fight with a pot lid? Noriko finds her weapon: binoculars. NORIKO And this is mine. The bastards -- goddammit! SHUYA Maybe Mimura and Sugimura and us could all escape ... Shuya starts to wash off the wound. NORIKO I don't think so. SHUYA Why not? NORIKO You won't like me for saying this, but I don't trust any of them either. INT.SCHOOL FLASHBACK Fumiyo Fujiyoshi, Mayumi Tendo, and Yoshimi Yahagi have locked Noriko in a toilet stall. FUJIYOSHI, TENDO, & YAHAGI Die, Nakagawa, you ugly shrimpy nit! Noriko, frustrated, tries to open the stall door. We see the graffiti inside the bathroom, which reads, "Noriko Nakagawa is an ugly shrimpy nit! DIE!" INT.CAVE NIGHT SHUYA How about me? NORIKO What? SHUYA Are you scared of me too? NORIKO You are the only one I trust, Shuya. Oh, I'm sorry. SHUYA Why? NORIKO I called you by your given name, just like Nobu. Shuya starts to cry. SHUYA Nobu ... INT.ROOM AT FOSTER HOME FLASHBACK Shuya and Kuninobu are roommates at the foster home. Kuninobu is lying in the top bunk, while Shuya is quietly strumming a guitar below. KUNINOBU Hey, Shuya! SHUYA Huh? KUNINOBU Do you have a crush on anyone now? SHUYA Why? Do you? KUNINOBU Maybe I kind of like someone ... SHUYA Who? KUNINOBU Noriko Nakagawa. SHUYA From our class? KUNINOBU Yeah. SHUYA She is a nice girl ... KUNINOBU Right? You agree ... Shuya puts his guitar away. SHUYA She's really sweet. KUNINOBU She wrote me, saying, "Come back to school! Let's all go on the school trip together!" Even if she didn't really mean it, it's nice to have someone waiting for you. INT.CAVE NIGHT Shuya uses a bandanna as a bandage for Noriko's wound. SHUYA We were roommates in the foster home after Dad died. When I was bummed after I quit baseball, he taught me how to play the guitar. NORIKO I had to invite him ... SHUYA No, he was happy he came back. Really happy. But I couldn't help Nobu either. He needed my help, but I couldn't help him. I can't give this up, I'll take revenge for him. I'll protect you to the end, in his place. NORIKO Thank you, Nanahara. (pause) You never got to taste those cookies, did you? INT.SCHOOL NIGHT Kitano and the soldiers are now using the school as a hideout. Computer monitors are in the background. Kitano is lying on a sofa, eating the cookies that Noriko made. Anjo walks up to Kitano. ANJO Numai's gang took Kiriyama. Anjo reaches for the cookie bag. Kitano grabs the bag and closes it. ANJO Already started on the painting? Not wasting time ... EXT.BEACH (I-6 ON THE MAP) PRE-DAWN Numai's gang, consisting of Boy #9 Hiroshi Kuronaga, Boy #10 Ryuhei Sasagawa, Boy #14 Shou Tsukioka, Boy #17 Mitsuru Numai, and Girl #5 Izumi Kanai, have surrounded Kazuo Kiriyama. Numai finds the weapon Kiriyama was assigned, a paper fan. NUMAI What's this? Numai plays a bit with the paper fan. The gang laughs. NUMAI (to Kiriyama) You got a good one! Numai hits Kiriyama in the head with the paper fan twice. NUMAI Some transfer student! KURONAGA You're Kitano's agent! TSUKIOKA Going to make us kill each other, eh? SASAGAWA Well, none of us is killing anyone! KANAI You better come clean now! Kiriyama is cornered. Sasagawa aims his weapon, a 9mm Uzi, at his forehead at point-blank range. Numai aims his weapon, a Colt .357 revolver, at Kiriyama's head as well. SASAGAWA Are you listening? Kiriyama spits his gum at Sasagawa, distracting him. While Sasagawa is distracted, Kiriyama grabs the Uzi. SASAGAWA Asshole! Kiriyama opens fire on the group, killing everyone except Kanai, who is wounded. KANAI Why? Stop! Stop! Kiriyama finishes off Kanai with a second round of bullets. He starts cleaning up, taking the Uzi and the Colt .357 as well as Kanai's weapon, hand grenades. He leaves Kuronaga's weapon, a dagger, and Tsukioka's weapon, nunchaku. A graphic reads: "BOY #9: HIROSHI KURONAGA DEAD. BOY #10: RYUHEI SASAGAWA DEAD. BOY #14: SHOU TSUKIOKA DEAD. BOY #17: MITSURU NUMAI DEAD. GIRL #5: IZUMI KANAI DEAD. 33 PLAYERS LEFT." EXT.CLIFFS (A-2 ON THE MAP) PRE-DAWN Boy #21 Kazuhiko Yamamoto and Girl #4 Sakura Ogawa have arrived at the edge of a rocky cliff. It looks like a hundred feet or more between where they are and the jagged rocks below. The sound of gunfire is in the distance. YAMAMOTO I'm so sorry, Sakura, that I couldn't help you. OGAWA No, I'm grateful you came with me. YAMAMOTO What will happen to us? OGAWA I know one thing. YAMAMOTO What? OGAWA I'll never play this game. Ogawa tosses her backpack off the cliff. YAMAMOTO (almost crying) Can't anyone help us? OGAWA Nobody can. They get up, and bravely face their fate. OGAWA Here goes ... They jump off the cliff together. YAMAMOTO & OGAWA Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! A graphic reads: "BOY #21: KAZUHIKO YAMAMOTO DEAD. GIRL #4: SAKURA OGAWA DEAD. 31 PLAYERS LEFT." INT.KITCHEN (HOUSE AT B-4 ON THE MAP) Megumi Eto is hiding, looking at her instant photo collection. Most of the photos seem to be of Mimura. MEGUMI Mimura ... The door creaks open. Megumi quickly turns off the flashlight and aims her weapon, a stun gun, at the door. MEGUMI Who's there? Mitsuko "Hardcore" Souma, the class trollop, is at the door. MITSUKO Oh, it's you, Megumi. MEGUMI Who are you? Mitsuko shines her flashlight at her face, identifying herself. MEGUMI Mitsuko! MITSUKO Are you going to kill me with that stun gun? MEGUMI What? Oh, I'm sorry. I was never friendly with your clique, but you're okay. MITSUKO So, can I come in? MEGUMI Sure, come in. Mitsuko comes in, closes the door, and sits down next to Megumi. MITSUKO All pictures of Mimura ... Megumi puts the pictures away. MEGUMI Oh no. Mitsuko grabs Megumi's stun gun. MITSUKO Is this your weapon? MEGUMI Not much use, yeah? MITSUKO Not necessarily. One zap at somebody with a bad heart and he's pretty much a goner. Have you ever used one before? MEGUMI Of course not, sorry. The girls laugh, Mitsuko's is fake. Mitsuko hands the stun gun back. MITSUKO Here. As Megumi grabs it, Mitsuko pulls it away at the last second. Mitsuko starts chasing Megumi around the kitchen. MEGUMI Mitsuko! Don't! Mitsuko eventually gets Megumi in a headlock with her weapon, a sickle, at Megumi's throat. The blade of the sickle causes Megumi to start bleeding from the mouth. Megumi winces in pain. MITSUKO This is my weapon. I thought it was so-so, but actually it's not so bad. I found Yoshimi and Kuramoto dead next door ... CUT TO: EXT.NEXT DOOR NIGHT Boy #8 Yoji Kuramoto and Girl #21 Yoshimi Yahagi have committed suicide by hanging themselves (Kuramoto's weapon was the rope). CUT TO: INT.KITCHEN NIGHT Back to Mitsuko, who has Megumi Eto in a headlock with the sickle. MITSUKO ... strung up all cozy together. That's not my scene! I'm not going down without a fight! Mitsuko slits Megumi's throat with the sickle. Blood pours out of Megumi's neck. A graphic reads: "BOY #8: YOJI KURAMOTO DEAD. GIRL #21: YOSHIMI YAHAGI DEAD. GIRL #3: MEGUMI ETO DEAD. 28 PLAYERS LEFT." DAY #1 - 6 A.M. Kitano is playing Johann Strauss's "Radetzky March" over the island's loudspeaker system. Shuya and Noriko get out of their cave. KITANO (over loudspeaker) Hello! How is everyone? It's now 6 a.m., time for the sleepyheads to wake up! Mitsuko Souma puts her hair in a towel. Over the next line, Shuya and Noriko walk and Mitsuko Souma curls her eyelashes. KITANO (over loudspeaker) Here's a list of your dead friends in the order in which they died: Girl #14 Mayumi Tendo, Boy #1 Yoshio Akamatsu, Boy #9 Hiroshi Kuronaga, Boy #10 Ryuhei Sasagawa, Boy #14 Shou Tsukioka, Boy #17 Mitsuru Numai, Girl #5 Izumi Kanai, Boy #21 Kazuhiko Yamamoto, Girl #4 Sakura Ogawa, Boy #8 Yoji Kuramoto, Girl #21 Yoshimi Yahagi, and