Building a Beige Box (Simplified) By, Akurei Friday, August 11, 2000 I. About II. Building A Beige Box With A Normal Phone III. Building A Beige Box With A Cordless Phone IV. Using Your Beige Box V. Resources I. About I am making this text because a friend of mine (AkiraMan2501) asked me "How do you make biege boxes?". I figured, if I am going to explain it to him, why not write it in a text and spread the word around. Contrary to popular beleif, beige boxes are very easy to build. Beige boxes are one of the phreakers favorite tool. If you are not familiar with what a phreaker is, then read my text called "Beginner's Guide to Phreaking", then come back to this text. A Beige box gives a person access to another person's phone line through a network interface box (the gray box on the side of most people's houses). With access to their phone line, you can do a number of things, from creating large tele-conferences, to calling long distance for free... or maybe you just want to "spy" on your next door neighbor. Whatever the reason is, beige boxes are very useful. II. Building A Beige Box With A Normal Phone You must buy the following parts from a hardware store, maybe even a local radioshack... 1. Two Alligator Clips with the wire attatched (Green and Red) 2. A modular jack 3. A telephone On the modular jack back of the modular jack, there will be two colors, red and green. Take your red alligator clip, and attatch it to the red terminal of the modular jack. Do the same with the green alligator clip (except on the green terminal of course). Now, plug the phone line into the modular jack, (YOUR DONE! EASY HUH?!) III. Building A Beige Box With A Cordless Phone This is basically the same as above, although, with a cordless phone, it is much easier to conseal your cause when beige boxing off of someone elses telephone. 1. Two Alligator Clips with the wire attatched (Green and Red) 2. A modular jack 3. A cordless telephone (The higher the voltage, the better) 4. A battery you can plug your cordless phone into Same thing, except, plug the cordless phone into the battery (cordless phones need a power source to run)... IV. Using Your Beige Box As everything else in the text, using your beige box is very simple. The only hard part is aquiring the right tool to open the Network Interface Box. I have found a tool in a Radio Shack electronics toolset. I don't know where you will get your's, but you deffinately need one. Once you get the network interface box (aka gray box) opened, you must clip the green alligator clip onto the green terminal inside of the gray box. And the red clip on the red terminal. Then, pick up the phone, and you should have a dial tone. If you do not, either read this text again and figure out what you did wrong, or check to see if the clips in the gray box are touching each other, if they are touching, just unattatch them and you should get a dial tone. V. Resources Very good site for texts. My site, which has alot of information on phreaking in the texts section. Mystik's site. Dugnet irc server's site. Damned good prank calls. =P Funny guys running around in cell phone suits, stealing cell phones and breaking them. Some pretty good information on scams and phreaking. Very good information on hacking/phreaking etc. You can contact me on irc on the server in the channels #phreaking, #chatzone, #rsh and #coders or on efnet in channels #inforeading and #geekout. You can email me at Thanks for reading my text on phreaking, I hope you have learned something from it. I may make more texts on other topics if I have time. .