///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// \\\ \\\ \\\ THE BEGINERS GUIDE TO TROJAN HACKING \\\ \\\ VOLUME 3 - Extras \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ BY WEAPON N \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ 08/8/00 \\\ \\\ \\\ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// **Feel free to distribute this text however you would like, all I ask is that you don't modify it in any way. If you would like to give me a yell then by all means come and find me************** ****I am not responsible for anything stupid you may end up doing**** 1. Other Trojans 2. IP's 3. On Your Way 4. Hacker Ethics/Code http://thehackers.freeservers.com _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Other Trojans Well people we've finnally come to the end of the Beginner Guides to Trojan Hacking. I hope by the time you've read this one that you've gained access to at least 2 systems. If you haven't, well you need to, reading these helps you none if you don't practice what you have learned while reading. Well on to the last little piece of information I will be giving you in this series. Other trojans, so you've used Netbus 1.7, (and hopefully by now you've found a copy of Netbus 2.0), also you used BO 2k (possibly even an older version of BO that you found). Now what are some other good Trojans to get your hands on. Well the first one that I would definately suggest to yo would be SubSeven, this is a fairly new Trojan its been out for a while, but the latest releases are getting better. It has many more options that either Netbus, or BO2K, and its less likely to be detected by some OS's. You may also find that RAT, which stands for remote administration tool, a fairly useful thing to have around. Among other programs you will probably run accross would be Girl Friend (yeah kinda stupid name but hell it works), Cayman, and Executor. All are fairly decent progs that you will find hours of enjoyment while using. Never stop visiting hacker sites, thats where you will find out about newer versions of Trojans you already know and love, but new trojans all together. Visit message boards to keep current and ask questions. 2. IP's Well, we all know how to obtain IP numbers through ICQ right. Well some people asked me about what to do when there IP doesn't show up in the ICQ IP Scanner. Well I'm gonna tell you. I'm going to teach you a very important command. To use this command you need to be connected to the internet, you'll need to open up your MS-Dos prompt and type the command 'netstat'. This will bring up a list of all open connections on your computer. Now the connection to someone of whom you may be in contact with via ICQ, AIM, or MSN IM, will be somewhere in this information you've just recieved, finding it is the only hard part. Look for the ellaborate one normally this will be your victims IP address. As stated there are several programs that you will find your victims IP addy in, some chat rooms will let you see the connection IP. But this tool you will have to play with and learn about. Another way to attain the IP of a victim is also a very simple way. This one however involves more trickery on your part. Find yourself a Counter (yeah those things at the bottom of web pages), that when you look through your stats you can see the IP of those who have visited you. This will vary by the counter that you use. Just tell your victim to visit your website, log into your counter manager thing and look for your victims IP addy. Simple huh. A third way for you to gain an IP is to have someone visit a Message Board that posts the posters IP address along with there message. Just know there handle, then look at there IP, and you got it. Again pretty easy huh. Your probably sitting there saying to yourself 'Damn why didn't I think of that'. Well your not a hacker yet but your getting there. Now I've let you in on 4 ways to attain your victims IP address thus far. Now I'll tell you that there are so many ways of tricking some one into getting there IP address from them its almost a shame. Now go and be a caniving thinker and find some IP's. The last way to snatch someone's IP that I will tell you, is to get them to your site, and simply do a Trace Root from your site. Again voila. 3. On you way Well at this point in my text files I ussually tell you not to be stupid and be careful. But this time I'm gonna give you some more tips. Wherever you go carry a couple of disks with you. About 3 will do you. Each of them should contain the server program for 3 different trojans (this is the reason you should be familiar with quite a few of them). None of the programs should be named 'server.exe'. None of the disks should be labelled, they should be color coded so that only you know what is on each. Keep them with you, in your car or something. That way if the opportunity ever arrisses for access to another persons comp you'll have it. Even if its just a friends comp, knowledge is power. The more you control the more knowledge you have and the more powerful you become. Another reason for carrying 3 different server programs is that one of them has a chance of working, yeah people who keep the McAffee current will pick up some trojans, and others will not, if you manage to get one on then be cool about it. If you manage to get all 3 on then you'll increase your chances for a longj, happy hold over that persons system. Understand.... good. Another thing you may wish to do is a little pirating, yeah you know what I'm talking about if you make copies of games (don't tell me you don't). Distribute them to your friends with a small program thats under 20k, that will let you rule there computer. You know most people never know there bugged, the hacker simply looses interest in the system they are playing on. One more thing and I'll let you go, if you never take over the persons mouse, never delete any files, but just access there comp and explore, do some screen dumps and other shit like that, you will never loose your access to that comp (99.8% of the time anyway). Because people get scarred, if they find that someone is in there system, controlling mouses and crap like that they will go buy some software, and keep you out. Plain and simple. 4- Why to do it, and Ethics Well here's the end, I know your saying 'they always end like this', well whats wrong with ending like this. You should read this, this is what makes hacking so great, why we exist, knowledge, understanding and power. But hey, if you don't thats ok to. When the feds bust down your door I want to laugh at you ok. 1. Don't alter or delete any files, other than those to protect yourself 2. DO NOT hack government computers 3. Yes you can be traced if your not careful, so please take heed (bet you didn't notice the last one said head instad of heed) The Hacker Manifesto This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals. Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike. ---Mentors Hacker Manifesto ***Never stop learning, once you do, you might as well be dead*** w w eeeee aaaaaa ppppppp ooooooo n n n n w w e a a p p o o nn n nn n w w e a a p p o o n n n n n n w w w eee aaaaaa ppppppp o o n n n n n n w w w e a a p o o n n n n n n w w w w e a a p o o n nn n nn w w eeeee a a p ooooooo n n n n Weapon N .