Girl #3 Megumi Eto. NORIKO Megumi? No! Why? KITANO (over loudspeaker) Twelve dead, the pace is good! Now, the danger zones: I'll read off zones and times, so check your maps. Listen up! Starting at 7:00, B-5! That's B-5! Next, at 9:00, E-8! Then, at 11:00, F-2. Got that? Listen, I know it's tough when friends die on you, but hang in there! Back in touch! SHUYA Noriko ... NORIKO Megumi is dead ... SHUYA This will be a danger zone. We've got to go south. Hurry! EXT.FOREST PATH (E-8 ON THE MAP) MORNING Shuya and Noriko are walking along the path on the side of a hill when Boy #3 Tatsumichi Oki jumps out at Shuya with his weapon, a hand ax. Oki swings at both of them a few times, misses. Shuya throws his backpack at Oki, recognizes him. SHUYA Oki? OKI I'll get you! I'll get you! Shuya and Oki fight. Oki swings his hand ax at Shuya, who uses his pot lid as a shield. They grapple, and tumble down the hill. When we next see them, the hand ax is stuck in Oki's head. Girl #9 Yuko Sakaki witnesses this event. From her vantage point, it looks like Shuya killed Oki. Shuya and Oki get some separation, and Shuya notices the ax in Oki's head. SHUYA Oki, are you okay? OKI (groggily) I'm sorry. I'm fine! I'm fine! Oki collapses and dies. Yuko Sakaki runs away, frightened. Noriko comes down the hill. NORIKO Nanahara! SHUYA (frightened) Did I kill him? Tell me the truth! You were watching! Did I? NORIKO It was an accident! Boy #20 Kyouichi Motobuchi shoots at Noriko and Shuya with his weapon, a Smith & Wesson M19 pistol. He misses them both. MOTOBUCHI (crazed) X equals minus b over 2a ... Everybody's serious, huh, fine then ... I'll survive, go to a good school ... SHUYA Stop! Motobuchi shoots again, misses. He chases Shuya and Noriko out into a clearing, where Kawada shoots him with his weapon, a SPAS-12 action shotgun. MOTOBUCHI (to Kawada) Get out of my way! Motobuchi charges Kawada, firing his gun at him. Kawada returns fire, shoots him with the shotgun twice. Motobuchi dies; Kawada takes Motobuchi's pistol and aims it at Shuya and Noriko. KAWADA What weapons do you have? SHUYA A pot lid ... NORIKO ... and binoculars. While keeping the pistol aimed, Kawada goes over to Oki's corpse and removes the hand ax from his head. Girl #7 Yumiko Kusaka starts shouting over a megaphone. KUSAKA (over megaphone) Everybody! Stop fighting! Please hear us out! Kawada, Shuya, and Noriko move towards Kusaka. Noriko uses her binoculars to get a closer look at Kusaka, who is with Girl #6 Yukiko Kitano (no relations) on a cliff. Kusaka is trying to draw attention to herself. KUSAKA (over megaphone) This is Kusaka, with Yukiko, on the cliffs of North Mountain! Everybody come here! We'll figure this out together! We don't want to fight! Right, Yukiko? Kusaka hands the megaphone to Yukiko Kitano. YUKIKO KITANO (over megaphone) This is Yukiko! Please join us! Let's think this through together! SHUYA That's the right tactic. Shuya starts to leave. KAWADA Where are you going? SHUYA To bring them back. KAWADA Without weapons? I'm not the only deadly one around here! Mitsuko Souma runs, ducks, and hides. SHUYA All the more if they are in danger ... Kawada fires a shot into the air. Kusaka and Yukiko duck, scared. SHUYA (to Kawada) You! Shuya and Kawada wrestle over the shotgun a little. YUKIKO KITANO (over megaphone) Stop shooting! SHUYA (shouts) Idiots! Run! KUSAKA (to Yukiko Kitano) That's Nanahara! That was his voice, right? (over megaphone) Nanahara! Over here! Come here! Yukiko has always had a crush on ... YUKIKO KITANO You idiot! Kazuo Kiriyama, positioned behind Kusaka and Yukiko Kitano, fires a burst of bullets into both of them with his Uzi, killing Yukiko Kitano and seriously wounding Kusaka. Kawada, Shuya, and Noriko look startled. Mitsuko runs off. Kiriyama walks nonchalantly over to the bodies, gets the megaphone, goes over to Kusaka (who is still moving), kicks her over so that she is lying on her back, and holds the megaphone to her mouth. KUSAKA (pained, scared as hell, through the megaphone) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! Kiriyama finishes off Kusaka with another burst of bullets from his Uzi. SHUYA (shouts) Kusaka! Kusaka! Kitano! Answer me! Tell me it's not true! Answer me, Kusaka! KAWADA He'll come here next! I'm off! SHUYA Go wherever you like! You're a murderer yourself! NORIKO Nanahara! SHUYA Those were my friends! This is crazy! How can they just kill each other like that? KAWADA There's a way out of this game. Kill yourselves right here and now. If you can't do that, then don't trust anyone. Just run! A graphic reads: "BOY #3: TATSUMICHI OKI DEAD. BOY #20: KYOUICHI MOTOBUCHI DEAD. GIRL #6: YUKIKO KITANO DEAD. GIRL #7: YUMIKO KUSAKA DEAD. 24 PLAYERS LEFT." DAY #1 - NOON Kitano is playing Johann Strauss's "Blue Danube Waltz" over the loudspeaker. KITANO (over loudspeaker) It's noon. Is everybody getting hungry? It's time to take a little lunch break from the slaughter! Now for the list of who went down this morning: Boy #3 Tatsumichi Oki, Boy #20 Kyouichi Motobuchi, Girl #6 Yukiko Kitano, Girl #7 Yumiko Kusaka. A total of four. Calling for peace was a good idea, but you can't win them all. Now for the danger zones and hours: an hour from now at 1:00 p.m., I-4. Then from 3:00, E-9. From 5:00, F-1. EXT.MITSUKO'S HIDEOUT (C-5 ON THE MAP) AFTERNOON Mitsuko walks back to find Girl #10 Hirono Shimizu pointing her weapon, a Colt .45 pistol, at her. SHIMIZU Mitsuko ... MITSUKO Hirono! SHIMIZU Oh great, I finally found you. Shimizu spins Mitsuko around and takes the sickle. SHIMIZU Is this your weapon, Mitsuko? MITSUKO Yeah. SHIMIZU Kind of lame, huh? (goes around Mitsuko to face her) Yoshimi's dead, isn't she? MITSUKO With Kuramoto. SHIMIZU Huh? So you saw them. Well, I saw Megumi's throat slit ... with a sickle or something! Shimizu throws the sickle at Mitsuko. She hits a wooden post, narrowly missing Mitsuko's head. SHIMIZU Mitsuko! Do you have Megumi's weapon? MITSUKO Of course not! SHIMIZU But it looked like someone was there all night. I found a tampon in the toilet. Megumi wasn't having hers ... Mitsuko, you started yesterday, right? MITSUKO What are you talking about? SHIMIZU Cut the crap, murderer! You screw all the boys, but you had to steal mine! You were pimping Yoshimi! You probably hung them both! MITSUKO How can you ... SHIMIZU You piss me off, and I'll kill you! MITSUKO (crying and kneeling down as Shimizu lowers the gun) Come on! What is this? Stop joking and forgive me! Shimizu starts kicking Mitsuko in the head. SHIMIZU Stop faking it! MITSUKO I've had it! Why does everybody gang up on me? What did I do? Shimizu gives Mitsuko a swift kick. SHIMIZU Think about what you did! You think you can get away with it! Shimizu kicks Mitsuko again. Mitsuko cries. SHIMIZU Cry your eyes out! Apologize to Megumi and Yoshimi! Mitsuko tasers Shimizu in the gun hand with the stun gun that belonged to Megumi. Shimizu drops the pistol. The two of them reach for it like a fumble in football, with Mitsuko winning. She aims the pistol at Shimizu. MITSUKO (indicating the stun gun) This was Megumi's ... (indicating Shimizu's gun) but this is what I was after. SHIMIZU You bitch! Murderer! MITSUKO And what's wrong with killing? Everyone has his reasons. Shimizu throws her bag at Mitsuko and tries to run away. She gets about four steps before Mitsuko shoots her in the back. A graphic reads: "GIRL #10: HIRONO SHIMIZU DEAD. 23 PLAYERS LEFT." EXT.CLIFFS (I-5 ON MAP) Shuya and Noriko are walking near a cliff when Noriko faints. SHUYA Nakagawa, are you okay? NORIKO I'm okay, just a little tired. SHUYA You're dripping sweat and have a terrible fever. NORIKO Yukiko had a crush on you, right? SHUYA What does that have to do with anything? NORIKO Sorry, I'm just a little jealous, that's all. Shuya checks his map. SHUYA There's a clinic outside the village. Can you get up? Noriko falls unconscious. SHUYA Hey, Noriko, come on now ... Noriko! EXT.CLINIC (I-8 ON THE MAP) Shuya, carrying Noriko, walks up to the clinic. It's a shabby house with a live chicken walking in front of it. He breaks down a gate as he comes. As he gets closer, he snags his foot on a tripwire that's connected to jar with a set of keys in it, a makeshift doorbell. Kawada opens the door, shotgun aimed at Shuya. KAWADA Pot lid and binoculars, what do you want? INT.CLINIC Noriko lies on a sofa, her arm bandaged with a bandanna. Hypodermic needles and open vials are scattered. KAWADA Great. Even expired drugs work. Kawada starts cleaning up, frenetically. SHUYA May I ask you ... KAWADA What? SHUYA Why did you help us? KAWADA My father is a doctor. You may believe that or not. Kawada finds some dried rice and starts making soup. EXT.MIMURA'S LAIR (E-4 ON THE MAP) LATE AFTERNOON Mimura's lair is an abandoned hotel. Boy #11 Hiroki Sugimura tracks down Mimura's gang (Boy #2 Keita Iijima, Boy #12 Yutaka Seto, and Boy #19 Shinji Mimura). MIMURA, SETO, & IIJIMA (from inside, in unison) Ready, go! (pause) Ready, go! The three boys are lugging a large electric generator up a flight of steps as Sugimura finds them. SUGIMURA Mimura! MIMURA Sugimura! Sugimura steps in to help. INT.MIMURA'S LAIR They get the generator up the stairs and turn it on. They connect Mimura's laptop computer and some portable phones to it. Mimura turns the laptop on. Mimura's wallpaper reads, "The Third Man". MIMURA Great, it still works. (to Sugimura) How did you find us? Sugimura shows him his GPS tracking device. SUGIMURA This is my weapon. MIMURA A sensor? Great weapon! SUGIMURA Have you seen Chigusa or Kotohiki? MIMURA No, I haven't. SUGIMURA Right, I'm off. SETO Already? MIMURA Sugimura, there may be a way out. Won't you help us? SUGIMURA Sorry, but I have to see them. MIMURA If you find Nanahara, tell him where we are. SUGIMURA Right, I'm off. Sugimura leaves. IIJIMA He always was a loner. SETO Why does he have to find Chigusa and Kotohiki? MIMURA I thought he was into Chigusa. Mimura sits down at the laptop, and notices something about his collar. MIMURA Shit, so that's their trick! IIJIMA What is it? He gestures Iijima and Seto over to the computer, where Mimura runs an editor. MIMURA (typing) They're listening. A microphone in the necklace. Here's your mission: Find the following: 1. Fertilizer 2. Pesticides 3. Charcoal 4. Sulfur 5. Kerosene IIJIMA Hey, what is this? MIMURA Just go! Hurry! Mimura starts cracking the Battle Royale computer network. EXT.FANTASY SEQUENCE Girl #13 Takako Chigusa is jogging along a road, wearing a yellow Adidas warm-up suit. Sugimura is behind her wearing a white T-shirt and black warm-up pants, carrying a stopwatch and a whistle around his neck, riding a bicycle. Neither of them are wearing collars at this point. An opera singer singing Franz Shubert's "Auf dem Wasser zu Singen" plays in the background. SUGIMURA Chigusa, how far can you run? CHIGUSA I'll always run in front of you! SUGIMURA Then I'll always protect you. CHIGUSA (laughs) Promise? Chigusa turns off the road onto a dirt path. She turns around to face the road and runs back towards it. The transition between this and the next scene is seamless ... EXT.TEMPLE (E-2 ON THE MAP) AFTERNOON Chigusa is wearing the same warm-up suit, but she has the collar on. The bicycle and Sugimura have disappeared. Chigusa notices the collar. She runs up to the temple where her bag is, unzips her track suit showing a white T-shirt, and gets a towel out of her bag. CHIGUSA Hiroki ... Boy #16 Kazushi Niida enters. He's carrying the crossbow he got from Akamatsu earlier. NIIDA Hey, Chigusa, what are you doing? Chigusa tosses the towel back into the bag. NIIDA Are you still practicing? She zips the bag and walks away from him. NIIDA Hey, wait up! They all gossiped about us! CHIGUSA You made it all up! NIIDA But you liked it. Come on, Chigusa, stay with me. Niida touches Chigusa on the shoulders. CHIGUSA Don't touch me! Disgusting! Niida aims the crossbow at Chigusa. NIIDA If you run, I'll shoot! CHIGUSA What's that? You're ridiculous. Chigusa moves away from him again. NIIDA I'm in love with you, Chigusa, for real, from before ... CHIGUSA (underwhelmed) Wow, great, wash your face and try again, if you survive. NIIDA Wait, you're a virgin, right? CHIGUSA You're starting to piss me off. God, spare me from this idiot! NIIDA Sugimura couldn't do it with you! CHIGUSA Leave Hiroki out of this! NIIDA We're going to die anyway. Don't you want to do it just once before you die? CHIGUSA Shouldn't you be worried about your life, instead of that useless micropenis of yours? Niida gets in front of Chigusa and aims the crossbow at her face. NIIDA I have decided that this game is a race, so I am playing for real. CHIGUSA So am I. Drop your weapon and let me go, or I'll assume you're deadly and kick your ass! She tries to pass him. CHIGUSA You have been warned. NIIDA Cut the crap! I've already killed, and I could rape you now if I wanted to! CHIGUSA Just try it! Niida fires the crossbow at Chigusa. The bolt scrapes her right cheek. NIIDA Are you okay? CHIGUSA (mad as hell) You scarred my face! NIIDA It's your fault. You made me mad! CHIGUSA You're always blaming someone else! That's why I hate your guts! Chigusa reaches into her bag and pulls out her weapon, a jackknife. CHIGUSA Come at me! I shall resist you with every inch of my body! Niida gets frightened and runs, but Chigusa has a speed advantage, and catches him. She slashes him in the back. They grapple for a bit. He gets up, continues running. CHIGUSA You bastard! Chigusa easily catches up to Niida, slashes him in the back again, jumps on his back. NIIDA Let me go! Chigusa rides him for a bit and stabs him in the chest. NIIDA Leave me alone! She gets him on the ground, jumps on top of him, stabs him twice in the groin area, gets off him, then stabs him in the chest twice. Niida dies. When she gets up, Mitsuko Souma is in the background. She grins an evil grin, then aims her gun at Chigusa. Chigusa notices, then runs for her life. Mitsuko chases after her, firing four bullets at Chigusa. A graphic reads: "BOY #16: KAZUSHI NIIDA DEAD. 22 PLAYERS LEFT." EXT.DAM (D-3 ON THE MAP) Chigusa is lying down, covered with dirt and blood, and close to death. Sugimura catches up to her. CHIGUSA Hiroki! SUGIMURA Chigusa, don't die! Hang on! CHIGUSA God, if this is a bad joke, please stop it. SUGIMURA It's really me, Chigusa. CHIGUSA Hiroki ... SUGIMURA Who got you? CHIGUSA Mitsuko. Watch out for her, she's dangerous. SUGIMURA I'm sorry. CHIGUSA For what? SUGIMURA Last night, I waited for you outside the school. But you took off at top speed, right? I called, but I couldn't catch up. CHIGUSA I didn't know. Could you help me sit up? Sugimura sits Chigusa up and props her against his shoulder. CHIGUSA Hiroki, are you in love with someone? SUGIMURA Yeah. CHIGUSA Not me, right? SUGIMURA Not you. CHIGUSA Then stay with me like this. It won't be long. Sugimura starts crying. CHIGUSA (looking upward) God, could I tell him one more thing? (to Hiroki) You look really cool, Hiroki. SUGIMURA You too. You're the coolest girl in the world. CHIGUSA Thank you ... Chigusa dies. Sugimura props her head up by the chin, looks into her eyes, and notices she isn't moving by herself. Sugimura cries. SUGIMURA Chigusa! Fade out with a wide shot and Shubert's "Auf dem Wasser zu Singen" in the background. A graphic reads: "GIRL #13: TAKAKO CHIGUSA DEAD. 21 PLAYERS LEFT." DAY #1 - 6 P.M. - SCHOOL As Kitano speaks the following line, pan slowly from Kitano's half-finished painting to empty food cans to Kitano. KITANO (over loud speaker) It's 6 o'clock! Here is the list of goners: Girl #10 Hirono Shimizu, Boy #16 Kazushi Niida, and Girl #13 Takako Chigusa. A total of three. You're slacking off on me! I'm disappointed in you! I'm adding more danger zones. There will be a new one every hour, so get them straight! From 7:00 p.m., D-1. From 8:00 p.m., C-4. From 9:00 p.m., I-3. INT.CLINIC EVENING Noriko and Shuya are eating soup by candlelight. Kawada is lying on the sofa. NORIKO It tastes good. KAWADA Of course it does. My dad is a chef. NORIKO (to Kawada) Umm, thank you for everything. KAWADA (to Shuya) Would you like a drink? SHUYA No. Kawada lights a cigarette, pauses. KAWADA I wasn't going to, but I guess I want you to know. Kawada takes out a picture, hands it to Noriko, who looks at it. The picture is of Kawada and his late girlfriend Keiko. NORIKO She's pretty ... the same age as you? KAWADA The same class. Ninth grade, Kobe Junior High #5 Class C. We played this game three years ago. SHUYA So you are ... Kawada takes off his bandanna, revealing a scar on his forehead. KAWADA I'm a survivor of this stupid game. Shuya and Noriko gasp. KAWADA I was desperate to protect Keiko, even killed a friend so that the two of us could survive. EXT.HILL - THE GAME THREE YEARS AGO - NIGHT Two minutes left until the collars explode. The hill is strewn with corpses. Kawada and Keiko, heavily wounded, walk into the scene. KAWADA (V.O.) But when only one of us could survive, we changed. Kawada's and Keiko's collars start blinking. They hug each other. An unseen third player shoots Kawada. He falls down the hill, wounded. Keiko and the third player fire at each other. The third player dies; Keiko, wounded, falls down the hill near Kawada, who goes over to her. KAWADA Keiko! Keiko! Keiko! Kawada's collar starts blinking faster. INT.CLINIC EVENING Kawada puts his bandanna back on. KAWADA Really trusting someone is a hard thing to do, but I've never understood the meaning of the smile she left behind. EXT.HILL NIGHT - FLASHBACK Kawada hugs Keiko for the final time. KEIKO Thank you ... Keiko dies. The collars stop blinking, as Kawada is the winner. INT.CLINIC EVENING Kawada takes a swig out of his flask. Shuya hands the photo back to Kawada. SHUYA I think I'll have that drink now. Kawada gives the flask to Shuya, who takes a swig. SHUYA But why play all over again? KAWADA They drugged me and dragged me here to fix the game. But when I woke up here, I vowed I wouldn't die. Instead, I'm going to figure out Keiko's last smile. NORIKO I don't ... KAWADA What? NORIKO I don't know how Keiko felt then, but she must have ... um ... KAWADA My name? Kawada. NORIKO Kawada, I think she really loved you or she couldn't have smiled the way she does there. Close up of the photo of Keiko. KAWADA So you think ... NORIKO I'm sure if I were Keiko, I'd want to trust you and thank you for giving me a reason to smile like that. I think I'd have said thank you, too. Pause. Kawada thinks for a moment, gets up. KAWADA I really do know a way off this island. SHUYA What? But how? KAWADA I can only tell you when the time comes. Until then, this is my guarantee. Kawada tosses the Smith & Wesson M19 that he got from Motobuchi to Shuya, along with a box of bullets. KAWADA Use it to protect yourself and ... um ... NORIKO Noriko Nakagawa. SHUYA Shuya Nanahara. An automatic weapon is fired in the distance. KAWADA The candles! Kawada draws the curtains while Noriko and Shuya extinguish the candles. KAWADA Duck! They cover. SHUYA The noise ... who is that? KAWADA Probably the guy who signed up for kicks. We had one too. EXT.PATH (I-6 ON MAP) EVENING Boy #4 Toshimori Oda is riding a bicycle as fast as he can pedal. Boy #6 Kazuo Kiriyama is chasing him on foot, shooting his Uzi at Oda. Oda, frightened out of his wits, gets off the bike and runs on foot to the clinic. INT.CLINIC EVENING Shuya, Noriko, and Kawada duck out of the way of the windows. KAWADA Quick! Give me the map! Shuya fetches his map and the three of them glance at it. KAWADA Listen, if we get separated, we'll meet at the Takano Shrine. Don't forget! Stay down! EXT.OUTSIDE CLINIC EVENING Kiriyama is still chasing Oda and firing his Uzi at him. ODA (to Kiriyama) Hey! What did I ever do to you? Kiriyama shoots a barrage of bullets at Oda, who falls down. Oda plays possum. INT.CLINIC EVENING Kawada, Shuya, and Noriko lock the doors. EXT.OUTSIDE CLINIC EVENING Close-up of Oda, who covered his face with his map. He takes the map off his face and props himself up. He looks around: the coast is clear. Oda laughs. ODA Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! I made it, thanks to my excellent bulletproof vest! He hears a sound coming from above him. Pan up to Kiriyama on the roof of the clinic. He unsheaths a katana (Girl #7 Yumiko Kusaka's weapon, obtained after she died), jumps down to Oda. ODA Aaaaaaaaaahhhh! Kiriyama decapitates Oda with the katana. Oda dies. INT.CLINIC EVENING Noriko, scared, hugs Shuya. EXT.OUTSIDE CLINIC EVENING A graphic reads: "BOY #4: TOSHIMORI ODA DEAD. 20 PLAYERS LEFT." Kiriyama takes the bulletproof vest from Oda and puts it on. He puts the katana back in its scabbard, then figures out that people are inside the clinic. INT.CLINIC EVENING Kawada pumps his shotgun, aiming for the windows, hoping to get a clear shot at Kiriyama. Shuya draws his gun and aims for Kiriyama. Kiriyama tries opening the door of the clinic, but it is locked and he is unsuccessful. He gets Oda's decapitated head, shoves a live grenade (obtained from Girl #5 Izumi Kanai when he killed her) in its mouth, and throws it through a window. NORIKO (screaming) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Kawada, Noriko, and Shuya jump out of the way of the grenade's explosion. KAWADA Hurry! Kiriyama fires a burst into the clinic through a window. Kawada and Noriko dive under tables, ducking. SHUYA Are you okay? KAWADA Fine! She's all right too! Kiriyama fires another burst. SHUYA Take care of her! KAWADA Don't be crazy! Shuya runs through a window after Kiriyama. A grenade explodes behind him. NORIKO Nanahara! EXT.DOCKS (I-8 ON THE MAP) EVENING Shuya shoots at Kiriyama, who put on the bulletproof vest he got from Oda so the shot has no effect. Kiriyama shoots a burst back. Shuya shoots again. Sugimura, nearby, hears the sounds of gunfire. He gets out the tracking device and notices that Shuya and Kiriyama are running towards him. Kiriyama shoots again at Shuya, chewing up the ground with bullets as Shuya runs away from Kiriyama. Kiriyama notices that his clip is empty, removes it from the Uzi. Shuya fires a bullet at him from point-blank range, but since Kiriyama has the bulletproof vest, it has no effect (he fired at Kiriyama's chest). Kiriyama just smiles at Shuya and tosses the empty clip at him. Shuya fires another round at Kiriyama, who has reloaded the Uzi. It has no effect. Shuya flees, jumping off a small cliff into the ocean. SUGIMURA Run, Nanahara! Sugimura tackles Kiriyama, altering his aim so that he can't hit Shuya. Kiriyama fires the Uzi at Sugimura, who jumps into the water after Shuya. Kiriyama sprays a burst of bullets into the water, hoping to hit Sugimura. INT.MIMURA'S LAIR NIGHT Seto and Iijima have found all the items on the list and have brought them back to Mimura. IIJIMA (exhausted) There's your order. Fertilizer ... pesticides ... and kerosene ... SETO (exhausted) Sulfur and charcoal. We even swiped a little truck for it all. IIJIMA What are you going to do with all this crap? Mimura tosses an underground anarchist magazine at Iijima. Its title is "The Ticking Clock". IIJIMA "The Ticking Clock". What is this? Iijima opens the magazine and postcards fall out. He picks up the postcards. MIMURA They are my uncle's postcards. He was an activist in the 1960s. He taught me stuff they never teach you in school. He's still off fighting in some corner of the world. Close up of a postcard with a picture of a smiling woman. Iijima flips the postcard to the back. The message reads, "Someday, you'll smile like this." Iijima laughs. IIJIMA Forget it! We're not ... Mimura muzzles Iijima and points at Seto. SETO Shinji! Mimura gives the "quiet" gesture by putting a finger near his mouth. MIMURA Ssshhh! He takes out a small device, then puts his hand over his collar to block the microphone. MIMURA This is the bomb trigger he used to try to blow up the Parliament with. It's time we started our own struggle, but there isn't much time. So, do you join me, or would you rather take me on? Seto shakes his head. He's joining Mimura. IIJIMA Can we really all go home together? MIMURA Yeah, I'll crush their systems. When we escape, it will be together. EXT.LIGHTHOUSE (I-10 ON MAP) DAY An establishing shot of the lighthouse. A graphic reads: "DAY 2 - 12:30 P.M." INT.LIGHTHOUSE DAY Shuya is waking up in a bed. He is heavily bandaged. Girl #2 Yukie Utsumi is lying beside him. She is startled. UTSUMI You're awake! SHUYA Where am I? UTSUMI You are at the lighthouse. SHUYA Utsumi, why are you ... UTSUMI What a shock! I was on watch this morning when Sugimura showed up carrying you. EXT.LIGHTHOUSE NIGHT - FLASHBACK Sugimura comes out of the water, carrying Shuya. He takes Shuya to the lighthouse, where Utsumi is on watch. INT.LIGHTHOUSE DAY Back to Shuya and Utsumi. SHUYA Where's Sugimura? UTSUMI He's gone. He said that he had to see someone. SHUYA I see. What time is it? UTSUMI Kitano just finished the noon report. SHUYA What about Kawada and Nakagawa? UTSUMI They haven't been on the lists. Shuya breathes a sigh of relief. SHUYA Who died? I missed three reports. UTSUMI Five all together. Oda was on last night's. SHUYA Ugh ... UTSUMI On this morning's, Kaori and Mizuho. EXT.BEACH (H-3 ON THE MAP) EARLY MORNING - FLASHBACK In the background, waves are lapping on the shore. In the foreground, Girl #1 Mizuho Inada is lying on a rock with a bloodstain on her abdomen and a large alpinist's pick nearby. Next to her is a life preserver, and next to that on another rock is Girl #20, Kaori Minami, with a large knife impaled into her abdomen. A graphic reads: "GIRL #1: MIZUHO INADA DEAD. GIRL #20: KAORI MINAMI DEAD. 18 PLAYERS LEFT." INT.LIGHTHOUSE DAY Back to Utsumi and Shuya. UTSUMI ... And now, on the noon update, Takiguchi and Hatagami. INT.HOTEL (C-2 ON THE MAP) MORNING - FLASHBACK In what looks like a messy hotel lobby, the bloodied, naked corpses of Boy #13 Yuuichiro Takiguchi and Boy #18 Tadakatsu Hatagami lie on the floor. Mitsuko Souma, nearby, nonchalantly gets dressed as if nothing has happened, grabs her bag and sickle, and starts to leave. A graphic reads: "BOY #13: YUUICHIRO TAKIGUCHI DEAD. BOY #18: TADAKATSU HATAGAMI DEAD. 16 PLAYERS LEFT." INT.LIGHTHOUSE DAY Back to Utsumi and Shuya. UTSUMI ... And a message from Sugimura. Mimura and the guys are in the west, waiting to see you. SHUYA Mimura? UTSUMI Yeah. (gets Shuya's map) Here's your map. I marked it for you. She sits next to Shuya and shows him the map. UTSUMI You're safe here. They're all my friends. There's Haruka, Satomi, Yuka, Chisato, and Yuko. Utsumi gets up. UTSUMI Nanahara, about that thing with Oki ... Yuko saw it happen. CUT TO: EXT.FOREST PATH DAY - FLASHBACK A replay of the scene where Oki has a hand ax in his head and dies. We see Yuko's frightened reaction to the scene. CUT TO: INT.LIGHTHOUSE DAY SHUYA Yeah, we fell down a hill together. It was an accident. CUT TO: EXT.FOREST PATH DAY - FLASHBACK Shuya and Oki fall down the hill together. INT.LIGHTHOUSE DAY UTSUMI It was an accident? SHUYA Of course it was! UTSUMI I'm sorry. SHUYA Let's all go join Kawada. He says that he knows a way off this island. UTSUMI Do you trust him? SHUYA He survived one of these games. UTSUMI But you can't even walk yet! SHUYA I'm fine. UTSUMI Right now, you rest up. Haruka and Chisato are fixing lunch. SHUYA Did you bandage me, Utsumi? UTSUMI Yeah. (laughs) I never touched a guy before. (laughs) Do you like Noriko Nakagawa? SHUYA Why? UTSUMI I know all about you. Do you know what that means? SHUYA What? UTSUMI Forget it ... I have to lock you in. Some of them don't trust guys. I'll bring lunch in a minute, okay? Utsumi leaves Shuya, goes out of the room, and locks the door. INT.LIGHTHOUSE KITCHEN DAY Girl #9 Yuko Sakaki is holding her weapon, a small vial of potassium cyanide. (It's marked "POISON - KCN".) CUT TO: EXT.FOREST PATH DAY - FLASHBACK Yuko Sakaki watches Oki die. She is frightened out of her wits. CUT TO: INT.LIGHTHOUSE KITCHEN DAY Yuko Sakaki, Girl #12 Haruka Tanizawa, Girl #17 Satomi Noda, and Girl #19 Chisato Matsui are in the kitchen when Utsumi runs in. UTSUMI Guess what? Nanahara's awake! TANIZAWA Really? Can he talk? UTSUMI Yeah. He seems hungry too. (to Sakaki) Don't worry, I locked his door. SAKAKI No, I'm sorry. I'm not worried anymore. UTSUMI What happened with Oki was an accident. TANIZAWA Of course. Shuya would never kill anyone. MATSUI The spaghetti is almost done. UTSUMI Haruka, go get Yuka from watch. We need to discuss something. TANIZAWA Roger! Tanizawa leaves to get Yuka Nakagawa. Utsumi goes over to the table where Noda is. NODA We're all dying tomorrow ... UTSUMI Don't start with that. We won't give up until it's over, okay? SAKAKI I think that you'd better feed Nanahara first, don't you? I'll serve his. UTSUMI Thanks, Yuko. Sakaki gets a bowl of spaghetti, pours some broth on it, then puts the cyanide in it. Utsumi interrupts her. UTSUMI Are there still some painkillers left? I need some for Nanahara. MATSUI They are in the cupboard. SAKAKI I'll get them. Girl #16 Yuka Nakagawa (no relations) runs down the stairs with Tanizawa. She is a happy-go-lucky girl. YUKA NAKAGAWA I hear that Nanahara is awake! That's so great! You! UTSUMI What? YUKA NAKAGAWA Don't pretend, I know you're happy. It smells great! Great job, Chisato! (grabs the bowl intended for Nanahara) Let me taste test! SAKAKI Uh-oh ... YUKA NAKAGAWA (takes a bite) Super! Marry me, Chisato! MATSUI Come on, Yuka! TANIZAWA Calm down now! What did you want to discuss, Yukie? UTSUMI Nanahara says that Kawada knows a way off the island. MATSUI That Kawada? NODA Can we trust him? UTSUMI I can't tell yet. But once Nanahara can walk, let's join Kawada and Noriko ... At this point, the cyanide takes effect. Yuka Nakagawa puts her hands to her mouth, looks pained. UTSUMI What? TANIZAWA What? (pause) What's wrong? Yuka Nakagawa starts to pass out. She looks as if she's about to throw up any minute. UTSUMI Yuka! Chisato Matsui looks frightened of Yuka, and so does Yuko Sakaki. Yuka Nakagawa dies, slumps over into the spaghetti bowl. TANIZAWA (frightened) She's dead! Why? NODA Not food poisoning! MATSUI I tasted it! I'm fine! TANIZAWA It's poison! UTSUMI Poison! NODA Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Noda panics, grabs Yuka Nakagawa's weapon (a 9mm machine gun) and aims it at the rest of the group. NODA (crazed) Who? Who did it?! TANIZAWA Satomi, don't! UTSUMI It's just some mistake! NODA We're the only ones here! (aims the gun at Matsui) Chisato, you cooked it, right? MATSUI It wasn't me! Haruka cooked it too! TANIZAWA Me? Poison? UTSUMI It was nobody! Cut it out! Lower that gun! TANIZAWA (to Noda) You're suspicious yourself! UTSUMI Haruka! TANIZAWA The last two nights, you didn't sleep at all. It just means that you don't trust us ... NODA I forgot my sleeping pills. TANIZAWA Insomnia? At your age? UTSUMI Cut it out! Satomi, lower that gun! MATSUI Shut up, dammit! (grabs the spaghetti pot and slams it on the table) Yukie, cut the leadership crap! UTSUMI Chisato ... MATSUI You screwed up the poisoning! UTSUMI How can you say that? MATSUI You schemed with Nanahara to escape together! NODA (to Chisato) Was it you? Matsui reaches for her weapon, a Walther PPK 7.65mm pistol. Noda shoots Matsui with the machine gun; Matsui dies. UTSUMI Chisato! Utsumi grabs Chisato's weapon and returns fire, wounding Noda. Upstairs, Nanahara hears the gunfire. Tanizawa reaches for her weapon, a 9mm pistol. NODA Goddammit! A crazed Noda opens fire on the other three, who cover. Utsumi and Tanizawa return fire. Noda covers. NODA Ouch! It hurts, you assholes! I'm bleeding, dammit! UTSUMI Look who's talking! TANIZAWA You murderer! NODA Shut the hell up! You tried to steal the gun so you're guilty! Take that! Noda, still crazed, charges Utsumi and Tanizawa, who return fire. Noda jumps up onto the kitchen table and sprays Utsumi and Tanizawa with bullets. Tanizawa gets shot, dies. Noda and Utsumi are wounded. Noda aims the machine gun at Sakaki, who has been hiding under a table. NODA Not you, right? You don't belong to their group ... Sakaki shakes her head no. NODA At least I'd thought I'd live until tomorrow. With her last gasp of energy, Utsumi raises her arm and shoots Noda dead. UTSUMI What idiots ... we might all have survived ... we're all so stupid ... Stupid! Utsumi dies. SAKAKI (frightened) It's not my fault ... It's not my fault ... It's not my fault! SHUYA (O.S.) What happened? Utsumi! INT.LIGHTHOUSE DAY Shuya is banging on the door with a coat hanger. SHUYA What happened? Hey, Utsumi! Sakaki unlocks the door. She is crying. SAKAKI I'm sorry, Nanahara. I even forgot that they are all my friends. Sakaki runs up the stairs while Shuya notices the carnage in the kitchen. INT.LIGHTHOUSE KITCHEN DAY Shuya runs down to Utsumi's corpse and cries. SHUYA Why? Utsumi? Why? EXT.LIGHTHOUSE OBSERVATION DECK DAY Shuya runs up to the observation deck of the lighthouse. Yuko Sakaki has committed suicide by jumping off the lighthouse's observation deck. Shuya sees her body on the rocks below. SHUYA How should I know what it means? I don't know what any of it means! A graphic reads: "GIRL #16: YUKA NAKAGAWA DEAD. GIRL #19: CHISATO MATSUI DEAD. GIRL #12: HARUKA TANIZAWA DEAD. GIRL #17: SATOMI NODA DEAD. GIRL #2: YUKIE UTSUMI DEAD. GIRL #9: YUKO SAKAKI DEAD. 10 PLAYERS LEFT." EXT.TAKANO SHRINE (G-6 ON THE MAP) AFTERNOON Kawada brings some leaves to the temple. Noriko is napping. EXT.DREAM SEQUENCE RIVER BANK DAY Noriko is walking along a riverbank with Kitano. He looks sad. KITANO Are you okay? NORIKO What? KITANO If anybody sees us together, they'll lock you right back in the toilet. NORIKO It'll be someone else's turn. KITANO Are my classes boring? NORIKO Yes. KITANO How dare you! I go into class, and you guys all look like a pile of potatoes. Slapping them around helped me tell them apart, I even got to like them. But not anymore. Now, you touch a student, you're fired. You can't even lose your temper when a student stabs you with a knife! NORIKO I'll tell you just one thing. KITANO What? NORIKO The knife that stabbed you, actually, I keep in my desk at home. When I picked it up, I wasn't sure, but now, for some reason, I really treasure it. Our secret, just between us. KITANO Listen, Noriko. NORIKO Yes? KITANO What do you think a grown-up like me should say to a kid like you now that you have told me this? INT.SCHOOL CLASSROOM Kitano is resting when he gets a phone call from his daughter, Shiori. ANJO Call for you. Kitano picks up the phone. KITANO Hello? SHIORI KITANO (on phone) Hi, dad. KITANO Oh, Shiori? SHIORI KITANO (on phone) Mom's feeling bad again. KITANO I'm on a business trip. I can't get home until tomorrow. SHIORI KITANO (on phone) Don't bother coming home. I'm hanging up. KITANO Uh huh ... SHIORI KITANO (on phone) Dad, don't breathe like that, your bad breath stinks even over the phone. Kitano hangs up the phone. EXT.TAKANO SHRINE AFTERNOON Noriko wakes up. Kawada is cooking the leaves to make tea. KAWADA Are you okay? NORIKO I had a dream ... KAWADA What dream? NORIKO I was alone with Kitano on an empty riverbank. KAWADA It must have been scary. NORIKO But Kitano just seemed lonely. KAWADA Okay. NORIKO Before this, I always just thought of myself as normal. I'd have a normal marriage, age normally, just like my Mom. But when this game started, I realized it's just that I was sheltered. KAWADA Some things are better not to know. (looks up) Rain is on its way. NORIKO I hope Nanahara can find us here. EXT.FOREST PATH AFTERNOON Shuya, in a weakened state, is walking along the forest paths, trying to get to the Takano Shrine to meet Noriko and Kawada. He is badly wounded and carrying the weapons the lighthouse girls had. He is using a walking stick. It is raining heavily. INT.ITALIAN RESTAURANT EVENING - FLASHBACK Shuya and his dad have gone out to eat, one day before Shuya starts seventh grade. SHUYA'S FATHER Wait! (pause) Another useless day. My phone never rings. Even my cell phone is useless. See, it's out of range. WAITER May I take your order? SHUYA'S FATHER Just wait. WAITER That's fine. The waiter exits. SHUYA'S FATHER I don't know how many resumes I wrote. I'm just wiped. (to the waitress) Miss, please give me some water. WAITRESS (O.S.) Yes, in a minute. SHUYA'S FATHER (to Shuya) Order what you want. You start seventh grade tomorrow, go for it. Shuya laughs. SHUYA'S FATHER I say, "go for it," but I never taught you anything. The waiter enters again. WAITER Your order? SHUYA'S FATHER I told you to wait! (to Shuya) Do you want to go somewhere else? EXT.FOREST PATH AFTERNOON Shuya falls. He remembers his father hanging himself and the "Go, Shuya! You can make it, Shuya!" toilet paper. He tries hard to prop himself up using the walking stick. The rain continues to fall. INT.DREAM SEQUENCE BASKETBALL COURT After the basketball game, Shuya sits on a folding chair on the court. A basketball bounces past him and up to the rafters, where Kuninobu catches it. SHUYA Nobu?! KUNINOBU Shuya? Look after Noriko, okay? Promise you will protect her. Kuninobu waves goodbye. EXT.TAKANO SHRINE AFTERNOON The rain continues as Noriko suddenly jumps up. KAWADA Where are you going? NORIKO To meet Nanahara. KAWADA Hey! We're near a danger zone! Kawada chases after Noriko, who runs, and gets lost in the forest. KAWADA (shouts) Where are you, Nakagawa? Noriko runs to a gazebo-like structure. EXT.GAZEBO AFTERNOON At the gazebo Noriko finds Mitsuko Souma taking shelter from the rain. NORIKO Mitsuko? MITSUKO What's up? NORIKO I'm looking for Nanahara. MITSUKO Did you get separated? KAWADA (O.S.) Where are you, Nakagawa? MITSUKO Who's that? NORIKO Kawada. MITSUKO Eh? Two princes protecting you. You're a real princess. Mitsuko gets out a pistol and aims it at Noriko. NORIKO (shocked) Mitsuko! MITSUKO Die, you ugly shrimpy nit! Before Mitsuko can fire the pistol, she sees something that startles her. Mitsuko run away. Noriko turns around to find Kitano standing there with an umbrella. KITANO Hey! You don't look so bad. Oh, you got Nanahara with you. NORIKO Nanahara! Shuya enters the scene, looking like a train wreck. He falls, and Noriko runs to him. NORIKO Shuya! Shuya! Kitano offers them the umbrella. KITANO Don't catch cold. Kitano gives Noriko the umbrella and exits the scene. SHUYA You came to meet me? Noriko nods yes. SHUYA I brought weapons. NORIKO Weapons? Why? SHUYA I'm weak and useless. But I'll stay by your side. I'll protect you. That's why I brought weapons. NORIKO Oh, Shuya! Noriko embraces Shuya. Kawada watches. EXT.WAREHOUSE (G-3 ON THE MAP) AFTERNOON Sugimura follows his tracking device to the warehouse by bicycle. The device reveals that someone is inside. He limps inside. The rain continues. INT.WAREHOUSE AFTERNOON From behind some trash, Girl #8 Kayoko Kotohiki watches him. Sugimura finds a used water bottle, so he knows that someone has been here. Kotohiki climbs to a higher vantage point. She grabs her weapon (a Sig Sauer pistol), then accidentally knocks some aluminum cans over. She is frightened. SUGIMURA Kotohiki? Is that you? Kotohiki remains hidden and scared. SUGIMURA Kotohiki! Answer me! Kotohiki screams and shoots the full clip of the pistol into Sugimura. He falls into a puddle (the roof is leaky). SUGIMURA Hurry, run! KOTOHIKI What? SUGIMURA Someone will come, drawn to the gunshots. Run! KOTOHIKI Why, Sugimura, why? SUGIMURA You're so cute! KOTOHIKI What are you talking about? What is this? SUGIMURA I wanted to see you, to save you, actually. KOTOHIKI Don't tell me ... SUGIMURA I have been in love with you, Kotohiki, for a long, long time. Sugimura dies. Kotohiki is in shock. She starts crying and walks over to his body. KOTOHIKI (sobbing) But you never even talked to me! How could I have known? You never said a thing! What am I supposed to do now? MITSUKO (emerging from the shadows) Die! Mitsuko shoots Kotohiki through the chest with the pistol she got from Shimizu. Kotohiki dies. A graphic reads: "BOY #11: HIROKI SUGIMURA DEAD. GIRL #8: KAYOKO KOTOHIKI DEAD. 8 PLAYERS LEFT." CUT TO: INT.SOUMA LIVING ROOM - FIVE YEARS AGO - FLASHBACK Ten-year-old Mitsuko comes home from school to her lower-class house find her mother having marital relations with a strange man. MITSUKO Hi, Mom. (notices the stranger) That's not Dad! Mitsuko's mother looks drunk or drugged. MITSUKO'S MOTHER Go upstairs, Mitsuko. Mitsuko obeys. INT.MITSUKO'S BEDROOM - FIVE YEARS AGO - FLASHBACK Mitsuko is doing her homework, distracted by the commotion below. Suddenly, the stranger knocks on the door. Mitsuko opens it. STRANGER I'm a friend of your mother's. (pause) She told me your name is Mitsuko, right? Mitsuko nods. The stranger gets out a fashion doll. STRANGER I got you a doll. Her name is Mitsuko, too. Mitsuko gasps. The stranger removes the clothes from the doll. STRANGER See? The doll has no clothes. Now, it's time for the real Mitsuko to undress ... Mitsuko is in shock. She pushes the stranger through the doorway to her room. He slips on the carpeting and falls backward down the stairs, dying after receiving a head wound at the bottom. Mitsuko looks down at him, making sure that he is dead. INT.SOUMA LIVING ROOM - FIVE YEARS AGO - FLASHBACK Mitsuko runs downstairs to her mother. MITSUKO Mom, what was that all about? MITSUKO'S MOTHER I needed money for drugs, so I pimped. That guy paid me a lot of money to have sex with both of us. MITSUKO (pointing out the stranger) Well, he won't bother us anymore. INT.WAREHOUSE AFTERNOON Back to the scene before the flashback. Mitsuko picks up Kotohiki's Sig Sauer pistol, looks at it, throws it away. MITSUKO Nobody will rescue you. That's just life ... Suddenly, someone shoots an automatic weapon at Mitsuko. She falls. Cut to Kiriyama, the shooter, who walks down to Mitsuko (who is playing possum) and takes her pistol. As he turns to leave, Mitsuko tasers Kiriyama in the groin area. Mitsuko swings her sickle at Kiriyama a few times, screaming. He parries her blows. MITSUKO Yaaaaah! Yaaaaah! Die! She gets off what would be a lethal blow, but Kiriyama is wearing the bulletproof vest, which provides some protection against the sickle. He pushes the sickle away. She tries tasering him again. He blocks. He kicks her away to get separation, then pulls out the pistol that Mitsuko had and shoots her. She falls and gets up again. He shoots her again. She gets up again to swing the sickle at him. MITSUKO Yaaaaaaah! He shoots her again with the pistol. She falls again, for the last time. MITSUKO I just didn't want to be a loser anymore. Mitsuko Souma dies. A graphic reads: "GIRL #11: MITSUKO SOUMA DEAD. 7 PLAYERS LEFT." Kiriyama leaves. EXT.FIELD DAY #2 - 6:00 P.M. Shuya, Noriko, and Kawada are listening to Kitano. KITANO (on loudspeaker) ... Girl #16 Yuka Nakagawa, Girl #19 Chisato Matsui, Girl #12 Haruka Tanizawa, Girl #17 Satomi Noda, Girl #2 Yukie Utsumi, Girl #9 Yuko Sakaki, Boy #11 Hiroki Sugimura, Girl #8 Kayoko Kotohiki, and Girl #11 Mitsuko Souma. A total of nine. SHUYA Let's go west. We can still evade the new danger zones. I've got to see Mimura. KAWADA All right. They leave for the west. INT.MIMURA'S LAIR EVENING Mimura has been working on a little present for the Battle Royale computer. Seto and Iijima have been following the recipes in the anarchist magazine. MIMURA (relieved) I did it! I got in! SETO We're done too! MIMURA Excellent! SETO Two bombs, a hundred Molotov cocktails ... IIJIMA And three propane tanks. MIMURA It took a while, but my Third Man virus software is ready to go! INT.SCHOOL CLASSROOM The computer screens are reading "WARNING: VIRUS ALERT!" and a klaxon is sounding. GUARD Crackers! ANJO From where? GUARD I can't tell! ANJO Trace it back! GUARD There are too many connections! Our lines are down! It's overwriting files at incredible speed! ANJO The GPS monitor is frozen! INT.MIMURA'S LAIR Mimura cracking. On his screen is an animated basketball player warming up to take a shot. INT.SCHOOL CLASSROOM GUARD Virus invasion! It's taking over, really fast! Virus proceeding! ANJO Satellite systems frozen! Main controls out! Connections down! The danger zones have vanished. ANJO Danger zones clear! Do something! The basketball player has made the shot. EXT.MIMURA'S LAIR EVENING Mimura, Seto, and Iijima are loading the bombs onto the truck. Mimura sets the bomb trigger. MIMURA In fifteen minutes, their system will be back up. We blow up the school and the game's over! IIJIMA I just saw someone over there ... MIMURA Nanahara? SETO Maybe Sugimura told him about us. Seto runs out to the noise. SETO Hey, Nanahara! Over here, quickly! An automatic weapon fires at Seto, killing him. MIMURA Yutaka! The bullets continue. Mimura and Iijima hide behind the truck. MIMURA Shit! Who is that? Kiriyama comes out of the bushes. MIMURA It's him! The transfer student! Mimura pulls out his Baretta pistol and fires at Kiriyama. Kiriyama returns fire with the Uzi. MIMURA I can't hit him! IIJIMA Aim calm! Mimura fires again at Kiriyama. MIMURA Missed again! IIJIMA Shut up. Kiriyama returns fire. Mimura tries to shoot again but he is out of bullets. MIMURA No good! Retreat! Kiriyama shoots Iijima as he retreats. MIMURA Iijima! Iijima! IIJIMA (laughs) When we escape, it will be together! Iijima dies. MIMURA Hey! Goddammit! Mimura runs back to the truck where the bombs are. Kiriyama shoots him, but before he dies, he sets off the bombs using the fighting stick that was Iijima's assigned weapon. This causes a big explosion that kills Mimura and blinds Kiriyama. A graphic reads: "BOY #12: YUTAKA SETO DEAD. BOY #2: KEITA IIJIMA DEAD. BOY #19: SHINJI MIMURA DEAD. 4 PLAYERS LEFT." Kawada, Noriko, and Shuya arrive at the scene. There are flames from the explosion all over the place. Kawada spots Kiriyama in the distance. KAWADA That's him. Stay here. Kawada goes after Kiriyama. Kawada cocks his shotgun, alerting Kiriyama to his presence. Kiriyama shoots at Kawada, hitting him a couple of times, in the leg, but Kiriyama can't get off a good shot as he is blind, and Kawada is still alive. Kawada shoots at Kiriyama a couple of times, once in the leg, then hits Kiriyama in the collar, which explodes, decapitating Kiriyama. Shuya and Noriko watch this battle, and when Kiriyama dies, they embrace. A graphic reads: "BOY #6: KAZUO KIRIYAMA DEAD. 3 PLAYERS LEFT." EXT.BEACH PRE-DAWN DAY 3 Kawada, Noriko, and Shuya come to the beach. Kawada is limping. SHUYA (to Kawada) Are you hurt? KAWADA No big deal. What matters is we're all that's left now. SHUYA Yeah. KAWADA What will you do after this? SHUYA I don't know. I've never really trusted grown-ups. My mom and dad ran off or died because they felt like it. INT.SCHOOL PRE-DAWN Kitano is watching the monitors. There are three green lines on the lists: one each for Kawada, Shuya, and Noriko. EXT.BEACH PRE-DAWN SHUYA But I'll keep fighting, even though I don't know how, until I become a real adult. KAWADA You guys never will. SHUYA Why not? KAWADA I told you, didn't I, not to trust anyone. Well, you both trusted me too much. (Pulls a pistol and aims it at Shuya and Noriko) You lose! SHUYA Cut the sick joke! KAWADA This was my way off the island. Sorry, but I used you guys to save myself. NORIKO Well, I don't believe it! What about Keiko? KAWADA There's no Keiko. She was just a story to lure you in. SHUYA But why us? KAWADA You were perfect, just gullible enough. Shuya reaches for the automatic weapon behind him. KAWADA Hey, Nanahara. Can you really kill me with that gun? Shuya and Noriko look worried. KAWADA Game's over. For real! Shuya moves to protect Noriko. Kawada lowers his weapon and fires two bullets. INT.SCHOOL PRE-DAWN On the monitors, only Kawada's line is still green. ANJO Move out to check for corpses. GUARD Roger! KITANO Operation complete. ANJO But sir ... KITANO Operation complete. A graphic reads: "GAME OVER, DAY 3, 4:30 A.M. WINNER: BOY #5: SHOGO KAWADA". EXT.SCHOOL Kitano watches the military presence leave. EXT.BACK OF SCHOOL - 6:00 A.M. Kitano is doing stretching exercises near what looks like a soccer field with a large "H" on it. RADIO HOST (on radio) Battle Royale Radio Exercises! Light piano music plays on the radio. RADIO HOST (on radio) Raise your arms in front of you and stand on your toes. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Kitano stretches in time to the radio. RADIO HOST (on radio) Swing your arms. 1, 2, 3, 4, ... Kitano continues to stretch. RADIO HOST (on radio) Stand with legs apart and exercise your chest. Kawada appears, walking towards Kitano. He looks wounded. Kitano notices him, invites him inside. INT.SCHOOL CLASSROOM Kitano and Kawada are sitting. KITANO Nice job. I'm glad you and Kiriyama were in the mix. KAWADA Are you not going home? KITANO There's no rush. Could you clarify one thing for me? Kitano gets the remote control and detonates Kawada's collar. The collar blinks for a little while, then fizzes out. KITANO You can deactivate it, right? KAWADA What are you ... KITANO You cracked the system and swiped that data, right? Are you avenging Keiko? Kawada doesn't answer. KITANO That's fine. That's why you played the game, right? (pulls out a pistol) But cheating is no good. Suddenly, the door to the room opens. Shuya and Noriko walk in, wounded, and armed to the teeth. KITANO (to Shuya and Noriko) Hey! Was it fun surviving together, love birds? Noriko aims a pistol at Kitano. KITANO I've had it. The kids make fun of me at school, my own kid hates me. I might as well take you with me. He pulls a black cloth cover, revealing his painting of the class. Noriko in the middle of the painting looks angelic. The rest of the class are bloodied, maimed, beaten, shot, stabbed, and decapitated. KITANO And the only one worth dying with would be you, Noriko. If I had to choose one of you, well, then it would have to be you, Noriko. Noriko starts to cry. Shuya and Noriko aim guns at Kitano. KITANO What? Go ahead, shoot. Shuya and Noriko are still frightened of Kitano. KITANO Noriko, you can do it. Noriko, you can do it! Shuya remembers his dad's final words: "Go, Shuya! You can make it, Shuya!" KITANO What's up? Shoot me or I'll shoot you! Kitano raises his weapon. Shuya shoots Kitano with an automatic weapon. KITANO Ouch! That hurt, dammit! Kitano falls. Shuya fires another burst into Kitano, who shoots Shuya and Noriko with his weapon, a water pistol. SHUYA I made a promise to protect Noriko. KAWADA I know it. I know. Kawada, Shuya, and Noriko pull their collars off and throw them on the floor. The cell phone rings. Kitano gets up and answers it. KITANO (into phone) Hello? Shiori? Listen, I won't be coming home again. And listen, if you hate someone you take the consequences. Irresponsible? Who the hell asked you? Kitano throws the cell phone onto the floor then shoots it with a pistol that he had in his back pocket. He finds the bag of cookies that Noriko had and grabs a cookie. KITANO The last one. (eats the cookie) The cookies sure were good ... Kitano dies. Reaction shot of Shuya, Noriko, and Kawada. Close up of Kitano's painting. INT.BOAT MORNING Shuya, Noriko, and Kawada have fled the island on a boat. Kawada is steering. NORIKO (looking back at the island) It's beautiful, even if it's where everyone died. SHUYA (to Kawada) You can even steer a ship? KAWADA Sure, my dad is a fisherman. Just keep going straight and you have to hit land. Give it a try? Shuya takes the wheel. Kawada goes out on deck and lies down. KAWADA We part soon. I doubt we'll see each other again. SHUYA Why not? KAWADA It's for the best. It was only three days, but there are a lot of memories that I'd rather forget. Noriko goes out to Kawada. NORIKO Kawada? KAWADA Yeah? NORIKO Thank you so much. Pause. KAWADA Nanahara! SHUYA Yeah? KAWADA It's going to be tough going. SHUYA Yeah, I know. Shuya goes out to Kawada, who is starting to succumb to the injuries he received in the fight with Kiriyama. KAWADA I'm sleepy all of a sudden. It's time for a nap. In meeting you guys, I finally solved the riddle of Keiko's smile. NORIKO The answer? KAWADA Her parting words. Thank you ... and then ... SHUYA And then? Kawada is losing consciousness. SHUYA Kawada? NORIKO Kawada? KAWADA And then ... I'm glad I found true friends. Kawada dies. A graphic comes up of a wanted poster with Shuya's and Noriko's pictures on it. It reads: "BOY #15: SHUYA NANAHARA & GIRL #15: NORIKO NAKAGAWA - WANTED FOR MURDER AND ACCESSORY." EXT.OUTSIDE CONVENIENCE STORE NIGHT Noriko, wearing a baseball cap for a disguise, comes up to Shuya, who is also looking like he's not trying to attract attention on purpose. Noriko comes up and shows him the knife that she has retrieved from her desk: the knife that Kuninobu stabbed Kitano with two years earlier. SHUYA (V.O.) Noriko slipped home last night to bid her sleeping parents farewell. She took the knife that Nobu used to stab Kitano from her desk. Each of us has a weapon now. Even if the time comes to use them again, it will never be an easy choice. But we have no choice but to keep moving forward. SHUYA Let's run, Noriko. NORIKO Yes. SHUYA (V.O.) No matter how far, run for all you are worth ... RUN!!!! The class photo is displayed over the closing credits. ROLL CREDITS AND FADE OUT. .